Larry Buck |

What are all the different Pathfinder products and what do I need? I see there are several options for subscriptions for different magazines/books for the game...besides the obvious roleplaying books what are all the others and how do they fit into the game?
Also, when will the new Reaper/Pathfinder figures start to appear and are they going to redo the ones already offered that Crocodile Games made?
Thanks, Larry

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What are all the different Pathfinder products and what do I need? I see there are several options for subscriptions for different magazines/books for the game...besides the obvious roleplaying books what are all the others and how do they fit into the game?
Also, when will the new Reaper/Pathfinder figures start to appear and are they going to redo the ones already offered that Crocodile Games made?Thanks, Larry
The different product lines (it really would take a humongous post to go through all the individual products) are:
Pathfinder Adventure Path (AP): This is the meat and drink of Pathfinder. They are a complete campaign, split into 6 monthly installments. Includes a lot of background detail accompanying the adventure. Each book contains some new monsters, a piece of fiction and articles relevant to the main adventure. Set in Golarion. Subscription available.
Pathfinder Modules: Individual modules. Some will be linked together, most won't. There are a couple of mini series in here. Set in Golarion. Subscription available.
Pathfinder Chronicles: Background material on Golarion, Pathfinder's Game World. Mostly fluff with some crunch. Generally for DMs. Also includes Map Folios and occasionally products such as the Harrow Deck. Subscription available.
Pathfinder Companion: Options for adventuring in Golarion. These are more in-depth look at Golarion but are generally (not exclusively, especially the earlier ones) player friendly. These have a higher crunch/fluff ratio than Chronicles products. Subscription available.
Pathfinder Society: Stand-alone (mostly) adventures designed for convetnion and pick-up play. Set in Golarion. PDF only.
Pathfinder Role Playing Game: The rules Paizo products are using. These are generic rules products, such as a gamesmastery guide and a future players options book. NOT set in Golarion. Subscription available.
Paizo also produce Map Packs, Flip Mats and have a line of reprinting pulp fantasy stoaries as Planet Stories.

Hydro RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 |

It's also worth noting that anything put out before August actually uses 3.5 rules, not Pathfinder RPG rules (the alpha and beta versions were of course out ages ago, but they wanted to remain faithful to old 3e gamers for as long as possible rather than convert to a half-finished system).
However, I still highly recommend the Chronicles stuff. It is mostly fluff and it is delicious.

Larry Buck |

WOW!!!! Thanks Paul and Hydro.....there is one heck of alot of stuff....which is "good" but still confusing. I am going to buy the RPG and all the available miniatures to go with my own. What is the next thing I should have ( I DM games)???? Your opinions since you know about them in detail.
Again thanks ever so much,

erian_7 |

WOW!!!! Thanks Paul and Hydro.....there is one heck of alot of stuff....which is "good" but still confusing. I am going to buy the RPG and all the available miniatures to go with my own. What is the next thing I should have ( I DM games)???? Your opinions since you know about them in detail.
Again thanks ever so much,
Do you plan on running games in a campaign setting you already own or in your own homegame? If so, you are really set. If you want to play in the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting of Golarion, then you'll want to start picking up some of the Chronicle and Companion books. The most obvious would be the Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting as it covers the setting in good detail. If you are looking for adventures to run, then you'd want to look at the Pathfinder Adventure Path and Pathfinder Modules. The former contains full adventure arcs usually going from levels 1-15 while the latter are stand-alone (though some can be linked) adventures.
Let us know your interests and the folks around here will point you in the right direction.

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I suggest starting small and working your way up.
You've been DMing a while (it seems) so you know what would be a good addition to your Fluff stuff, just pick up something that you don't have much Fluff on: maybe the Guide to Cheliax, a region ruled by devil worshippers. If you don't have much of that kind of Fluff in your current game go ahead and start there.
Or perhaps choose the Guide to Korvosa, a really interesting and original coastal metropolis, then, like always, use what you like from it in your game.
If you like the way it's designed and written get another: the Guide to Absalom, maybe.
-W. E. Ray

Larry Buck |

Thank you very much, I have been studying the web site and trying to get a feel for all that is offered. I really appreciate all the help from you guys, it says alot for the group for you all to be so helpful. I have always run my own game world and just used materials from other systems to flesh out my own....but this world interests me and my players are getting used to my tricks/traps and way of dm'ing. I thought this might just throw them a refreshing curve!
Thanks, Larry

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If this is the case, I'd suggest picking up the Campaign Setting hardcover. It will serve you both as the baseline background of Golarion but also give you plenty of ideas if you want to stick with your own homebrew setting. Furthermore, when reading it, you may find some areas to be more interesting than others and can focus on the available books for those regions. If the world seems to be to your liking or you want a campaign that might feel different than what your players are used to or expecting, try one of the Adventure Paths. The current path, Council of Thieves, is the first to use the Pathfinder RPG rules but they're all great. You can also check out some of the fan sites to get a feel for what others are doing. I suggest PathfinderWiki for setting canon and Pathfinder Database for fan created content.

