Warforged Gardener's Savage Tide (PFRPG)


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Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie looked around the table. Zomm had been silent this evening, no doubt taking in all the information they'd been giving around the table. Everyone else had agreed to go, and it seemed the dwarf planned to go this very night. She turned back to smile across the table.. "I hope you're right about that, Bryson. Maybe the lot of us coming in force will be enough to make him rethink his thieving ways." She couldn't help but be doubtful, though. "Lady Lavinia, if we get your father's ring without getting Vark to admit his dishonesty or retrieving your lost funds, would that be okay?"

Annie sighed happily as she enjoyed the deliciously spiced turkey and sauces and waited for an answer from Lavinia. It seemed a shame to waste so much wonderful food. She would have to remember to compliment Kora before they left, it was an amazing dinner. She nodded at Jon as she finished her last bite of turkey. "I think you and I are thinking along the same paths. It might be good to avoid trouble by avoiding Vark. It could be dangerous for those who attempt to sneak in, however. Maybe more dangerous than simply confronting Vark up front in a large group."

Male Human Rogue 1
Ghirrak Ironfist wrote:

Ghirrak listened closely as he ate, watching those around him. Annie was an intersting case, the way she looked at everything, she had definitely known wealth at one time, and loss. an interesting story the pretty barmaid had to tell, smart too.

Bryson was, to use an analogy he was apt to grasp, a fish out of water, he seemed good hearted but simple, the salt of the earth kind of person that Ghirrak found a welcome addition to any group.

The gnome, Bindleplotz, was it, carried himself with a distracted confidence that spoke volumes about the capability of his weird weaponry, and the sailor, he looked and smelled like a bit of a drunk, but there was something about him that the monk just couldn't put his finger on. The dwarven man had yet to say enough to give a good read.

An interesting group. And an interesting tale. This woman needed help and it seemed as if she had an eye for capable talent.

"I will, help you my lady, how about it Sneaky?"

"Sure I'll follow you mate" said the rogue "and I'll be happy to help if the opportunity will rise, but I would just ask something to miss Lavinia if I can... why didn't you ask for this task to the Jade Ravens?"

Sovereign Court

Gull Street Annie wrote:
Annie looked around the table. Zomm had been silent this evening, no doubt taking in all the information they'd been giving around the table. Everyone else had agreed to go, and it seemed the dwarf planned to go this very night. She turned back to smile across the table.. "I hope you're right about that, Bryson. Maybe the lot of us coming in force will be enough to make him rethink his thieving ways." She couldn't help but be doubtful, though. "Lady Lavinia, if we get your father's ring without getting Vark to admit his dishonesty or retrieving your lost funds, would that be okay?"

Lavinia clasped her hands. "Annie...is it?" She waited for Annie to affirm before continuing. "Annie, it might very well take a miracle for that man to admit his breath smells of day-old fish, let alone that he's done something illegal. Do what you can, but I don't expect miracles. If you can retrieve my father's ring, I'm certain I can settle up with the harbormaster. Perhaps I should have given him the funds directly in the first place."

Sovereign Court

Sneaky wrote:

"Sure I'll follow you mate" said the rogue "and I'll be happy to help if the opportunity will rise, but I would just ask something to miss Lavinia if I can... why didn't you ask for this task to the Jade Ravens?"

"The Ravens will be engaged elsewhere," Lavinia said, smiling at the quiet rogue. "They have my every confidence, but it's been brought to my attention that I've grown too dependent on their services." Her eyes drifted to Kora, who stood by the door, waiting to clear away any empty plates. "It would do me well to cultivate the services of a less-seasoned...and when all is said and done, less expensive...group of adventurers."

Sovereign Court

Spinnaker Jon wrote:

Spinnaker Jon looks around at the rest of the guests. "Ever'one aboard then? Good." He slugs down his drinks and sits down.

Frowning thoughtfully as he puffs on his pipe, he sturdily ignores the window creeking open for no apparent reason. Kora noticed and hustled over to shut it, missing the slow opening of a cabinet behind her.

