CSI Absalom

Gamer Connection

The body lay on its back, its top half hanging off the narrow bridge that led across the chasm to the Cathedral of the Starstone. Another few inches and it would have slid into the bottomless moat that surrounded the building. Members of the District Watch were keeping back the crowds of curious onlookers. Most were tourists, small
scraps of paper tucked between their fingers, carrying words of supplication to the gods to drop into the chasm.

Even from a distance, Captain Napoleon Able could see that the man's throat had been cut. He struggled to fight his way past a group of Varisian musicians, large stringed instruments and drums in hand, who were setting up their busking pitch. Passing through the picket line of guardsmen, he withdrew a pair of leather-trimmed goggles from his pocket. The rumour amongst the junior guardsmen were that these were magical Goggles of Minute Seeing, that helped the captain in his legendary ability to discover clues. In truth, the magic had faded years ago - Able kept them partly from nostalgia, and partly because of the effect they had on those around him, making them draw back and give him the space he needed to think.

He was at the body now, and a nervous Guardman sergeant stepped forward, saluted, and turned towards the body. "No identification yet, sir, but the guy is dressed in wizard robes. Not much blood about, which suggests that he was killed somewhere else, but then why dump the body here?"

"Failed magic trick" grunted Able, kneeling to peer at the body.

A look of confusion flitted across the guardsman's face. "Sir?" he inquired.

Able straightened and looked the man in the eye. "I think somebody" - he slipped the goggles easily into place - "was trying to make this body disappear."

With a wail, the Variasian musicians struck up their opening chords.


CSI Absalom PbP. Who's interested?

I am, although I don't have much PBP experience. Should I be building a 1st level character? 20th level? Any restrictions on allowed races/classes? Expected daily post-count? Required reading material? (I have the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Bestiary, but nothing more atm.)

I too would be interested in this. I am eager to try out a few of the APG variants, and was considering an Urban Ranger Guide (the two ranger archetypes don't replace any of the same abilities) crossbow combat style, possibly multi-classing with Sniper Rogue.

Eagerly await creation criteria.

I was waiting to see if there was interest in the concept before I decided on character creation data, but maybe the lack of such data is putting people off.

2nd level characters.
PFRPG, APG - OK. Anything else Pathfinder probably OK but ask first.
20 point buy as per page 16 of the rulebook.
No evil or antisocial characters.
Brief background please, including why you want to work for the City Watch and why they would want to hire you.
You should focus on characters that are good in investigative scenarios - pure combat monsters not required, although you should be capable of self-defense.

I love this Idea but I have never played by post. but I would love to play if you let me.

Edit, I am thinking an Investigation Rogue LG young Vimes from Disc World type.

I shouldn't, but the goggles in your intro have me hooked. I'll try to think up a real character.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I'm intrigued, this sounds like the perfect calling for an alchemist.

Liberty's Edge

This sounds interesting. Perhaps an inquisitor of Abadar. I'll work up something tonight, and post. How many people are looking for?

One of my favorite detectives is Columbo, and it's starting to look like this campaign could use someone adept at getting under a suspects skin - and surviving the result, of course. I'm imagining Peter Falk as a half-orc...

Justiciar Te wrote:
One of my favorite detectives is Columbo, and it's starting to look like this campaign could use someone adept at getting under a suspects skin - and surviving the result, of course. I'm imagining Peter Falk as a half-orc...

"Ug just want to know one more thing..."

I'm looking for 4 or 5 characters. Posting frequency will be a leisurly 3-4 times a week.

A slight gnome, weak in the limb due to childhood infirmities, but strong in the mind and nimble fingers. Having grown up with once brilliant parents he was constantly surrounded by new inventions, oddities, and the most mysterious of all...alchemy. Each night was a new adventure paging through his parents works and watching as they worked hard in their shop for customers. The more open-minded adventurers would frequently frequent Infernobucket Contraptions, Conflagrations & Confirmatory for all things ranging from tanglefoot bags to 20 barrels of oil rigged to explode two Thursdays from now to the reason water doesn't stay square when taken out of a square box.

After a fruitful apprenticeship under his father Rufus spent several years at the Absalom Academy surrounded by magics, of both knowledge and power. Lost among the exciting whirl of arts and alchemy Rufus forgot to visit his very parents. His mind enthralled, buried deep within the Academy's library soon led him to the top of his class. After graduating as a full fledged alchemist the young man returned to his family home on the far side of town.

