Adimarchus was...

Shackled City Adventure Path

Seriously, this was - hands down - the best campaign that money could buy. Only once did I have a similarly thick play experience and that came with a home-brew campaign from a DM who actually writes his own novels, doesn't own a TV and is an avid role-player.

It started off, 2006 on March 8th, 18.00 CET and ended tonight, Sep 27th, 1.00 am CET/DST.

A total of 1 DM, 9 players, 12 party characters (Koroth, Tallia, Vaughn, Ron (NPC), Arri, Kallidos, Blake, Awildo, Paleos (aka Nidrama), Elana, Kaurophon) approximately 100-130 sessions, lasting 4-5 hours on average, more than 1 million experience points given out in total, 3 players, who stayed from the beginning to the end, 2 of which stuck to the same character for the whole campaign, another who was there in the beginning and in the end and ran three different characters (only one of which - Kaurophon - died), one player dropped out early, one dropped out late, but two players of the remaining lot joined late, one of them running the orphaned Smoking Eye to its glorious triumph over Adimarchus.

In the final confrontation, the party consisted of ...
Kallidos, the human Smoking Eye 18th level Bard (ECL19)
Elana, the elf Rog10/Wiz1/ArcArcher8 (ECL19)
Blake, the human Swsh5/Rogue14 (ECL19)
Arri, the gnomish Wiz18th (ECL18)
Paleos/Nidrama, the fallen angel (ECL18)
Ulfgarr, the Dwarfen cleric 18th (ECL18)

They made pretty good progress on the lower levels of Skullrot dispatching Hexavog, Slouva and their henchman with relative ease. Assaulting Dark Myrakul, they came up with a really strong tactics. They had an intelligent sword in their possession which could - in the hands of a rogue - sneak attack undead. They put fly and silence on the rogue, who rushed the cleric, depriving him of a lot of spells and the party wizard proceeded to grapple him with a crushing hand. His buffs should better have included the freedom of movement ... :-\

After he was done, the cage got opened almost immediately afterward. Adimarchus came along and battle ensued.

However, between walls of force and too little damage from regular attacks against a group with a total of about 888 hp, he was forced to try save-or-die effects, which were all countered by a house rule, called drama die (meant to increase tension by creating spectacular moments by doing 2d20 instead of 1d20 the defenses were simply too strong to overcome). A sneak attacking rogue, plus bardic holy avenger action and an Alakast, which became (house ruled) cold iron against Adimarchus made quick work of his demonic shape. The array of cold iron arrows, enchanted with the holy property during notch (Arcane Archer house rule) added their damage for good measure. Fast healing 15 couldn't hope to keep up with that kind of punishment. The worst, however, was the application of Otto's irrestisible dance, forced through the spell resistance with a chunk of drama dice. Between full attacks, attacks of opportunity and the occasional spell, slicing through the resistance, Adimarchus was doomed to be crushed.

In the end, a gigantic session (compared to the average length) lasting 10 hours (not including the breaks) brought about the death/destruction of Dark Myrakul, his demonflesh golem and both forms of Adimarchus within 30 combat rounds.

The general consensus was, that a lot of things could have turned this battle upside down and easily TPKed the group. Lack of drama dice, lack of a bard with the courage (and dozens mirror images) to touch attack a demon prince with above-mentioned spell, lack of a cold-iron alakast, lack of a compliment of cold iron arrows or the golembane scarab earlier, lack of a potent healer, ...

The Shackled City campaign has provided us with great joy and entertainment over more than 3 1/2 years, however, it is nigh impossible to win with core 3.5 rules alone ...

Over and out,

Awesome! I love to hear stories of one of the Dungeon campaigns ending with an epic battle!

3.5 years...that's a LOT of playing. Congraluations -- you deserve it!

The Exchange

The Shackled City was the single best campaign I ever had the chance to play in and DM. My wife and I enjoyed it so much that we set 2 more campaigns in the city, building from that one. The most fun I had DMing it was playing Corystan Pike, who joined the group. She went on to become probably the most leathal Sorceress I ever built. I will probably run it again...and again. :D

Grand Lodge

I've run it to near completion once, and I plan on running it to full completion when I return home this December. I love the AP format, and wish we could get more hardcover collections out there. I'd also love to see some APs that focus on a narrower band of levels. Six adventures spread out over three-fours levels, to get away from that 'rush through the levels' feel.

Congratulations on the completion of your SCAP campaign!


Thanks for the wishes !

Now I need to find players for the replay :-)

Someone having friends in the Munich area, who'd like to join ... =) ?

Congratulations from France.

I'm still running this one since 2005.... hope we'll see such a great end someday.

And there we go again ...

Found a couple of people willing to go adventuring in a jungle town recently. Restart going to happen in February...

Hope it turns into such an epic again ;-)


nibb wrote:

And there we go again ...

Found a couple of people willing to go adventuring in a jungle town recently. Restart going to happen in February...

Hope it turns into such an epic again ;-)


Oh, in Munich? sweet :)

We play in Munich as well, the group i DM is about to finish Prince of Redhand at CL16, in the Age ow Worms adventure path; it's going on for over 2 years now. Happy gaming!

we have been playing for 1 year now and we just finished tree of cages.

Just finished the Foundation of Fire.

delvesdeep wrote:
Just finished the Foundation of Fire.

Funny, tonight should be our final session of FoF.

