Explorers of the Inner Sea


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Male Human Paladin of Sarenrae 2
Keeper of Doors wrote:
"You have my thanks, and my favor, if you are ever in need it from a humble servant of Taldor, Lord Gellner."

Simon looks a bit embarrassed.

"No less than my duty, Sir, though I accept your gratitude. And, please, Lord Gellner is my father. I am merely Captain Gellner... or Simon, if you prefer. I suppose I will hold onto the ring then.."

The paladin walks the battlefield after checking on the captives, pausing over the fallen soldiers to bow his head in prayer. His meditations are interrupted by Herral's ministrations to Dayle, however.

"I suppose that's one method of extracting an arrow..."

With that business adjourned, Simon approaches Zareby and Herral.
"Gentlemen, it seems to me that you both came away light from the spoils of our victory. Please, accept these with my thanks for your indispensable role in our success."
He offers the two of them a pouch containing 17 gold and a vial of liquid taken from Neheshru.

"I know we all require a rest, but I would like to investigate this pyramid further and see if we cannot locate those that quit the field. They may have answers about this Lire character."

Mal finds a seat on a small boulder, somewhere he can oversee the scene. He winces at the arrow extraction.

Let’s maybe divide the loot up out of character? We’ve probably got more pressing things in game to get on with, but we don’t want to forget about it either. If Simon wants the mace, Mal figures he’s entitled to it and will gladly hand it over. He’ll give the sceptre to Will, figuring it might be the sort of thing the Pathfinders will be interested in.

Human Wizard-Diviner

Will helps as best he is able with the wounded. (Having for once managed to avoid direct conflict himself! For a change!) He turns a distinct shade of white, then green, at the arrow incident.

"You have to admire the man's command of foreign languages. But I'm not really certain that's physiologically possible,..." Will murmurs aside to Mal, swallowing nervously.

Realizing that he's not really the best one to be helping the injured, he moves himself out of the way to take stock of their surroundings, and examine the statue he carried out of the temple. He does take time to gather any stray, undamaged crossbow bolts to refill his belt quiver. He also ties a long leather strap to his crossbow so he can carry it slung from his shoulder, but doesn't have to worry about picking it back up if he drops it in a fight.

"Little something I remember from the journals of Way'lon Jen'nings." He tells Mal as the warrior approaches.

"Ooh! Goody! I mean, Thanks!" He adds as he happily takes the scepter from the warrior and begins examining it, making notes and pictures in his journal,...

Yeah, I vote to check out the Pyramid too. We don't want to leave any clue uncovered! Just remember that Will is out of 1st lvl spells for the day! (He still has Detect Secret doors if we need it)

DM Note: For those of you who need the ammo, there are enough extra arrows and crossbow bolts lying aroud that you can say have a full compliment of what you started with.
As was suggested, just drop a note of the details in the OOC thread for simplicity of what everyone decides on. If anyone decides to cast a detect magic spell on anything, just let me know that as well so I can pass along details.

Adelaine Harthos wrote:
If she can catch Gorzal's eye, she motions for him discreetly to join her, as if she wants to have a friendly chat.

Gorzal's obvious anxiety has disappeared, and Herral's healing effects have clearly improved his wounds. The halfling seems in better spirits, and gives Herral a congratulatory pat for his help and also for the fine display he just put Dayle through. "That's the way to knock some healin' out, eh?" he drops in to Herral's confused looks.

Addy: His old swagger seems to be back in his step as he sees your signal and makes his way in your direction. He sits down next to you, his own weariness suddenly taking hold. He pulls a small flask from his pocket and takes a swig, and offers it to you. As he does so, he adds his own quiet comments for your ears only.


"Well, I think the bad part of this mess is over. Our new friends seem to have taken care of us, and I suspect this hunk of dumb poppinjays we just kept from getting sacrificed will be grateful in some way. So, cheers!"

His wide grin hides the fact the he's already following his habit of assessing the situation. Without ever taking his eyes off the group of people, he adds, "What's on your mind, Miss Harthos?" The titling means he's back to business.

