Mystara Pathfinder in Korea

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I am starting a campaign in Seoul, South Korea. I was doing a study abroad here, and some guys grew nostalgic of DnD days. I used to run campaigns in DnD2e to DnD3e using the Mystara system (Karameikos and Soderfjord Jarldoms areas).

I wanted to run a game, and chose Pathfinder because the start-up time to get a game running was the best with Pathfinder. This is because I am familiar with DnD3e (and 3.5e) and I can order the PDFs. I must say I am impressed.

Other thoughts, is that there are tons of great DnD3e and d20 material out there, that I am considering using as the campaign gets going.

darknerd wrote:

I am starting a campaign in Seoul, South Korea. I was doing a study abroad here, and some guys grew nostalgic of DnD days. I used to run campaigns in DnD2e to DnD3e using the Mystara system (Karameikos and Soderfjord Jarldoms areas).

I wanted to run a game, and chose Pathfinder because the start-up time to get a game running was the best with Pathfinder. This is because I am familiar with DnD3e (and 3.5e) and I can order the PDFs. I must say I am impressed.

Other thoughts, is that there are tons of great DnD3e and d20 material out there, that I am considering using as the campaign gets going.

Oh wish I would have found this sooner

I am just outside of Seoul and a pathfinder player, send me an email sometime if you want to talk.

Put Pathfinder in the subject so I won't delete it as spam!

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