Creative suggestions needed for a one-shot adventure

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Scarab Sages

MPIA players or Stephen: Do not read any further, this will spoil the Thursday session.

That said, I'll be running a one-shot Pathfinder session next Thursday to entertain my former DM who is visiting my institute. The evening too short for an actual story, I envisioned some sort of "survive the arena to win your freedom" scenario.

Can you help me come up with some encounters for a party of maybe 4 level 6 characters? In particular, they should be dauntingly scary yet survivable, hilarious for the arena spectators, solvable with creative ideas and out-of-the-box thinking, and yet simple enough not to clutter the entire evening with bookkeeping. The mimic is a beautiful example.

Alternately, I would also be interested in a short enough written adventure for a single session, provided it is suitably action-packed and free.


Liberty's Edge

my group has been playing a bit in the Irorum, which i do use a bit like the Coliseum... so they can chenge a bit the place

one of those scenario turned the arena in a pool with low trunks/pilars in and small islands... the players needed tor each an island in the center and recover a magical treasure... for fun I added two things

a) alligators in the water and giagiant spiders above it... so they had to moe quickly and with balance to don't fall into the water and be eaten... and battle poisonous spiders thar move over the pillars andbelow them where they are not seen...

b) another group russing under the same conditions for the treasure... onlyone can get it

wants to make it more difficult? add merfolk in the water ad over it some creature with lots of hands and arms to keep itself above with easyness.

those are my 2 cents

similar scenario for a solo character was to cross a shallow lake overan small island.. in the lake there was a water elemental.. int he island a ethereal... gah forgot the name.. acreature with 3 arms andstrange afeatures intheMM of 3.0 is white with green and as a bog mouth and some kind of snorkerl... th interesting thin is that it can jump inside and outside the ethereal plane...

the mission is to get tot he other side and frescue the item... and go back... so there is the water elementla TWICE and a creature who mvoes between planes

not thatmuch combat... but ti was fun

Montalve wrote:
int he island a ethereal... gah forgot the name..

...ethereal filcher... I'm -never- forgetting that one, I could have lost the whole thing based on the roll of an invisible attacker I wasn't even aware of... that... was... low...

Liberty's Edge

Joanne Gottlieb wrote:
Montalve wrote:
int he island a ethereal... gah forgot the name..
...ethereal filcher... I'm -never- forgetting that one, I could have lost the whole thing based on the roll of an invisible attacker I wasn't even aware of... that... was... low...

it was the games in a coliseum... who said it had to be fair :P

now you check twice, don't you?

Montalve wrote:

... who said it had to be fair :P

now you check twice, don't you?

That was beyond unfair! That was cheap, the equivalent of being sniped from a mile away! Don't make me call the Lamias! >_<

Scarab Sages

You could have one fight take place entirely on ropes or chains, and some other hazard or monster on the ground.

I'm thinking a few chokers on the ropes, and an ogre or two on the ground taking swings at everyone.

Do not underestimate the confusion factor of well-placed illusions mixed in with real combatants/walls/falling pillars. The entire arena could be controlled with creative uses of Hallucinatory Terrain (the crowd throws fruit, roots for the bad guy, raises a new champion from the crowd). A wandering flying young dragon could surprise even the organizers of the arena (or maybe there's a bit of intrigue involved there).

A charmed PC who's compelled to throw the fight at a key moment. . . .

So many really nice options. I think I'll be running such a scenario myself. ;)

Have fun with it!


Jal Dorak wrote:

You could have one fight take place entirely on ropes or chains, and some other hazard or monster on the ground.

I'm thinking a few chokers on the ropes, and an ogre or two on the ground taking swings at everyone.

For epicness, chimeric monsters are fun. Just take 3 monsters and jam em all together.

There's lots of aberrations: a darkmantle swarm, an aboleth and its skum horde in a mock naval battle.

Seconded on wierd terrain. Ropes and such are ok. How about pillars of earth that rise and fall w/no notice; pyrotechnics; a semi-pemanent stinking cloud; heck, just dividing the arena into different extreme weather zones could be kind of cool.

Finally: blindfold them. Have one fight be not just magical darkness but blindfolds. They can't even see or know where each other is.

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