DM Note - I'm certainly willing to keep this all secretive if you prefer this method, or we could continue in a regular mode like when the adventure first started and assume that others won't act on hidden knowledge. Whatever works for you is fine by me.

William WyrdRune wrote:

"Ooh! Goody! I mean, Thanks!" He adds as he happily takes the scepter from the warrior and begins examining it, making notes and pictures in his journal,...

The scepter definetly is stylized similar to the carvings you've seen. Unlike some the other fragmentary artifacts you seen, this object looks to have been kept in good condition.

The thing probably measures about a foot to foot and half. It looks like most of its length is a treated wood, but it's hard to gauge since the length has been painted in dark orange and deep blue intertwining stripes. The head is a series of fine brass curves that wrap around and extend from the shaft, then turn back to the center to keep a pearl-like stone trapped just above where the shaft ends. There's also a handle attached to the bottom; itself made of the same pearl-like material as the head and butted with a single brass cap.
Examining the head and handle make you realize the material is some kind of quartz - polished so smooth as to seem organic. The style is definetly late Azlanti - you seem to recall seeing a headress of a similar style, maybe in the Arcaninarium's display cases. The only problem is that while it's older than some of the artifacts, it's still not old enough to be true continental relic. Based on all the other evidence, you'd guess that it's likely a relic of Cyndicea's history.

The statue hasn't changed much. It bears the shape of a horrid mermaid with three eyes and long claws - Zarga's image perhaps. Despite its unsettling appearance, the dread cold and light it emanated doesn't look or feel visible anymore. Although it's fairly new, it's weird blend of Azalanti style and transmutative properties may prove interesting to research further by the Pathfinder Society or a relic sage perhaps.

Male Halfling Inquisitor(infiltrator)1; Hits 9/9; Init. +3; Luck 4/5; AC 19/14/16; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Perception +10

Slightly crestfallen by the name-calling and confused by the anatomy lesson, Herral wanders off from Dayle and then Gorzal.


To make amends, Herral sneaks back into the pyramid alone and heads back to Nefeshtru's chamber first of all. Just scouting ahead just curious really. he will go down where Gorzal and the bugbear came from first.

Female Half-elf Rogue 1
Keeper of Doors wrote:
Adelaine Harthos wrote:
If she can catch Gorzal's eye, she motions for him discreetly to join her, as if she wants to have a friendly chat.

Gorzal's obvious anxiety has disappeared, and Herral's healing effects have clearly improved his wounds. The halfling seems in better spirits, and gives Herral a congratulatory pat for his help and also for the fine display he just put Dayle through. "That's the way to knock some healin' out, eh?" he drops in to Herral's confused looks.

Addy: His old swagger seems to be back in his step as he sees your signal and makes his way in your direction. He sits down next to you, his own weariness suddenly taking hold. He pulls a small flask from his pocket and takes a swig, and offers it to you. As he does so, he adds his own quiet comments for your ears only.

** spoiler omitted **

Keeping her voice down, Addy tells Gorzal, "Got a letter before this pyramid stuff all started. From my cousin, Athenia Gieddes, back in Oppara. You know, I usually call her A.G.? Well, turns out her sister, my other cousin, the one who went into the religious life in Iomedae's church, was on her way to Lady Vestang's manor to try and drum up some funds for soldiers and all that.

"Anyway, AG was hoping I could meet her there, and we could travel back with the artifacts we'd gathered, now that the masquerade was over." Addy turns a bit to Gorzal, and really lowers her voice.

"Also looks like our time has come to an end, according to the note. It was suggested I dismiss you from my service."

Addy returns to her normal tone of voice. "In any event, I think the smartest thing to do here is for you to go back and meet with my cousin. You can take this statue here Addy gives Gorzal the mermaid statue from her pack that she obtained at the party and explain what's happened. Tell her that we're sitting on what may be a significant Azlanti discovery, and my presence is needed here. Tell her I'll send a note to AG and keep her updated as to when I'll return."

