Help to buy gear before a first adventure in a PFS

Pathfinder Society


Hello, everyone!

I would like to know if the gears (except the weapon, the armor or a healing potion) have a utility in a scenario of the Pathfinder Society. I would be interested to know if there are a utility to these gear.

Thanks a lots for the answer, it will help my perspective of the choice of gear.

Dark Archive

dragonvan wrote:

Hello, everyone!

I would like to know if the gears (except the weapon, the armor or a healing potion) have a utility in a scenario of the Pathfinder Society. I would be interested to know if there are a utility to these gear.

Thanks a lots for the answer, it will help my perspective of the choice of gear.

I'm not 100% sure I understand your question, but I'll try to help. If you are buying your starting equipment, I'll remind you that, according to Step 10 of Chapter 4 of the Guide, "You may not purchase any magic items during character creation." So, you can't purchase potions as part of your starting equipment.

I will say that I have not yet run into scenarios where I have needed the dungeon delving equipment I often buy when starting a new home campaign. I have never had a character say, "Drat, I wish I had some pitons and 100 feet of rope." I would make weapons and armor your main concern with starting equipment. There are some scenarios out there which are very unforgiving to starting characters, but that is mainly in combat, not in your choice of equipment.

I'd agree with that.
You shouldn't feel compelled to get the whole 'luxury survival kit' unless that's part of your character concept. Generally you really only need one person in the party with a rope/grapple, though if you don't have darkvision, grabbing a torch or two is cheap and useful. Most adventures also give opportunities to pick up at least some gear along the way.

You keep any gold you don't spend during character creation, and you are free to spend it IN-GAME given the right opportunity, so given the right setting you COULD possibly grab a CLW potion in-game in your first adventure.

Not every adventure will give the opportunity to purchase a CLW potion in-game, but after the adventure is over you can purchase anything you want off the 'always available' list as well as based off your prestige... So if you can hold onto your gold and survive thru the first adventure, you can spend it without the 'no magic item' limitation.

Probably the most important thing to remember is:
Running away is better than dying. Even if you don't succeed at your mission.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What about things like artison's tool kits, healer kits, food, backpacks, pouches,

I see that you start for free with up to a 10GP clothing kit (which includes your cloak, trousers, booths, shirts, etc)

But what of things like flint and steel, chalk, inkpens, ink, fishhooks, rations, bedrolls.

What are the assumptions for stock?

What about expendibles on the weapon front: Arrows, sling bullets, crossbow bolts, etc? How many should be invested in?


If you can come up with a use for something that the dm agrees to then it has a use. Hell, I buy things like fish hooks and sewing needles, myself. you never know:)


In recap, I need my armor and my weapon with maybe two sunrods and it should be OK. There are no need to have backpack and other gear.

The Exchange 4/5 Owner - D20 Hobbies

miniaturepeddler wrote:
What are the assumptions for stock?

You don't get anything for free except clothing, and everything else must be paid out of your initial gp.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
dragonvan wrote:
In recap, I need my armor and my weapon with maybe two sunrods and it should be OK. There are no need to have backpack and other gear.

Some Kits may be useful, depending on your skills.

I've seen rope, torches and pen + paper used in various modules. Oh, and a scarf. ;-)


Paizo loves swarms. It's not a bad idea to invest in either a flask of alchemist's fire or a vial of acid. At the very least buy some pints of oil and use your torch.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

re: regarding getting free clothes, yes, it is spelled out that you get up to 10GP of free clothing,

But from the comments here about some of the carrying things have me confused: People don't buy carrying items (Packs, bags, pouches), is that because most of the scenarios don't need them?

No one has answered my question on expendibles yet (bullets, arrows, bolts, darts). What is the assumptions on this, as stated in the book, when you hit with the expendible it is used up, broken, unusable again, is this how things are really played, if so how many arrows would you bring for the typical scenario or game? 20/40/60/100/1000?

Sczarni 4/5

miniaturepeddler wrote:

No one has answered my question on expendibles yet (bullets, arrows, bolts, darts). What is the assumptions on this, as stated in the book, when you hit with the expendible it is used up, broken, unusable again, is this how things are really played, if so how many arrows would you bring for the typical scenario or game? 20/40/60/100/1000?

I usually keep about 100 bolts on me at the start of the adventure.Every hit is automatically destroyed, every miss has a 50% chance of being recoverable, as written in the core rules. Josh didn't change these in the guide to organized play, and therefore they work like the core book says they do

I dunno how others collect the items they need for their missions without a bag of somesort - I wouldn't want to walk around town with the head of an undead thing out in the open for all to see, especially hard if the mission is completed early in the adventure, as that would mean the character would have to drop the head to fight and then remember to pick it up again. (I don't know if any facton mission requires you to collect the head of an undead, I'm just using it as an example)

dragonvan wrote:
In recap, I need my armor and my weapon with maybe two sunrods and it should be OK. There are no need to have backpack and other gear.

Rope! and a canteen/waterskin, flint&steel.... and rope - you want rope, take my word for it.

and take a backpack for your loot;-)

Dark Archive

Kyle Baird wrote:
Paizo loves swarms. It's not a bad idea to invest in either a flask of alchemist's fire or a vial of acid. At the very least buy some pints of oil and use your torch.

You have just won the Paizo award for Understatement of the Year (2009)!


