Wielding vs. Holding and switching

Rules Questions

If a TWF person with rapier & magic shortsword out moves and attacks with the shortsword in the off-hand, it seems there would be no attack penalty (but the off-hand damage for Str would apply). There doesn't seem to be an action for switching the weapons to the other hands. Since it is less than Drawing a Weapon would it be a free action?

Scarab Sages

If you only attack with a single weapon in a round, there is no need to declare an off-hand attack or penalize the attack roll or damage.

Assume a rogue uses a rapier/short sword combination, and normally attacks with the rapier in his primary hand. For whatever reason, he moves and decides to attack with only the short sword. The short sword would be the primary attack this round, get the full strength bonus to damage, and take no penalty on the attack roll.

TWF penalties (and the half str to off-hand damage) only come into play during a Full Attack Action. When only one attack is made, treat it as the primary weapon.

Your God of Knowledge,

Silver Crusade

Unfortunately, this eliminates any Dread Pirate Roberts vs. Inigo Montoya battles. You can't be left-handed... ;)

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