The guardsmen props the unconscious Dayle against the pyramid, and proceeds to check on the rest of the people. Itaden talks with him for a bit before he turns his attention to Malatar and Simon.

Wiping dried blood from his now healed wound, he starts,"I heard your plan to head back into the pyramid. I won't say I'm opposed to it - I welcome the extra caution to make sure nothing else is lurking there."

"But, I'd rather not keep all these folks here - I'm hoping to at least get them out of the valley and away from whatever immediate risks are in there. Since we don't know if anyone's coming to reinforce us yet, I'm hoping to get on the road towards the manor and village with these people."

"I am hoping to send Dayle ahead to get aid, with your permission he would need your horse. That leaves me and Alpano to herd these folks back; which is no small feat. I was hoping I could call upon some of you to at least provide a patrol to aid us."

"Obviously, I can't order anyone to do so. If plan on doing some investigating, I'll wait until morning to see if you come out alright. Luckily, there's plenty water and rations we can carry on the camels, so at least we should have enough food and water to get us back to the manor."

His intentions are fairly direct, but you can see he has some hesitation about leaving you behind.


1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
1d20 ⇒ 14
1d20 ⇒ 11
1d20 ⇒ 4
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7



More on the conversation with Gorzal shortly. In the meantime, you notice Herral slip back into pyramid while everyone is distracted or in conversation.



As you enter the hallway that you last saw Gorzal and the bugbear in, it's the same one you guys traveled down to exit - two doors (one left and one right) are on the each side of the hallway.

Assuming you are facing the main chamber, there is a door on the far left and far right of the room. There's also an open arch in the far right hand corner.

Map will be up in a little while. Since you are moving a little slower in your investigation, when the rest of them catch you will depend on how quickly they act on your disappearance.

Mal looks up at Itaden as he talks to Simon, and nods. “Should get these folk to safety. But you’re not likely to keep this lot,” he gestures to Will and Addy in particular, “from a site like this pyramid. ‘Sides, we should make sure there’s nothing else lurking within. Give us till morning, if we’re not back take Dayle and your man and get them,” he nods to the former prisoners, “to safety.”

Malatar stands, stretches, checks his weapons. “Well,” he says loudly. “If we’re going back in there, let’s do it. Everyone ready?”

Adelaine Harthos wrote:
Keeping her voice down, Addy tells Gorzal...

Gorzal sips from his flask and nods in attention as Addy discusses Athenia. When she mentions holy sister, he further nods in acknowledgement and adds with a smirk and neutral tone, "Sounds like Sister Advia Neleux; I've made her acquaintance."

When she offers the artifact, he glances at her with concern. "Are you sure? I'd hate to leave if need my help here." He further whispers to Addy:

He continues with a wry smile and flat tone. "Dismiss me, eh? How very Cheliaxian of A.G. Reminds me who we're working for, in case I'd forgotten."

"I guess I did something they didn't like as part of the plan. We'd talked about how half-baked this was; I guess I'll be taking the blame for it. Probably means I'll have to disappear for awhile - I'll probably get relegated to scribe-work or fencing in a hovel in Oppara. Hopefully, this thing," as he holds the green statue,"will soften their decision."

"Thanks for not assuming that meant you had to kill me. Usually, A.G. likes to handle that matter; might've gotten you in trouble."

He looks down instead of at you, and says seriously:
"Listen...I know I was little amateurish in that pyramid, but if you want me to watch your back, I'll stay. Otherwise, you're the lead here - I'll do as you ask, kiddo, and get back to the village."
"Do one thing for me. If you get back to our tent in the village, and I'm not around nor left you a message, go check out Albercroft's coach that we've been using. Check under the rider's seat; I think you'll find something useful there - keep for it yourself, OK?"

As Mal begins to call for a regrouping back into the pyramid, Gorzal looks at Addy to see what her response is.

I'll assume then that everyone's going back into the pyramid.

