Shield Master

Rules Questions

Shield Slam as a prereq seems excessive. Now that my opinion is out of the way...

Does Shield Slam remove the penalties for all attacks if you are using a non-shield weapon and a shield, remove only the penalties for the shield attack, and does it work with exotic versions (Tower Shields)?

I think it is supposed to remove all penalties from TWF, so it really should be worded that you gain a +2 on your attack rolls when using a shield and another weapon. Literally I think it is saying you have no penalty when attacking with your shield (which cannot be done with a Tower Shield, at least not currently).

Scarab Sages

Shield Bash cannot be done with a Tower Shield, only with Light and Heavy Shields.

Shield Mastery only removes the penalty for Two Weapon Fighting on the Shield Bash itself, it does not remove it for a non-Shield weapon in your other hand.

Your God of Knowledge,

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