Dragonborn3 |
We just started a 1st level group for my Saturday game, and to speed character generation up and try something new, we rolled for race and class.
So we have:
A Halfling Cleric of the Purifying Flame(Fire and Healing Domains)
A Human Sorcerer with the Gold Dragon Bloodline
A Human Fighter who two-weapon fights with a spiked light shield and a shortsword
And a Half-elf Monk.
So far, the sorcerer and the monk are useful but starting to get on my character's nerves(I'm the cleric), because they actually caused a fight to break out between us and the constructs/maids. I have warned them I will either charge a Stupid Tax for healing or just not heal them if they do something stupid and get hurt(like trying to jump a chasm when there is a bridge 30ft to our left).
Iczer |
Human Bard, womaniser, drunkard and desperate to get in good with the Church of Cayden. Also a proud occarinaist.
Half Orc Monk, apprentice foot of the 7 sacred stances school. Uses her greataxe for intimidation purposes (and dazzling display) only. (and for the occasional attack of opportunity)
Human Druid, and part time bartender in a gnome run bar (The split ear). She sleeps in the tree in the beer garden (with her leopard)
Elf Wizard. Cold, aloof and distant, and mostly contemptful of humans. Attempting to found her own 'wizards guild' in the city before anyone else tries the same. She's got the downpayment for a crooked tower and does favours for nobility in order to secure their services in the future.
Human Adept/Expert. Non deity aligned death cultist. Shaves his head and paints his face daily with white skull makeup.
The second party cosists of
Halfling Barbarian, with a fondness for sugared Ginger whilst raging.
Human bard. Styling himself as 'the intimidater' using words as his weapons.
Human wizard (Abjurer) who wards his body with inks and needles.
rando1000 |
I was curious about the make up of your adventuring party. Who are the charatcers?
2nd level party -
Urban Ranger (UA Urban Ranger variant updated for Pathfinder). Primarily a detective/holmes type.Druid (Standard PF). A go-with-the flow neutral wielding a scythe and dressed in black.
Bard (Standard PF). A fife-tweeting katana wielding ex-geurilla trainee.
Martial Artist (Home-brew variant of PF Monk). Transported from modern-day Earth, an FBI psychologist with the skills needed to heal the mind (we're playing with UA Sanity Rules).
Squeakmaan |
Just started a game a few weeks back.
lvl 4 Elven Rogue
lvl 4 Elven Druid
lvl 3 Human Wizard
Lvl 3 Human Fighter
Lvl 3 Kobold Rogue
So far it's become apparent that neither rogue is allowed out of sight of me (the fighter), lest they start trying to hire themselves out as assassins (poorly I might add) or get caught trying to buy poisons.
fray |
All 7th level in my CotCT game.
No - Half Orc Fighter
Teyo - Human Fighter
Meredith - half-elf Monk/Ranger
Kalyue - Human Paladin
Mav - human rogue
"Biff" - Tiefling Ranger
Raknon - dwarf cleric
Sylas - half elf sorc
"Tad" - human druid
William - sorcerer/barbarian
"Muffy" - human fighter
"Rik" - cleric/rogue
Farmer Chick - wizard rogue (name given by fellow players, PC has not mentioned her name to the party)
Sassybaskets - tiger
"Ben" - bard (hype man)
Kyon - monk (deceased)
Kenjandi - pseudodragpn
Worjak - six-legged gargoyle-like glider squirrel (custom creature)
Torran - six-legged gargoyle-like glider squirrel (custom creature)
"name" = I can't remember right now...
Barator |
My group made characters for my game this past weekend, so everyone is 1st level at this point.
We have:
Gnome Cleric going to Mystic Theurge.
Elven Bard.
Human Druid.
Human Ranger.
Human Fighter.
One character left to be made, but it won't be a Rogue.
Grimsh |
Well we are playing RotRL, and we currently have:
Illidan Half Elf Ranger 2, local to Sandpoint
Shaiila Human Cleric (Sarenrae) 2, minor noble from Magnimar
Kelevan Human Monk 2, Shaiila's older brother
Hugo Human Paladin (Sarenrae) 2, Bodyguard of Shaiila and Kelevan
Shamatin (Shaymis) Gnome Fey Blooded Sorcerer 2, from the Sanos Forest
Frerezar |
First adventuring party using PFRPG for my gaming group (I´m the GM)
Colm. Human Rogue. Archetypical silent type who plays a lire. Claims to be really god with traps (0 ranks thou)
Cott. Halfling Bard. Got a sentient Hat of disguise named Lou. Was the key to beating an antyparty.
Astra. Half-Elf Fighter6 Sorcerer1. Has a chihuahua familiar (arcane bloodline) and WILL NOT go into eldritch knight.
Saledh-Din. Human Warlock (homebrewed conversion). Former chubby kid who used to read pathfinder chronicles made a deal with a fey creature to become an indiana jones like adventurer.
Name Unavailable. Thiefling Infernal Sorcerer. Acts out like an evil badass but is really good at heart (hich embarasses him to death)
Brodiggan Gale |
Kind of an oddball group in my game, so far we have a:
Human Barbarian 1/Bard X who seems to be one of our main front line fighters. A polearm, some enlarge person, and a bardic song or two and he does a very impressive job murdering.