As you gather to go back into the structure, please make a perception check, DC 10. If you succeed, please read spoiler below.


As everyone gets up and starts to head back up, you notice Herral is missing from the camp area.

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 14

"Where's Herral?"

Male Halfling Inquisitor(infiltrator)1; Hits 9/9; Init. +3; Luck 4/5; AC 19/14/16; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Perception +10


Herral takes Bertha out and goes through the arch with a bolt at the ready. He listens carefully as he goes. Perception check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Male Human Paladin of Sarenrae 2

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
"Hmmm. Indeed. Where would he have gone?", ponders Simon,"MISTER HINN!"



The archway leads to a small alcove with a recessed nook - in which sits a small statuette of a woman in armor. However, it looks like the wall itself has moved. You realize that the wall is a hidden door, probably left ajar by the Gill-men in their haste to escape. Pushing it further, you see that a series of steps curves and descends into the darkness.

Human Wizard-Diviner

Will closes his journal with a satisfied slap, and packs the scepter into his pack along with the now disappointingly -inert mer-creature statue. He stretches and puts his pack back on, then looks around in confusion at Malatar's question.

"Hm? Herral? He's right here,... isn't he? I mean, he was here just a minute ago, wasn't he?" He peers around in confusion.

"Maybe he's looking for more injured to help?" He asks with a shrug, placing his hand to his ear for any sign of cussing, or screaming,...

Male Halfling Inquisitor(infiltrator)1; Hits 9/9; Init. +3; Luck 4/5; AC 19/14/16; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Perception +10


Herral makes sure that the wall is easy for the rest to see as a door, then he very quietly and slowly starts down the steps feeling his way (probably at about quarter speed or 10ft per round).

“Can’t see him?” asks Mal of the group, looking about himself. “Can’t get himself into too much trouble out here ... but he can if he’s gone back in there.” Mal glances back at the dark entrance to the pyramid, then puts his pack back on and re-draws his sword.

“Quickly,” he says, and heads towards the entrance.

Kind of waiting for a concurrence from everyone; otherwise I may just assume that you all head back inside.

Human Wizard-Diviner

Will nods sagely in agreement at Mal's statement. Then starts, does a double-take, and hurries to follow when he realizes that Mal is already halfway up the steps to the temple.

"People say I cause trouble! How much trouble can you get into in the library?!" He grumbles, loading his crossbow as he huffs up the steps,...

Barring any last minute adjustments, the group charges back into the pyramid. Ahead of you is the hallway that you traveled down to exit - two doors (one left and one right) are on the each side of the hallway.
Now that the pool's radiance and the statues' glow has ceased, the space is much darker, so lighting methods will have to be utilized again.
If you continue into the main chamber, there is a door on the far left and far right of the room. There's also an open arch in the far right hand corner. There's also the hallway that lead you into the room at the start of your delve.

Perception Roll. If you roll an 15 or better, read below.


A very faint blue glow can be seen coming from the arch.

Female Half-elf Rogue 1
Keeper of Doors wrote:
Adelaine Harthos wrote:
Keeping her voice down, Addy tells Gorzal...

Gorzal sips from his flask and nods in attention as Addy discusses Athenia. When she mentions holy sister, he further nods in acknowledgement and adds with a smirk and neutral tone, "Sounds like Sister Advia Neleux; I've made her acquaintance."

When she offers the artifact, he glances at her with concern. "Are you sure? I'd hate to leave if need my help here." He further whispers to Addy:
** spoiler omitted **

As Mal begins to call for a regrouping back into the pyramid, Gorzal looks at Addy to see what her response is.


"Actually, I didn't make any assumptions about what it meant; I honestly thought there was a pretty good chance killing you was exactly what it meant." Addy looks at Gorzal very seriously as she says that, only a slight twinkle in her eye. She lets a smile creep to her lips. "But also an equally likely chance it didn't mean that either. And frankly, I wouldn't do it in any event. We make a pretty good team, and you've come through for me more than once on this 'expedition'.