"Seems t'me I have heard of this Vark swabbie; me old sparrin' partner Penkus ran afowl of him not too long ago, much like Annie here. Seems t'me if his reputation be true he ain't going to give up and go quietly. Hmmm." He puffs and thinks some more.

"Milady Vanderboren, can ye tell us whar yer ship be berthed? We c'n scout the lay of the pier; mebbe that'll suggest a way. Also can ye draw us a layout of yer ship? We may be able t' sneak in yet. What else can we think of before we launch?" He looks around expectantly, idly sending smoke ships through smoke rings above the feast on the table.

"The Blue Nixie is docked at Pier Five in the Merchant District--it's the long pier between the Merchant's Guildhall and the Smith's Guildhall." Lavinia rose from the table and walked to a small cabinet for a parchment and a quill. She set to work sketching a rough map of the ship's size and compartments. She handed the map to Spinnaker Jon. "I must confess, I have not been aboard since I was a child and no longer recall which compartment is which."

This is the map Lavinia hands you.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9
Warforged Gardener wrote:

"The Ravens will be engaged elsewhere," Lavinia said, smiling at the quiet rogue. "They have my every confidence, but it's been brought to my attention that I've grown too dependent on their services." Her eyes drifted to Kora, who stood by the door, waiting to clear away any empty plates. "It would do me well to cultivate the services of a less-seasoned...and when all is said and done, less expensive...group of adventurers."

"Not to mention adding an unknown to the equation will give you a stronger hand. It would appear that you decision making is far stronger than you give yourself credit for milady. This man will have two choices, bend in your favor, or break. Either way, what is yours will be returned."

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Spinnaker Jon leans over the sketch, devouring her lines with interest...

The sketch! Not her, not the boss, that would be unlucky indeed...;)

Jon ran his finger under his collar nervously. "Arr, she be a right seaworthy Caravel m'lady. Hmmm. This might work out fine after all... See the only two passages belowdecks? One hatch Middeck and one ladder 'neath the forecastle? If we could catch them belowdecks, we could lock and bar them quick as a trice."

He leans back, smoking away and thinking.

"Mebbe, if'n we could convince those on deck there was water comin' in, they would charge below t' deal with it while we locked them below..."

Sovereign Court

Ghirrak Ironfist wrote:
Warforged Gardener wrote:

"The Ravens will be engaged elsewhere," Lavinia said, smiling at the quiet rogue. "They have my every confidence, but it's been brought to my attention that I've grown too dependent on their services." Her eyes drifted to Kora, who stood by the door, waiting to clear away any empty plates. "It would do me well to cultivate the services of a less-seasoned...and when all is said and done, less expensive...group of adventurers."
"Not to mention adding an unknown to the equation will give you a stronger hand. It would appear that you decision making is far stronger than you give yourself credit for milady. This man will have two choices, bend in your favor, or break. Either way, what is yours will be returned."

For a moment, Lavinia seemed almost taken off-guard by the half-orc's candor, then she smiled, her eyes on him alone. "You give me reason to hope." She held his gaze a moment more, then looked at the rest of the party, clearing her throat. "All of you. Thank you."

Sovereign Court

Once everyone arrives at the dock, assuming that's what you all plan to do, I'll provide an area map with tokens for all of you(last chance to choose your own image if you haven't already linked one to your Myth-Weavers sheet). If combat does occur, the map will be updated at least once per round. I'd prefer to have these posted to Epicwords.com, but a few of you haven't registered there yet(passcode is ahoy). To streamline combat, I will roll initiative for everyone and post the order. Everything else is up to you. Good luck.

I will post a description of the docks when I'm relatively sure all of you are done at the mansion, tomorrow at the latest.

For those that haven't seen it already, here is Lavinia, and this is the portrait that held her attention when you first arrived.

Male Human Rogue 1
Ghirrak Ironfist wrote:
"Not to mention adding an unknown to the equation will give you a stronger hand. It would appear that you decision making is far stronger than you give yourself credit for milady. This man will have two choices, bend in your favor, or break. Either way, what is yours will be returned."

