The CORBOSSY -or- Jason and the Bulmahnauts

Off-Topic Discussions

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Dark Archive

Bulmahnaut #5 wrote:
Maybe the Lord Jason will make an appearance sometime soon. I'd really like him to lead us in some pillaging.

Yes, it has been a long time since we pillaged anything.

And even longer since the Lord Jason graced us with the immensitude of his prescence.

<Begins Bulmahn-summoning ritual.>

We're going to need a lot of beer, wenches, and food to complete the ritual!

Uuuggghhh.. my head.

After that birthday party, I spent that past few days sleeping it off. Where are we again?


We're on our way to the Mediterranian, Sir! We figured on pillaging in Greece for awhile, then hitting some of the islands to look for chicks.

Jason, Lord of the Bulmahnauts wrote:

Uuuggghhh.. my head.

After that birthday party, I spent that past few days sleeping it off. Where are we again?


I, um, figured we were on a boat.


Have we made it to Greece yet? Methinks we've been becalmed.

go team jason!

That's Lord Jason to you, buddy! Don't make us go all China Shop on you.

Dark Archive

Bulmahnaut #5 wrote:
Have we made it to Greece yet? Methinks we've been becalmed.

We may have gotten lost. There were some side trips there awhile back.


Dark Archive

Aye lad, now let's find some scallywags and gut them like a codfish!

Happy talk like a pirate day!

We need to do some pillaging.

Dark Archive

We just need to find the right spot to rampage through.

I hear Ithaca's pretty peaceful.

Dark Archive

Yeah, but how are the wenches and booze?

There's some serving girls. Probably booze too.

Are you asking about quality? Cause I don't do that.

Serving wenches are awesome. And they love my....horns.

Dark Archive

Bulmahnaut #5 wrote:
Serving wenches are awesome. And they love my....horns.

That's what he said.

He who? The Lord Jason? Of course he would love them, I keep them razor sharp, just to honor his awesomeness.

practices his China Shop manuever

Dark Archive

Brings a new meaning to break dancing.

breaks a dancer

Dark Archive

Stupid doctor put me on a low carb diabetic diet. And told me to lay off the rum.

Dude, that sucks.


Dark Archive

Then lets head to Australia and hit the rum jungle. Maybe we could take out that annoying golden dog down there too.

Weird. I thought for sure that Japan would have more China Shops to rummage through.

Dark Archive

Go figure.

Dark Archive

Hey, I here there is some rampaging going on in New York, we should go check it out.

Dark Archive

Man, that was a long nap. Where are we?

Not sure, but it seems a lot more crazy than usual. And it looks to be troll infested. Better break out the fire.....

Bulmahnaut #3 wrote:
Man, that was a long nap. Where are we?

Hmm. Where's the sky?

Dark Archive

Fire, I figured our acid words would be enough.

I can help you guys set fires!

I'm okay with fire as long as we get to smash and pillage too.

Hmmm....methinks we've been invaded my an imposter.

Dark Archive

Looks like. Maybe we can play football with it.

I'd rather just light it on fire and shove it overboard.

Dark Archive

Let light it on fire and play dodgeball with it. :)

If you can dodge a wrench....

Dark Archive

[SMACK!] Ouch, save that smack for after the rum wears off.

If we keep drinking, it never has to wear off.

Dark Archive

So THAT'S why all the rum is gone.

I thought we had enchanted drinking mugs.

Dark Archive

Is that what those things are? I have been using it to bean seagulls.

No doubt the seagulls deserved it. Those little f*+&ers.

Dark Archive

We could invent seagull volleyball. The regular volleyball keeps getting stuck on my horn.

That would be fun. And I think the Lord Jason would like it.

awakens in the crows nest

Hello? Is anybody there? Lord Jason?

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