Council of Thieves Obituaries

Council of Thieves

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I gather that Turin the Mad is running Council of Thieves, so I shall expect to see a goodly bodycount reported from his group, if from no-one else. (Especially given that PF #26 was written as a Pett & Logue 'special'.)

Correct good Sir Charles - I am indeed running a CoT (and beyond) campaign, though I do not expect any character deaths before the next session at the earliest.

I mean, my players took the clue hammering pretty well and declined to tangle with both the Hellknights and the Blind Seer... tsk tsk. ^_^

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This happened last weekend (the same night I posted the party, ironically) but I still wanted to give the corpse some lovin'.

Name: Alexite Marius Pandeloric
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Sorcerer (Infernal bloodline) 2
Adventure: Bastards of Erebus
Location: The sewers below Westcrown
Catalyst: Gelatinous cube.
The Gory Details: After hosing up what was otherwise a very very successful run on a house of aristocrats (his own family, in fact), the party fled into the sewers, rather than crossing the city above ground at night, back to the group's hideout. Alas, a wrong turn was taken and only the party leader even noticed the odd "will o wisp" - actually the torch shine reflecting off the gelatinous cube....right as it paralyzed and began to devour Alexite. Once Petronicus (the party brick) was paralyzed rescuing him, the decision was made to separate the wheat from the chaff and Petronicus was saved at Alexite's expense.
He died poorly, though probably as he ought to have.

Scarab Sages

Name: Kenshin Hymura
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter/3
Adventure: Sixfold Trials
Location: The Nightshade Theater, Westcrown
Catalyst: Act VI of the Sixfold Trials of Larazod
The Gory Details: There are five members of this party, so one character was filling in as Ilsandra after Calseinica died just moments before the curtain rose. She had been enjoying a mysteriously delivered box of chocolates when she apparently ate some containing nuts, which she was deathly allergic too. Kenshin was filling the role of Tybain and was doing quite a good job of it, when Act VI began. As the scene was revealed, a pair of troll skeletons attacked and managed to lay Larazod down in a flurry of claws and bites. His compainions, including Kenshin rushed to his aid. Unfortunately for Kenshin, half way through the battle he was attacked, a critial hit from a claw, along with another claw and bite attack took him from a moderately wounded state to quite dead.

After the battle, the mayor was gracious enough to pay for his ressurection.

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Serendipity wrote:

He died poorly, though probably as he ought to have.

"You notice the corridor getting... cleaner..." pause "Roll Perception"

Words you never want to hear your GM say in any 10x10 corridor.

Mwa ha ha ha!

rakur wrote:

After the battle, the mayor was gracious enough to pay for his ressurection.

"A true friend is the one with thousands of GP worth of diamonds to bring you back after a bad roll."

Mikhaila Burnett 313 wrote:
Serendipity wrote:

He died poorly, though probably as he ought to have.

"You notice the corridor getting... cleaner..."

Mwa ha ha ha!

Yeah, the Wescrani division of Merry Maids really should have been the big tip off. Shows you what a bunch of first level characters know. ;P

Name: Ineptus
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cloistered Cleric 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: B25 'The Crux Sanctum'
Catalyst: Outcast King's full round attack
The Gory Details: Having a few minutes before been taunted by the mouthy cleric, The Outcast King - benefiting from (non-scripted) potions of spider climb and invisibility, prosecuted a full-round attack with both swords, bite and tentacles. The total damage dealt was enough to outright kill the cleric, not counting the tentacles' constriction damage...

So far the tally stands at:

Bastards of Erebus: 1 PC demise.
The Sixfold Trial: 2 PC demises.
Others: Yet to score.

Liberty's Edge

Name: Henric Jenare
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Druid / 2nd
Adventure: Bastards of Erebus
Location: Bastard's Lair
Catalyst: "Helldog" Maul Attack
The Gory Details: Poor Henric is attacked by two of the Baatard's Helldogs. Both attack's hit, with one ending up to be a critical. This dropped the druid. Unfortunately, the final fight with Palaveen ended up being near to where the druid fell, so when the Cleric of Asmodeus used his Negative Channeling effect on the group as they surrounded him...

...well, that was the end of poor Henric.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Name: Kariel Malestrum
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Rogue 5
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: The Crux Sanctum
Catalyst: Outcast King
The Gory Details: After suffering a massive attack from the Outcast King, Kariel tried to retreat and recover by doing a running jump into the lake of filth. Unfortunately the continuous bleeding dropped her unconcious and she slid below the surface. Because her jump check was so good, she was too far away from everyone and no one was able to reach her in time before she drowned.


Name: Job
Class: Paladin
Level: 2
Adventure: Bastards of Erebus, extra adventures.
Player: other DM, quite handy poweroleplayer.
Catalyst: Taking on shadow monsters in the dark. With no backup.

