Weekly Poll #4: What age group do you fall into? (For those that are curious about the average Pathfinder gamer age)

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

This week's poll is located here:

Past polls can be found at the bottom of the page.

Future polls suggestions are welcome. Email me here with your suggestions or just post in this thread.

6 days left to vote.

Voted. In a class by my self,Group of 56 to 65, hopefully not for long.


Yay, me and all the cool kids are part of the (as of the time I voted) largest segment (26-35). ;) I just turned 30 this year.

Those age buckets seemed a little big to me; I'm 35, and I feel I have more in common with a 36-year-old than a 26-year-old somehow...

5 days left to vote.

A great question. And I like how it lets me blend in with younger people, but not how it puts in the same bracket as 45 year olds! ;P

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
A great question. And I like how it lets me blend in with younger people, but not how it puts in the same bracket as 45 year olds! ;P

Hey! Although I'm in the 36-45 age bracket... I still consider myself "younger people". :)

Todd Stewart wrote:
Yay, me and all the cool kids are part of the (as of the time I voted) largest segment (26-35). ;) I just turned 30 this year.

30? Dang that's old!

I'm only 29! (and 8 months...) :)


Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Shakes his head


Sovereign Court

Some people claim that we play a dying hobby and that the younger crowd gathers around D&D 4e.

From that perspective it's great to see that the third largest group of voters consists of people of age 18+ -- players attracted to 3.x style roleplaying -- making me feel more optimistic about our hobby.



Kyle Baird wrote:
Todd Stewart wrote:
Yay, me and all the cool kids are part of the (as of the time I voted) largest segment (26-35). ;) I just turned 30 this year.

30? Dang that's old!

I'm only 29! (and 8 months...) :)

You've got 4 months left to do stuff, and after that you'll no longer be able to use your "crazy youth" as a reason for it. So do what I did and use the hell out of that excuse before you hit 30 and reluctantly have to embrace being a true adult (on paper at least).

Looks like my group (36-45) is kicking ass and taking numbers!

Now all you damn kids, stay offa my...wait, what were we talking about?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm still a whippersnapper of 19...

Liberty's Edge

wow, i didnt honestly think that there were many 18 - 25 year olds who play PF or RPGs in general...i thought i was a minority, shows wht i know!

Peebo :D

Woo! Collective youth five!

In an ideal world Paizo would have A Big Cool Idea to encourage the 12-18 year olds whose enthusiasm will carry the game onwards after we are gone.

I say this as I believe the children are our future.

The Far Wanderer wrote:

In an ideal world Paizo would have A Big Cool Idea to encourage the 12-18 year olds whose enthusiasm will carry the game onwards after we are gone.

I say this as I believe the children are our future.

This isn't a bad idea... its sort of how I got interested in D&D when I was 13. I started playing when AD&D was first released. I found character creation fairly simple and few things to keep track of. Sure its nice to have options now, but I find that I have to have to use a computer for keeping track of and printing out all my feats, abilities, etc. The higher the level, the more complex it gets. It would be nice to see just a simplified version, where you don't get any level based benefits other that what your class affords. (This means no favored class bonuses, no ability gains, no feats). Spells would be reduced to just basic effects. (Or even a spell tree system similar to Gurps).

Anyways, I could roll out ideas forever, but I think there is a place for rules-light rp'ing books. As Far Wanderer has mentioned it could well define the future of our hobby in general.

Lantern Lodge

i happen to be 20, (21 on january 20th 2010) what bracket is that. i still happen to be the hack and slash type, but currently happen to be stuck as the party bandaid. technically i prefer rogues and to a lesser extent, sorcerers, i also enjoy bending shugenja to my whim. (what easier way to play an ame warashi, but to take an elf shugenja focused on weather effects) i would love to play the following classes, psion (kineticist, possibly some oddball energy type), swordsage (shadow hand for the win), warlock (i used it one time as a dip on a rogue that died the next session.), and possibly a beguiler or favored soul(if i can earn the patience).

but technically i still play 3.5 edition dnd. my dm and i have plans to try pathfinder. i am willing to convert to pathfinder if needed.

please convert the unseen seer to pathfinder. unseen seer is my favorite prestige class.

Scarab Sages

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

This week's poll is located here:


Past polls can be found at the bottom of the page.

Future polls suggestions are welcome. Email me here with your suggestions or just post in this thread.

I are 35 in human years.

Sovereign Court

Yeah the 26-35 year olds are really the 2nd generation of gamers. I know I learned it from my youngest uncle and his friends who are 46ish now. I still bug him about the treasure chest of unpainted minis (made of LEAD no less) that he hoards like a dragon. He keeps saying he wants his daughters to have them, but I know the chances they'll game is slim...

