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This may be a question that has already been addressed, but I couldn't find it. Does Charm Monster affect a "Person"? Town guard, barkeep, etc. In other words, would the charm "Monster" spell have an affect on a group of NPC elves in their village, or NPC halflings in their shire, or NPC gnomes in their... wherever the gnomes are living? Thanks, guys. P.S. Please refrain from snide remarks. I won't even read the whole post. ![]()
Jorda. Thanks a ton. And yeah, its weird having many Medusae and not one woman turned hideous gorgon Medusa. Grick. Can you point out where the "A creature with a gaze attack can actively gaze as an attack action by choosing a target within range. That opponent must attempt a saving throw but can try to avoid this as described above. Thus, it is possible for an opponent to save against a creature's gaze twice during the same round, once before the opponent's action and once during the creature's turn." quote comes from. Thank you SO much guys. ![]()
Just a couple of questions that have come up in our group. 1) If a character is turned to stone, are all of their items?
I have a question that somewhat relates to this. A couple actually. 1) If a character is turned to stone, are all of their items?
So... A Bard is performing "Rock You Like A Hurricane" and using audible ( singing ) OR playing air guitar or a lute ( visual ) to inspire courage.
So...? ![]()
Thank you, Riggler. And I was just asking for documentation not proof. Now that I have that analogy, I believe that I can come up with enough to provide the party with the requested documentation. There is a list provided. Perhaps you could help me with another quick one? Or shall I start another thread. Again, thank you for your quick and attentive responses, all. ![]()
Appreciate the quick responses but I meant it when I said I needed documented support one way or the other. "1)Moving INTO a threatened square does not provoke (it's the leaving of one that does)." Does moving into a threatened square already occupied by an ally provoke? "2)A caster with a touch spell active is considered "armed", and does not even provoke if attempting to touch a foe, let alone an ally." I found nothing regarding being armed and touching an ally. Only rules about touching foes. ( as pertaining to this action ). "Why would reaching INTO a threatened square ever provoke?" It is presented as being contextually the same as doing many other things that provoke while IN a threatened square. And, technically, at some point, Steve must have some part of his body in Bob's ( poor Bob ) threatened square to touch him. At which point Steve would be "Performing a Distracting Act: Some actions, when performed in a threatened square, provoke attacks of opportunity as you divert your attention from the battle." (from rule book). Anyway I have a party that is pretty much 50/50 on this so I appreciate the help. Oh, BTW. Are there moderator's or "judges" that we can get in touch with? Thanks a ton. ![]()
Does a caster who is reaching INTO a threatened square provoke an attack of opportunity when casting a heal spell on a companion? eg., Bob is in a fight with an orc. Steve is a healer in Bob's party. Bob and the orc are face to face in squares that threaten each other.
Thanks ![]()
So here's the question I come up with after all of this.
eg., Bob is in a fight with an orc. Steve is a healer in Bob's party. Bob and the orc are face to face in squares that threaten each other.
Thanks ![]()
So here's the question I come up with after all of this.
eg., Bob is in a fight with an orc. Steve is a healer in Bob's party. Bob and the orc are face to face in squares that threaten each other.
Thanks |