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![]() I'd like to point out first off that I haven't been able to play Pathfinder yet (not even during the playtest). However, after reviewing the latest changes made to the Fighter class, it occurs to me that Dex-based fighters are the best sorts of fighters in the game now. This is all due to Armor Training. Assuming you use full plate, you must have a +6 dex bonus at level 20 in order to maximize the class feature's effectiveness. So is the dex-based, dual-wielding, weapon finesse-ing fighter the only sort of fighter to be in Pathfinder? ![]()
![]() Beckett wrote: If you understand that aetheism is itself a religious veiw, it makes sense. I think this may be the root of a great deal of confusion in all of the conversations occurring in this thread. Atheism itself is most certainly NOT a religious view. It is a position of skepticism towards theology and super-naturalism. It is a distinct lack of religion, not a religion in and of itself. This is probably why words like Atheism and Agnosticism cause so much confusion in the discussion of D&D. Atheism implies a complete lack of belief in deities due to lack of evidence to support the theory that they exist. Agnosticism implies an impartial position on the <i>existence</i> of deities because there is no evidence to indicate existence or non-existence. Both of these are completely useless terms in Golarion, except to describe absolutely insane individuals who can't grasp objective reality. Those who recognize the existence of Gods yet reject those Gods' right to worship and rule over mortals need a new label to distinguish their philosophy from Atheists and Agnostics. I would propose the Dwarven word "Urgrim", literally translating to "Godless One". Paizo could use this word in future supplements to clear up the confusion. Beckett, was your secular humanist friend playing a Cleric or some other divine class like Shugenja? ![]()
![]() OP here. I guess what really has me miffed about Cleric is that every other "big four" class can have its role filled by someone else. Fighter can be replaced by Barbarian or Paladin. Rogue can be replaced by Scout or Ninja. Wizard can be replaced by Sorcerer or Warmage. And that's only naming two in each instance. I could name off a half dozen viable replacements for Wizard if I really wanted to. But the Cleric is indispensable. You can pull out something like the Favored Soul or Dragon Shaman, but they're always going to be "Made in Hong Kong" versions of the real deal. I just want to have some options in order to fill my preferred party role. Granted, from an RP standpoint, the Cleric is pretty damned versatile. No two Clerics will be entirely alike. It's all dependent upon which deity your worship. But once again, that's part of the problem. Here's what it boils down to. I'm a staunch atheist. I feel that belief in God is about as silly as belief in the Tooth Fairy or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Now, I understand that an atheist viewpoint in Golarion would be equally as silly as a theist viewpoint is on Earth. Gods walk the world and interact with mortals on a daily basis. Their existence is readily apparent and objectively indisputable. However, being atheist <i>in the real world</i>, I've spent a great deal of time reading the works of individuals like Jefferson, Paine, and Dawkins. I find their philosophy of reasoned living, self-reliance, and shirking of the status quo to be truly inspiring. I want to create a character who embodies this philosophy. To me, organized religion is the archetypal representative of the status quo, so to create a character who worships a God and places his fate in that God's hands...well, it just makes it difficult for me to connect with that character emotionally or intellectually. However, I also love the mechanics of healing in this game. I want to be able to fill that party role and still connect with the character I'm playing. I don't want to play a Favored Soul who doesn't actively worship his deity. I don't want to play a Cleric who worships an ideal rather than a God. Both of these concepts are still intimately reliant upon divine energy, and divine energy would represent an altogether loathsome aspect of existence for this character. The Ur-Priest idea is the closest I've seen to what I'm looking for, but I don't like the idea of having to be non-good. I see this character as kind-hearted and virtuous. No, I need a new option to make this work. ![]()
![]() Beckett wrote: So what is your problem with Divine? I, personally, have no problem with it. It's just that roughly everyone else in my gaming group hates healing. I love healing, but I get tired of playing a religious character. It severely limits my RP options if I have to worship a deity, whereas everyone else has the option of atheism or apathy. ![]()
