D&D Minis on ebay


So far, I've posted a bunch from Harbinger to Underdark and I hope to get more up there. I love my minis, but I'm getting married in 8 weeks and I totaled my fiance's car about a week ago. Help make sure this wedding still happens.

My minis

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

ghettowedge wrote:

So far, I've posted a bunch from Harbinger to Underdark and I hope to get more up there. I love my minis, but I'm getting married in 8 weeks and I totaled my fiance's car about a week ago. Help make sure this wedding still happens.

My minis

I bid on what I could. I'm unemployed and my own wedding plans are on hold as a result, so if I can help out with a few bucks in exchange for some molded plastic fun, it's the least I can do. Best of luck (though not best enough for me to get outbid).


ghettowedge wrote:

So far, I've posted a bunch from Harbinger to Underdark and I hope to get more up there. I love my minis, but I'm getting married in 8 weeks and I totaled my fiance's car about a week ago. Help make sure this wedding still happens.

My minis

Bid on 2 items that I needed... unfortunaly most of the ones you have up so far are one I eitheer have or are not too interested in... I'll check in for other auctions before these end.

Best of luck to the both of us!

Thanks for looking! I'll post again when I can get more up. It took about 6 hours to get the 76 up that I have.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

LEt me see what's left of the paycheck vs the credit card balance and we'll see. Sorry, rough time all 'round.

Last day for the 76 up there. I haven't had a chance to post others, but I'm hoping to tonight. Thanks for looking.

Scarab Sages

I'd totally go for some of those, but you don't allow the option to ship to the UK.
Is there any chance of that being lifted before the end?
And, did you have some bad experience?

Snorter wrote:

I'd totally go for some of those, but you don't allow the option to ship to the UK.

Is there any chance of that being lifted before the end?
And, did you have some bad experience?

Sorry about that, I've had a few issues with shipping out of the country, mostly "lost" shipments that became my responsibility. Plus the shipping is expensive, I made a deal with a guy in Canada just a year or two ago to ship him the D&D Gameday minis and the bundle cost $18, just to Canada.

The fun part came when I finally said no international shipping and now I have about 20 poorly written emails from folks telling me how their feedback warrants an exception. If there was a way to include certain people (somebody like Snorter, who I've seen on the Paizo boards for years) then I might lift it. As far as I know I'd have to lift it for the world, though.


Scarab Sages

No problem.
I saw King Snurre was going for a bargain, but some other lucky beggar must have it, maybe even one of the posters on this very thread...?

Nothing was essential for my current game, it was all for completion or 'might come in handy someday'.

(Damn! Now my players know I'm not going to hurl them back in time 20 years, to wake up in the Hellfurnaces!)

Thanks to all who bid, but I've fianlly posted the next batch. There are 96 more auctions up there.

Mairkurion - I emailed you about a problem on my end.

Snorter wrote:

No problem.

I saw King Snurre was going for a bargain, but some other lucky beggar must have it, maybe even one of the posters on this very thread...?

Nothing was essential for my current game, it was all for completion or 'might come in handy someday'.

(Damn! Now my players know I'm not going to hurl them back in time 20 years, to wake up in the Hellfurnaces!)

Unless that's a double-bluff... I'm watching you Snorter :-)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Snorter wrote:

No problem.

I saw King Snurre was going for a bargain, but some other lucky beggar must have it, maybe even one of the posters on this very thread...?

Nothing was essential for my current game, it was all for completion or 'might come in handy someday'.

(Damn! Now my players know I'm not going to hurl them back in time 20 years, to wake up in the Hellfurnaces!)

Yeah, I got outbid on the all the giants too, was hoping to get a few to add to my collection.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

I, too, was outbid on everything. Sucks for me, but better for ghettowedge's wedding!

I'm still quite a ways from that open bar I was hoping for.

This batch has less than a day to go. It may be a couple of weeks before more go up.

Please bid on my minis.

Another pile is up. These are mostly from Deserst of Desolation, Dungeons of Dread, and Demonweb.

My miniatures

These are ending.

And I'm about to post the rares from Against the Giants, Dangerous Delves, and Legendary Evils.

Another batch is ending!

The wedding is in two weeks so I don't expect to post too many more.

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