Sneaky whispered to the half-orc seated near him trying to don't be heared by anyone else around, "There should be something in my past that sometimes make me see smoke where there isn't roast... but I sniff something odd in what our lady told us"...

Sense Motive to perceive if Lavinia deliberately avoid to mention something (or if she lied) when she was talking about the Jade Ravens and/or about the money she gave Vark
1d20 + 4 = 18 + 4 = 22

Sovereign Court

Sneaky wrote:

Sense Motive to perceive if Lavinia deliberately avoid to mention something (or if she lied) when she was talking about the Jade Ravens and/or about the money she gave Vark
1d20 + 4 = 18 + 4 = 22


You're fairly certain you would know if she was hiding something. You don't detect any intentional falsehoods, but Lavinia is clearly putting on a brave face and hiding her fear and grief. You also believe she finds your half-orc friend attractive but is too shy and proper a lady to outwardly admit it.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9
Warforged Gardener wrote:

For a moment, Lavinia seemed almost taken off-guard by the half-orc's candor, then she smiled, her eyes on him alone. "You give me reason to hope." She held his gaze a moment more, then looked at the rest of the party, clearing her throat. "All of you. Thank you."

At Lavinia's gaze Ghirrak responds with a smile of his own, one that turns out to be suprisingly warm.

"I'm sure I speak for us all whan I say that its a pleasure to actually do something worthwhile in this city. Hold on to that hope, there's more where it came from."

At Sneaky's whispered comment he simply nods, letting his mind run over the events of the last day.

Sovereign Court

A map of the Merchant District

You arrive at Pier 5 near midnight to find the Blue Nixie, Lavinia's caravel, is not moored at the dock where she left it. Instead, the ship is anchored in the harbor, one hundred feet away from the dock. Make a DC 10 Perception check.

A battlemap of Pier 5

The player initiative order(this doesn't you're in combat yet, but if it begins, be aware of your position...you can act out of init order until then):

The coordinates refer to your position on the Pier 5 battlemap.
24(-9,AC): Annie
22(-6,AC): Bryson
21(-6,AD): Sneaky
13(-7,AC): Ghirrak
4(-7,AB): Spinnaker Jon
4(-8,AD): Bindlplotz
3(-8,AC): Dgrim

Zomm has been quiet for a while, but I've rolled initiative for him in case he does show up.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie stepped forward, holding to the post in front of her as she peered at the ship ahead of them, and the waters around her. She wasn't much of a swimmer, and hoped that there was a boat nearby that could be hired or borrowed to reach Lavinia's ship. She was also nervously looking about for Vark or his men.

Perception Check: 1d20+3=17

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

"Uh uhm, I don't know, but ain't boats s'posed ta be closer to the dock?"

Perception check 1d20+12=28

Sovereign Court

Gull Street Annie wrote:

Annie stepped forward, hodling to the post in front of her as she peered at the ship ahead of them, and the waters around her. She wasn't much of a swimmer, and hoped that there was a boat nearby that could be hired or borrowed to reach Lavinia's ship. She was also nervously looking about for Vark or his men.

** spoiler omitted **

Annie sees:

Six men and women on deck, including Vark himself directing the activity. It looks like they're preparing the boat to get under way.

Anyone with a Perception roll of 15 or better sees what Annie sees. A Perception of 10 is sufficient to see how many people are on deck.

Sovereign Court

Bryson Deepwinter wrote:

"Uh uhm, I don't know, but ain't boats s'posed ta be closer to the dock?"

Perception check 1d20+12=28

Actually, I checked and your Perception is off by 2(Skill Focus+Alertness+Half-Elf+Class Skill). So that's a 30. Which means...

Bryson hears:

Vark barking orders to the rest of the crew. He shouts something about making sure the cargo is secure. He wants to be underway in ten minutes or he'll "keelhaul the lot of you," or so he tells them. Between shouts, most of his focus is on a female crewmember standing on the quarterdeck with him, who doesn't object to his wandering hands.

Sovereign Court

Closeup maps. The grid coordinates remain the same on all maps.

