Paladin Mount

Rules Questions


I´m pretty sure this came up earlier somewhere around here but i can find that thread. How does the paladin mount work now? Once i call it for how long does it stay?

Grand Lodge

Frerezar wrote:
I´m pretty sure this came up earlier somewhere around here but i can find that thread. How does the paladin mount work now? Once i call it for how long does it stay?

The rules dont specify but according to Divine bond the celestial spirit you call into a weapon lasts 1 minute per paladin level. This seems pretty silly when you look at the application of a mount.

without actually rules I would say the mount remains until dismissed. If I had to create a rule for it I would go with 1 hour per paladin level.

Sovereign Court

The mount is permanent like an animal companion, it doesn't go away at all. You just gain an ability to summon it a number of times per day as a full round action.

Pretty damn handy when your wondering about underground and want to get some use out of your mounted combat feats. :)

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So you either have an artifact level weapon for a minute per level each day or a handy mount........

I don't see many players picking the horsey.


So does that mean that it can be dismissed as well? For example i summon it into a big room in a dungeon that he couldn´t get into the first place, can i dismiss him after so it can get ou?

Frerezar wrote:
So does that mean that it can be dismissed as well? For example i summon it into a big room in a dungeon that he couldn´t get into the first place, can i dismiss him after so it can get ou?

No but you can wait until tomorrow and summon him out.


Thanks for the advice, this clarifies it pretty well.

The Exchange

Frerezar wrote:
I´m pretty sure this came up earlier somewhere around here but i can find that thread. How does the paladin mount work now? Once i call it for how long does it stay?

It works like the mount spell, 2 hours/level.

Grey Cat wrote:
Frerezar wrote:
I´m pretty sure this came up earlier somewhere around here but i can find that thread. How does the paladin mount work now? Once i call it for how long does it stay?
It works like the mount spell, 2 hours/level.

um... no.

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