The party, flush with success in taking out the Bastards and feeling cocky, decides to trap and slay a shadow monster or two. Even approached by a certain someone with the offer of cash for the errand.

Heading into the "darkest nearby street, with the cleric at the center..."

On come 2 Yeth-hounds and a shadow mastiff, staged in 2 rounds. 'twould have been all good, save for the Evoker and Paladin failing their will saves vs. panic.

Lots of free attacks later, some tripped PC's and all around desperation, the Sorcerer manages to drop one with a Color Spray, the Bard, Wizard, and Cleric all tackle the other.

This leaves poor Job to fend off a yeth-hound (sans DR) on his lonesome. His corpse, and a sizeable chunk of loot would have goon missing, but for the timely application of a tanglefoot bag.

He was later reincarnated (party chipped in the cash, and the wizard crafted the scroll, barely.)

The price for the body of one monster corpse? A scroll of restoration for the negative level. All in all, a good death.

Name: Da Pimp 3.0
Race: Human
Classes/levels: wanna-be Arcane Trickster, Rogue 3/Wizard 2 (Divination specialist)
Adventure: Betwixt 'The Sixfold Trial' and 'What Lies in Dust' - assign as you see fit for the CoT Total Kill Count. ^_^
Location: Shrine of Aroden
Catalyst: Advanced Fighter 5 Vampire, 3 slam attacks = 1 negative level too many to continue being alive.

Silver Crusade

Name: Nailo
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Wizard 3
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: The Nightshade Opera House
Catalyst: Troll Skeleton
The Gory Details: The rot grubs of the Trial of Pleasure took a major toll on the party wizard, reducing Nailo to only 4 Constitution. Leaving her with a pitiful number of hitpoints left. The party had to scramble over the proceeding trials to keep her from taking damage and dying. But the party made a slight error for the Trial by Combat and Love.

They had placed all their melee characters near the front of the stage, thinking that was where the main threat would come, while they placed Nailo and Calseinica near the back near the curtains. Much to their horror the back curtain came up, revealing the two troll skeletons. Thanks to a high roll and a +7 initiative check, they were on the top of the initiative and got to work tearing into the rear of the party. Thanks to a slash to her back by a lemure had reduced her to 1 Dexterity (thank you Critical Hit Deck), Calseinica was virtually helpless against the troll skeleton, and was torn to pieces. Nailo fared no better with her almost non-existent hitpoints, and was quickly turned into a mangled, bloody mess by the other skeleton.

The rest of the party, covered in the blood of their fallen allies, then engaged the skeletons. They nearly all perished, the fighter and monk of the party were both knocked into the negatives. But some timely invisibility and illusions along with the clerics healing managed to only barely keep the rest of the party from suffering the same fate as Nailo and Calseinica.

I have to tell you, the party was scared to death that they were going to have to fight Robahl has he came down in the role of Asmodeous. They were on their last leg, and not up for another tough fight. The Sixfold Trials have the potential to be extremely lethal to a party.

Liberty's Edge

Classes/levels:Wizard 2
Adventure:The Bastards of Erebus
Location:Bastard's Lair
Catalyst:Hell Dogs
The Gory Details: Variel loses initiative to the hell dogs, and both decide to attack him. One pounces him, knocking him to the ground, and the other comes up and starts eating his arm. The party bard gets one off of him, but the one on top scores a critical hit with his bite, and rips out Variel's throat, going from -2 hp straight to -12. He was mourned, and would have been buried with his masterwork sword had the party fighter not managed to bend his own fighting Dravano.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Name: Euridice Ferrier
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Cleric 3/Sorcerer 2
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Massacre House Mausoleum
Catalyst: Female Dread Mummy Monk
The Gory Details: After dispatching of some skeleton fodder, the Mummy rose up from a corner behind the party. Euridice turned to look only to meets its Gaze of Despair. Failing the save, she was paralyzed as the rest of the group moved in to attack. Blatantly accepting any attacks of oppurtunity, the mummy flew before Euridice to deliver a coup de grace one round later with her shocking burst temple sword.

I anticipated this being a tough fight, but the thing is; Euridice is the PC with most of the fire damage attacks. Taking her out made it a lot tougher for the rest of the group.

Dark Archive

I bagged two pelts at once.
Name: Feldwin Alando
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot, The Tower of Perpetuity
Catalyst: Shadows

Name: Zial Thorivar
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot, The Tower of Perpetuity
Catalyst: Shadows

The Gory Details: Terrible tactics and no magic weapons meant death by strength damage for these two. As a consolation prize they now get to wander the Tower as Shadows until the end of days or another adventuring party kills them, whichever comes first.

Dark Archive

Jim Cirillo wrote:

I bagged two pelts at once.