Dwarven Barbarian 1/Druid X who is the other beat stick at the moment, wielding an axe larger than himself, and summoning half the time as well.
Elf Fighter 1/Wizard X who is running interference and sniping enemy casters and is just the general utility/color spray fellow. (And is surprisingly effective and tricky so far, he's really turned a couple encounters around.)
Elf Rogue 3 (planning on taking Wizard/Arcane Trickster later) who so far seems to be doing his best to get the rest of the party in trouble. (Profitable trouble though, so all is forgiven.)
and a Human Cleric 3 who, up to now, has been splitting his time between desperately healing people in combat and being beaten mercilessly by ogres.
Might just be because some of them are coming from an essentially 1st edition game (Hackmaster) but they seem to be big on the multiclass splurging.
nexusphere |
Kind of an oddball group in my game, so far we have a:
Human Barbarian 1/Bard X who seems to be one of our main front line fighters. A polearm, some enlarge person, and a bardic song or two and he does a very impressive job murdering.
Dwarven Barbarian 1/Druid X who is the other beat stick at the moment, wielding an axe larger than himself, and summoning half the time as well.
Elf Fighter 1/Wizard X who is running interference and sniping enemy casters and is just the general utility/color spray fellow. (And is surprisingly effective and tricky so far, he's really turned a couple encounters around.)
Elf Rogue 3 (planning on taking Wizard/Arcane Trickster later) who so far seems to be doing his best to get the rest of the party in trouble. (Profitable trouble though, so all is forgiven.)
and a Human Cleric 3 who, up to now, has been splitting his time between desperately healing people in combat and being beaten mercilessly by ogres.
Might just be because some of them are coming from an essentially 1st edition game (Hackmaster) but they seem to be big on the multiclass splurging.
You don't even know your own players that well.
That elf is a Ranger1/wizard X. also, 1st edition multiclassing is superior.
Studpuffin |
Currently in our CotCT game:
Human Ranger 3/Rogue 1
Human Cleric 3/Wizard (Evoker) 1
Half-Elf Bard 3/Warmage 1
Dwarf Fighter 1/Scout 3
Half-Orc Rogue 2/Barbarian 2
Elf Monk 4
In our Shackled City Game:
Human Cleric 8/Warpriest 9
Human Bard/Shadowdancer/Duelist/Sorcerer/Fighter (who knows what levels)
Half-Orc Barbarian 13/Fighter 4
Halfling Rogue 10/Wizard 7
Elf Sorceress 17
Dwarf Fighter 10/Dwarven Defender 7 (recently went on hiatus)
These are for two different groups thought. There is very little overlap in the players for these groups.
Bitter Thorn |
Adult group if we can ever get our act together
Elven Rogue 5
1/2Orc Barbarian 5
1/2Elf Sorceress 5 (Arcane bloodline)
1/2Elf Druid 5
1/2Elf Scout-Rouge-Ranger-something?
1/2Elf Ranger 4/ Sorceress 1 (Black Dragon)
5 other people have expressed an interest but we are having major logistical challenges with just the folks who claim they want to play thus far.
It would be nice if 1 out of 10 other people could step up and DM so I could play. ;)
DM_aka_Dudemeister |
Running to CotCT Games:
Monday Night Group
Human (Shoanti) Barbarian (Missing Child) (CG)
Human (Chelish) Ranger (Tortured) (Sable Company Marine) (LE)
Halfling Rogue (Missing Child, Ex Prostitute) (CN)
Aasimar Cleric of Iomedae (Addicted Sibling) (Twin) (LG)
Tiefling Fighter (Drug Addicted) (Twin) (CG)
(I'm going to have fun getting into the details of the family tree of the last two).
Thursday Night Group are all Level 2
Dwarf Paladin of Iomedae (Tortured) (LG)
Gnome Bard (Addict) (CG)
Half-Elf Ranger (Missing Child (His boss')) (Sable Company Marine) (NG)
Elf Wizard (Enchanter) (Framed) (CN)
Half-Elf Druid (Tiger Companion) (N)
Human Rogue (Wants to be an Assassin) (LE)
dulsin |
Everyone is level 3
Human-Shaoti Monk (Vow of poverty with a nerf -3 AC -2 feats)
Assimar-Chelaxian Paladin
Human-Varisian Sorcerer (dragon)
Gnome Druid
Dwarf Fighter
Elf Fighter (heading to arcane archer)
Human-Varisian Rogue (heading to Arcane trickster)
Human-Varisian Bard
They have hired an NPC cleric level 2
Spacelard |
Dwarven Fighter: Waraxe and Shield
1/2 Elf Cleric of St Cuthbert: Heavy Mace and Shield
Halfling Rogue: Sling or two-handed shortsword
Elven Ranger: Duel wielding shortswords
Human Druid: Scimitar or Panther animal companion.
