barbarian fast movement

Rules Questions

This seemed inconsistent, but maybe I am missing something. In Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #10, Amiri is listed as having a speed of 40' but she is wearing hide armor. Is this right? Shouldn't her speed be 30'?

razzer wrote:
This seemed inconsistent, but maybe I am missing something. In Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #10, Amiri is listed as having a speed of 40' but she is wearing hide armor. Is this right? Shouldn't her speed be 30'?

Yeah, unless she took the rage powers for some extra speed, or the feats for the extra speed, in hide armor her speed would be 30'.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Erm, Barbarian gets the Fast Movement ability at lvl 1.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yes, but Hide armor is medium last I checked, so her speed should drop. *goes to check*

Gorbacz wrote:
Erm, Barbarian gets the Fast Movement ability at lvl 1.

Yes, and hide is medium. So unless she took additional speed enhancing abilities, it should be 30' in hide armor.

It must be mithral hide armour^^ Made from the hides of the mithral oxen, which live in the Mountains of Shenannigan !

vikingson wrote:
It must be mithral hide armour^^ Made from the hides of the mithral oxen, which live in the Mountains of Shenannigan !

Ah the mountains of Shenannigan, fondly do I remember thee. Where the wizards cast all day long without a care in the world, where the fighters always make their will saves and get fifteen attacks a round... with each hand! Where you've always done just what you needed to have done, you just forgot to say so, but that's ok, we'll just go back and change it!

Where the bad guys have wooden legs and the Dragons all have rubber teeth...

Where there aint no snow, where there aint no fog, where the wind don't blow, in the Big Rock.. uh.. I mean the Shenannigan Mountains.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Actually, the Fast Movement power of barbarians works for no armor, light armor or medium armor. Page 31.

Mistwalker wrote:
Actually, the Fast Movement power of barbarians works for no armor, light armor or medium armor. Page 31.

Yes, and medium armor still slows them down.

Liberty's Edge

does a barbarians land speed bonus necessarily translate into faster climbing or swimming?

Raymond Carroll wrote:
does a barbarians land speed bonus necessarily translate into faster climbing or swimming?

Yes, because you calculate your movement rates in those movement modes by applying a multiplier to your normal land speed.

If your human barbarian moves at 40, you can climb at 10 (1/4 your movement rate) and swim at 20 (1/2 your movement rate). Your friend the human fighter would climb 7.5 feet per round and swim 15 feet per round because his movement rate is only 30.

(And if your human barbarian wore hide armor, he would swim at the same rate as his human fighter friend - assuming that friend wore light armor or less).

razzer wrote:
This seemed inconsistent, but maybe I am missing something. In Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #10, Amiri is listed as having a speed of 40' but she is wearing hide armor. Is this right? Shouldn't her speed be 30'?

Amiri is wearing a ring of Freedom of Movement in the preview. This raises an interesting question about the effects of the spell, since (as far as I can tell) it's the only reason that she would have a speed listed as 40 feet (unless they're just trusting the players to make the adjustment for themselves).

Freedom of movement, in its description, says nothing about allowing you to ignore movement penalties from armor. It merely states that magic that would impede movement has no effect, the character cannot be successfully grappled, and there are no penalties for underwater combat.

The preview suggests that there are a number of other benefits that are unsaid. If armor is not longer an issue, what about encumbrance? It would seem absurd if a weakling character could wander about freely with 1000 lbs. of loot on his back. Still, if freedom applies to armor, the ring that Amiri has is going to become a must have for heavy armored types who're sick of bringing up the back of the train.

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