Name: Feldwin Alando
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot, The Tower of Perpetuity
Catalyst: Shadows

Name: Zial Thorivar
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot, The Tower of Perpetuity
Catalyst: Shadows

The Gory Details: Terrible tactics and no magic weapons meant death by strength damage for these two. As a consolation prize they now get to wander the Tower as Shadows until the end of days or another adventuring party kills them, whichever comes first.

What a horrific and gruesome way to die! Encore?

Sovereign Court

Name: Ella Jeggare
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Paladin 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot
Catalyst: Shadows
The Gory Details: Since the party did not find and/or take any of the keyed items in the Asmodean knot, they used a rope of climbing and a levitate spell to retreat to the beginning after securing the main treasure.

During their withdrawal, two shadows came out to play and they hit the paladin for 6, 5, and 6 points of strength damage, bringing my wife's 17 Str paladin to an untimely demise. The party had to kill her raised shadow as well, which was entirely humorous at the time.

Sovereign Court

Cralius the Dark wrote:

Name: Euridice Ferrier

Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Cleric 3/Sorcerer 2
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Massacre House Mausoleum
Catalyst: Female Dread Mummy Monk
The Gory Details: After dispatching of some skeleton fodder, the Mummy rose up from a corner behind the party. Euridice turned to look only to meets its Gaze of Despair. Failing the save, she was paralyzed as the rest of the group moved in to attack. Blatantly accepting any attacks of oppurtunity, the mummy flew before Euridice to deliver a coup de grace one round later with her shocking burst temple sword.

I anticipated this being a tough fight, but the thing is; Euridice is the PC with most of the fire damage attacks. Taking her out made it a lot tougher for the rest of the group.

I suppose this was rebuilt by the GM as a customized encounter?

What Lies in Dust Spoiler ahead:
There are no undead in the Massacre House, as it is full of female monks!

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Thorgrym wrote:

I suppose this was rebuilt by the GM as a customized encounter?

** spoiler omitted **

Most definitely. After almost a full night of roleplaying, the group was due for a good fight. I didn't think the Massacre house was going to give it to them, so I amped it up a little.

What Lies in Dust spoiler:
I made it so the Sisters took care of the upstairs and the Mommy Mummy (heh, heh) and her undead minions watched over the urns below.

As for the mummy. Although I built it from scratch, the idea came from Rise of the Runelords:

RotRL spoiler:
The Black Monk from Fortress of the Stone Giants

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Name: #127 (inside joke, don't ask)
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 5
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Delvehaven
Catalyst: Shadowy Triceratops skeleton
The Gory Details: (optional) Nothing fancy here folks. This was a straight up beat-down. A gore attack here and a gore attack there, followed by a retreat, followed by a blast of searing darkness. Thanks for playing.

Name: Mr. Grover
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cleric 7
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Vault of DelveHaven
Catalyst: Fighting the entire level at once
The Gory Details: After some initial good luck, our DM thought we were having too easy a time of things and had all the vampires and spawn show up within a couple rounds of each other. A few bad rolls later and things were looking like a TPK. The bard broke and ran, the paladin had only a couple levels left, and the cleric was out of useful spells.

As a last resort the soon to be Eldritch Knight pulled out a scroll of Sunburst and tossed the dice. The good news was that he successfully cast the spell and the Vampires failed their saves. The bad news was that the PCs did too. This killed the Cleric outright and left the rest of the PCs blind and almost dead. A good intelligence check allowed us to find our way back to the tavern and the escape hatch. Luckily we'd cleared out all of the monsters.

Potential TPK

Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: Delvehaven
Catalyst: Shadowy Triceratops
The Gory Details: We entered Delvehaven with a party of 3. A party of very experienced players who min-maxed their characters to the...max. A ranged Paladin of Erastil, Sword and Board Heavy Fighter, and a Fighter/Transmutation Wizard. We had so far done the entire campaign with this group and, although some things got tough at times, we managed to get it done using our combined skills.

We got into Delvehaven, avoiding traps and being generally awesome about s%#$. A hallway where we need to go as a group? No problem. Three heavily armored badasses skipped down that fool hand and hand. We didn't care, we were badass adventurers who could take anything thrown our way. So we are in that next area with the tank in the middle. Cool, a tank. I see some bones in it and some other crap. We got this. Oh what was that DM? A Perception check? S++%, can do! Oh darn, we rolled low. So we don't see this Huge Triceratops of shadows bearing down on me and my boys.