Human Rogue/Conjurer: Rapier or small Fire Elemental
Scratch the Elf :)
MerrikCale |
Spacelard wrote:Scratch the Elf :)Dwarven Fighter: Waraxe and Shield
1/2 Elf Cleric of St Cuthbert: Heavy Mace and Shield
Halfling Rogue: Sling or two-handed shortsword
Elven Ranger: Duel wielding shortswords
Human Druid: Scimitar or Panther animal companion.
Human Rogue/Conjurer: Rapier or small Fire Elemental
my condolensces
Luminiere Solas |
My party
Tordek (male) (C/N) *Cough* i mean Van Hanselheim *cough* 8thish level Dwarf Fighter who wields a dwarven waraxe in one hand and a cold iron starknife in the other. Van Hanselheim was the first fighter i saw the guy play. 2 campaigns ago. same build.
Gorth, Half orc Cleric of Gorum, 8thish (male) (C/N) technically more of a greatsword fighter.
Daevon (i think that's the name) Human (Varisian) Druid 3/ Wizard 3 MyTh2
Nathan River Half-elf Ranger 4 rogue 1, dual wielding build with 2 cold iron shortswords. has a pet housecat
Victor Sharp Human (i want to guess Varisian) Ranger 2 fighter 2 rogue 1 (Archery). carries a longbow and bastard sword. spread too thin. the way he plays, he should've been either a rogue or a fighter.
Himo Elf Monk 7 or 8. has 14's in his physical attributes. misses except for that needed lucky shot. i beleive he could have saved points by tailoring the stats around his racial mods.
Shuriken Nekogami (DM threw nickname "Punami") (named after a freeform character i made in grade school) Human (Tian) (Female) rogue 7. carries 2 cold iron daggers. (TWF) is chronologically 16, but looks like a 12 year old girl and exploits it. wears a black yukata. described as speaking with a shrill loud voice. likes attention. extremely acrobatic and agile. plans on using stage magic as a theft front under the name (i mean alias) "The Magnificent Tomoe". (my current pc.)
deceased characters (only 2 deaths among the entire party)
Luminiere Solas, Human (Chelexian) (Female) Cleric of Sarenrae 7. a young lady in white lace trimmed ankle length robes with an Espada (Shortsword). she dumped strength in favor of dexterity and weapon finesse. she envied angels, tried to be goodie two shoes. but she was extremely naive, an idealist and a complete pacifist ditz. she traveled to save lives but had to contribute to the ending of several to save a few. (my PC that got killed by an accident of dm determining target with random dice and getting 5 stirges on one target. in a random encounter. died from con damage, not hp damage. at last point of con, she prepared and initiated a self sacrifice and was accepted in sarenraes arms as a guardian angel of troubled adventurers.)
Polgara, Elf Wizard 3. (female) (genralist) a trashy elf, should've worshipped calistria. failed several times at seduction. wore skimpy clothing. had a longsword and longbow. that she couldn't use effectively. died from a church bell faling on her. set a sawmill on fire with a failed scorching ray. inflicting the end to a certain judge's life. yep, one of the skinsaw murderers. (Daevon's original character)
RotRL but core 3.5 ruleset. 32 point buy.
mittean |
Our party :
Vin Pitt, a m CG human universalist wizard 1, Rogue 1, Fighter 2. The spy, he is our skill whore, and tactical leader. Quick thinker and quick witted.
Bexellack Ryc'thwyrn, a m LG wyrmforged Paladin 2, artificer 1. He is our military leader. He fights with throwing hammers and an earthbreaker. Naive.
Aliyah Shacroff, a f NG half-elf Celestial Sorcerer 3. The one we follow, our natural leader. She fights with a fluteblade, a legacy weapon from her father. Dreamer.
Athilius, m CN tiefling Conjurer 2, abyssal sorcerer 1. Our arcane junkie. A joker.
Lesh-vock Konghruul, m LE bugbear rogue 1 monk 1. Fights with starknifes, using them like shuriken and daggers. Recovering drug addict/ dealer, he is a brutal realist.
Egrias Dantayne, m N changeling (human) Cleric of the Sovereign Host 2, Wilder 1. Fights with a light repeating crossbow. despises himself, with a self degrading holier than thou attitude. Hides his blossoming psionics, and his heritage. Acts NG. He is a pessimist.
Velicia Lendenay, f NE Razorclaw shifter barbarian 2, druid 1. She is nature's wrath. Fights with her hands like Konghruul. Feels she's worthless, but tags along on the coat strings of others to survive and thrive. Very sarcastic.
Su'nossa Tel'u'ath'ryn, f LN elf Knight 1, Crusader 2. A follower of the Sovereign Host, if not clergy, she is a quiet, calculating woman. She fights with a naginata, or her falchion. Sister of Annalah, and half-sister to Aliyah.
Annalah Tel'u'ath'ryn, f CG elf Scout 3. Care-free and spirit of the law where her sister is letter of the law, she is the moon orbiting the planet Su'nossa. Opposites, they work fabulously as a team, Annalah's bow complimenting Sunossa's falcion. Optimistic to a fault.
