Basic DR question

Rules Questions

I keep seeing references to DR X/-. Am I correct in assuming that this means that the DR in question can be bypassed by any magical weapon or the like, or is it the only other thing I can think of; that it can't be bypassed at all?

The former makes the most sense IMO, but I'd prefer to be certain.

Dark Archive

Chris Parker wrote:

I keep seeing references to DR X/-. Am I correct in assuming that this means that the DR in question can be bypassed by any magical weapon or the like, or is it the only other thing I can think of; that it can't be bypassed at all?

The former makes the most sense IMO, but I'd prefer to be certain.

When dealing with DR the number before states how much the reduction is, the words after the slash indicate what bypasses it. In this case there is nothing you can do to bypass the DR unless you take feats to specialize in doing so.

Awesome. Thanks for the quick response.

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