Intimidate Owns Everything in Pathfinder... it Owns you

Homebrew and House Rules

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Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Tha_Dreaz wrote:

Speaking of Housecat vs Commoner...

Have you read the 3.5 Monster Manual errata? Most monsters had their Weapon Finesse racial feat taken away or changed.

I'm pretty sure house cats had their Weapon Finesse taken away... so now they attack using STR, I think, though you may want to look that errata file up

Commoner wins

Have you checked the free download of the Pathfinder Bestiary preview?

Again, I suggest, more firmly this time, you familiarize yourself with the rules of the game before you critique them.

Grand Lodge

Tha_Dreaz wrote:

Yes, I was right about cats and Finesse...

page 1 of MM3.5 Errata.... Cats had their Weapon Finesse changed to Stealthy


I promise I'm not actively working against you, I was looking it up myself. But anyway, it says the Weapon Finesse becomes a bonus feat and Stealthy becomes the HD feat. Which is stupid. Killer housecats, bleh.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Dragonborn3 wrote:

1) I have never believed CHA determines what you looked like unless you wanted it to.

2) Go housecat! Show those casters who's boss!

1) Neither have I, thus including Wolverine who isn't going to win any beauty prizes in the comic books, and Illyana, who would. ;-)

2) in 3.x, my psychic warrior was owned by a skeletal housecat due to a) bad dice rolls and b) bad tactics on my part.

Dark Archive

Tha_Dreaz wrote:

A 1st level Half-Orc sorcerer, in Pathfinder, is really really powerful.

.... have up to a 20 CHA since Pathfinder Half-Orcs can have a 20 CHA at first level and thus a +5 ability modifier to Intimidate....

Which is why I went to using point buy in my campaigns. You might have a 20 Cha, but with only 20 points to spend, everything else is going to be prttey much average or below.

By the by, I think the whole problem of "low CHA score means you are ugly" is something that hearkens back to earlier, more light-hearted editions of Gygaxian whimsy :))

Obviously, charisma is a quality of leadership whereby one influences others by manipulation of the popular imagination... why should this have anything to do with your looks?

Timur the Lame? Napoleon Bonaparte, Joan of Arc? Jesus of Nazareth?

None of these people were famously beautiful, but charismatic, yes

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Tha_Dreaz wrote:

By the by, I think the whole problem of "low CHA score means you are ugly" is something that hearkens back to earlier, more light-hearted editions of Gygaxian whimsy :))

Obviously, charisma is a quality of leadership whereby one influences others by manipulation of the popular imagination... why should this have anything to do with your looks?

Timur the Lame? Napoleon Bonaparte, Joan of Arc? Jesus of Nazareth?

None of these people were famously beautiful, but charismatic, yes

That would be a flawed assumption, as the 1e AD&D DMG lists Hitler as a specific example of an 18 charisma.

Okay, lol....

Commoner makes an untrained charisma roll in place of an Intimidate check...

Even if he has a 6 CHA and thus a -2 ability modifier to the check, he still is Medium and the cat is Tiny... that is 2 size categories difference and thus the Commoner gets a +8 bonus from size categories.

That's the commoner rolling a twenty-sided die, adding +8, subtracting 2 (because we hate commoners and they should all have 6 CHA, right?)

And his resultant modifier is D20 +6

What's a cat got, like one hit die (that renders fractional HP per HD due to tiny size category) and maybe a 12 WIS at best?

Cat rolls a twenty-sided die +2

It's like I keep telling my friends who say housecats can beat up on commoners... it would never happen that way in real life because your cat is deathly afraid of your wrath, am I right?


David Fryer wrote:
Tha_Dreaz wrote:

A 1st level Half-Orc sorcerer, in Pathfinder, is really really powerful.

.... have up to a 20 CHA since Pathfinder Half-Orcs can have a 20 CHA at first level and thus a +5 ability modifier to Intimidate....

Which is why I went to using point buy in my campaigns. You might have a 20 Cha, but with only 20 points to spend, everything else is going to be prttey much average or below.

Here's a more reasonable example, a cleric I made for a PbP game:

male human barbarian 1/cleric (Gorum) 4
STR..18 ( 7 pts)
DEX..10 ( 0 pts)
CON..14 ( 5 pts)
INT...8 (-2 pts)
WIS..14 ( 5 pts)
CHA..14 ( 5 pts)

Weapon Focus (greatsword) [human]
Intimidating Prowess [1st]
Selective Channeling [3rd]
Dazzling Display [5th]

Racial and Class Abilities:
Glory domain = touch grants +4 to one Cha skill check made in the next 3 rounds, 1/hour
Strength domain = touch grants +2 to one melee attack or Str check made in the next 3 rounds, 1/day

Armor Check Penalty: -5
Acrobatics -1 [1 rank, +3 class, +0 dex, -5 acp]
Intimidate +14 [5 ranks, +3 class, +2 cha, +4 str]
Knowledge (religion) +0 [1 rank, +3 class, -1 int]
Perception +15 [5 ranks, +3 class, +2 wis, +5 item (eyes of the eagle)]

So he spent two feats on improving Intimidate (Dazzling Display and Intimidating Prowess). In return he has a +14 Intimidate check, +4 if he casts his Enlarge Person domain spell, +4 if he uses his Glory domain ability (usable once/hour; only really useful out of combat). I found it useful enough as a mass debuff that's usable at will (remember that being shaken gives -2 to saves). YMMV.