It hits the Fighter, he takes 29 damage. A decent chunk, but we could turn the tides, we thought (The HP spread went as follows: Fighter - 67, Wizard - 66, Paladin - 54.) Fighter gets the next initiative, charges in and gets hit again from the AoO for another 24 damage. He swings and hits the monster for about 17 damage. A good hit for a longsword, DR dropped the damage to 12. It's time for the epic Wizard to come in with his arcane bonded Greatsword. The wizard charges in, swings, and hits, dishing out 2d6+15 Power Attacked Damage, then unleashing the Shocking Grasp stored in his weapon, sending out a total of 43 damage into the beast, 15 of that total damage prevented with DR and resistances, making it 28 actual damage. Not bad. Then its the Triceratops turn, it hits the Fighter with a Gore, downs him. Hits the Wizard with another Gore, dishes out 27 damage. Then it hits the Wizard with an unavoidable ray of negative energy, doing an additional 18 damage. S*%& it kind of getting real at this point. The Paladin sets the Triceratops as his Smite Evil target and shoots - missing thanks to the shadowy crap this thing has.

So we are suddenly realizing we might be in trouble. The Fighter doesn't stabilize. The Wizard swings his sword again and would hit...but he misses due to the shadowy stuff. The Triceratops starts attacking the Wizard again, hitting him twice and leaving him at -13 hit points. The Paladin rushes in and heals the Fighter with a cure moderate, himself getting hit badly from the AoO. The DM realizes that this "CR 7" monster is overly powered, lets the Fighter pull out a maneuver out of his ass as a last ditch effort - smash his bag of 10 greek fires and 3 cure moderate potions on the Triceratops. After the damage is over, all this leaving the Triceratops dead.

The B.S.: As a fellow DM I was baffled how a monster this powerful is only CR 7, so after the game the DM and I (the Wizard) pull out the Bestiary and compare the stats for a Shadowy Skeletal Triceratops to a Regular Triceratops - A regular Triceratops is CR 8 with 20 more hit points than this Shadowy thing, less to hit bonus, no DR, much less average damage, no concealment, no 'Haste' effect, and no Negative Energy Ray, yet for some reason the Shadowy Triceratops was only CR 7?!!! Did you guys not playtest this thing? Arg... Everything else in the Lodge after that potential TPK has been well scaled and fun to go through, but this damn Triceratops was just too powerful and not properly CR'd for the first combat encounter in the damn Lodge for a party of level 6 characters.

DeathCon 00 wrote:

Reading this makes me very glad the cleric in our party spotted the Triceratops and used Invis vs Undead to bypass it.

Vaellen wrote:
DeathCon 00 wrote:
Reading this makes me very glad the cleric in our party spotted the Triceratops and used Invis vs Undead to bypass it.

We are bringing in a Cleric next session since this player is going to play in the campaign I am going to start running after the current DM wraps up this AP. He has nothing to do so he was just going to hang out and watch so we figured he might as well make a heal stick so the Paladin can actually attack a lot rather than have to use wands half the time to heal everyone. But honestly, I have never seen anything so improperly CR'd in any of the previous modules. A skeletal Triceratops would have been difficult enough on its own, and that would have been CR 7.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Is this kind of like the "Young" Shadows?

Dark Archive

Mikhaila Burnett wrote:
Jim Cirillo wrote:

I bagged two pelts at once.

Name: Feldwin Alando
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot, The Tower of Perpetuity
Catalyst: Shadows

Name: Zial Thorivar
Race: Half-elf
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 4
Adventure: The Sixfold Trial
Location: Asmodean Knot, The Tower of Perpetuity
Catalyst: Shadows

The Gory Details: Terrible tactics and no magic weapons meant death by strength damage for these two. As a consolation prize they now get to wander the Tower as Shadows until the end of days or another adventuring party kills them, whichever comes first.

What a horrific and gruesome way to die! Encore?

The encore happened this week. After securing the Crux, the two survivors along with two prisoners they found in the Knot's jail went back to free their former comrade's souls from undeath. Feldwin's brother, Findler, is a Cleric of Serenrae and the Cleric was receiving nasty visions from his God about what would happen if he left his brother as a Shadow. He would be granted a boon though if his brother was destroyed by his own hand. Much better prepared this time, the group dispatched the Shadows and Findler's brother was destroyed by his own hand (after being down to a scary 2 Strength) and Serenrae bathed her disciple in divine fire. In game mechanics terms he swapped out his Good Domain for the Fire Domain.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
DeathCon 00 wrote:

Potential TPK

From reading your combat description I'm not sure if the fight was run right. The T-tops has only one gore attack per round, and the searing negative energy takes a standard action, so he can't use it on the turn he attacks.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
DeathCon 00 wrote:

Potential TPK
From reading your combat description I'm not sure if the fight was run right. The T-tops has only one gore attack per round, and the searing negative energy takes a standard action, so he can't use it on the turn he attacks.

I agree about the searing darkness attack as its a spell-like ability.

But as for the gore attack,that is right. The stat block states "when it makes a full attack, it can make a second attack with its gore as if hastened."

So no, it at least shouldn't have shot the searing darkness in the same round.


After "What Lies in Dust" but before "The Infernal Syndrome" my players took a little side-trek (actually, just heading back to Delvehaven for some trinkets - specifically, the lantern from the Council Chamber)

Here, they encountered the 3rd bounty hunter gunning for them, on Werner von Braun and his hired Ranger goons.