Lavinia's new employees

Perception DC 10

EDIT: All maps are here now.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie gasped. "I think he's trying to get the ship ready to sail!" she spoke in a low voice, even though she wanted to do nothing but shout. "See that man? That's Vark! How can we stop him?" Annie looked around, more desperate for a way to get to the ship before it sailed off. Was a gondoleer about that could be waved in? A rowboat?

Perception to find some way to get to the ship: 1d20+3=7

Sovereign Court

Gull Street Annie wrote:

Annie gasped. "I think he's trying to get the ship ready to sail!" she spoke in a low voice, even though she wanted to do nothing but shout. "See that man? That's Vark! How can we stop him?" Annie looked around, more desperate for a way to get to the ship before it sailed off. Was a gondoleer about that could be waved in? A rowboat?

** spoiler omitted **


Your earlier perception revealed enough ropes hanging from the deck to climb the ten feet from the waterline to the Blue Nixie's main deck at either end(but not to the foc'sle or quarterdeck), but you don't see any rowboats at the pier. The gondolas that brought all of you are still within shouting distance, rowing east. Your gondolier was an elf named Mornias and his boat easily accomodated four of you. The other was rowed by a goblin boy, but you didn't catch his name.

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

"Blast it! How'd they know we was coming?" He glared out at the offending ship. He looked around for a rowboat.

Perception Check: (1d20-1=17)

"We be sittin' ducks if we attack straight up. Maybe if'n I swim opposite to them I can create a distraction..."

Frowning in concentration, he casts Mage Armor. Just in case.

Male Human Rogue 1
Ghirrak Ironfist wrote:

At Lavinia's gaze Ghirrak responds with a smile of his own, one that turns out to be suprisingly warm.

"I'm sure I speak for us all whan I say that its a pleasure to actually do something worthwhile in this city. Hold on to that hope, there's more where it came from."

At Sneaky's whispered comment he simply nods, letting his mind run over the events of the last day.

"Hey charmer", told the rogue to his friend when they were near the docks with the group, but far enough to don't be heared from the others, "probably there wasn't any roast with our lady but the smoke I felt was however real... I think she is burning inside for some robust guy I probably know... But now I would like to be impressed from some more practical abilities then your loving ones... do you think you are able mate?".

Then talking lauder to be heared by all the group "We should act fast if we wanna avoid to fail our first mission together. I'm ready to move guys if you don't want to waste this opportunity"

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

"Whatever is we gon' do, we need to do now. They're leaving in 10 minutes.

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

"All right huddle up! Looks like we're out of time for suble; so...
I've got a cunning plan that cannot possibly fail!" Jon grins his toothy smile.
"My idear is that me, Sneaky and Bryson swim to the ship all quiet like, climb the anchor chain and do our best to cut one of the mainstays for the foremast. We'll cause a commotion as long as we can 'till the rest of you come up in a boat. If things get too hot for us, we can always retreat back over the side. What d' ye all think?"

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

"That vandalism is a really bad way to open negotiations."

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Spinnaker Jon gapes at Ghirrak with amazement.
"Negotiations! Are ye daft man? Ye see them preparin' to weigh anchor don't ye? Whatever money she lost tryin' to pay her back taxes won't hold a candle to the value of losing her entire SHIP! Caravels start at 50,000 and go up from there! Thar be no way they'll be stoppin' t' talk now!"
A small raincloud starts to form over Spinnaker Jons head, but he breaks it up with a wave of his hat.
"Shoo you! I've no time for yer nonsense now!" He says to the empty air.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Annie looked back and forth between her new comrades. "How about this, then? I'm not very skilled with swimming. I can run over to the gondola over there and pay for passage out to the Lady Lavinia's ship. Anyone who prefers to avoid swimming could come with me."

"Vark has seen me in The Plucked Parrot - he might stop whatever he's doing long enough to talk to me. I will ask the gondola to approach from the seaward side and do my best to talk him into doing the right thing..." she muttered and shook her head a little, "...even though I don't think he will..."

