Alkir's Crypt of the Everflame - Pathfinder RPG Play-By-Post


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The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

"The lefthand path is the way of darkness." Lianth mutters obscurely, before speaking up more clearly, "I agree, let's go west."

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Depends," Thorvin says, shouldering his axe. "We could split up, or we could try and sneak by going West or we can try and bull straight through the trouble and head East. Pers'nally, I think sneaking's already out, what with the big door opening. But then again, if we head East, something may come from West and try and take us from behind." The dwarf grins humourlessly. "Ain't this just a walk in the daisies?"

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"I think we should East. I will take point and Thorvin and cover our rears with his bow. Any objections?"

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"I will be in front of Thorvin, as I can be lucky, or can at least twist fate somewhat. I suggest Lianth trail virgil, (looking at Lianth), as you have an animal who can smell out foes and senses that are more likely to detect trouble first."

As far as I can tell, in the end, we have 3 votes for East and one vote for West. Does this sound right? Is a marching order of Virgil, followed by Rourke, followed by Lianth, followed by Carrion, with Thorvin going last acceptable to everyone?

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Sure, works for me.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4


The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Cool. Although Lianth is not going to agree with Virgil again, as she was just agreeing with him to say 'go West,' and he then changes his mind and says 'go East.' :)

A conversation ensues as to if the party should go East or West from this point. Virgil suggest West and Lianth agrees. Thorvin first appears ambivalent about the issue and then decides to that traveling towards the ever present wailing would be the "safest" alternative as it prevents said enemy from sneaking up from behind. Virgil agrees with the dwarf, earning him a dirty look from the druid. Rourke looks on with tilted head interested, yet very confused. Carrion throws his luck in the with the idea of going East and the path is decided.

The ancient Eastern hall quickly bends South and as you approach the mournful wailing grows louder with each step toward the door at the end of this musty hallway. There are a host of bones strewn on the floor here, many of which are cracked and broken. The door itself is another iron banded oak affair, but this time the door bears a large rectangular copper plate set with a large keyhole. The wailing is definitely coming from behind this door.

What first appeared to be an alcove on the Western side of this hall, turns out to be a side passage running a few feet before ending in an oaken door with a large iron pull ring.

Current Map

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"The wailing is either some wretch in need of assistance or some wretch in need of slaying. Or both. Any objections to this door?"

I wonder why I have a candycane striped box around me...

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Try the door to the side, first," Thorvin advises. "If there's someone in need of saving at the end of this tunnel, there might be guards or keys in there. If there's some horrible beastie waiting to butcher us, maybe there's some spears or similar to keep it at bay."

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"So, rush into danger or walk, I choose the danger idea. Let's choose the side door first, deter any issues that may occur."

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"The other door then." Virgil slowly cracks open the door to the west after everyone has lined up behind him.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Carrion eyes the door cautiously, hobbling somewhat closer as needed. He then casts Detect Magic, centered on the door.

Spot on the door, for runes, markings, etc.
Take 20, total 21

Carrion Hawthorne wrote:

Carrion eyes the door cautiously, hobbling somewhat closer as needed. He then casts Detect Magic, centered on the door.

Spot on the door, for runes, markings, etc.
Take 20, total 21

Disappointingly, Carrion finds the door devoid of any magical properties, whatsoever. It would appear that both of these doors are of the rather mundane variety.

Virgil cracks the Western door spilling light into a dark, musky smelling room. The Southern portion of the room is obscured in shadowy darkness as Virgil strains to see in the light emanating from the hissing, sputtering brand grasped by Lianth behind him.

Suddenly, a sharp, raspy hiss comes from somewhere in the darkened room followed immeadiately by a "clack, clack, clack" sound.

Knowledge Nature DC 12:

The odor is a telltale sign of certain species of giant insects. By the sounds of it, this particular species sports seizable mandibles.

Carrion's Initiative Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Virgil's Initiative Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Thorvin's Initiative Check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Lianth's Initiative Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
?????'s Initiative Check: 1d20 ⇒ 2

Current Map


Round 1
Initiative Order:

  • Thorvin
  • Lianth
  • Virgil
  • Carrion
  • ?????

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Knowledge (nature) check, 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

"Beware, it could be some venomous insect, and we have no magic to treat toxins."

Total guess, from the clacking, I haven't read the spoiler.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Make room for me," Thorvin says, already starting to surge forward. "I can see what hides in the dark. And ask yer wolf what he smells"

Thorvin tries to move ahead in the cue.

Lianth of Mist Lake wrote:

Knowledge (nature) check, 1d20+6

"Beware, it could be some venomous insect, and we have no magic to treat toxins."

Total guess, from the clacking, I haven't read the spoiler.

No worries, there. Speaking is a free action, does Lianth wish to take an official action on round 1?