The setup: Our party of 5 lvl 6 PC's are challenged by a silent knight in black and red. They recognize that he's wearing Merc-banners and his "gonna mess you up" sunday best.

What they DON'T see are the 5 ranger goons hiding in the nearby building and alleyway, ready to provide ranged support...

Evan, Human Cleric 6
Catalyst: Low, low, low initiative, and arrows to the chest.
Where: Westcrown, just outside Delvehaven
When: just after clearing Delvehaven.

Lined up in a row, Evan, currently wearing a bright shiny new magic doohickey around his neck, may as well have worn a sandwich board with a bullseye around the words "Healer."

Each Ranger shot him with Manyshot and Rapid Shot, nailing him in place with 4 attacks (but 6 actual arrows.) With Point Blank Shot and Favored Enemy, he went down to -26 or so from full, without taking a single action.

The Cavalier managed to one-shot the Bard as well, Spirited Charging him into unconsiousness (and taking a nasty swipe from the party's Paladin in the proces) before becoming a bullet/magic missile/fireball sink himself. The Rangers were driven off with 3 hp each, after 2 fireballs to the chin.

Of the enemies, only 1 Ranger and Werner (plus his horse) were actually killed; the rest fled.

Evan was later Reincarnated as a Human....stupid d100 rolls....


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

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psionichamster wrote:
Evan was later Reincarnated as a Human....stupid d100 rolls....-t

I reincarnated Sheriff Hemlock, from RotRL, as a goblin when he met an untimely end... the irony of that roll was so thick you could use it for full-plate.

Scarab Sages

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

I reincarnated Sheriff Hemlock, from RotRL, as a goblin when he met an untimely end... the irony of that roll was so thick you could use it for full-plate.

I'm surprised he chose to come back knowing he'd be a goblin (after spell is cast, before soul is returned) - although it's not as if it was Shelelu.

psionichamster wrote:

The setup: Our party of 5 lvl 6 PC's are challenged by a silent knight in black and red. They recognize that he's wearing Merc-banners and his "gonna mess you up" sunday best.

What they DON'T see are the 5 ranger goons hiding in the nearby building and alleyway, ready to provide ranged support...

You ambushed 5 6th level PCs with 5 6th level rangers (plus one other guy)? Ouch.


yep, ouch.

to wit: they tried to kill the Mayor, in full view of several nobles, after successfully completing The Sixfold Trial.

Aside from Evan (the Healer who bought it), they're all wanted "men" with a rather sizeable bounty on their heads.

Besides, they're so tricked out, they managed to survive, sans one cleric. Mess with bull, horns, etc...


psionichamster wrote:

yep, ouch.

to wit: they tried to kill the Mayor, in full view of several nobles, after successfully completing The Sixfold Trial.

Aside from Evan (the Healer who bought it), they're all wanted "men" with a rather sizeable bounty on their heads.

Besides, they're so tricked out, they managed to survive, sans one cleric. Mess with bull, horns, etc...


Well - like you said, they attempted to murder the Mayor in front of plenty of witnesses.

Sounds like an excuse to orchestrate an AP transition, hounded out of Cheliax by the bounty killers ... to the River Kingdoms. ^_^

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

The Mayor doesn't really come off as all that bad of a guy. What provoked them to attack him?

It is good to hear about a group of PC's who go too far get their comeuppance.

Shadow Lodge

Name: Tielong
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue (3)
Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
Location: On Stage during act V of the trials.
Catalyst: It's never good to be Lazarod and have the lowest hit point total and AC in the party when two trolls have decided you're target numero uno.
The Gory Details: (optional) After surviving quite handily through the rest of the acts the party was feeling particularly well-endowed. They had struggled a bit through the belly of the beast with some near misses, but constant reassurance (read: lay of hands) from the paladin kept Lazarod alive through five failed climb checks, but my six-sided die that was incapable of rolling anything but a one saved them. Eventually though he walked on stage for act five, the curtains parted, and one of the two skeletons immediately (a 19 on an initiative roll will do that) took a five step towards him and lashed out with two claws which took him to -3 hit points instantly. The party's ranger was lucky and landed a critical hit on this very skeleton nearly taking him down in a single blow, but alas the first hit by the other skeleton brought him to -13 hit points. At that point the skeletons laid into the Paladin bringing him precariously close to death himself before the sorcerer, ranger, and paladin took him down two turns later.