"As much as I'd love you to stay, though, I think it best if you go meet with AG's sister and deliver that statue. Give her a complete rundown of what's going on here, and clear your name a bit. Maybe lay low anyway for a bit. But the key thing here is we don't want AG to think we've gone AWOL and what my intentions here are. No secrets. At least, not many." Addy gives him a playful push, then stands up.

"In any event, looks my partners are heading back inside; I think I should go with them. No long goodbyes, though." Addy looks at Gorzal, then seems to say "hell with it" and leans down to give him a hug. "Take care, and I'll see you soon."

Addy runs to catch up with the rest as they re-enter the building.

perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

Human Wizard-Diviner

Will licks his lips nervously as they re-enter the ancient structure, looking around as if expecting another bugbear to leap out at him. But gamely follows Mal in,... at a careful distance,...

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 1 = 17

"Huh. That's unusual." Will mumbles, his curiosity overcoming his fear, mostly. His whisper echos oddly in the chamber.

"Does anyone else see the glow from the far arch? Or am I just seeing things?"

Male Human Paladin of Sarenrae 2

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

"I can see it as well, William. Let's see what it could be."
Simon lights a torch and heads toward the glow.



The broad steps curl around twice before finding you at the base. You find yourself in another simple room - 10' at most. There doesn't appear to be any obvious exits.

Please roll a Perception check. If you have any bonuses for secret doors or traps, I suggest you apply them.

Male Halfling Inquisitor(infiltrator)1; Hits 9/9; Init. +3; Luck 4/5; AC 19/14/16; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Perception +10

Perception check 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Then Herral wishes Desna to give him all the luck going and steps forwards. Touch of Luck He concentrates on carefully watching out for more baddies.

Had to work an unexpected double this weekend - so apologies for the dearth of posting over the last couple of days.

Approaching the archway, you see it leads to a small alcove with a recessed nook - in which sits a small statuette of a woman in armor. However, it looks like the wall with the nook itself has moved; you realize that the wall is a hidden door. Looks like someone went to the trouble of leaving it obviously ajar. Behind it, you see that a series of broad steps curve and descends into the darkness.

The faint glow is imperceptible with the alcove awash in the torchlight - you probably only spotted it at all because of the sheer darkness of the room before.

Otherwise, nothing else is moves in the main chamber or is heard at this time.



1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

As you stand with the stairs at your back, Desna's touch grants you a sudden insight about the room. You notice that there are cracks in the wall that indicate two more secret doors - one to your left and one to your right.

The one to the left is somehow hidden in a solid stone wall - almost like the alcove wall you left behind. The one to the right seems to blend into a plaster coating - almost like a cover.

Now the question is getting them open - if you choose to do so. Otherwise, the small room is unremarkable and no one is heard to be moving around.

If you want to try and open one of the doors, I'll need a Disable Device roll for DC and tell me which door you are trying.

Adelaine Harthos wrote:

Addy runs to catch up with the rest as they re-enter the building.

Gorzal is left with the a slightly puzzled, but amused grin on his face at Addy's departure. He gives her a slight salute of good luck with his two fingers against his forehead, an old thieves' guild thing, and then also turns and makes his way back to the crowd of recovering captives and disappearing amongst their numbers. As you depart, Itaden and Alpano are working about to make the folks ready to travel.

Male Halfling Inquisitor(infiltrator)1; Hits 9/9; Init. +3; Luck 4/5; AC 19/14/16; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Perception +10

Herral picks at the walls trying to find a latch or lock.

Disable device (untrained) 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

Herral Hinn wrote:
Herral picks at the walls trying to find a latch or lock.

Unfortunately, you'll need to pick a side for the roll - left or right. You can't cover both with with one roll (unless you want to give a second roll and delineate which roll goes where).

Male Halfling Inquisitor(infiltrator)1; Hits 9/9; Init. +3; Luck 4/5; AC 19/14/16; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Perception +10

Right. Halflings always go to the right.

