FAWTL refugee thread

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Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

I'm watching the second season of Rome...

There are many episodes that showcase Marc Antony's badassedness to much better effect, but I wanted to give a shout-out before I forgot.

...Since it's based on historical events, I don't need to inform you that MA's badassery will go downhill as you get further into the season...
Wow, I never knew he had all that going on as a side-project to being Van Halen's drummer.


Ex-bassist. He's rollin' with Sammy Hagar these days.

Celestial Healer wrote:
The Mad Badger wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I'm sure she'd be fun to hang out with every now and then, but I wouldn't want her for a neighbor.
Waht if she included you in what she did?
From my recollections, that sounds hazardous to one's health and well-being.

Beats walking out in front of a bus.

Mark Anthony

Much better clip here.

Marc Anthony

Marcus f%&$ing Antonius

I had no choice in the song selection.

When in Doubt, Attack!

Urizen wrote:
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Wow, I never knew he had all that going on as a side-project to being Van Halen's drummer.


Ex-bassist. He's rollin' with Sammy Hagar these days.

It's a running joke with my brother... He's a big classic Van Halen fan (and classic rock & metal in general). I once accidentally conflated the two Antonys and called him the drummer, and it irritated him to no end. So I would repeat it occasionally just to piss him off. :)

I forgot the rest of you weren't in on the joke (such as it is).

Quick, Pillbug, give me a Knowledge (80s Rock Band) check.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 5 + 2 = 13 Hmmmm... {eats d20}

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Wow, I never knew he had all that going on as a side-project to being Van Halen's drummer.


Ex-bassist. He's rollin' with Sammy Hagar these days.

** spoiler omitted **



Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
1d20+5+2 Hmmmm... {eats d20}

Excellent goblin answer!

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Turns out Antony and Octavia were married and she got dumped so he could run off after Cleopatra.

Woops! Spoke too soon...which is why I was trying to avoid the urge to look stuff up.

Although it looks like over 90% of anything about the female characters was made up. :(

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

Turns out Antony and Octavia were married and she got dumped so he could run off after Cleopatra.

Woops! Spoke too soon...which is why I was trying to avoid the urge to look stuff up.

Although it looks like over 90% of anything about the female characters was made up. :(

I blame Livia.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I feel nice right now. Probably because Job Corps has me medicated now, and I have to admit it really does help with my issues.

Medication makes things better.

Liberty's Edge

medication is out to get you man DON'T TRUST THE MAN

It worked for me, yes.

[bubble bubble bubble]

In Carrion Crown news:

my party are heroes! In something like a three week span, they have:

--Cleansed the haunted prison of Harrowstone

--Unmasked a cult of Ghlaunder in the village of Ravenmoor

--Retrieved an unholy relic and stamped out a nest of ghouls in the ruins of Clover's Crossing

--And freed the Beast of Lepidstadt!

They are now famous throughout the Palatinate Counties of Ustalav!


Gark the Goblin wrote:
medication is out to get you man DON'T TRUST THE MAN** spoiler omitted **

What are you on? I'm on 36 mg of Concerta, and I'm trying out Melatonin for nerves (Yes, I know Melatonis is a sleep med. A 3 mg tablet seems to do something for my anxiety, however.).

Nothing like kicking some bad guys butts and becoming a hero to boot.

Liberty's Edge

Kelsey MacAilbert wrote:
Gark the Goblin wrote:
medication is out to get you man DON'T TRUST THE MAN** spoiler omitted **
What are you on? I'm on 36 mg of Concerta, and I'm trying out Melatonin for nerves (Yes, I know Melatonis is a sleep med. A 3 mg tablet seems to do something for my anxiety, however.).

I'm actually not currently on anything but allergy pills now and then, but previously I was taking um sertraline? for depression and something else for ADD (I don't remember). Some of my friends are on anxiety meds, though. I think I will ask them about it tomorrow.

Also, who here has skype? I find it is a fairly useful tool for talking to people and more universal than IRC channels. I sort of am in the thick of people's teenage problems and feels right now and I think you, Kelsey, could give one of my friends a bit of perspective and experience. Not sure, maybe this is prying. I'm on low sleep and just out of a long discussion with friends.

Also DA Ravenmoor cults sounds cool I wish I had taken the time to make up a real adventure or something instead of being lame and doing school.

Hi Gark, Doodlebug, Kelsey,

how are you?
and how are things in here?

will any of you be at PaizoCon?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hooray for Hero Points!!!

In Jade Regent on Sunday, my poor Oracle took a Nat-20 scorching ray on the chin, dropping him from full HP to -15 in one shot!

Were it not for that last Hero Point I had been saving, he would have been a glowing ash pile!

As it was I imagine your face looked much like your avatar.


Orthos wrote:
As it was I imagine your face looked much like your avatar.

Yup...to be honest, the Magus & Wizard probably wanted to kill me after I cast spark on the bad guy's written works...which we hadn't had time to read/steal/learn from yet.

Pros: enraged the baddy so much he nuked me and then moved to engage in melee combat (bad for him...dwarf fighter = dead bad guy)
Cons: got me nuked, almost got me fragged by my book-worm caster buddies.

Jade Regent: Good Times for All!

Wow that is nasty.