A pale, wispy version of his mother answered the door. A distant look in her eye. She explained with a bored, dispassionate tone that a customer, injured with one of their works through his own foolishness, had come back. During the night, some years ago, the hooligan with a gang of friends raided the shop breaking and stealing everything within. Rufus' father was held down and had dozens of chemicals poured over his head until little remained of the poor gnome. Broken and traumatized by the event his mother stopped caring about the world, stopped seeking new formulae, new inventions, her life no longer mattered to her. After cleaning and repairing the empty shop she would sit in their lone chair and stair and the acid etched wood were her husband died.

In the time following Rufus Infernobucket has established himself as an equal to his parents and reopened the shop. During the evening, after the doors are locked, he spends his time puzzling through street crimes, inspecting scenes or violence and testing out new concoctions. Though he will always be haunted by the dark night after returning home. Scrambling through his alchemy kit, drinking every potion, elixir, and chemical that might would turn him into a monster for just one night, long enough revenge his parents.

[ooc]He'll be a gnome alchemist with the Academician, Master Tinker, and Pyromaniac alternate racial features.

Are you allowing the standard 2 traits as well?

Foggy comes from a seafaring family. In his youth they operated a sailing barge and ran cargo along the coast. The boat ran aground while fleeing pirates and was wrecked beyond repair, although the family reached shore safely. Foggy vowed to bring the pirates to justice. Unfortunately he couldn't pass the physical for the navy. With the guidance of Sarenrae Foggy set his sights on the constabulary as a way to stop "land pirates."

He is quick-witted, cheerful, and makes himself useful around the offices performing the endless errands that the full-size guards would rather. He knows that he is not strong or intimidating enough for patrolling a beat, but he thinks he would do well as an investigator.

Foggy is still in work stat-wise. I see him as a side-kick to a lead officer. Someone to do the grunt work or get coffee.

Rufus Infernobasket wrote:
Are you allowing the standard 2 traits as well?

Those are standard now, are they? :-)

Take 2 traits.

I'd like to submit a character based on the recent BBC Sherlock character. High Intelligence, low Charisma with the Investigator Rogue archetype from the APG. Fluffy goodness to come!

waynemarkstubbs :

Alternatively I could take this darker. Make Foggy like the Matt Damon character from "The Departed". A cop, but also a crime-lord's agent inside the police. Hopefully he would have a better ending

I'd like to submit a human inquisitor. He always gets his man, woman, or Monster. With his excellent skill set, magical knack, and the ability to defend himself, he should be sought after by many for his services. The only downside is he has been suspected of stepping outside the "law" to achieve his goals, but he is a good man and skilled.

Expert tracker, skilled in the arts of negotiation and apprehension of criminals seeks employment. With the blessing of the gods I hunt and apprehend those whose misdeeds go unpunished. Using stealth, deception, and holy magics I always get my mark, dead or Alive. Skilled with the deadly repeating crossbow.

Detect Chaos/law/Good/Evil at will.

Judgement 1/day

Foggy - fine, although I'm a little concerned at Foggy's extremely low strength. He is medium loaded carrying, well, pretty much anything at all. Please be aware of this.

Jack - fine, although I'd like to see a little more background and motivation. Why is he so devoted, and why is he willing to step outside the law?

Rufus - the "cop with an addiction" trope. Sounds OK, but don't make him too physically weak, as otherwise with Foggy along the group will become far too dependent on one or two other characters during combat.

Justicar Te - the shabby half-orc whom everyone underestimates because of his appearance sounds like a fine plan.

A couple of people have suggested investigtor rogues - that would fill the gap nicely. Submit them.

A little disappointed that no-one has gone for the "hot science nerd girl" archetype :-)

How dark will the tone be? It will determine how close I will stay to Doyle's vision.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Oh he'll be weak as a kitten physically, but bombs and crossbows will make up for that. The pyromaniac ability will keep him doing a healthy 2d6+3 damage (plus splash) at level two.

Couple thing to ask about:
1: Should I account for the cost of the shop from my character wealth? I don't know how much it would run...but I plan on paying the 200g for a full fledged alchemist lab so that might cover it.

