
mbowsher76's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


NSpicer wrote:

Just my opinion, but since you're new (and presumably starting PCs off at 1st level), I'd recommend Hollow's Last Hope. For starters, it's a free adventure that you can download in PDF format. You can also buy a print copy for pretty cheap, too. It's only 16 pages long (rather than the typical 32-page format), but it's jam-packed with neat encounters, a great backstory, and even a small town that can serve as your PCs' base of operations for many levels to come.

In fact, there's the Guide to Darkmoon Vale if you want more information about the surrounding countryside. There's also follow-up adventures like Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King, Carnival of Tears, and few more on the immediate horizon that involve the same area. So you'd have the ability to expand if you wanted...or take things off on your own, as well.

Lastly, I'd also like to recommend the soon-to-be-released Realm of the Fellnight Queen due out in January 2010. It's written by some hack who won a contest or something. But I hear it might be pretty good...

My two-cents,

Where can I go to download Hallo's Last Hope? I tried searching here and could not find it.

I am also new to Pathfinder. I have played in D8D Campaigns before but this is going to be my first go as Game Master and I am looking for something exciting, but good for new players, and a new GM alike!