Daniel Moyer |
CotCT Group #1 (12th level){roll-play inclined}
Human Ranger/Rogue (TWF Bastard sw./Rapier/Human Hatred)
Human Rogue (Spiked chain)
Human Celestial Sorcerer (Ranged damage)
Human Cleric of Calistria (Confusing banter/Whip)
Orc Barbarian (Adamantine Earthbreaker)
CotCT Group #2 (5th level){role-play inclined}
Human Ranger(Varisian crossbowman/Abberration Hatred)
Human Fighter/Rogue (Quadirin dervish/Sawtooth sabers)
Half-Elf Rogue (Skill monkey)
Gnome Arcane Sorcerer (Comic relief/ Ranged damage)
Human Cleric of Gorum (Shoanti/Bastard sw./H.Shield/Spiked armor)
Previous 'Recent' Homebrew Campaigns...
Zendaria Group #1
Human Fighter/Ranger (Spiked Chain/Undead Hatred)
Human Ranger/Fighter (Comp. Long Bow/Orc Hatred)
Elf Rogue (Skill monkey)
Elf Cleric of (insert nature god here)
Human Paladin (Great axe)
Human Sorcerer (no bloodline, pre-PF)
Human Cleric/Wizard (Mystic Theurge)
Zendaria Group #2
Human Cleric of Wee-Jas
Elf Wizard
Orc Monk (Glaive prof.)
Kobold Druid/Wizard (Boar mount)
Aasimar Paladin
Human Psi-Knife(I think that's what it was)
Human Bard/Barbarian (I don't know, don't ask.)
tejón RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 |
Council of Thieves:
Björn, half-elf Fighter 1. Introduced in today's session. Rolled one (1) damage die all game. Kept rolling natural 20's for everything but attack rolls.
Eldar, half-elf cleric 1 / wizard 1. Abadar, Nobility and Travel domains; Universalist. Of three arcanists in the party, was the only one with ray of frost (see Violet, below).
Kaleb, halfling sorcerer 1 / ranger 1. Undead bloodline, favored enemy: undead. Profession (undertaker), Catch Off-Guard and a shovel.
Kog, gnome paladin 2. Slightly overzealous, but after some counselling now takes the 'redemption' aspect of Sarenrae's portfolio very seriously: shouts "Lay down your weapons and come to our side!" before every combat with a humanoid opponent. (Doesn't ask a second time.)
Miles, half-elf wizard 1 / rogue 1. "Diviner," by which I mean illusionist. Burns scrolls like candy, fine by me! Weapon focus: 20-pound housecat.
Violet, half-orc Cleric 2. Sarenrae, Healing and Fire domains. Made my night by casting burning hands at the brown mold. Retired after today's session because her player is moving across the continent. (In game: retired because brown mold just isn't cool, man. Just isn't cool.)
Pavlovian |
RotRL campaign
Tristan Redgrave: Chelish Paladin of Erastil, with wife and three kids. Fights with heavy shield and longsword. Works as protector and priest's aide in the Sandpoint Cathedral.
Jay Deveron: Human (from other world) fighter (greatsword), all about partying and not too bright. Stays in the Kaijitsu mansion for the moment.
Onysa Deveron: Human (from other world) wizard. Well-read and sarcastic. Loves her brother Jay but thinks he will never change his ways. Stays in the Kaijitsu mansion for the moment.
Toska: Half-orc (half Shoanti) ranger (orc double axe). Has hunted Tsuto Kaijitsu for killing her human mother and enslaving her half-brother Tanrov. Interested in the ancient catacombs below Sandpoint, Toska stay at the Kaijitsu mansion at the moment.
Tara Corrino: Varisian cleric of Sarenrae, wielding holy fire and a scimitar. Specialized in healing and care, Tara works as priestess of Sarenrae at the Sandpoint Cathedral.
Lucas: Chelish sorcerer (undead) who recently lost his true love to superstitious farmer's wrath, and was expelled while trying to resurrect her. Her ghost did come back however, and recently materialized to rid an orphan girl from being transformed in Nualia's clone. Lucas' is a White Necromancer and he is able to summon and create Deathless, good-aligned undead.
Lazaro |
My current "Burnt Offerings" group
Emanon: A kobold, formerly human, cleric of Gorum. Due to an "incident" in the Catacombs of wraith the cleric fell in battle. His party members torn over his death and not wanting to leave him in death's grasp used a reincarnation scroll to bring him back. Unfortunately for the proud and vain he came back as a red scaled kobold.
Laz: A halfling rogue, with no common sense. Thinks he's the frontline fighter of the group. Takes the fight straight to his enemy and has yet to date ever used his sneak attack. During the goblin raid he was horribly burned. Due to the fact that Emanon threw him into a burning building to fight a goblin inside.
Candice: A dwarven, formerly elven, druid. Candice caught up in fight with the gobin druid, Gogmurt, followed him alone through the walls of the Nettlewood. She eventually lost him, but so overcome with anger at the goblin she pushed further. She eventually found herself in a chamber filled with ten goblins. Instead of running she sttod her ground. Unfortunately the goblins over powered her.
Then the party finally found her the goblins were in the middle of throwing her down the Howling Hole. After defeating the goblins they returned to Sandpoint and went about procuring another scroll of reincarnation. Luckly due to some connections they had one in their hands in two days.