2: Would you be ok if I paid for a trained hireling? Basically an assistant for the shop, someone to help with the heavy lifting. Essentially 9g a month for a chance at +2 on my Craft [alchemy], extra carry capacity, but no help in combat. Maybe act a bit like a Watson for me to have my character banter with between scenes.

3: The Master Tinker racial ability let's a gnome be proficient with any weapon they have crafted. It seems to me that a repeating crossbow would be perfect for a cop drama character. Alchemists are normally proficient with crossbows and he's a bit of an inventor type so I don't think that's outside the character or anything. I doubt he'll be shooting it a whole lot anyways.

Gnomes don't make the best alchemist but I like the flavor and love the new racials you can use. If we're using average HP for second level Rufus will have 20 HP.

Barrdyn Klymeth wrote:
How dark will the tone be? It will determine how close I will stay to Doyle's vision.

There will be blood and gore. There will be dead bodies, and grieving families. How it is played will be up to how the characters react. But I'm aiming for dark gothic rather than bloody slasher horror.

Silver Crusade

waynemarkstubbs wrote:
Justiciar Te wrote:
One of my favorite detectives is Columbo, and it's starting to look like this campaign could use someone adept at getting under a suspects skin - and surviving the result, of course. I'm imagining Peter Falk as a half-orc...

"Ug just want to know one more thing..."

I'm looking for 4 or 5 characters. Posting frequency will be a leisurly 3-4 times a week.

Are there any openings left? A CSI-style campaign sounds pretty cool. I would love to join in, if possible.

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

Oh he'll be weak as a kitten physically, but bombs and crossbows will make up for that. The pyromaniac ability will keep him doing a healthy 2d6+3 damage (plus splash) at level two.

** spoiler omitted **

Gnomes don't make the best alchemist but I like the flavor and love the new racials you can use. If we're using average HP for second level Rufus will have 20 HP.

As regards homelife and off-screen stuff, then you are free to run it as you wish, but it probably won't intrude on the game much. The city will provide him with a lab to use at work.

Give him the appropriate craft skills, and he can make his own weapons. Otherwise, he'll have to spend a feat for proficiency like everyone else.

Motivation and background on the way. Mainly haven't typed them out yet, they are just floating in my head and forgot to put them into the profile. Usually it's one of the 1st things I do, silly me.

edit: posted a short background and a long one. Forgive my diarrhea of the keyboard.

Blayde MacRonan wrote:
waynemarkstubbs wrote:
Justiciar Te wrote:
One of my favorite detectives is Columbo, and it's starting to look like this campaign could use someone adept at getting under a suspects skin - and surviving the result, of course. I'm imagining Peter Falk as a half-orc...

"Ug just want to know one more thing..."

I'm looking for 4 or 5 characters. Posting frequency will be a leisurly 3-4 times a week.

Are there any openings left? A CSI-style campaign sounds pretty cool. I would love to join in, if possible.

Plenty of time. Submit away.

waynemarkstubbs wrote:

A little disappointed that no-one has gone for the "hot science nerd girl" archetype :-)

Where's our Abby???? (NCIS is my favorite, and if no abbby I'll take a Ziva, not that picky lol)

2 Rova, 4710 AR

I find myself greatly disturbed by the lack of intelligence exhibited by the City Watch. Indeed, they seem to me as great trumpeting elephants, thundering around crime scenes and destroying vital evidence!

Few have the clarity of mind to work with me on the art of deduction! When the impossible has been eliminated, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth! At least Captain Able is a man of intellect and reasoning! I could get on very well with him, very well indeed!

Following the latest case, that of the case of the Starstone Bridge, I offered my services, gratis of course, to the noble Captain Able. Alas, he has not yet seen fit to reply with an answer but I am certain he shall do so forthwith.

Which reminds me, I must find another supplier of Clear Ear. Grubbin, the knave, has cut me off. Claims that I'm a liability and he doesn't want the Watch knocking down his door. Well, I'm sure they'll be happy to know all that I know about him!

I see this character as a prolific user of Clear Ear. He'd have the following traits: Anatomist, Suspicious. I'm not intending to play him exactly like Sherlock Holmes, but rather a Golarion version with my own spin. I'd be interested in setting up a Holmes/Watson like camaraderie with another player too. He'll have a reasonable Strength, Intelligence and Wisdom, with a negative Charisma modifier.