Are you saying Hitler wasn't sexy?

Let's look at why Hitler was sexy (still a completely hate-filled buffoon, but sexy nonetheless)

Power is sexy... that is why Donald Trump is orange and he still gets laid

He had classically rugged Semitic good looks thanks mainly to his Jewish mother's heritage.

He had a very unique mustache indicative of a sense of style... Style is sexy.

RE: a cat's Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.

Yeah, but the problem here is that a cat is still essentially a 1 HD animal... and animals don't get a bonus first level feat.

I think if the cat advances hit dice... like say, your druid or ranger had a cat as a companion and his hit dice advanced thus giving him feats at every 3rd level... ability point up at 4th level... skill points, blah blah... eventually, like by his 3rd hit die, the cat can take Weapon Finesse which is cool for cats because ordinarily, I don't think Weapon Finesse appears on the lists of monstrous feats.

I had this issue with Weapon Finesse and rogues time and time again... I think it sucks that a rogue can't take Weapon Finesse until 3rd level simply because of the BAB requisite. Yet, you had little piddly monsters all over the place with BAB 0 and Weapon Finesse. Not fair

Dark Archive

Tha_Dreaz wrote:

Are you saying Hitler wasn't sexy?

Let's look at why Hitler was sexy (still a completely hate-filled buffoon, but sexy nonetheless)

Power is sexy... that is why Donald Trump is orange and he still gets laid

He had classically rugged Semitic good looks thanks mainly to his Jewish mother's heritage.

He had a very unique mustache indicative of a sense of style... Style is sexy.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Hitler looked like a toad.

Tha_Dreaz wrote:
a rogue can't take Weapon Finesse until 3rd level simply because of the BAB requisite.

A rogue can take Weapon Finesse at first level.

Haha, Hogarth, that's amazing

You know, if I didn't misread your quote there, it seems your cleric could still take Skill Focus: Intimidate and Persuasive... both of those rendering +5 more to Intimidate... not to mention the skill ranks accrued in the meantime.

Hitler looked like a toad? Well, literally, that IS true... but I think it would be more accurate to say he looked like an ANGRY toad LOL

How is it that a rogue can take Weapon Finesse at first level? It requires a BAB of +1... rogues start with a BAB of 0

I believe Pathfinder rogues get the option to take something in the way of a talent that gives them Weapon Finesse at 2nd level... that beats the 3.5 precedent by a whole level.

I had this come up recently because I wanted to know if multiclassing my pathfinder rogue with fighter would be worthy as opposed to doing a straight-on rogue.

If you know something I don't, Zurai, please share, I'd love a rogue with weapon finesse at 1st level

I'd suggest reading the Feats chapter.

Grand Lodge

Weird forum glitch.

Just tell him Weapon Finesse no longer requires a +1 BAB Zurai. No need to get snarky.

Liberty's Edge

Tha_Dreaz wrote:
If you know something I don't, Zurai, please share, I'd love a rogue with weapon finesse at 1st level
Zurai wrote:
I'd suggest reading the Feats chapter in addition to all the rest of the rules you've apparently not read, from the posts in this thread.

I'll save you the effort this time (though I would repeat Zurai's advice in general): Weapon Finesse in Pathfinder does not have a BAB requirement.

Ah, I see, in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, there is no prerequisite for Weapon Finesse.

That beats the DND 3.5 precedent by 2 levels then. Hurrah

TriOmegaZero wrote:

Weird forum glitch.

Just tell him Weapon Finesse no longer requires a +1 BAB Zurai. No need to get snarky.

"Subtle" and "not at all subtle" had already been tried and ignored.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Tha_Dreaz wrote:

Are you saying Hitler wasn't sexy?

Let's look at why Hitler was sexy (still a completely hate-filled buffoon, but sexy nonetheless)

Power is sexy... that is why Donald Trump is orange and he still gets laid

He had classically rugged Semitic good looks thanks mainly to his Jewish mother's heritage.

He had a very unique mustache indicative of a sense of style... Style is sexy.

Have we passed from debate to trolling now?