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Lianth takes a step back (diagonally towards the south door), pulling Roarke back with her (leaving him in her previous square), so that Thorvin can squeeze in behind Virgil.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Hearing the hissing and clacking, Virgil shuts the door and leans back while holding the pull-ring to put his weight against it opening. He looks at Lianth, "You said something about giant insects? No sense in wandering about in the dark trying to find it. I doubt whatever it is can open doors, so let's wait a few seconds and try to listen to see how big and how many there are. It will probably come and scratch at the door. Prepare yourselves."

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Carrion will cast Resistance on the one nearest the door, squeezing through as needed to cast, and will cast it on everyone (himself last), time alloting

Moments after Virgil shuts the door in front of him, the portal shudders as a large mass slams against it's other side. Other than this initial impact, however, the room beyond the door remains silent.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"So at least it isn't intelligent enough to try to open the door. Would someone like to peek underneath while I hold it shut?"

The space beneath the door is very small, and even Thorvin with his darkvision can see little more than was first revealed when opening the door. There is no visible sign of the insectoid assailant.

Perception Check DC 20

Feintly, you hear the sound of something soft being dragged or rolled across the stone floor in the room beyond.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Hold on, let me take a look," Thorvin grunts as he gets down and peers through the narrow gap. "Can't make anything out," the dwarf soon curses. "Someone else want to have a try?"

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

"I'll give it a go."

Carrion assumes a prone position and focuses, and will stand again once complete.

Take 20 spot (since we're not rushed), total 21

"Something soft is being moved across the floor, don't know what."

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"I think we should flank it at the intersection just behind us. Carrion in the north hallway and Lianth and Thorvin in the south hallway. Thorvin in front. I will open the door and run straight to the north hall and Carrion will be behind me. When it comes out, we can hit it from both sides."

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

"A good plan. I suspect that it may be a centipede or beetle, based on the sound of the pincers, so be sure to dash back quickly after unlatching the door, it may be quite fast..."

She silently prays that it is not a scorpion's claws they heard clacking, as she has heard that their venom is deadlier than most.

As they get into position, she places Guidance upon Virgil first, and then takes her position behind Thorvin and places Guidance upon him. +1 to next attack, save or skill check within the next minute.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Let's do it, then," Thorving grunts. The dwarf hefts his axe and gets moving.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

"As soon as Carrion is in place..."

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Carrion will ensure he has cast Resistance upon everyone, readies his morningstar, casts Shield upon himself, then moves into position to accompany Virgil.
Carrion will also cast Detect Magic, and concentrate on it, dropping it as soon as a hostile creature or object is within visual range. If a trap is found, and Detect Magic is still up, Carrion will discern its magical nature, if any.

"Ready as we'll ever be"

In summation, everyone has +1 to saves (magic bonus) for one minute. I am readying True Strike should the creature attack me, or Touch of Destiny (+1 insight bonus to atk/checks/saves for one round) on Virgil if he is attacked

Life has been quite hectic, this game has been unimportant, but I while strive to bring attention once a day

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

We didn't get the last part of that sentence. It is very understandable that life is hectic and no one wants to make you feel bad about it. I apologize if it seemed like I was being impatient. No harm was intended.

"Ready? 3..2..1..Go!" Virgil lets go of the pull-ring and gives the door a solid kick. He then runs to the space just north of the intersection and stands ready with his sword.

Virgil explains his plan and orders everyone into place. Lianth tells Rourke to guard Carrion before she moves into position behind the dwarf.

"Ready? 3..2..1..Go!" Virgil lets go of the pull-ring and gives the door a solid kick. The door flies open again, nothing is visible, but a hissing rasp issues forth from the darkened room. Virgil takes off towards the junction to the East. "Here it comes," he yells, legs pumping. He glances over his shoulder to see a man-sized, yellow beetle, with long whip-like antennae chasing behind him. He rounds the corner of the Northern Hall sure the creature is only feet behind him.

Two heartbeats leap in the warrior's chest, but the beetle does not emerge
He takes a quick glance around the corner only to see the beetle arching it's back as a proboscis like appendage protrudes from the tip of it's abdomen and sprays forth a torrential spray of green liquid. It covers Virgil and Thorvin smoking and burning their skin and eyes.

Giant Beetle

Current Map

Acidic Spray 2d6 ⇒ (3, 6) = 9Thorvin and Virgil take 9 points of acid damage from the creature's spray, Reflex Save DC 13 for half damage.


Round 1
Initiative Order:

  • Thorvin
  • Lianth
  • Virgil
  • Carrion
  • Beetle

Knowledge Nature DC 12

This is a giant bombardier beetle, a neutral insect that is immune to all types of mind affecting effects. They are known to be very territorial.

Knowledge Nature DC 17

A bombardier beetle can keep stride with a normal human, can see in the dark up to 60 feet, and it's bite is strong enough to penetrate even the heaviest armor.

Knowledge Nature DC 22

A bombardier beetle has a replenish able supple of acid which it can use to spray in defense of it's territory as often as every 15 seconds. A bombardier beetle's sensory perception is also diminished somewhate in bright light.

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Knowledge (nature) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

"Hells." Lianth says, immediately calling upon the healing forces of nature to keep her dwarven companion in the fight.