Liberty's Edge

Are spellcasters allowed?

I'm thinking of a rather academic type, into magical theory rather than splashy combat magic, who would be interested in looking to see how magic could help in this mundane investigative activity... relevance of the arcane arts to the modern world... mutter, mutter...

Certainly nerdy. Could even be Abby Shutto style (my favourite NCIS character too) although NOT a necromancer (not that Abby is, she just sleeps in a coffin!). Hmm. Maybe a necromancer would be suitable, given loadsa corpses. But you said no evil, which makes it a bit tricky, most of them are on the evil side.

Megan Robertson wrote:

Are spellcasters allowed?

I'm thinking of a rather academic type, into magical theory rather than splashy combat magic, who would be interested in looking to see how magic could help in this mundane investigative activity... relevance of the arcane arts to the modern world... mutter, mutter...

Certainly nerdy. Could even be Abby Shutto style (my favourite NCIS character too) although NOT a necromancer (not that Abby is, she just sleeps in a coffin!). Hmm. Maybe a necromancer would be suitable, given loadsa corpses. But you said no evil, which makes it a bit tricky, most of them are on the evil side.

Spellcasters are most certainly welcome, and we certainly need someone to examine the corpses.

Liberty's Edge

Oh, goodie. Then I'm interested... I'll see what I can come up with concept-wise.

Maybe almost a cross between Abby and Ducky? Only the rambling monologues will be more about matters arcane... hmmm.

Oh, this sounds quite intriguing. Are there any slots remaining?

Grimmeh wrote:
Oh, this sounds quite intriguing. Are there any slots remaining?

I'll make a final selection of characters on Monday.

I'm thinking either a somewhat Harry Dresden-esque sorcerer, or possible a possibly an illusion/enchantment specialist.
I'll try to get a concept for both up by the end of the day.

Silver Crusade

Sorry about that. I didn't see your post response before now. I'll come up with the actual character tonight, but my idea is something along the lines of a classic pulp magician (ala Mandrake) using the magician archetype presented for the bard. It's something I've always wanted to try.

Silver Crusade

Lothar Narda, the Magician:

Str 17 (13)
Dex 14 (5)
Con 10 (-2 + 2 for being human)
Int 14 (5)
Wis 7 (-4)
Cha 13 (3)

Lothar Narda
Male human bard [magician] 2
LG medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3

hp 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3)
Special Attack bardic performance (7/day), Improved Counterspell, distraction, fascinate (DC 12), dweomercraft +1
Spells Known (CL 2nd):
1st (3/day) -
0 (at will) -

Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Perception +3, Perform (act) +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Use Magic Device +7
SQ magical talent, expanded repertoire, extended performance
Languages Common, Kelish, Vudrani

I haven't worked out spells and gear yet but this is what I have for now. I can change my character so that he works as a sidekick to someone else (lookin' right at ya, Barrdyn to be Watson to your Holmes).

There this should work a little better.


Lothar Narda
Male human bard [magician] 2
LG medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3

hp 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3)
Special Attack bardic performance (7/day), Improved Counterspell, distraction, fascinate (DC 12), dweomercraft +1
Spells Known (CL 2nd):
1st (3/day) -
0 (at will) -

Str 17, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Perception +3, Perform (act) +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Use Magic Device +7
SQ magical talent, expanded repertoire, extended performance
Languages Common, Kelish, Vudrani

I'll finish up my gear and spells as well as getting started on a background. I'll have it ready by noon est Sunday.

Barrdyn Klymeth wrote:


I see this character as a prolific user of Clear Ear. He'd have the following traits: Anatomist, Suspicious. I'm not intending to play him exactly like Sherlock Holmes, but rather a Golarion version with my own spin. I'd be interested in setting up a Holmes/Watson like camaraderie with another player too. He'll have a reasonable Strength, Intelligence and Wisdom, with a negative Charisma modifier.

Foggy might work well as your Watson.

waynemarkstubbs: I kicked up his strength a notch, dropped some Charisma. Even so I expect him to try to stay out of melee. Party support, mostly through healing and later buffing. Switching from Sarenrae to Calistria -- he'll be focused more on vengeance for wrong-doing. I'll rewrite his background to match.

Added traits -- Deft Dodger and Child of the streets.