Gimme da Mini's Unk!

--Vrock, Paper, Scissors

Grand Lodge

How old do you want me to be?

The answer is...:

I'll be 36 in November.
Plotting the downfall of humanity since 1973!
I tend to get along better with the 26 end of the spectrum. The major exceptions are my longtime friends who don't have kids, etc. Which number no more than 5. Most who are my age that have a family, etc can't relate to me nor I them.

Liberty's Edge

vagrant-poet wrote:
Woo! Collective youth five!

Wow, is it odd that I knew exactly what you meant, even without hearing the inflection or seeing the upraised hand?

Sovereign Court

The Far Wanderer wrote:
I say this as I believe the children are our future.

Teach them well and let them lead the way?

Less than 1 day remaining to vote.

Jagyr Ebonwood wrote:
vagrant-poet wrote:
Woo! Collective youth five!
Wow, is it odd that I knew exactly what you meant, even without hearing the inflection or seeing the upraised hand?

The Todd will be with us forever.

Now there are four of us....

-- david

silverhair2008 wrote:
Voted. In a class by my self,Group of 56 to 65, hopefully not for long.

The poll has now closed with over 300 people voting. Thank you to everyone for stopping by the Pathfinder Polling Booth!

This poll has essentially queried the "Pathfinder forum reader age range", so it may not necessarily reflect the "Pathfinder roleplayer age range", but I suspect it's not too far off.

I was very surprised to see that there was no one in the age range of 13-17 that voted. I started roleplaying when I was 13, and really had an enjoyable time roleplaying between 13 to 17 years old. My life would have turned out a lot differently without this early introduction to roleplaying. I do know, that at 13, the multitude and complexity of the rules of 3.5 / Pathfinder, would have been a little too much. (Heck, I've been playing 3.0/3.5 since the day if its release, and there are still many rules I don't fully know/forget/misinterpret).

I really do hope that some publisher out there considers making a "rules light" version to supplement Pathfinder. Sort of like a D&D Basic. I already have a pretty good draft for such a product, so if no one does publish such, then I'll look into such a project in a year's time. I think its very important to market a product to the 13-17 year range, as it in turn helps to ensure the continued longevity and prosperity of our hobby.

As for the poll, 78% (230+) of the votes are from the 26-45 age range. I am very interested in learning the age when people first started playing Pathfinder, so this will be the subject of a new future poll.

Sovereign Court

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
I was very surprised to see that there was no one in the age range of 13-17 that voted.

If it makes you feel any better, I do run a game for the son (age 12) of two of my friends and several of his friends (ages 10-13).

The old guard bringing in the new. ;)

Scarab Sages

I also DM for my kids, using Pathfinder, ages 9, 10, 12, and 13.

But they don't do online polls. I would guess your poll is more reflective of who browses these boards and less of who is actually gaming.

Dark Archive

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

As for the poll, 78% (230+) of the votes are from the 26-45 age range. I am very interested in learning the age when people first started playing Pathfinder, so this will be the subject of a new future poll.

Unfortunately I noticed this poll to late. I myself fit well into that 26-45 range (my birthday will be in December, so.. thanks for having that poll now, otherwise I would have moved up to the next range).

I do not agree with the results, I am not sure if they are correct. The result of the poll only show that the majority of people are in the mentioned rage who visit this website (and partook in the poll)as well as play PF.

As for the above quote: (learning the age when people first started playing Pathfinder, )

If the question is when one started playing Pathfinder, the majority of answers would be in the same range, since the Pathfinder as a Game (including the Alpha Version) ain't that old as to make a significant difference.

The better question (in my humble opinion) would be "when did one start playing Roleplaying Games / D&D/AD&D".

As for me, I started playing in High School, somewhere in October 1979, my Starting Game being AD&D (the Module A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity (from the Scourge of the Slavelords Series)). My first Character was that pre-generated Character by the Name of Bloodgett (male Halfling Thief).

Geeee... Its my aniversary.. or it will be somewhere this month...

I wonder If I qualify for some cookies?

Devlin 'Dusk' Valerian wrote:

As for the above quote: (learning the age when people first started playing Pathfinder, )

If the question is when one started playing Pathfinder, the majority of answers would be in the same range, since the Pathfinder as a Game (including the Alpha Version) ain't that old as to make a significant difference.

The better question (in my humble opinion) would be "when did one start playing Roleplaying Games / D&D/AD&D".

Whoops, I meant to say when people first started playing D&D (or roleplaying in general). Sheesh, it seems like I have already forgotten about D&D and am now calling the game Pathfinder. Perhaps someday we'll just be calling it "PF", since everything has to be abbreviated to remain hip and current :)

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