I hate swarms.....

snakes...why did it have to be snakes?!


Cpt_kirstov wrote:
I dunno how others collect the items they need for their missions without a bag of somesort - I wouldn't want to walk around town with the head of an undead thing out in the open for all to see, especially hard if the mission is completed early in the adventure, as that would mean the character would have to drop the head to fight and then remember to pick it up again. (I don't know if any facton mission requires you to collect the head of an undead, I'm just using it as an example)

From the Season 1 Guide:

"We assume that you have enough bags, backpacks, or muscle to haul around the loot you find or, in the cast of an urban scenario, immediate access to markets and bazaars where you can sell your goods. While this system isn’t entirely realistic, it removes an incredible time sink from the play process (processing gear) and helps keep the scenario on track, on time, and moving fast."

Sczarni 4/5

Derek Poppink wrote:

"We assume that you have enough bags, backpacks, or muscle to haul around the loot you find or, in the cast of an urban scenario, immediate access to markets and bazaars where you can sell your goods. While this system isn’t entirely realistic, it removes an incredible time sink from the play process (processing gear) and helps keep the scenario on track, on time, and moving fast."

ok - you got me there.... enough bags to carry your loot... so if you have an idea and need bags to do it, do you have enough? (filling a bag with rocks when the idiot dwarf forgot his grappling hook on TOP of the boat before being thrown off), or throwing a bag over an enemy/captive's head... does using it mean you know longer have enough to carry your loot?

Sovereign Court

Kyle Baird wrote:
Paizo loves swarms. It's not a bad idea to invest in either a flask of alchemist's fire or a vial of acid. At the very least buy some pints of oil and use your torch.

Seconded on these items. Nothing is worse than almost being taken out by a spider swarm.

4/5 *** Venture-Captain, Arizona—Tucson

Derek Poppink wrote:
"We assume that you have enough bags, backpacks, or muscle to haul around the loot you find or, in the cast of an urban scenario, immediate access to markets and bazaars where you can sell your goods. While this system isn’t entirely realistic, it removes an incredible time sink from the play process (processing gear) and helps keep the scenario on track, on time, and moving fast."

The PFS rules assume that hammering out details of looting, packing, and selling treasure aren't the sort of adventures people prefer to play. Call me crazy, but I suspect they're right.

On the other hand, I make sure that my character has appropriate gear. As a GM, I expect my players to pay reasonable attention to their gear as well. If a guy jots down his character in the 15 minutes before a game is supposed to begin, I'll let him handwave the trail rations or backpack he forgot to write down. If a guy shows up with a fifth-level character but no list of routine gear he's carrying, he'd better not expect me to go along with "My guy has three weeks' rations, two waterskins, silk rope and a grapple," in the middle of a desert.

Liberty's Edge

Go for the MW tools : a +2 circumstance bonus to any one skill for a mere 50 gp is too good to pass.


Speaking as someone who plays a NG cleric of Saranrae who believes that everyone deserves a chance of redemption....manacles. Lots of manacles. Keep in mind, just cause you dropped an enemy to - hps doesn't mean he's dead.....and there's tons of cases where you want to question a fallen foe.

Also, you often don't even have to 'waste' healing to bring him back to conciousness to wake him...if you have a cleric in the group who does the post combat channel energy healing, just include the manacled, stripped NPC in the burst area.


zylphryx wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Paizo loves swarms. It's not a bad idea to invest in either a flask of alchemist's fire or a vial of acid. At the very least buy some pints of oil and use your torch.
Seconded on these items. Nothing is worse than almost being taken out by a spider swarm.

Thirded (or fourthed).

Alchemist Fire (Acid if you have to)
Cold iron weapon (dagger is cheap)
Silver weapon or ammo
CLW as soon and as many as you can. (remember, scrolls are half the cost if you can read them).
Holy Water isn't bad either.

I saw a crowbar get used to great effect in #36 this weekend. So what that it was used on an unlocked door ... ;-)


Majuba wrote:

Alchemist Fire (Acid if you have to)

Cold iron weapon (dagger is cheap)
Silver weapon or ammo
CLW as soon and as many as you can. (remember, scrolls are half the cost if you can read them).
Holy Water isn't bad either.

And of course, to reiterate: CLW wand for 2 PA as soon as you can.

One note re: Cold iron/Silver note that your character needs some reason to know to try that weapon (Assuming its not your normal weapon..which silver is pretty much almost never going to be). Knowledge of monster weaknesses (especially the uncommon ones) is not common knowledge.

Liberty's Edge

GRU wrote:
dragonvan wrote:
In recap, I need my armor and my weapon with maybe two sunrods and it should be OK. There are no need to have backpack and other gear.

Rope! and a canteen/waterskin, flint&steel.... and rope - you want rope, take my word for it.

you and your fookin' rope :)

(not being a smartass, it's a quote from one of the greatest movies ever made.)

It's the first thing I bought when I made my character hehe.


Majuba wrote:
CLW as soon and as many as you can. (remember, scrolls are half the cost if you can read them).

...or if anyone else in the party can read them. My monk kept a dozen scrolls of CLW on hand, and gave them out to the clerics/druids/paladins/etc. at the start of the adventure.

Now I keep two wands: a wand of cure light wound for good clerics to borrow, and a wand of infernal healing for non-good clerics to borrow. :)

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