![]() My major gripe with 3.5/Pathfinder (as opposed to 4E) is that if you want to have a competent healer in the party, someone is forced to play a divine character. What I would really like to see in any possible future PFRPG splatbooks is a base class which is non-divine but equal to the cleric in its healing capability. The Bard can provide a passable arcane healer, but they rely so heavily upon magic items to fill the role that it begins to become a major gold sink throughout the course of the game. ![]()
![]() Does Pathfinder have a player database where players can sign up and meet people to form gaming groups? Forums like the Gamer Connection help, but the Pathfinder player base seems to be a bit smaller and more scattered than other gaming systems (this is to be expected right now, being an upstart and all). I'm moving to Boston, MA soon and my room mate and I will be dying to find a Pathfinder group, but neither of us have any idea where to start searching. I just think a Paizo-organized player database would be the best way for us to connect. ![]()
![]() Well, I have two PCs, not enough to start the game. As such, the start date will be postponed until next Monday. lhoward0043 wrote:
![]() Official game time will be Monday nights starting at 6pm EST and continuing as late as 11pm. Here's the rundown: The campaign is the WotC published "Scales of War" adventure path. As such, it takes place in the standard D&D setting. Generate your ability scores using Method 2 outlined on page 17 of the Player's Handbook. Otherwise, follow all standard rules for creating first level characters. Supplemental rules allowed are as follows: All material from Player's Handbook, Player's Handbook 2, and Martial Power. Races outlined in the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide, as well as the Swordmage class, are also allowed. Material published in Dragon Magazine must be presented to me for approval before use. Materials published on the WotC website as excerpts will rarely be approved prior to final publishing. The campaign starts in Brindol, an isolated town of small to medium size. The population consists mostly of Humans, Half-Elves, and Dwarves. Please prepare a basic character backstory (doesn't have to be anything fancy) and create a character token using the Token Tool available at www.rptools.net. The game will be run using Maptool (also available through that link), and communication/dice-rolling will be done through the program's integrated chat window. If you're interested in playing and/or have questions just reply here or send an email buddhasmash@gmail.com. Currently there are 4 spots available. ![]()
![]() PC: Arcanix 13013 (AKA Rusty), Warforged Barbarian 1
Long Description: Originally constructed by House Cannith as a gift to the Wardens of the Wood, Rusty only recently moved to Sasserine (a recently rediscovered culture hidden away in the Lhazaar Principalities). Intending to test his mettle against the monsters in Sasserine's infamous arena, he fell in cahoots with a group of adventurers hired by Lavinia Vanderboren. He met his end after wading haphazardly into a sea urchin-infested cave pool and provoking the ire of the Ixitxachitl inhabitants. Rusty was a strong, silent type, known for being a living wrecking machine and his tendency to cut NPCs in half before the Paladin could question them. :-) ![]()
![]() I'm running There Is No Honor and the PCs just walked into Roblach's shop and f*~@ed up his day. So far there have been four deaths or attempted murders in Sasserine since the PCs showed up (Vark, Islaran, Roblach and the High Priestess of Wee Jas). So I'm thinking about adding in an encounter where the PCs get arrested and have to face trial. Can anyone recommend an adventure where this sort of scenario is handled well so I can read over it? ![]()
![]() Joshua J. Frost wrote: We're in talks with a company that specializes in online RPG games about becoming our official online product for Pathfinder Society OP. While I have no time line to announce, I can say that we're thinking about and working on it. This is precisely why I'm a Paizo loyalist. You guys actually respond to your customers instead of keeping info in a vice like WotC. It's why I pay money for Paizo and pirate everyone else. You're like an open source company. I love it. :-D ![]()
![]() Well, I don't have a microphone, so I couldn't play in a VOIP game. :-( Perhaps I'll just DM a text-based VTT game (I'll just never PC ever again /sob). Late night game (starting at 11 PM EST). Rise of the Runelords, PFRPG Beta ruleset maybe? Would anyone have interest in this? Maybe the mods should move this thread to the Gamer Connection forum. Edit: Just forget all that. :-P I stopped to seriously consider what I was saying and realized it was a bad idea. DMing two games a week and potentially playing a cohort in another is too much gaming. :-/ I'd still like to PC, though. ![]()