Cure Light Wounds on Thorvin. 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

The healing forces of nature don't like dwarves, I guess...

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Reflex save 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

Virgil roars in anger as the acid scalds his face, "My plans! They do nothing!" Wiping the worst of the burning acid from his eyes, he lunges at the beetle with a fierce whisper, "The Boar Rushes Down the Mountain." His stroke begins as a powerful diagonal slash which starts behind the right shoulder, and then curves into a horizontal slash.

Attack, with Power Attack
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 6 = 12

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Virgil wrote:

We didn't get the last part of that sentence. It is very understandable that life is hectic and no one wants to make you feel bad about it. I apologize if it seemed like I was being impatient. No harm was intended.

I was not feeling sadly about it, I was stating what I was doing; just in case I didn't respond for awhile

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

Reflex save: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23. Knowledge (nature) check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19. I am keeping my action in reserve for now, depending on what we decide to do; fight or flight.

Thorvin bellows his pain and outrage at the assault, acid sizzling his skin. He registers Lianth's healing magic but dimly. "It's a giant bombardier beetle!" he shouts. "Territorial bug! Close the door and it won't follow!"

I wanted to take a moment here to clear up round one actions and initiative.

At the start of round everyone was holding for Virgil to lead the beetle down the hall. However the beetle did not move within range this round. Virgil, having already moved has a standard action available but not a move action and is not within melee range of the creature. Lianth has taken a standard action but has a move action remaining for herself as well as a move and standard action available for Rourke. Carrion, has a move and standard action available, as does Thorvin.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Alright, I didn't realize the round had started when the door opened. I'm so used to being asked to roll initiative to know when things are starting! Everyone just ignore my previous post.

Virgil roars in anger as the acid scalds his face, "My plans! They do nothing!" Wiping the worst of the burning vitriol from his eyes, he re-grips his sword and peeks around the corner, "It's already past the door! We need to hit it hard and fast! Go!" Virgil backs up against the wall to allow Carrion to move past him without impedance.

Virgil can't really do anything with his move action besides just make himself a target to the beetle and block everyone's attacks. He stays put.

Virgil Longstreet wrote:

Alright, I didn't realize the round had started when the door opened. I'm so used to being asked to roll initiative to know when things are starting! Everyone just ignore my previous post.

Virgil roars in anger as the acid scalds his face, "My plans! They do nothing!" Wiping the worst of the burning vitriol from his eyes, he re-grips his sword and peeks around the corner, "It's already past the door! We need to hit it hard and fast! Go!" Virgil backs up against the wall to allow Carrion to move past him without impedance.

Virgil can't really do anything with his move action besides just make himself a target to the beetle and block everyone's attacks. He stays put.

Looking back I realize it was less than clear, but I had rolled initiative out previously when you opened the door, since you did nothing but shut it, I just went ahead and re-used the same init and reset the round counter. I'm honestly not trying to weasel you out of an attack action, it's just how things turned out. You may save your attack and damage roll for round 2.

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Virgil wrote:

Everyone just ignore my previous post.

Don't worry, I usually do.

Carrion positions himself behind Virgil, and says "Destiny calls, for a very short time," touches Virgil's shoulder, and Virgil feels inspired (+1 atk/checks/saves until Carrion's next round).
If possible, Carrion will draw his crossbow.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1

"Try and keep me alive, kind lady," Thorvin shouts to Lianth. "Death or glory! HAAARRGH!" Thorvin raises his trusty battle-axe ... and charges around the corner in an attempt to cut the bombardier beetle down. Sadly, it does not seem like his blow does any real damage. "Back me up here, longshanks!" he shouts at Virgil.

Attack roll: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8. Damage roll: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9.

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Seeing that no one else can strike the beetle past the dwarf, Lianth chucks her dagger at it, not expecting much of an effect...

Attack 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 Damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Remind me again how Druids are CoDzilla? Ugh.

Male Dwarf Ranger 1
Lianth of Mist Lake wrote:
Remind me again how Druids are CoDzilla? Ugh.

I imagine that doesn't start until you can turn into a dire animal. ^^; Oh dear, oh dear.

Male Human Bard 6+2 : HP 51 : AC 14 CMD 16 Touch 12 Flat 12 : F +4 R +8 W +7 : INIT +2 Perc +11 CMB +4

Lianth, you're not having Rourke take an action?

The Exchange

F Human Druid 1

Roarke has no ranged attacks, so he's pretty much gotta wait for Thorvin to drop before he can move in. And Lianth just threw her missile weapon. So she's gonna take up parcheesi. Darn 5 ft. wide corridors. :)

Scarab Sages

Male Human Sorcerer (Destined) 1 ((AC 12 (16 MA) Tch 12/FF 10(14), HP 8/8, Init +6, fort 2/ref 2/will 3, perc 1, +2 lt crossbow/dagger/ranged touch, +0 other attacks)) Spells-0(unlimited)-Resistance, Detect Magic, Daze, Acid Splash; 1-Mage Armor, True Strike

Natural spell begins the process of Druid wins.....

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