LOL - I'll keep that in mind.


After scrambling around for a bit, you spot a stone that seems a bit off-color. Pressing it causes a loud click to happen, and the door pops outward as if being released from a catch.

Moving beyond reveals that the door is part of a mural, and after a moment you realize that the mural is part of the series of displays that were located in the relic room you passed through before. The difference is that the central pillar that was glowing blue before is now dark - which makes the your faint light bounce off the work benches and remnant statues in odd angles.


We'll leave it there for bit until we hear from the others - they should be closer to you by the time you are done with your search.

Simon Gellner wrote:

Perception: 1d20+1

"I can see it as well, William. Let's see what it could be."
Simon lights a torch and heads toward the glow.

Mal hurries along beside Simon towards the glow.

Human Wizard-Diviner

Will holds p his torch for a better look, then realizes that Mal and Simon are ahead of him!

"Hey, wait for me!" He hisses, hurrying to catch up,...

Should I assume you all proceed down the stairs? Any order or tactics?

The stairs are wide enough that two of you could stand side-by-side, although Mal and Simon in front would be a bit tight due to the armor.

Male Human Paladin of Sarenrae 2

"Master Kane, Ms. Harthos: perhaps you would care to take point in our formation? I believe your keen eyes and ears would be an asset in our descent, Ms. Harthos. Master William and I can watch the rear."

Female Half-elf Rogue 1

"Ms. Harthos is my stuffy spinster aunt. Call me Addy," she says, as he heads off down the stairs, bow at the ready.

perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 additional +1 against a trap

As you make your way down the steps, there's clearly some shuffling noises and the faint glow is again perceptible somewhere below to Addy's sensitive eyes.

As you round the first curve in the stairwell, there's a distinct **clack** of metal and stone well ahead - down the stairs.



As you finish your discovery, there's an orange glow just faintly visible from the stairwell you came down. There's a clinking of metal faintly heard as well.

Do you proceed into the room you discovered? Check for the other secret door? Or investigate the stairs again? Or something completely different? The world's your oyster! :-)

Human Wizard-Diviner

Will raises his crossbow, realizes that he has it pointed at Mal's broad back, and raises it to point towards the ceiling instead. He gives Simon a sheepish grin, swallows hard, and follows the others down the stairs,...

Mal (oblivious to his near injury) continues down the stairs, moving cautiously but making no real effort at stealth in his clanking armour.

Male Halfling Inquisitor(infiltrator)1; Hits 9/9; Init. +3; Luck 4/5; AC 19/14/16; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Perception +10


Herral stops what he is doing and listens hard. 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 If he hears nothing he will go through the secret door.



You defintely hear the sounds of armor clanking and feet moving from the stairs - they grow louder with each moment. The orange light that accompanies those noises continues to grow, and the faint scent of burning pitch is also in the air - torch perhaps?

On the other side, no sounds comes from the workroom you just opened the secret door to. If the three Gill-men fled through this room, there's no indication either by sound or sight (no footfalls or tumbled tables, etc.)

The other secret door remains a mystery - since you didn't try to open it yet.

Male Halfling Inquisitor(infiltrator)1; Hits 9/9; Init. +3; Luck 4/5; AC 19/14/16; Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5; Perception +10


Herral goes into the workroom and looks for a quiet spot in case they aren't good guys coming down the stairs.

Female Half-elf Rogue 1

Addy holds her hand out to the others, indicating for them to stop. "Everyone hear that noise up ahead? How do we wnat to check it out? My guess is whatever it is probably heard us already, with the glow of our lights and clanking of the armor ..."

Group on the stairs:

As if in response to Addy's observation, the blue glow from ahead that was suffusing the stairs winks out - leaving only your torchlight.



You manage to find a worktable that gives you a vantage spot to shoot from directly in front of the door while giving you cover.

Do you douse your light source? Otherwise, the glow from it will make you easy to spot in the room. Of course, it also lets you see. ;-)

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