A sad day for the party indeed, but the raise dead offered by the mayor on his fallen corpse at the end of the play cheered them up a bit.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
MisterSlanky wrote:

Name: Tielong

Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue (3)
Adventure: The Sixfold Trials
Location: On Stage during act V of the trials.
Catalyst: It's never good to be Lazarod and have the lowest hit point total and AC in the party when two trolls have decided you're target numero uno.
The Gory Details: (optional) After surviving quite handily through the rest of the acts the party was feeling particularly well-endowed. They had struggled a bit through the belly of the beast with some near misses, but constant reassurance (read: lay of hands) from the paladin kept Lazarod alive through five failed climb checks, but my six-sided die that was incapable of rolling anything but a one saved them. Eventually though he walked on stage for act five, the curtains parted, and one of the two skeletons immediately (a 19 on an initiative roll will do that) took a five step towards him and lashed out with two claws which took him to -3 hit points instantly. The party's ranger was lucky and landed a critical hit on this very skeleton nearly taking him down in a single blow, but alas the first hit by the other skeleton brought him to -13 hit points. At that point the skeletons laid into the Paladin bringing him precariously close to death himself before the sorcerer, ranger, and paladin took him down two turns later.

A sad day for the party indeed, but the raise dead offered by the mayor on his fallen corpse at the end of the play cheered them up a bit.

Hey my rogue died almost exactly the same way! Except I'd moved Sixfold Trial into my Curse of the Crimson Throne Campaign.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Name: Alorim
Race: Aasimar
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 5
Adventure: Between Sixfold trial and What lies in dust.
Location: Sewers
Catalyst: Don’t leave the sorcerer next to a CR 6 with reach.

The Gory Details: My party was fleeing from Nyxervex through the sewers, they lost him briefly and came upon a door (This was an encounter that I had rolled for them in book 1 and they could not get the door open at the time). They unlocked the door and decided to pick a fight with the tiefling living inside; he was a cleric 5 Diabolist 4. The party ran in to fight him and left Alorim to deal with the salamander he had just summoned. Alorim was dropped to the floor with -12 HP (has a 13 Con). No one was anywhere near him to heal him or stabilize him.

He rolled a 20 to stabilize and lived, but it was not until later that I remembered about the augment summoning feat the diabolist had. So he kind of lucked out there.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Name: Giovanni
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 5
Adventure: What lies in dust
Location: Delvehaven
Catalyst: Shadow triceratops / alchemist's bomb
The Gory Details: The fighter ran in to hold off the triceratops, the skeleton then gored him twice, droping him. Our alchemist threw a bomb at the skeleton, which ended up killing the fighter.

He began to make a new character, which lead to...

Name: Darth
Race: Human
Classes/levels: fighter 4 / Barbarian 1
Adventure: What lies in dust
Location: Delvehaven.
Catalyst: Failed saves against phantasmal killer.
The Gory Details: just after finishing making his new character a couple of bad rolls means one bad night for one player.

Name: Bruce Whitetiger
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Oracle of Battle 8
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: The Infernal Engine Chamber
Catalyst: Liebdaga the Twin!
The Gory Details: We ran in fully prepared, fully buffed to fight Liebdaga in the final showdown.

The Buffs:
Four of our seven person party was invisible, and we had Calseinica Nymmis from Sixfold Trial, Bruce's bard cohort and girlfriend, in the hallway singing for us! Protection from Energy on everyone, shield of faiths across the board, bless up, magic vestments rolling, spiritual weapon, divine power, a ranger cohort's Hunter's Bond going, enlarge person on our cavalier (who chugged Zol's potion of barkskin +4-- total AC 34 as a large creature!)... we were ready!

The Fight!:

The cage was a little annoying. I chipped at it. Everyone else waited. The cavalier demoralized Liebdaga, and then he broke out. He raised his hand for a fireball, and... the wizard dispelled! We went wild on him.
I rolled 3 consecutive 18's and two spiritual weapon blows, our dragon cavalier hit him super hard, our rogue laid into him super hard, one critical confirmed so the cavalier stole the glory, two lightning bolts, the ranger laid into him with rapidshot and manyshot... things were intense! We did over 150 damage in the first round of combat. The rogue did 70 of it alone!

My Death
So, Liebdaga decided to get serious and began to full attack us over and over again with no remorse, casting quickened greater dispel magic to remove Protection from Energy before dropping quickened fireball after quickened fireball. Within three rounds we had him on the ropes, but a quickened fireball dropped the cavalier to -1, Gustav the ranger to -8 and Bruce to 11. The pit fiend swung again, reserving a claw for the downed cavalier! We were worried for the cavalier with his Con of 12, but Bruce took both a wing and a claw. The claw dropped him to -8 and the wing brought him to -24, obliterating my character entirely!

How we fared after:
Calseinica pulled Bruce's CMW wand from his body, used it on the Cavalier, and the wizard made the Cav invisible so he could stand up as a move to continue the fight. Calseinica drew her rapier and stepped in to flank for the rogue! Brave little Calseinica with her 21 AC and 33 hp. The rogue kept going all out while the cavalier recovered and stood. Liebdaga went down to -25 the round after the cavalier stood up, and his soul used Breath of Life to bring himself back up. The wounded pit fiend took a full round to stand and the wizard rushed in with his adamantine elven curve blade and dropped Liebdaga again with a confirmed critical, which the cavalier stole the glory of, again!