LoreKeeper pretty much summed up what I was going to say on the matter. Yes, you can intimidate several people, you just have to do it one by one.

You do realize that looking up a feat does not define a skill. That is not the order of precedence. It's a handy way to infer what a person's meaning was/is but inference is not deductive reasoning and thereby not logical.

Can't really deny the ambiguous wording in the Intimidate skill descriptive text.

I'm completely willing to go along with the fact that Pathfinder's writers didn't intend for people who use an Intimidate check to demoralize multiple foes as a standard action, but as a person pointed out on this forum, he was running a game and players apparently attempted to use Intimidate checks in just that specific way. No doubt this was caused by an easy to construe paragraph or two within the rulebook text.

I'm sorry that this kind of situation provokes free, critical, and independent thought :)) I'll try not to let it happen again, Zurai

PS, Matthew, why is it okay for Gary Gygax to say that Hitler had an 18 CHA and it's trolling if I say Hitler was sexy?

You know sexy is as sexy does... charisma captures the popular imagination... popular imagination produces notion of what is and isn't attractive... if someone perceives attractive qualities about you, then you are attractive relative to the observer.

What am I saying? I'm saying that ugly people can be sexy. Sexy isn't a synonym for physical symmetry of proportion :)) it's in your imagination

Dark Archive

Matthew Morris wrote:

Have we passed from debate to trolling now?

I hope not.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

David Fryer wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Have we passed from debate to trolling now?

I hope not.

So do I, but when a poster starts arguing Hitler was 'sexy' I think we've veered off the written path.

Well, really, I'm neither debating nor trolling... I didn't think either condition was fair LOL

I think I have largely succeeded at culling the opinions of various people other than myself


Sovereign Court

Tha_Dreaz wrote:

Yes, I was right about cats and Finesse...

page 1 of MM3.5 Errata.... Cats had their Weapon Finesse changed to Stealthy


What does the bestiary preview say?

I dunno, Forged, I suspect they'll get their Weapon Finesse back... I don't have the bestiary yet... think maybe David or TriOmeg might? If they'd be so kind :)

Grand Lodge

Sadly no. :( But I can find nothing in the previews about the deadly housecat either, so I can shed no more light on the subject there either.

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Sadly no. :( But I can find nothing in the previews about the deadly housecat either, so I can shed no more light on the subject there either.


Course they gave em back Weapon Finesse :)) they took away the prerequisite for it in Pathfinder.

Still don't understand how the 1 hit die cat is listed with 3 feats... Scent, Stealthy, and Weapon Finesse

The Exchange

As others have mentioned, if a standard Intimidate action can intimidate multiple foes, then there is absolutely no point in taking Dazzling Display so you can do the same thing as a full-round action.

That right there logically means that they did not mean intimidate to affect multiple foes. If you willfully ignore that feat, and disregard some of the text for the Intimidate skill, then I don't think anything short of errata or a post from Jason will convince you.

I never did understand people who are willing to jump through hoops and ignore parts of the rules to convince themselves of something.

On the other hand, I do believe that Intimidate stacks with itself, but you have to do it one standard action at a time, for one target at a time, and as mentioned, you have to beat the DC by at least 10 to get them running away from you.

Oh, no... only 1 feat... Weapon Finesse.

Matthew Morris wrote:

If you don't know about a core feat in Pathfinder, I advise you to read the feat in the game system you're talking about.

As to the Ugly guy with a high Cha Arguement... Wolverine is a short hairy guy with 6 knives. Illyana is a slender teenaged girl with a glowing sword. When written correctly they're scary as heck.

Now, your hypothetical super-orc has spent his feat, 1/3-1/2 of his skill points, his only feat, and the majority of his stat points to do this trick. So our scary half-orc has 20(18+2) 10, 10, 10, 10, 8.

So lets put him in a dungeon.

He has between 5-7 hit points and 1-3 skill points. One of those skill points was spent on intimidate, so we'll put one in spellcraft.

Now let's pull out the commoner's bane, the housecat. (all rolls are assumed to be 10)

Housecat is likely to go first. Fortunately the fact that the 1/2 orc didn't see him coming (+14 steath vs 0 perception) since his 10 dex means he's not at a disadvantage for being flat footed.

1/2 orc loses hhis AoA and would likely miss (bab 0, str 10. needs a 14 or higher) Cat hits with all three attacks (bab +4 vs AC 10 means a 6 or higher) does 3 points of damage.

Normal round starts, cat wins initative mauls again for 3 points. half-orc is likely at 0 or less, but we'll say he's at 0.

1/2 orc goes to intimidate/cast/do something, makes the roll, so now the cat is -2 to hit. But wait, the cat gets an AoA if the half orc tried to intimidate, hits for 1 point. even if he has 7 HP he's down to 0 HP.

Round three the cat finished him off.

