Mystic Theurge Base Class

Homebrew and House Rules

I am really trying to wein my players from Prestige Classes with the switch to Pathfinder. We hatessss them. Most of the 3.5 PrCs are totally useless now anyways because the new Cores do their job better. At any rate, one of the things that isn't really possible with any great amount of usefulness is a Cleric/Wizard. It's a tough sell. My response is a Theurge base class.

Note: The Theurge keeps his bonus feats and may spontaneously cast cure spells.

Wizard Alternate Class
Remove: School Abilities
Remove: Arcane Bond
Replace: Wizard Spellcasting with Wizard/Cleric spellcasting missing a caster level for both at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18
Add: Combined Magic at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, and 20
Add: Spell Synthesis at level 13 and additional uses per day at levels 15, 17, and 19
Add: Heal as a class skill

Critiques are welcome.

If your planning to do that, I'd have to recommend giving it the one thing that Paizo failed to do, and that's to enable 9th level spells in both classes. I'll be honest I'm still bugged by that and artificially extend the MT PrC in my campaigns to allow it to do so.

One thing I would do would be to stagger the missed caster levels. It would really suck to get nothing but 1d6 HP and 2 skill points for your level. so make the levels you don't get cleric different from those that you don't get wiz.

mach1.9pants wrote:
One thing I would do would be to stagger the missed caster levels. It would really suck to get nothing but 1d6 HP and 2 skill points for your level. so make the levels you don't get cleric different from those that you don't get wiz.

Actually, this is something my players did suggest. I guess that should definitely be "on the table". However, how about this:

Wizard Alternate Class
Remove: School Abilities
Remove: Arcane Bond
Replace: Wizard Spellcasting with Wizard/Cleric spellcasting missing a caster level for both at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, and 18
Add: Combined Magic at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, and 20
Add: Spell Synthesis use per day at levels 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, and 20
Add: Heal as a class skill

I don't think the extra uses of Spell Synthesis would be too powerful. Indeed, the ability seems to really define what the class is all about.

just a thought ;)
suddenly making the wizard a spontaneous caster, creates an exploit.
have you considered making Theurge a Sorceror/Cleric instead?
this would be more consistant with historical earthen magic mythos
the devotional lifestyle required for a wizard or cleric also seems to proclude combining the two like this
well, in my mind anyway lol :D
does open the door to a pretty nasty evil necromancer though hehe :)
also need to carefully consider spells/day and spells known either way, so that's not an exploit ;)
hope you find my old hairy tooth ramblings useful

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