In the end, Calseinica was next on initiative and coup de graced the Pit Fiend Liebdaga the Twin, Infernal Duke, Scourge of the Iron Citadel. He rolled low on his fortitude save and didn't save versus Calseinica's massive 8 damage (18 fort save to survive that coup de grace...)... and then the cavalier stole the glory, since a coup de grace is an automatic critical hit. All in all, everyone coup de graced or blew spells on Liebdaga's corpse, (one of the few times the sorceror actually beat Liebdaga's SR-- of course, when he's dead!) bringing him to -104 hp before his turn. Ressurect from that, you son of a b!+@&!

The current kill count for Calseinica is 1 CR 4 thief and 1 CR 14 pit fiend. She's a murderer!

In the end, the party used a Grave Candle we still had from What Lies in Dust to speak to Bruce, ascertained he didn't want to be raised by a cleric of Asmodeus, declared him dead and buried him, used a Cloak of the Mountebank to teleport him out of his coffin, raise him at a church of Iomedae, teleport him back into the coffin, and had Bruce burst free of the earth during a rally in the graveyard that the other PCs called to take back Westcrown from the House of Thrune. I can now officially say one of my character's has risen from the dead on the eve of the 3rd day, returned to redeem the people. Thank god for the Morrowfall or I would've never been able to dig my way out.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Name: Alorim
Race: Aasimar
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 7
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Nessian spiral
Catalyst: The party's fighter.

The Gory Details: The party came upon a succubus and discovered she had the keyrod they needed. She offerred it to them for 10,000 gold, or she said she would take 2,000 if one of them accepted her 'gift'. The party thought about this for a while then attacked her, she dominated the fighter and teleported away. The party rogue bolted while the sorcerer stayed behind to try and bring down the fighter... this turned out about how you would expect it to go.

After the fighter left the sorcerer for dead and chased off after the rogue Alorim failed his checks to stabalize and hit -12, dying. He had on him an item that would cast reincarnation upon his death (an item he oddly enough picked up from the last encounter that killed him, see my post above, he did not know he had this item on him.) He was reincarnated as a troglodyte a few rounds later and stormed into the children of westcrown safe house demanding to know why the rest of the party had just left him down there bleeding.

In the end he stormed off in his new troglodyte body, carrying that shiny new ring of wizardry he had just found with him.

On another note, This is my fourth player death in the game and I have been EXTREMELY LIBERAL with potions and wands and have given them hints about fights they should be prepared for. The player who made Alorim will be reading treantmonk's guide on wizards tonight to make his replacement though so hopefully we can get a good support mage in the group.

Name: Grot
Race: Orc
Class/Levels: Barbarian 7
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: A dump in the ghetto part of Westcrown
Catalyst: Monk hired by tyhe Council of Thieves
The Gory Details: We, the party, were down on resouces so we left the nessian spiral to reast (in a room completely covered in garlic because the vampire that was dominating the guards escaped from us). The next morning, the party rogue needed to go to a church of Iomedae to get restoration cast on him. Grot, however, wanted to go looking for parts for his newest obsession- making siege engines. So, while he was looking for parts, the monk came out from hiding and used stunning fist on him, and of course he failed his save. Next round, 5 attacks on Grot, again him getting stunned. Third round- he got lucky because all five attacks missed. he pulls out his axe and swings, barely damaging the monk. Next round, monk hits with all attacks, killing the orc, then throwing the body into the sewers. A couple hours later, the party found his body and raised him.


Name: Marin
Race: Fairy Dragon
Level: Cohort of Sorcerer 8
Catalyst: Being too close to a certain snake-haired lady.

The group, having talked with Signatory Vacca, opened the door to the lab knowing SOMETHING would be awaiting them. A medusa surprised everyone, especially a polite one with a veil over her eyes.

One botched Bluff roll later, and off came the veil. Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer and Dragon all make their first set of saves. They fail to bring her down in the first, or even second round after that. Poor Marin fails the 2nd save, nearly crashing to pieces on the floor (Evan the cleric managed to snatch the falling dragon statue about waist high.)

That really pissed off Nuella, who went all Carrie - a failed Will/Fort combo later, and dead medusa. The angry sorcerer has GSF illusion, a 7 Cha, and is a Gnome. I fear for my fighters/giants in the upcoming adventures.

She had previously KO'd a certain purple snakey monster with the same trick...a new, lethal spin on the ever-happy little gnome.