Sounds like a fun time though. I am looking forward to my game Friday night, we are a playing a version of King Maker; we have a part fey barbarian, a rogue and me a bard and an NPC cleric. We just saved Oleg's trading post from the first group of bad guys. We are now preparing for a trip to get rid of the rest of the bandits having been given a writ to rid the area of bandits and the like with sword, fire or rope as we desire.


Ah, Kingmaker....how I have missed thee.

My group is currently stalled out, having just begun book 6.

The party currently includes

Monk (new addition, may revert to prior Oracle of Life ).

Druid (wielding a shotgun o' doom)

Fiendish Sorcerer (charmer of the masses)



Transmuter (and wannabe Runelord ).

They're quite the handful!

You will get a kick out of KM, I'd wager...its a heck of a lot of fun.

Lucky break on the Hero Point. I wish my wizard would have been so lucky. :\

I am looking forward to see how it plays out. Our other high level game stalled out some when two of the players moved to England for a while. leaving only me the fiendish necromancer fiend binder and the gnome rogue shadow dancer.

We were all high level 16th for me and the Rogue was 17th I was a lord with alot of followers and lands and tower to boot. I would actually play by email with some of the main characters followers. Fun way of flling out the back ground and making those characters come more to life.


Woot, PbP is awesome!

Got a Shadowrun game just starting up & a Diviner in a Godsmouth Heresy / Kaer Maga game going now.

So sweet!

psionichamster wrote:
Woot, PbP is awesome!

Indeed it is. My PbP group is finally getting ready to leave town. Provided they don't decide to sit out the incoming rainstorm anyway. "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky at morning, sailor take warning."

Godsmouth Hersey? I am not sure I am familiar with that one is it good?

I enjoyed playing my necromancer we were playing the Necromancer Games City of Brass campaign which is pretty neat. I hope at some point to get back to it.


So far, its pretty rad.

Low level dungeons are pretty hit-or-miss, but this one seems fun.

Kaer Maga is pretty fun, anyways.

aeglos wrote:

Hi Gark, Doodlebug, Kelsey,

how are you?
and how are things in here?

will any of you be at PaizoCon?

Oops! Delayed response--I will not be able to attend PaizoCon, but, IIRC, you will!

Next month, right?

Kaer Maga is rad, Godsmouth Heresy was alright IIRC, Necromancer Games rule!!, Kingmaker seemed cool (only read the first 2), there is just TOO MUCH COOL!!

Lodi Carene's player recently made a nice bookcase for all of our D&D books. Previously they had just sat around in various empty milkcrates and stuff. Anyway, now they're all out on display: 7/8ths of every Paizo publication, an entire run of Scarred Lands books, 3/4ths of everything Necromancer put out, various assorted modules and 1st edition books, etc., etc., etc.

Then I realize that it's taken my group something like six months to get through a book and a half of Carrion Crown. And it makes me want to cry.

I'm hoping I can kill them at Schloss Caramac next game, so we can start something else. Hee hee!

Anklebiter we should have the NH a con while everyone else is out at Paizo Con.

Liberty's Edge

aeglos wrote:

Hi Gark, Doodlebug, Kelsey,

how are you?
and how are things in here?
will any of you be at PaizoCon?

I am going to PaizoCon I am signing up today.

I will be gone from the fifteenth to the first, though! It is time for some solitude and things.

Man everyone but like me is going to PaizoCon whats up with that.

The Mad Badger wrote:
Anklebiter we should have the NH a con while everyone else is out at Paizo Con.

I don't know if that would work so well.

But, if there's sentiment to meet somewhere and game, I'm down.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
But, if there's sentiment to meet somewhere and {bubble, bubble, bubble}, I'm down.

As if there were any doubt.

I'm not going to Paizocon.

Liberty's Edge

Only squares to to PaizoCon, I'm going to PiazoCon.


The Life and Times of Allen Ginsberg: The DVD shiznit the bed about halfway through, but that was enough. Love Ginsberg, love watching him on Buckley's show: B+

Labyrinth: Everything w/o David Bowie singing is an A+. Everything w/Bowie singing is a C. (And I love Bowie). I'll give it a B+.

The Avengers: Maybe you've heard of this? Faves Marvel movie so far, which isn't saying a lot, but a solid A-.

I love Avengers thought they did a great job now as for other MArvel movies I thought the Iron Men films have been very good as were the first two spidermen films, X-men First Class I thought was excellent, the first two X-men were okay despite Holly Berry's performances.

Gark the Goblin wrote:
aeglos wrote:

Hi Gark, Doodlebug, Kelsey,

how are you?
and how are things in here?
will any of you be at PaizoCon?

I am going to PaizoCon I am signing up today.

I will be gone from the fifteenth to the first, though! It is time for some solitude and things.


looking foreward to meeting you, Gark

Aeglos who long a trip is it for you to go to PaizoCon? Are you visiting other parts of the US while you are here?

The Mad Badger wrote:
Aeglos who long a trip is it for you to go to PaizoCon? Are you visiting other parts of the US while you are here?

7 hours flight to new York, 4 days there (including meeting FHDM and CH)

flight to Seattle, Con
5 days driving through northwest (olympic peninsula, cascade range, redwoods) down to san Francisco
around 16 hours flight back from there

Sounds like a great trip.

The Mad Badger wrote:

Sounds like a great trip.

I am very excited about it


First time in the states, Aeglos?

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