Azlant vs.Thassilon

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

I need some clarification, please. I was under the impression that it was the Azlant that ran the Thassilonian Empire but I am hearing that they are two different empires. What is correct? Thanks in advance for clarification!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Two different empires.

Liberty's Edge

Lazaro wrote:
Two different empires.

Okay thank you for the clarification! :-)

Liberty's Edge

Th reason that I asked the question as that I was under the impression that the Azlant founded the Thassilon empire.

Kevida wrote:
Th reason that I asked the question as that I was under the impression that the Azlant founded the Thassilon empire.

No, I don't believe so. Though since the Azlant empire started earlier, that might make some sense.

They did border eachother, and both ended at the same time (same day even).

Kevida wrote:
Th reason that I asked the question as that I was under the impression that the Azlant founded the Thassilon empire.

I'm not sure, but it's possible that some Azlanti were fed up with the rest of their continent and went to start their own place. It's all so very long ago, few records exist.

Xin was actually a wizard exiled from Azlant 'for his heretical beliefs that cooperation with the lesser races could build a greater nation'. (Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting Page 144.)
So no, Azlant didn't found Thassilon, although its rulers may have been indirectly responsible for causing it to be founded.

Wasn't Emperor Xin from Azlant?

Ninja'd by CE25 - shakes fist.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Wasn't Emperor Xin from Azlant?

Ninja'd by CE25 - shakes fist.


Liberty's Edge

Thank you one and all! So then what human subrace were the Thassilonians? I mean in my reading (and quite possibly misunderstanding of said reading) the Varisians were the "workers" and the Shantoi tribes were the "warriors" so the ruling class was, who?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Kevida wrote:
Thank you one and all! So then what human subrace were the Thassilonians? I mean in my reading (and quite possibly misunderstanding of said reading) the Varisians were the "workers" and the Shantoi tribes were the "warriors" so the ruling class was, who?

They most likely pureblooded Azlanti.

Kevida wrote:
Thank you one and all! So then what human subrace were the Thassilonians? I mean in my reading (and quite possibly misunderstanding of said reading) the Varisians were the "workers" and the Shantoi tribes were the "warriors" so the ruling class was, who?

Well, the ruling class was probably Azlanti, because Xin was one, and he might have brought over some nobles.

But as far as I know, neither Varisians nor Shoanti were really extant as an ethnicity back then. They emerged later, probably from those humans who lived in Thassalion, whoever they were.

Until you get a better answer, call them Thassalonians.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The rulers and nobility of Thassilon were Azlanti.

The artisan cast of servants (artists, craftsmen, farmers, producers) were Varisians.

The military grunts of the nation (not the commanders, but everyone else) were a mix of Kellid and Varisian and Ulfen—the Shoanti, who today are much less populous and are limited to Varisia. The Shoanti should PROBABLY have had an ethnicity page in the Pathfinder Campaign setting, but they didn't end up getting one partially due to oversight, partially due to the fact that unlike the other ethnicities they're really not that widespread these days.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
The Shoanti should PROBABLY have had an ethnicity page in the Pathfinder Campaign setting, but they didn't end up getting one partially due to oversight, partially due to the fact that unlike the other ethnicities they're really not that widespread these days.

I was wondering what was up with that. Now, I know :-) Well, the RotRl Player's guide does go into a some detail about them. Thanks for the clarification, Mr Jacobs!

James Jacobs wrote:
The military grunts of the nation (not the commanders, but everyone else) were a mix of Kellid and Varisian and Ulfen—the Shoanti, who today are much less populous and are limited to Varisia. The Shoanti should PROBABLY have had an ethnicity page in the Pathfinder Campaign setting, but they didn't end up getting one partially due to oversight, partially due to the fact that unlike the other ethnicities they're really not that widespread these days.

Now I'm a little confused. Are the Shoanti an original native population, "a mix of Kellid and Varisian and Ulfen," or an original native population with some mixing of Kellid and Varisian and Ulfen. Saying they should have probably had an ethnicity page makes me think the first or the third...or I guess you could say they are an emergent ethnicity. As an identifiable group, are they emergent or just kind of a mixed population?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Now I'm a little confused. Are the Shoanti an original native population, "a mix of Kellid and Varisian and Ulfen," or an original native population with some mixing of Kellid and Varisian and Ulfen. Saying they should have probably had an ethnicity page makes me think the first or the third...or I guess you could say they are an emergent ethnicity. As an identifiable group, are they emergent or just kind of a mixed population?

The Shoanti are their own race after a mixing of Varisian, Hellid, and Ulfen folk occured at the juncture of where these three ethnicities mixed. During the time of Thassilon, they were a much more populous ethnicity of their own.

When Wes and I were building up Varisia, and Jason and Erik were building the Campaign Book, Jason and Erik simply didn't realize we were attempting to set up the Shoanti as an ethnicity and for various reasons they didn't get picked up in the Gazetteer and then later the PCCS, although the Varisians did. The result IS a little confusing, and that's too bad, but it's the way it all worked out.

I don't know enough about things like emergent ethnicities to say what they are, I guess.

OK, so the current Shoantis are the mixed result of the former Shoantis. Thanks.

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