Race: Human
Adventure: Sixfold trials
Catalyst:Rotgrubs and miserable rolls!
The Gory Details: The very first test! The ranger had the dubious honour of playing Larazod. But all things considered, he was a good choice for the role, compared to the other characters... But! He could not roll above 7 on his d20. The party cleric kept hitting him with channelings, actually burnt all his energi on him, to no avail. 5 rounds of rotgrubbing finally downed him. He needed to roll 8, 8!!! or more on his healcheck, had 5 tries, but no! First trial, and the play was without Larazod! We couldn't stop laughing. Well, the rest of the play was done by an illusion, I decided... But anti-climatic!

Gworeth wrote:


Race: Human
Adventure: Sixfold trials
Catalyst:Rotgrubs and miserable rolls!
The Gory Details: The very first test! The ranger had the dubious honour of playing Larazod. But all things considered, he was a good choice for the role, compared to the other characters... But! He could not roll above 7 on his d20. The party cleric kept hitting him with channelings, actually burnt all his energi on him, to no avail. 5 rounds of rotgrubbing finally downed him. He needed to roll 8, 8!!! or more on his healcheck, had 5 tries, but no! First trial, and the play was without Larazod! We couldn't stop laughing. Well, the rest of the play was done by an illusion, I decided... But anti-climatic!

Too late to edit... But it was the second test, but still hillarious!

To exercise proper bragging rights:

Name: Jade II
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter 1 / Sorcerer 5 (Water Elemental bloodline)
Adventure: What Lies in Dust
Location: B8 "The Nautica"
Catalyst: Full-round gore attacks and not moving far enough away
The Gory Details: Said aspiring Eldritch Knight had two flaming spheres merrily incinerating the undead triceratops. While only possessed of a dim intellect, the aforementioned spell is not subtle. A five foot adjustment and two gore attacks reduced the EK-to-be into a thoroughly perforated corpse. Posthumously, her spheres reduced it to ash immediately after a messy demise.

Name: Lord Mayor Aberian Arvanxi (NPC, but rather important)
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Peon 7th
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Outside of the entrance to the Nessian Spiral
Catalyst: 8 stirges and a flaming sphere
The Gory Details: His Honor was bound and manacled on the back of the torchbearer. The now former majordomo of Aberian's Folly saw the chance to resign in grand style - by sicc'ing her pack of 8 invisible stirges upon the helpless Lord Mayor of Westcrown. All 8 of them easily attached to the sorry sod, slurping his CON from 12 to 4. The instructions by the party? Toss the Lord Mayor into a flaming sphere, which then promptly dealt maximum damage to the man, killing him and the stirges in a hideous burning death. Due to the events immediately afterwards, the same sphere sat upon his corpse and incinerated it (and the "contract") to ash.

Name: Maximilian, humble torchbearer and carrier of loot, bearer of Mistah Mwangi (fetish doll from Delvehaven)
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Martial Artist 7 from a Fistful of Denarii
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: Outside of the entrance to the Nessian Spiral
Catalyst: Two enervation spells totaling 7 negative levels from a certain re-specc'd hobbit sorcerer ...
The Gory Details: After the Lord Mayor's fiery death, poor Max forgot the adventuring maxim Never Split the Party. It was the hobbit's great pleasure to educate the big guy in the error of his ways in two consecutive rounds.

Ice Titan wrote:

Name: Bruce Whitetiger

Race: Human
Classes/levels: Oracle of Battle 8
Adventure: The Infernal Syndrome
Location: The Infernal Engine Chamber
Catalyst: Liebdaga the Twin!
The Gory Details: We ran in fully prepared, fully buffed to fight Liebdaga in the final showdown.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

My Death
So, Liebdaga decided to get serious and began to full attack us over and over again with no remorse, casting quickened greater dispel magic to remove Protection from Energy before dropping quickened fireball after quickened fireball. Within three rounds we had him on the ropes, but a quickened fireball dropped the cavalier to -1, Gustav the ranger to -8 and Bruce to 11. The pit fiend swung again, reserving a claw for the downed cavalier! We were worried for the cavalier with his Con of 12, but Bruce took both a wing and a claw. The claw dropped him to -8 and the wing brought...

You mean SEAR your way out.

Least you don't have the damn thing anymore.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Here are the totals:

--player deaths--
The bastards of Erebus: 4
The sixfold Trial: 12
What lies in Dust: 7
Infernal syndrome: 3
Mother of flies: 0
Twice damned prince: 0

total PC deaths: 26

--PC/Cohort/companion deaths--
The bastards of Erebus: 0
The sixfold Trial: 0
What lies in Dust: 0
Infernal syndrome: 3
Mother of flies: 0
Twice damned prince: 0

Total NPC deaths: 3

Most kills:
Total: Turin the mad with 5
PCs: Tikael with 4
NPCs: Turin the mad with 2

Pretty sure I counted all of them. I did not total up the cause of deaths but I'm sure the troll skeletons and the shadow triceratops are the only ones who have racked up multiple kills.

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