Strix Alignment Missing

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Not to be nitpicky...

On page 82 of the Bastards of Erebus adventure, the entry for the Strix in the bestiary section is missing an alignment. It says "AL", which is probably short for alignment and indicates someone did not fill out a field in a pre-generated form.

Anyone care to shed some light? It would be appreciated.

*bump* Anyone? Anyone on the Paizo staff know the answer to this?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

It gets to be whatever alignment you want it to be! Yay for versatility!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

First of all... while we at Paizo do read these boards, we've got a lot of other plates spinning at the same time. Eventually we'll get around to answering things, but sometimes it'll take several hours, or even days.

In any event...

Strixes are supposed to be Neutral.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

I'd agree with yoda. The "form" if left blank wouldn't return a value AL unless that is what was entered into it, and since the critters can be characters, I'd think versatility would be the aim here.

Edit: ...and, yay! Wrong again! :)

Yeesh, I didn't mean to step on any toes! You make a darn fine product and I look forward to more excellence in the future. Thank you very much for the response.

Another new person. Welcome, Tanner.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tanner Nielsen wrote:
Yeesh, I didn't mean to step on any toes! You make a darn fine product and I look forward to more excellence in the future. Thank you very much for the response.

No worries at all! And welcome to the boards! :-)


James Jacobs wrote:

Please excuse kindly Dr. Jacobs. He's upset today because at a number of moments over the weekend he WAS watching an awesome new Tarantino movie, but all day today he has not. All work and no nat-zis makes James something something. :P

Welcome aboard T.N.!

It's not something you did/failed to do, Wes?

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