She stiffened her shoulders. "Either way, he'll be looking at us in the gondola, and the other people I see up there probably will too, even if only to laugh at us. If he is unwilling to stop this theft, I will have given those who can swim a chance to swim to the boat and climb onto the deck - hopefully unnoticed. If unpleasantness follows, we will not have started it...but we can be prepared and ready for it. Does that sound fair?"

Annie began edging toward the land. Either way, she wasn't going to aquit herself well swimming to the boat, the gondola was the nearest and fastest way for her.

Sovereign Court

Gull Street Annie wrote:

Annie began edging toward the land. Either way, she wasn't going to aquit herself well swimming to the boat, the gondola was the nearest and fastest way for her.

Assuming Annie shouted for her gondolier to return...

The elven gondolier rowed back to the dock and expertly slipped the oar between the boards of the pier, using it as a crude anchor. "Milady," he said, bowing his head politely. "I am at your service."

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

I would have waved him over if he was looking, but I'd planned on jogging over to where he's resting - I don't want to draw Vark's attention to our group, and sound carries over water. I don't want him watching me until I'm away from anyone that might want to swim/sneak onto the ship

Sovereign Court

Gull Street Annie wrote:
I would have waved him over if he was looking, but I'd planned on jogging over to where he's resting - I don't want to draw Vark's attention to our group, and sound carries over water. I don't want him watching me until I'm away from anyone that might want to swim/sneak onto the ship

I was thinking about that, too. We'll say he kept an eye on all of you since your destination obviously wasn't where Lavinia left it and was waved over. Vark and his crew could still notice all of you, but it's less likely given their level of distraction.

Everyone should also bear in mind the time is nearly midnight. The gondolier will have a lantern and the deck of the Blue Nixie will be similarly lit, but I won't make assumptions about light sources for any of you. If anyone swims away from the dock, they will be concealed by the dark unless they tell me otherwise. Anyone on the gondola will be visible unless the lantern is doused.

Male Dwarf Shielded Fighter 5

"I like your idea, seaman," Dgrim tells Spinnaker. "Let's hurry on, before these theives get out of reach. You swimmers go ahead and get a head start."

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Spinnaker Jon stops gesticulating. "Arr, yer right. Let's shove off then."
Jon hands his crossbow to Dgrim. "Take care of ol' Betsy for me would 'je? Don't wanna get her wet now."
With that, Jon looks around to see if they were being observed, then eased himself into the harbor water to begin swimming for the Nixie. He'll make for the anchor chain and duck under the water (holding his breath for a minute) if anyone looks like they are about to spot him.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}
Warforged Gardener wrote:
The elven gondolier rowed back to the dock and expertly slipped the oar between the boards of the pier, using it as a crude anchor. "Milady," he said, bowing his head politely. "I am at your service."

Annie smiled at the elf as she stepped lightly onto the gondola. "Thank you. A few of my friends will also be boarding, if that's all right. Do you see that ship right there? Once my friends have boarded, would you mind getting to the seaward side of the ship? Would that be okay?"

Annie will wait for those companions that do not wish to swim to join her, unless the gondoleer indicates that any more passengers will be an issue for his craft. Once the gondola is on the far side of the ship, Annie will cast light on the gondola itself, to make it glow. This should attract attention toward the gondola, and away from the harbor side of Lavinia's ship, to help the swimmers approach unnoticed. At this point Annie would begin trying to talk Vark out of taking Lavinia's ship.

Sovereign Court

Gull Street Annie wrote:

Annie smiled at the elf as she stepped lightly onto the gondola. "Thank you. A few of my friends will also be boarding, if that's all right. Do you see that ship right there? Once my friends have boarded, would you mind getting to the seaward side of the ship? Would that be okay?"

** spoiler omitted **

Mornias held the boat steady for Annie and the other passengers. "If you're willing to squeeze a bit, I can manage five of you. Just don't move around too much. One silver for the lot of you."

Before I put up the next map, I want to be sure who's going where. Swimming, I have: Spinnaker Jon, Sneaky, and Bryson. On the gondola, I have: Annie, Dgrim, Ghirrak, Bindlplotz. Bryson hasn't agreed to be a swimmer and Ghirrak seems an unlikely choice for the boat, but for his desire to try diplomacy. Bindlplotz can't use his weapon underwater so it's a safe bet he's joining them on the boat. Let me know if you're swimming or rowing, if you haven't already.