Candice: A tiefling monk from Isger. An orphan of the Goblinblood wars, she grew up among the Sisters of the Golden Erinyes. Coming of age she became obsessed with protecting people, children especially, from inhuman races. She also set out to prove that Hamatulatsu was superior to any other form of combat.
Mikhaila Burnett |
First, we have the Guild of Calamitous Intent (AKA The Vermilion Brigade). This group was created for a pickup game running through Keep on the Borderlands in my Beloved Spouse's (Kobold Chorus: "We love you!") homebrew.
The founders of the Guild are:
Diestel Bronzebrow - a Dwarven Monk/Wilder and soon to add Soulknife. This is my prodigal 'I'm queer for Dwarves' character, and I adore him greatly. When I told my wife I wanted to play a Dwarven Monk, she kinda looked at me and went "Huh, that's new" and I wrote him up. He's now officially listed as "Captain Diestel" on the Guild charter. (Name stolen from Diestel Turkey Farms: http://www.diestelturkey.com/ What can I say, sometimes I just run low on original names)
Hauruck of the White Hand - a Half-Orc Barbarian/Half-Orc Paragon. Spent a chunk of the campaign to this point as a statue after running into a Medusa and blowing his save. He's Diestel's right hand, and provides comic relief sometimes. Listed on the charter as "Sergeant Hauruck" (Name stolen from a favorite KMFDM song: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hau_Ruck Yeah, I'm usually more original)
These two, with some hirelings, were the first to enter the Caves of Chaos. (cue ominous thunder)
Four men entered, two men Ran Like HELL!! But those guys were meant to die, they had on red shirts and everything I think.
Next, we added Drenthaliana Walks-The-Wood. She's the Box of Rocks Elven Druid of the party and has an INT of 6. Incredible Wisdom score though. She and her animal companion, a jaguar named "Pony" (see also, box of rocks.. someone in her family told her that jaguars were actually ponies. QED, Pony the jaguar) She's almost certainly my favorite character in the group, though it's really hard to pick just one. Listed as "Specialist Drenthaliana" on the charter. (Name expounded from the Farscape expletive "Dren" because I thought it would be funny to have a character whose name abbreviated to a conlang word for excrement)
With Dren came Nannette Longbottom, a Human Rogue. Nannette wouldn't remain with the group for long, as on her first adventure into the CoC she fired into combat and nailed Hauruck in the back of the head... almost killing him. After this, she proceeded to try and make off with the treasure haul from the first (VERY lucrative) run that the D&H did. She made off with the 'fattest bag of loot' which turned out to be full of gold plated lead coins. Branded a thief, she ran into the wilderness and was only seen later in the captivity of some enemies outside of the Keep. Captured by the Guild and extradited with extreme prejudice for a crime she didn't commit. (Namely the fact that someone ELSE followed her into the room she robbed and took the ACTUAL loot, then made off scot free) She wasn't there for the charter, so her name's not on it. (I just liked the last name Longbottom, even though it's just an alias for the character whose real first name I can't recall now)
Before Nannette left, Theodorata (whose last name both I and my wife are currently too lazy to find right now) the Human Fighter joined the party. She came in as a fairly butch pink-tone person, and is now (post-Reincarnation) a more dextrous mocha brown person. Theodorata, whom we just call "T" is chartered as "Sergeant Theodorata". This being my wife's NPC, I can't say if the name's inspired by anything in particular.
After this point, the timeline of characters joining breaks down a bit in my memory. We eventually decided that we were going to break them into teams, with four people under each Sergeant. So I'll just go by memory.
T placed a call in (by which we mean she rode several days to a nearby major city) to her brother-from-another-mother, Iveloss, A Human Illusionist whom everyone just calls "Ivy". He's actually the one directly responsible for T's death, as he nailed her with a Color Spray at a very inopportune moment and opened her up for Coup de Grace. Ever since then, he's been a bit gunshy with that spell. Also played by the wife, not sure of naming inspiration. Chartered as "Specialist Iveloss"
Xandalan Draycen the Half-Elven Ranger, who was one of the few true members of an altruistic Ranger-based organization called "The Triad" and was wandering through when he came to the Keep. Wasn't with the company long before a random encounter with a troupe of fey caused him to do Something Stupid.by making a Promise to the Fey that if they spared the party he'd do whatever they wanted. Well, they took him away. And he showed up back at the Keep... 20 years later. Not chartered, but was granted identification so may as well be "Specialist Xandalan" (Name derived from another Farscape-ism... Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan... as we just called him "Xan") He's now migrated to the "Return to the Keep on the Borderlands" game.
Astenton Weaver, a Human Hexblade that bled into this game from a previous campaign. His town destroyed, he was rescued by Dwarven King's military command under my Dwarven Paladin's authority. (Long backstory excluded for space and time consideration) He killed his only living relative after she'd subjugated him for his entire life. Very emotionally troubled. Chartered as "Specialist Astenton" and brought into the fold by...