I noticed that in another thread you mentioned some of your 'final changes' to the campaign. I'm curious if those are beyond what you've already contributed, and if so, if you think you'll have time to share them with the community here? Moving into the final stages of the campaign myself, i'm interested in making the ending as climactic as possible, and would love to hear what you have planned, and how it works out.

Tonight it's the start of Test of the smoking eye, going to the Abyss with their new friend (Kaurophon...) or maybe going back to Redgorge to try to stop the Cauldron guard (and maybe some demons) to crush the Chisel....or neither, wait and create magic?
To be or not to be (a demon lord) that's the question;)

Shimrath wrote:
delvesdeep wrote:
Just finished the Foundation of Fire.

Funny, tonight should be our final session of FoF.

I noticed that in another thread you mentioned some of your 'final changes' to the campaign. I'm curious if those are beyond what you've already contributed, and if so, if you think you'll have time to share them with the community here? Moving into the final stages of the campaign myself, i'm interested in making the ending as climactic as possible, and would love to hear what you have planned, and how it works out.

I haven't written anything up other than what I have posted already on here and the old website (if that even exists now). Once the party have faced Hookface in the city they will enter the now open gate beneath Valantru's old abode and face off against my modified list of Cagewright Masters. I'm particularly looking forward to the battles with the Jester (and his twin ;)), Gua (sp?), Shebeleth and of course Dyr'ryd (with his little possessed head).

Once this part of the campaign is finished I'll have to do some more writing to accompany my ideas. I'm not sure how much you have read of any of my posts in the past but I then intend to skip the Strike on Shatterhorn adventure completely and play a mini-adventure where the party hunt down Nidrama after learning of her importance and discover she has been captured by Embril who has taken her to the Haunted Village.

The party will then move through the ancient village where they will encounter Alzuid the blackguard and his undead trawl. The Cagewright Master Flying in on the back of a Nightwing should be nice surprize for the party! Following this the party will dive beneath the waters of the lake and swim to the Kopru Necropolis where they are attacked by a swarm of Kopru ghosts. Finally reaching the Necropolis thy find Embrila dn her Spellweaver ally holding a ritual over Nidrama in an ancient temple devoted to Adimarchus.

Here the party must enter the dreamrealm where Embril has taken Nidrama with the help of the Spellweaver where she aims to kill her and hopefully shatter Adimarchus' fragile clasp on sanity completely. The party fight Embril and then return with Nidrama, kill the Spellweaver and claim an important magical prize - the Dream Catcher, which will enable them to enter Adimarchus' Nighmares when they finally face the imprisoned fallen angel and destroy his Inner Demon effectively freeing him of his evil Insanity.

From the Haunted Village the party heads to Asylum as per the adventure, fights their way through it including Dark Mykal before facing Adimarchus with Nidrama in tow. Now in the direct presence of the Fallen Angel they can use the Dream Catcher to enter his Nightmare Realm.

The Realm looks like a circular corridor with doors opening outwards from its length. Each Door opens into one of his sins and nightmares. The Party then work they way through his 'sins' which are the very Nightmares the party has been experiencing and stop the events from transpiring through role play or battle. Once all the sins are redeemed the center of the realm is revealed where Adimarchus' Inner Demons rests upon his throne casting out Nightmares to the realm and all creatures that dream.

The party then face the Inner Demon (Adimarchus Demonic side as found in the SCAP Appendix). Once he is defeated the party emerge from the Nightmares and Nidrama opens the cage allowing Adimarchus to emerge.

Admarichus then seeks redemption by returning to Occipitus to step inside the Dark Flames of the Skull and sacrifice what's left of his soul to help cast out the evil that the plan had become.

Unfortunately Anthux (use Adimarchus' Angel Stats) and Adimachus' two treacherous Pit Fiend generals appear to stop him. Too weak to fight himself it is up to the party to defeat the incredibly powerful foes.

Once the party is triumphant, Adimarchus kisses Nidrama goodbye and steps into the flame. The plane immediate begins to change back to the angelic land it once was and rise back into the heavens.

The campaign finishes with Nidrama blessing the party and Adimarchus being reborn as a Celestial Lantern from the skull to come and rest with his love.

Sorry didn't mean to go through all that, was just trying to remember myself. I'm sure I put a fair bit more detail in my other documents but it is the Monster Stats, maps and general numbers I need to work through now.



delvesdeep wrote:
Sorry didn't mean to go through all that, was just trying to remember myself. I'm sure I put a fair bit more detail in my other documents

Not a problem, that's exactly what i was hoping you'd do! Do you recall, by chance, what your original document was called over at RPGenius? Lots, if not all, of those files now rest here: LINK

I most certainly recall reading your 'Alternate Cagewrights' document, but i do not recall seeing much about the endgame, beyond the idea that it would be much more than "fight Adimarchus and win SCAP", which is exactly what i'm looking to do.

One of my players, perhaps two, will be very interested in trying to rescue Adimarchus from both his physical and mental prisons, so i really like what you've dreamed up.


AH! Now that i look around a little, i realize that the document i'm looking for is one and the same with the 'Alternate Cagewrights'document.


>>I haven't written anything up other than what I have posted already on here and the old website (if that even exists now).

Its still there.

Delve -
I am another DM interested in the alternate ending you describe, I like the concept of redeeming the plane. The player with the smoking eye would be disappointed in after killing Adima - the whole campaign ends abruptly with the plane issue still "open".

So... if you do find your maps of kophru sunken location map/encounters i would be interested.

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