Human Wizard 4 / Rogue 2

Dgrim takes Betsy off of Spinnaker Jon's hands, and then follows Annie onto the gondola.

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Ghirrak looks at Spinnaker John with an expression akin to amusement. "Fair enough"

Without another word the monk quickly strips off his shirt, the intricate tattoos on his heavily muscled arms, dancing with his movements. Tucking the shirt into his backpack he hands it to Annie.

"You mind keeping an eye on this for me?"

He quickly slips into the dark water, his Darkvision serving him well.

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

After easing down the pier and into the water (trying not to make a splash or be spotted by the gondolaman) Spinnaker Jon will make for square B-12; he uses best speed underwater if he can.

Sovereign Court

Spinnaker Jon wrote:
After easing down the pier and into the water (trying not to make a splash or be spotted by the gondolaman) Spinnaker Jon will make for square B-12; he uses best speed underwater if he can.

Jon, do you mean C-12 or actually climbing up the side to B-12?


Give me four successful DC 10 swim checks(representing roughly 120 feet of movement, more than enough to get there) and let me know how many rounds it takes(especially if you're underwater). However many Swim checks it takes to get to the ship, give me that many Stealth checks(I'll factor in your bonuses if underwater), the last being the most important.

Gondola Diplomats:

At 10 feet per round, you're not moving terribly fast to the other side of the Blue Nixie. Expect it to be at least two minutes before you're in the proper position. Let me know exactly what each of you is doing in those minutes, as you'll be very close to Vark while moving into position and will likely attract his attention before you begin speaking. Vark will watch the gondola warily from his position on the quarterdeck until addressed by the party. What the rest of his crew does will be determined by 5 Bluff checks from whoever speaks first(no actual bluffing necessary, this is just to determine how many crewmembers are distracted by your appearance), assists allowed.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

I'm going to have my shield ready, in case they have arrows and fire at us. My action will be to Aid Another on the Gondoleer to give him +2 to his AC (it's not his fight) if I see violent action toward us. I plan, once we are away from the pier, to cast Light on the gondola to attract everyone's attention to us. Unless someone objects, Annie plans to start the conversation with boat occupants - and maybe lead the bluff checks (+7 mod)?

Human Wizard 4 / Rogue 2

During the journey to between the dock and ship, Dgrim keeps his mouth shut. As long as no hostile actions are made by Vark or any of his crew, Dgrim keeps still.

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

C-12 is fine. The idea was to creep against the hull to minimize the chance they'd see me in the water because of the overhang of the bowsprit. Also waiting on Invisible Castle for rolling (cause they're down again).

Male Human Rogue 1
Ghirrak Ironfist wrote:

Tucking the shirt into his backpack he hands it to Annie. "You mind keeping an eye on this for me?"

He quickly slips into the dark water, his Darkvision serving him well.

"That's my boy!" said the rogue with a sneaky glimpse to his mates, "Please miss do the same with my backpack taking it with you in the gondola" asked then passing his rucksack to Annie... "Brrr it's quite cold, isn't it, I have not all that fat to protect me... ok remember what you are boy... time to move" whispered to himself finally with a smile before to disappear into the dark water with a dive.

GM wrote:
Give me four successful DC 10 swim checks(representing roughly 120 feet of movement, more than enough to get there) and let me know how many rounds it takes(especially if you're underwater). However many Swim checks it takes to get to the ship, give me that many Stealth checks(I'll factor in your bonuses if underwater), the last being the most important.

Swim checks: - - - Stealth checks:

4 + 7 = 11 - - - 12 + 8 = 20
20 + 7 = 27 - - - 8 + 8 = 16
11 + 7 = 18 - - - 15 + 8 = 23
7 + 7 = 14 - - - 19 + 8 = 27

P.S. Yeah never missed!!! I'm using real dices to roll but if you prefer an online server just tell it, however you can trust me, after all I'm the group rogue ^^

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

I'll slip into the water as well. I'll go underwater for the last two swim/stealth checks.