Deuteri Bronzebrow a Dwarven Cleric of Moradin. Also, Diestel's sister (in case the name wasn't a giveaway) She was heading from the Dwarven Kingdoms in search of other clans to ally with King Einkil when she came to the Keep on the Borderlands. And imagine her surprise when she found out her long-estranged brother was here and forming up a mercenary company. (Name is a play on the element "Deuterium"... which I thought was just totally awesome for a Dwarf) Chartered as "Specialist Deuteri"
Osgod Barksplitter a Halfling Ranger who came into the group after leaving extended caravan duty. The character was originally going to go into the Halfling Outrider PrC, but then I learned you couldn't fire a Composite Longbow while mounted unless one was a Medium sized creature. A wonderful asset to the team, and Theodorata's right hand Halfling. We often joke about him remarking "Roger that, this is God, I'm in position" as he's got a truly ridiculous attack bonus with his longbow. That with the ring of invisibility means we always have first strike capability. Chartered as "Specialist Osgood", though everyone just calls him "Oz" (Name derived from multiple sources, but primarily from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the series)
Deanna Tealeaf of the world-famous Tealeaf trading family. A Halfling Swashbuckler, and a former caravanserais of no mean skill. Coming inland from the coast to establish her family's trading empire's hold on the continent that much further. Ends up at the Keep and joins up because of her inherent and unabashed greed. With her, Hulf of the Tealeaf a Gnome Barbarian. Gnomes on this world are primarily the friends, allies and servants for the trading clan based Halflings. One can judge a Halfling trader's status by how many Gnomes they travel with. Hulf didn't speak a word of the dominant language, speaking only Gnomish and Halfling. This led to some very cool RP. In the end, however, Deanna died horrifically in a raid on a Troglodyte camp across the river, and Hulf tried to return to her family with the news. Little is known of the outcome, as Hulf took with him all of Deanna's stuff, including a cursed set of ritual altar stuff from the CoC which basically alignment swapped him and forced him to return to the cursed temple therein.
Deanna was reincarnated as a male Kobold a short while later when Dren's batty Aunt showed up and decided that it was buy-one-get-one-free on Reincarnate. (This being when Theodorata was reincarnated as a black woman) Deanna changed her name after the subsequent identity crisis, often joking with T "Hey, you came back as the same SPECIES..." Chartered as "Specialist Tiburath".. as she was christened Tiburath Rauhiss (Scales born as Halfling in Draconic) a Swashbuckler/Cleric of Bahamut. The change to Lawful Good came from hanging around with...
Sister Dawntouched an Aasimar Paladin of Bahamut straight from Bahamut's realm in the Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia. Sent to do battle against great evil and to stabilize one of Bahamut's favored regions on the world, Sister Dawntouched quickly realized how very much different the Prime was from Celestia. Starting out as a "Detect Evil First, Smite Second, Ask Questions Later" type, she tempered quickly into a rather reasonable individual. This character drove my beloved BONKERS by insisting on lugging around a tower shield and using it FREQUENTLY. (This before PFRPG simplified how Tower Shields work and the rules for cover, mind you)
Last, but not least, Jilandara Killimati, whom everyone just called "Jill" (she hates being called "Jilly" or anything similar) This was a challenge to write up, as Jill's a Centaur with a freshly written just for her class. Alusian Alchemist. (Alusia being the country of Elves on this world) Trained in the Elven capital, in one of the Imperial Alchemy Colleges, she quickly found herself in the employ of a Mysterious Patron (actually the Mega Evil High Priest in the world canon... he's BAD Jim....summoned the Tarrasque to this world just to f#%* s!#$ up, that kind of evil) She finds herself travelling around looking for very exotic ingredients for a potion for said employer and winds up at the Keep just as things go Fecal + HVAC and the entire region moves from cold war to not so cold war.
And that sums up the Guild of Calamitous Intent as it stands in the game I play all the bloody time. I haven't played this group in a LONG time because it got... unwieldy.
Dhampir984 |
I was curious about the make up of your adventuring party. Who are the charatcers?
my 5 yr old 3.5 game, all 16th level:
half elf druid - likes to cook what they kill, including chuul. nat 20s work wonders on cooking checks. her companion is a dire bear named fluffy.
human fighter 12/rogue 4 - 2-sticker, quiet and the least weird member of the group.
elf rogue - if she could only stay out of adventuring long enough, she could be barefoot and pregnant instead of just pregnant. its kinda sad.
human cleric - this is the newest addition to the group, the player's third PC. the others keep getting killed off. to be honest, its more like 4th since 1 was reincarnated and then promptly killed immediately in the next fight.
my friends e6 PF beta, all topped out at 6th, all female characters:
human female barbarian - mine, i kinda broke the top end of the game with damage; nicknamed 'scary spice'.
gnome sorcerer - fey bloodline, scorching ray and touch of idiocy/ray of enfeeblement fiend. nicknamed 'anime spice'.
elf rogue - plays a rogue with a background as a former prostitute. nicknamed 'sneaky slutty spice'.
human cleric - fire bolt thrower and the healing helps. nicknamed 'holy spice'.
Gamer Girrl RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32 |
We have three campaigns running, rotating through the GMs. The first two groups were created using 3.0 rules, later adapated to Beta, and now adapted to Pathfinder. The third group was created using Beta rules and now adapted to Pathfinder.
