GentleGiant |

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:Duck related...in Golarion? I thought the duck options were in Glorantha....I miss ducks as a playable race... grumble.
D&D had ducks as a playable race?
I thought it was only Drakar och Demoner (Dragons & Demons - a Swedish RPG based on Runequest).Like this, or this, or a whole bunch of them

Dennis da Ogre |

Dennis da Ogre wrote:Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:Duck related...in Golarion? I thought the duck options were in Glorantha....I miss ducks as a playable race... grumble.D&D had ducks as a playable race?
I thought it was only Drakar och Demoner (Dragons & Demons - a Swedish RPG based on Runequest).
Like this, or this, or a whole bunch of them
No, runequest did.

Balor |

Now I am worried that my hints are TOO subtle and nobody except for about 5 people are going to get them and those five people probably aren't even reading this thread!
This is what happens when you try to get too cute for your own good. :)
So obviously we won't be getting an early preview, because that would be Peking.

GentleGiant |

So I float.. does that mean I'm a Witch? When is this play test comming out? I think Lisa said something about a friday... last week so here is another friday? has anyone seen any play test information?
James Jacobs wrote this in the product discussion thread:
gnomewizard wrote:So any news on the PDF, cause I am dying to playtest the summoner class.HOPEFULLY... we'll have an announcement about the Playtests for this book next week sometime on the blog.
So... next week!

Lokie |

Lisa Stevens wrote:So obviously we won't be getting an early preview, because that would be Peking.Now I am worried that my hints are TOO subtle and nobody except for about 5 people are going to get them and those five people probably aren't even reading this thread!
This is what happens when you try to get too cute for your own good. :)
*Groan* ;)

KaeYoss |

You guys don't have your playtest material yet? Must be only me, then.
Why am I being singled out?
Why does this "playtest material" come with "mock pictures of the new classes" looking a lot like... certain people... in... really daring underwear? And why does it say "Please provide us with feedback. In order to do so, come to the 'Agonized Wail' club on a Wednesday night - and come alone?"
And why does that class have abilities like "§$/%" and "I'll @@³²4§$% you until you scream"???
Maybe it's just my sixth sense playing up, but I get the vague feeling that something's afoot.

KnightErrantJR |

Why does this "playtest material" come with "mock pictures of the new classes" looking a lot like... certain people... in... really daring underwear? And why does it say "Please provide us with feedback. In order to do so, come to the 'Agonized Wail' club on a Wednesday night - and come alone?"And why does that class have abilities like "§$/%" and "I'll @@³²4§$% you until you scream"???
Wait, I thought Jason was writing these classes, not Nick Logue.