(invisible castle is not cooperating right now. I will roll later or both my swim and stealth bonuses are +6)

Sovereign Court

With InvisibleCastle down, I can either roll for everyone with Maptools or leave my Maptools server up for everyone to use if they need to roll. It's more involved if you have to download Maptools 1.3b57 from RPtools.net and log onto my server, and I won't necessarily be around if the server won't let you in.

If you opt for the maptools server option, my server is at, Port 51234. Rolling dice in maptools is simple. Just type [d20] or [1d20+3] and it will roll it for you in the chat window. /roll d20+5 would also work. Hopefully InvisibleCastle will be up again soon, but if you don't feel like waiting or it stays down tomorrow, this is another option.

Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:

Roll for me GM!

Male Half-orc Monk (Iron Mountain) 8 |HP: 60/61 | AC:26 Current 29, T 19, FF 21 | Fort: +9 Ref:+10 Will:+12 (+14 Enchantment) |CMB +12 (+16 grapple), CMD 25 (27) | Init+3 | Perc +13 | Ki Pool 9/9

Rolled these on DM tools but if you'd rather then roll for me
Swim checks
1. 1476 1d20 + (3) = 23
2. #1477 1d20 + (3) = 21
3. #1478 1d20 + (3) = 22
4. #1479 1d20 + (3) = 21

Stealth checks
#1480 1d20 + (6) = 19
2. #1481 1d20 + (6) = 23
3. #1482 1d20 + (6) = 26
4. #1483 1d20 + (6) = 11
And Ghirrak is underwater

Half Fiend Half Elf Druid 8| HP 94/94| AC 22 (25), FF 19 (22), Touch 14| Fo +10 Re +5 Wi +12; SR 20| Init +3| Percep +23, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision| Wildshape 3/3, Destructive Smite 9/9

Swim checks 15, 19, underwater 18, and 22.
Stealth checks 12, 17, underwater 16, and 11.
I forgot my armor penalty. I've edited the rolls to reflect it.

Sovereign Court

Spinnaker Jon wrote:
Roll for me GM!

I'll let the self-rolls stand since InvisibleCastle is still down but we'll clearly need to set up a redundancy system.

Jon's rolls

Swim checks: Warforged GM:
« d20+6 = 14 + 6 = 20 »
Warforged GM:
« d20+6 = 12 + 6 = 18 »
Warforged GM:
« d20+6 = 1 + 6 = 7 »
Warforged GM:
« d20+6 = 15 + 6 = 21 »
Warforged GM:
« d20+6 = 20 + 6 = 26 »

Stealth: Warforged GM:
« d20+3 = 7 + 3 = 10 »
Warforged GM:
« d20+3 = 1 + 3 = 4 »
Warforged GM:
« d20+3 = 5 + 3 = 8 »
Warforged GM:
« d20+3 = 13 + 3 = 16 »
Warforged GM:
« d20+3 = 12 + 3 = 15 »

Sovereign Court

The swimmers are in position, while the gondola is still moving into position but is aglow with light. Since no one else has volunteered to speak, Annie may address Vark as the gondolier rows them to the port side of the Blue Nixie(unless she wants to wait until Invisible Castle is back up).

Here is what the map will look like WHEN the surprise round begins. Depending on the Bluff checks, some of the crewmembers may move.

Female Human Cleric 6 {HP: 37 /37 AC: 21}

Seeing no objection to me making the bluff rolls:

Assistance is desired, if anyone's in the boat and willing!

"Ahoy!" Annie called, unconciously mimicking Jon's distinct turn of phrase for a moment. "On the ship! Are you there?" She waited for an answering acknowledgement from the ship. "I want to talk to you! Who's in charge, here?" She wanted the conversation to sound somewhat natural, but wanted it to be as slow and drawn out as possible to give her unseen friends a chance to position themselves.

She turned to the gondoleer and said in a softer tone "Can you get us close to the ship? Maybe over there by that rope." She resisted pointing, not wanting to give those on the ship a clue of their destination.

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