Rise of the Runelords (Finished the first book)
Saffire of Clan Abd Zada Half-elf/Half-Varisian Sorcereress, Fire Elemental Bloodline (5th)
Emyralda Urindarohesarin Half-elf/Half-Varisian Rogue (5th)
Ilda Sunroamer Dwarven Fighter/Cleric of Sarenrae (1st/4th)
Gamunar Cateyes Human (Shoanti - Sklar-Quah) Fighter/Ranger (1st/4th)
Jezkah Sorrow-Weaver Human (Shoanti - Skoan-Quah) Barbarian (5th)
Curse of the Crimson Throne (Finished the second book)
Sister Bernadette Half-elf Cleric of Shelyn (8th)
Lt. Col. Bellerseus Mylonas Half-elf Ranger and Hippogriff Rider of the Sable Company (8th)
Felina Vercarne Half-elf Rogue (8th)
Konrad Mandal Human Wizard (8th)
Adiera Mollari Human Holy Warrior of Pharasma (variant Paladin) (8th)
Second Darkness (finished the first book)
Panya Calphiak Human (Garundi) Fighter (4th)
Bartalan "Bart" Half-Orc Rogue (4th)
Ander Bjornson Human (Ulfen) Bard (4th)
Madd "Bob" der Tinkerin Gnome Sorcerer (4th)
Mariam Pagala Human Rakshasa Blood/Cleric/Druid (1st/1st/2nd)
(The Rakshasa Blood was created using the bloodline rules from the Unearthed Arcana to create a variant tiefling before Paizo created variant tieflings LOL! She may morph into a Tiefling Cleric/Druid (1st/3rd), but that hasn't been decided yet)
Hawk Kriegsman |
Just Finished Drow of the Darklands Pyramid last night and the player's group consists of:
Brigitte Nylander: Human Wizard 13
Skyeredille Sommerset: Elf Paladin of Freedom 7 / Ranger 6
Skaldor Kargunasson: Dwarf Ranger 13
Lady Gwendolyn Nagel: Human Swashbuckler 9 / Noble 3
Hawk Kriegsmna: Human Rogue 13
In the Raise Dead Waiting Room are:
Vognar: Dwarf Cleric of the Forge 10 (KIA last night)
Zeke: Warbalde 12 (KIA in the Demon Within 2 weeks ago)
Bitter Thorn |
Just Finished Drow of the Darklands Pyramid last night and the player's group consists of:
Brigitte Nylander: Human Wizard 13
Skyeredille Sommerset: Elf Paladin of Freedom 7 / Ranger 6
Skaldor Kargunasson: Dwarf Ranger 13
Lady Gwendolyn Nagel: Human Swashbuckler 9 / Noble 3
Hawk Kriegsmna: Human Rogue 13In the Raise Dead Waiting Room are:
Vognar: Dwarf Cleric of the Forge 10 (KIA last night)
Zeke: Warbalde 12 (KIA in the Demon Within 2 weeks ago)Thanx!
Cool; what noble class are you using?
MisterSlanky |
I play in one major game and I run different games throughout the year so it varies.
We've been playing our main game since 1998 in various formats. Our characters were upgraded from 2E to 3E to 3.5, but I don't know if we'll ever go Pathfinder with them.
Valeska - Half-Elf Bard(5)/Cleric(5)/Lyric Thaumaturge 5). This is my current character and is based on lots of crowd control, illusions, and party buffing.
Findel(ina) - Half-Elf Rogue(3)/Wizard(7)/Incantrix(5). Findel was the unfortunate recipient of a gender change spell back when he tried to use a deck of many things back in around 2000. He's all about lots of spells in a very short period of time with his constant use of quickened spells.
Yanni - Human Transmuter(15). Yanni is the character who loves tossing out maximized fireballs and yet still finds time to conjure up rope trick and seven phantom steeds every day.
Demona - Human Favored Soul(15). Demona follows the god of the dead and is our group's primary healer type.
Orrin - Human Rogue(?)/Ranger(?). Orrin is one of our two main melee combatants. He's all about lots of strikes and sneak attacks if he can make them.
Fatoxja (sp?) - Human Fighter(15). Fatoxja was a name randomly generated by our DM and was our primary NPC for years. Only recently has he become player controlled. He's nuts, and once survived a fall of 80 feet onto jagged rocks before falling off a waterfall.
mdt |
Monster Campaign kicked off this weekend, so I can post the official party makeup now. Had some player changes due to the economy. :( Two people left, and my wife took a break. So down to four players (with a new one having joined).
Half-Giant/Half-Dragon Paladin(3)/Cleric(5) of Bahamut
___Goblin Half-Dragon Cohort Ranger(5)
Noble Drow Cleric(9) of Wee Jas
Drow Ranger(5)/Sorcerer(3)/Arcane Archer(1)
Duerger Duskblade(9)
Khalarak |
I'm running a homebrew (Western D&D aesthetics, lots of homebrew races, with a Princess-Mononoke-style take on spirits and beasts), playing in another homebrew (a grim, gritty, and quirky world where the stars are enslaved servants of a powerful mage and the DM pretty much makes up every monster we fight from scratch), and also playing in a Council of Thieves game (we're in the middle of The Six-Fold Trials).