That's a CR 1/4 housecat.

2 Goblins should kill him almost as dead (+6 init vs +0 init) If they charge, they just need a 7 to hit, and do 2.5 points of damage on average. Even if he demoralizes them both (flawed reading of intimidate) the half orc draws AoA unless he 5' steps and the goblins still need an 11 after the demoralizing.

one Skeleton will eviscerate him. He'll likely miss with disrupt undead (+0 BAB, remember?) and it can't be demoralized.


I agree the housecat should sneak up on him, but I think in the surprise round it can only hit him once as a standard. Also, shouldn't the cat get a +8 to stealth for tiny? Maybe this is Garfield the cat

Edit: Do skeletal housecats get pounce?

Sovereign Court

Tha_Dreaz wrote:

Course they gave em back Weapon Finesse :)) they took away the prerequisite for it in Pathfinder.

Still don't understand how the 1 hit die cat is listed with 3 feats... Scent, Stealthy, and Weapon Finesse

Well, scent isn't a feat. As for the other 2, animals and monsters typically get bonus feats that support their natural abilities(racial bonus feats), which is different from the feat gained 1st level or 1 HD. It's no different than calling it Improved Grab and making it an extraordinary ability(Improved Unarmed Strike) or letting a 2nd level ranger take TWF without meeting the prereq.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Tha_Dreaz wrote:
PS, Matthew, why is it okay for Gary Gygax to say that Hitler had an 18 CHA and it's trolling if I say Hitler was sexy?

Gygax said it offline, and for that matter, before Godwin laid down the law. :)

Ugly people often have poor charisma, due to resentment and self-esteem issues; beautiful people often have high charisma because they have no problem getting attention and joining social circles. That's where the association of charisma with appearance comes from, but there are plenty of exceptions on both sides.

I'm not jumping through any hoops or messing up any rules...

I have 3 pathfinder players in 3 different games right now

Not a single one of them even has 1 rank in Intimidate... they're not designed to Intimidate anyone.

I posted that half-orc sorcerer as an example of what could potentially be.

It's just a situation that could come up at your table top and, as such, something worth of our consideration. Call it foresight?

You might find it logical to infer things, but deduction is proper logic. Inference is a form of reasoning that gives rise to more fallacies so it's not used as a format in Logic.

I understand that role playing game books, unlike law books, are not written by any standardized format of Logic; there is no reason to; DND wasn't created as a game for lawyers, linguists, engineers, or programmers. I like to think it was created for "nerds" LOL

Point is, I shouldn't hold Pathfinder's writers to anal-retentive demands. I think you're "more" correct than I am in this case by merit of your inference. More correct, yes, more logical, no

Sovereign Court

Thinking about owning my players with an all-housecat encounter now...


If you want to have even more fun with fear, take a necromancer and give him the Fearsome Necromancy feat from Complete Mage: Everything you hit with a necromancy effect is Shaken even if it makes its save.

Admittedly it does say that it doesn't stack with other fear effects, but since Pathfinder has changed things, it might, and it's still pretty darn useful regardless, especially if you have someone ready to do a Dazzling Display next.

I once used toads whose bodies secreted a contact-based venom. The venom was made so that it would barely do any CON damage (just a D3 primary and secondary) but it caused hallucinations giving anything you tried to attack a miss chance from concealment.

Toads... in 3.5... have a really uncanny hide modifier... it's like +21

They can't do any sort of damage whatsoever, but with the venom, it made for a pretty fun encounter :))

Dark Archive

Warforged Gardener wrote:
Thinking about owning my players with an all-housecat encounter now...

Not if I beat you to it.

Shadow Lodge

David Fryer wrote:
Warforged Gardener wrote:
Thinking about owning my players with an all-housecat encounter now...
Not if I beat you to it.


Work together and use LOLcat pics to your advantage!

Okay so it isn't an advantage, but they are funny and are likely to cause the PCs to doubt just how lethal the cats are...

Perhaps you could prevent the players from scaring the cats away by putting a Paw-ladin into the cat party

Then all you have to do is worry about whether or not someone is going to use their 0 level Create Water spell on the cats. That spell has the instantaneous affect of demoralizing all house cats. If you don't believe me, look it up.

Except for those few, strange house cats that happen to like water.

Use the awaken spell! Then you can make the players paranoid because they think(and are correct in doing so) the cats are planning and cleverly trying to kill them.

"mmmGo onnn...mmmew can mew it! Purrrforate them!

Can we make the cats talk too? They should have cute little voices

Give awakened cat the monstrous beast template from savage species so they can telepathically communicate with each other and their prey.

They can stare someone in the eyes with that LOLcat face and the big round eyes and they'd hear in their mind, "I'm gonna open you up... climb inside your body... and wear you like a cheap, warm suit!"

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