Paladin Mount

Rules Questions

Hey I was just reading through the rules for the Paladin's Divine Bond and noticed there was no duration for the mount. Does it last until indefinitely / until dismissed, or is it supposed to read like the Beta (2 hrs / paladin level) ?

Sovereign Court

I think it works like a druid's animal companion now...

Scede wrote:
Hey I was just reading through the rules for the Paladin's Divine Bond and noticed there was no duration for the mount. Does it last until indefinitely / until dismissed, or is it supposed to read like the Beta (2 hrs / paladin level) ?

My understanding, from reading both the book and the boards, is that the Paladin's mount is like a Superclass of Animal Companion. That is, it has all the benefits of an Animal Companion, but also extras. One of the extras is, the Paladin can Summon the mount to him. It's not being summoned from the planes, it's an actual animal companion. Just that once per day, the Paladin can summon his mount. For example, he and the party go down into a cave, and fight through the cave and come out on the other side of the mountain 5 days later. The Paladin then summons his mount, who appears at his side, and stays there until the Paladin leaves him alone again for some reason.

Sovereign Court

mdt wrote:
My understanding, from reading both the book and the boards, is that the Paladin's mount is like a Superclass of Animal Companion. That is, it has all the benefits of an Animal Companion, but also extras. One of the extras is, the Paladin can Summon the mount to him. It's not being summoned from the planes, it's an actual animal companion. Just that once per day, the Paladin can summon his mount. For example, he and the party go down into a cave, and fight through the cave and come out on the other side of the mountain 5 days later. The Paladin then summons his mount, who appears at his side, and stays there until the Paladin leaves him alone again for some reason.

This was my initial interpertation and seems to make sense and would be useful. But why gain additional times per day? And if the Paladin left said mount in the stable in town then magically called the mount, what about equipment? The mount would not be left in the stable saddled.

I hope to see some clarification of this ability and examples of use from the developers.

Reasons for Multiple times a day: You need him in multiple places a day. Perhaps you got teleported and the wizard didn't have enough capacity for the mount. Or you find you needed the mount to watch some prisoners (ok a bit much but some of those mounts are really smart and capable). Also you end up in a dungeon where there is room for your mount and you, and you are facing Calvary and need some of your own, however the entrance was too small for the mount.

Andrew Phillips wrote:
mdt wrote:
My understanding, from reading both the book and the boards, is that the Paladin's mount is like a Superclass of Animal Companion. That is, it has all the benefits of an Animal Companion, but also extras. One of the extras is, the Paladin can Summon the mount to him. It's not being summoned from the planes, it's an actual animal companion. Just that once per day, the Paladin can summon his mount. For example, he and the party go down into a cave, and fight through the cave and come out on the other side of the mountain 5 days later. The Paladin then summons his mount, who appears at his side, and stays there until the Paladin leaves him alone again for some reason.

This was my initial interpertation and seems to make sense and would be useful. But why gain additional times per day? And if the Paladin left said mount in the stable in town then magically called the mount, what about equipment? The mount would not be left in the stable saddled.

I hope to see some clarification of this ability and examples of use from the developers.

My take on the multiple times per day is for convenience. For example, I am travelling along, and I come to a river I can't find a crossing for (or maybe I don't have time to find one because a band of orcs is chasing me). I can put all my equipment on my mount, swim accross, summon the mount, and be on my way. A lower levels, this is convenient, but I can only do it once. At higher levels, I can really do things to like this multiple times a day (climb a cliff, summon mount, ride through the mountain, climb down cliff, summon again, ride into plains).

This thread was very helpful to me. Glad I ran across it. Perhaps you all could direct me to someplace that has a nearly exhaustive listing for potential Paladin Bonded Mounts?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Scede wrote:
Hey I was just reading through the rules for the Paladin's Divine Bond and noticed there was no duration for the mount. Does it last until indefinitely / until dismissed, or is it supposed to read like the Beta (2 hrs / paladin level) ?

You don't summon a mount from the celestial planes any more.

You're essentially like a druid who wears platemail and specialises in horses for animal companions. Look up the druid rules for AC and your steed is treated just like that save wherever the paladin mechanics put in a new wrinkle.

What is the consensus of Mount vs. Bonding a weapon?
Which seems to be the more functional/useful?
To really mix it up, what about bonding your Armor per the Sacred Shield Archetype?

no one on this?

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