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Thank you very much, I have been studying the web site and trying to get a feel for all that is offered. I really appreciate all the help from you guys, it says alot for the group for you all to be so helpful. I have always run my own game world and just used materials from other systems to flesh out my own....but this world interests me and my players are getting used to my tricks/traps and way of dm'ing. I thought this might just throw them a refreshing curve!
Thanks, Larry
Though I might contribute to this conversation with some recommendation based on product interest.
If you are interested in the Pathfinder Society Scenarios, there are several products in the companion line that are closely related, specifically the faction books. These, in order released are:
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs
Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Qadira, Gateway to the East
Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Andoran, Spirit of Liberty (not yet released)
Also, there is a Pathfinder Chronicles book, Guide to Absalom, that is appropriate to that line.
If you are interested in the Golarion world, I would recommend the following titles for all the fluffy bits:
Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Guide
Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic
Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond, a Guide to the Mulitverse
If you are interested in one of the 6 issue adventure paths, there is generally a Pathfinder Chronicles book that is closely related:
Curse of the Crimson Throne
(Guide to Korvosa)
Second Darkness
(Into the Darklands)
Legacy of Fire
(Dark Markets, a Guide to Katapesh)
There are several companion books on the horizon that look to be more player friendly. One of them has been released, the rest are coming soon.
Elves of Golarion
Dwarves of Golarion (not yet released)
Adventurers Armory (not yet released)
Gnomes of Golarion (not yet released)
Finally, I want to bring up the Classic series of books. Classic Monsters Revisited, single handedly brought my interest into Pathfinder. This book is excellent. There are several in the series. If you want an alternate take on some of the classic lore of fantasy, these books are for you. Mostly fluff, these are excellent.

Lokie |

Larry Buck wrote:Thank you very much, I have been studying the web site and trying to get a feel for all that is offered. I really appreciate all the help from you guys, it says alot for the group for you all to be so helpful. I have always run my own game world and just used materials from other systems to flesh out my own....but this world interests me and my players are getting used to my tricks/traps and way of dm'ing. I thought this might just throw them a refreshing curve!
Thanks, Larry
Though I might contribute to this conversation with some recommendation based on product interest.
If you are interested in the Pathfinder Society Scenarios, there are several products in the companion line that are closely related, specifically the faction books. These, in order released are:
Osirion, Land of Pharaohs
Taldor, Echoes of Glory
Qadira, Gateway to the East
Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Andoran, Spirit of Liberty (not yet released)Also, there is a Pathfinder Chronicles book, Guide to Absalom, that is appropriate to that line.
If you are interested in the Golarion world, I would recommend the following titles for all the fluffy bits:
Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Guide
Pathfinder Chronicles: Gods & Magic
Pathfinder Chronicles: The Great Beyond, a Guide to the MulitverseIf you are interested in one of the 6 issue adventure paths, there is generally a Pathfinder Chronicles book that is closely related:
Curse of the Crimson Throne
(Guide to Korvosa)Second Darkness
(Into the Darklands)Legacy of Fire
(Dark Markets, a Guide to Katapesh)There are several companion books on the horizon that look to be more player friendly. One of them has been released, the rest are coming soon.
Elves of Golarion
Dwarves of Golarion (not yet released)
Adventurers Armory (not yet released)
Gnomes of Golarion (not yet released)Finally, I want to bring up the Classic series of books. Classic Monsters Revisited, single handedly brought my...
This is a good listing. Well Done!

Mairkurion {tm} |

Dave Young 992 wrote:Pathfinder and Golarion are kinda like licorice. Not everybody likes it, but the people who like it really like it!So, is that black licorice or sweedish salted black licorice?
'Cause... yuck! :-D
More like Ouzo: Licorice with a kick. ;D
Which is another reason to prefer "flavor" to "fluff"...

MerrikCale |

I personally would start with Campaign Setting book, Gods & Magic, and then pick and choose depending on where you want to play
If you was a Taldor campaign, grab that Companion and The Qadira one for example
I would also grab Elves of Golarion and the upcoming Dwarves of Golarion
I like the Darkmoon Vale book