My homebrew:
Kishik - Kercpa (Squirrel-spirit) Sorcerer (fey)/Rogue. Hoping to become an arcane trickster, for now sneak attacks people with a ray of frost.
Bikis - Centaur (homebrewed down to a PC-friendly race) Ranger; the group's archer. Gripes regularly about me carrying over the Undersized Weapon trait centaurs have in the bestiary. :P
Alice (pronounced "Ah-lees") - Tanuki (shapeshifting raccoon spirit) Cleric. She's only recently discovered her true nature, having been raised among the decadent nobility of a human nation. Fights with a ranseur and worships Quetzalcouatl - Air and Luck domains.
Rujo - Human Cleric. Dresses in bones and feathers, and also worships Quetzalcouatl; he's the group's healer and has the same domains.
Hinotama - Human Warblade (toned down a bit from the Bo9S version). He's sort of like Ang from Avatar: the Last Airbender, but is uniting the four elemental samurai schools. Wields a burning greatsword and wears brass armor that rings like thunder when he fights.
Rei - Human Sorcerer (air). He's still working out the details of his character as we go. Which is fine, he's a secretive bastard :P. All the party knows really is that he hurls lightning with the best of them.
The other homebrew:
Bim - Gnome Sorcerer (aberrant) / Alienist. Grew up an urchin on the streets of a human city, is completely albino, and hears voices. Also spits gouts of acidic spittle when frightened. Still thinks of herself as a child despite being almost 60 and usually passes for an incredibly creepy human girl. Recently, she's met her 'Mommy', to the world's peril.
Carol - Human Fighter. Totes a legacy fullblade and vital strikes faces off. Is usually enlarged into a horrible pulsating abomination by Bim.
Jo - Flit (Pixie-like homebrew race) Bard. Specializes in quasi-erotic dance and is an incurable cleptomaniac. Is searching for the man who rendered his father down into a vat of hallucinogenic drugs to exact vengeance.
Anael - Human Cleric. Worships the goddess of adventurers, and pretty much strives to be the ultimate adventurer. Air and Travel domains. He's surprisingly good with a quarterstaff.
Nark - Half-elf Ranger. The player's new to D&D/PF and is still working out the details, but he dual-wields short swords and has a velociraptor companion.
CoT campaign:
"Lynx" - Human Rogue. A dual-wielding knife fetishist who goes masked to conceal his Joker-esque scars. Planning on becoming an invisible blade.
Astagal - Human Fighter. He's a sniper from Alkenstar and just recently got his gun out of a Chelaxian lockup. It was confiscated for shooting a nobleman's game birds.
Toman - Half-orc Bard. Ugly but possessed of a silver tongue and an brutish charm. Made a name for himself portraying devils, monsters, and other hideous characters in Westcrown's many theatre productions. Recently rocketed himself and his companions into the spotlight with his portrayal of Larazod in 'The Six Trials'.
"The Grey" - Aasimar Paladin. A shady paladin of Iomedae who does his best to do the work of the righteous while not drawing attention to himself.
Krug - Half-orc Barbarian. A childhood friend of Toman; he looks to his much brighter and more eloquent companion for guidance in the sometimes confusing human world. Toman on the other hand bruises easily and looks to Krug to keep his hide intact, and to smash any problem that can't be solved with smooth talking and a winning smile.
I play Bim and Toman in the latter two games. Good times had all around ;)
mdt |
mdt wrote:A half-dragon giant, or a Half-Giant with the half-dragon template(quarter-giant?)Half-Giant/Half-Dragon Paladin(3)/Cleric(5) of Bahamut
Half-Giant with the half-dragon template.
EDIT: And, I realized I made a mistake up above. The Noble Drow is a Priest of Wee Jas, not a Cleric (Priest from Adamant's Tome of Secrets).
Ryuugan |
1st party (9th level):
Human Fighter 6/Rogue 3 CG - Aiming to become a shadowdancer to best his father and avenge his death. Wanted criminal in Magnimar for a while.
Half-elf Cleric 9 LN - devoted follower of Sarenrae. He often struggles with the choices other party members do, and tries to steer them to the right path. Dice hate him.
Halfling Rogue 9 CG - Halfling who rides a medium sized shocker lizard he tamed below fort Rannick. Lost half of his face in the foxglove manor.
2nd party (1st level):
Human rogue - Street child from Korvosa, trying to find the right path for him.
Elf druid - Acts more like an animal, and often her tiger is the wiser one.
Half-orc bard - Young half-orc who already has had her heart broken.
Gnome cleric - Follower on Phantasma, and always scavenging dead bodies. Takes anything that she can rip off.
MerrikCale |
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Cool; what noble class are you using?I am using the one found here:
It really works well for my group.
The character is balanced with others for the type of game I run.
how do you like the noble class
Bitter Thorn |
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Cool; what noble class are you using?I am using the one found here:
It really works well for my group.
The character is balanced with others for the type of game I run.
Cool! It's very modular; I like it!