Languages : The 4 bonus languages for halflings are: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin.

Given Calistria, elven is a no-brainer. which of the other tree is most common in Absalom?

Foggy wrote:

Added traits -- Deft Dodger and Child of the streets.

Languages : The 4 bonus languages for halflings are: Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, and Goblin.

Given Calistria, elven is a no-brainer. which of the other tree is most common in Absalom?

I would guess Dwarven and Gnomish are equally common.

Liberty's Edge

Meet Calatin ab'Halla, a rather tubby and decidedly untidy human wizard (Divination School specialist). He's curious about everything, always wants to know what happened, how and why. The rest of the fellows at the College of Mysteries regard him as a bit of a joke, yet his lineage dates back to one of the original founders in unbroken line of wizards, so they've never quite managed to pluck up the courage to show him the door. Doesn't show the proper decorum, you see, scampers around everywhere and talks to absolutely anybody about anything!

He first got involved with the investigations by chance. He was scurrying along one rainy evening (heading for an inn and his supper, truth be told) and crashed headlong into Captain Napoleon Able when the poor soul was bending over a corpse in the gutter. Something caught his eye as he extracted himself from the undignified tangle, and ignoring both Able's wrath and the laughter of the watch, he reached behind the corpse's ear and showed Able the minute dart - barely a splinter - concealed there, said, "That's what did for him," and scampered off in search of beer.

Able reckoned he might come in useful and, well, the rest is history... (or the chronicles of the pbp if you'll have him!)

Nazard here, putting forth Demona Flint for consideration.

Once a victimized young cat burglar from the Narrows of Oppara, now a street-wise criminal turned informant turned undercover operative for the City Watch and moonlighting as a local bounty hunter, Demona knows the city of Absalom like the back of her hand. If she doesn't know what you need, she knows who to ask and where to find him.

Still working out background, but is essential ready for use. Lothar resides in a flop in the Ascendant Court. He's a down on his luck performer that sometimes helps the Greycloaks solve the occasional unusual crime. He was a student of the College of Mysteries (he showed strong natural talent) and may have had a future as a curator there. He was held to be a "labyrinth" in the Mystery of Stage Illusion at the College before leaving unexpectedly.


Lothar Narda
Male human bard [magician] 2
LG medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +3

hp 17 (2d8+4)
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1

Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +4 (1d3+3)
Special Attack bardic performance (7/day), Improved Counterspell, distraction, fascinate (DC 12), dweomercraft +1
Spells Known (CL 2nd):
1st (3/day) - cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, memory lapse
0 (at will) - dancing lights, detect magic, prestidigitation, read magic, spark

Str 17, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Toughness
Traits Stage Magic, Stealthy Escape
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Escape Artist +7, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) +7, Perception +3, Perform (act) +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Use Magic Device +7
SQ magical talent, expanded repertoire, extended performance
Languages Common, Kelish, Vudrani
Gear adventurer's sash (pending DM approval), casting plaster, smokesticks (6), smoke pellets (10 [pending GM's approval]), potion of cure light wounds (4), smelling salts (2), cash to pay rent for a flop in Ascendant Court.

Thank you all for your submissions. They were all very good, and I had the unenviable task of choosing.

The characters selected are

Demona Flint Female Human Ranger/Bard
Catalin ab'Halla Male Human Diviner
Rufus Infernobucket Male Gnome Alchemist
Jack the Tracker Male Human Inquisitor
Foggy Male Halfling Cleric

I will put the OOC thread up momentarily. Players, please check in there to show that you are still with us. Please finish up your character profiles - let me know if you need some input from me.

Thank you again to the unsuccessful applicants - please feel free to follow the game and resubmit as and when vacancies arise.

Liberty's Edge

Thank you. I'd better roll the character up now! See you in the OOC thread.

Mr Infernobucket: have you seen Open Design's latest work Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist? Some nice feats and ideas for building an alchemist character.

Link to OOC Thread

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Megan Robertson wrote:

Thank you. I'd better roll the character up now! See you in the OOC thread.

Mr Infernobucket: have you seen Open Design's latest work Advanced Feats: Secrets of the Alchemist? Some nice feats and ideas for building an alchemist character.

No, I haven't, but I tend to stay clear of 3rd party content. Especially a class as new as the Alchemist.

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