![]() NotMousse wrote: I'd be happy to DM such games, but would prefer some kind of voice and IM interface, such as Skype to handle gaming rather than PbP or PbEM. Well, the only problem that presents is that VOIP services like Ventrillo don't have a whiteboard for maps and minis. And text based gaming is actually extremely fun, but in a completely different way. The analogy I like to use is that while in person gaming has the feel of acting out a story, chat based gaming feels like cooperatively writing a book. ![]()
![]() Is it allowable to run a Pathfinder Society group online (via online tabletops like Dungeonhelper and RPTools)? If not, it should be. It would be a great help to players like myself who could never get into a face to face Pathfinder group due to geographical location. Not many interested gamers in the Knoxville, TN area. :-( If it's already allowed: Which kind DM would like to run one? I'd take it upon myself, but I'm already DMing a Savage Tide Eb conversion. I want to PLAY! :-D You know what would be unbelievably crazy awesome? If someone on the Paizo staff DM'd it. James Jacobs, I'm looking your way. ;-) ![]()
![]() Does Paizo have any plans to do a subscription based online service similar to D&D Insider? Personally, I'd love to see this, particularly if it included an online tabletop. I think a message board devoted specifically to matching up PF players for online games would also be awesome. I have a hard time finding gaming groups in my area. :-/ ![]()
![]() I'm going to be playing a cleric of Olidimarra soon, and so I'm trying to find a prestige class that combines the abilities of a cleric and a rogue, particularly decent spell casting and 6 or more skills per level. I checked out Divine Prankster, but they appear to be more focused on Bard abilities. Any ideas? ![]()
![]() Robert Hradek wrote:
What was your party makeup? How'd they hold up against this? ![]()
![]() Ok, I'm running There is No Honor (eberron conversion, pathfinder rules) with a group of 4 2nd level PCs, 36 point buy, max HP (I buffed the PCs because they're mostly new players). They just finished Parrot Island and I've been noticing that they're tearing through most of my monsters. It's all thanks to the Warforged Barbarian (he dealt 26 points of damage to the Huecuva in one blow). They've had it easy up to now, and when they face Rowyn and Gut Tugger I want to make sure it gives them a good challenge. Looking at Rowyn's stat block, though, I've realized that she's sort of weak sauce. How would you guys buff her? I already know that I'm going to max out her HP to match the PCs, and I'm going to give her a couple of action points. I've thought about changing her bard levels to fighter... ![]()
![]() Fatespinner wrote:
Actually, it does. Thanks a ton, bro. :-) ![]()
![]() Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:
There's actually going to be two cohorts in this game, by virtue of two PCs taking leadership. The other cohort is slated to be a Bard, so I'm trying to avoid doing the same. Good idea, though. ![]()
![]() I'll be joining a 3.5 game soon (Age of Worms, in fact :-D), playing the cohort of one of the main PCs who took the leadership feat. Rather than hand me a pre-generated cohort, the player has left the story and build up to me. The PC is a Paladin of Heironeous, so I intend to turn the cohort into a devoted follower, something like the squires of medieval Europe who loyally supported a knight. By way of all sorts of house rule f&&~ery, the Paladin I'm following is going to have some limited arcane capability and diminished HP/martial prowess, so he could probably use a cohort who can absorb some damage for him and heal/buff his ass. Can anyone think of a build which fits this flavor/party role? ![]()
![]() First of all, I don't think the 5th should be a Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Sorcerer, or Rogue, because then you start stepping on the toes of your party members. Sure, it would allow for tactical double coverage. But if you look at it from an RP perspective, it feels like you'd be stealing the spotlight from somebody. Initially I was thinking Factotum, then someone mentioned Binder. That got me to thinking: Wouldn't it be interesting to make a prestige class that allows you to progress effective Binder level and increases inspiration points? You would be the ultimate "oh s+#!" button. :-D ![]()
![]() I was considering Factotum from Dungeonscape, but it seems like the class doesn't get nearly enough inspiration points to remain effective throughout the course of even one encounter, much less one day of adventuring. Anyone know if there's anymore Factotum material out there, like new feats and such? |