Familiar's Share Spell Ability Question

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Sometimes I'm slow, I mean really slow. But I just noticed this change to Familiars and I was just curious as to the reasoning behind it.

"At the master’s option, he may have any spell (but not any spell-like ability) he casts on himself also affect his familiar. The familiar must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to receive the benefit.

If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the familiar again even if it returns to the master before the duration expires."

This entire aspect of a Familiar's Share Spells ability has been changed out. Was buffing a familiar by extension deemed too powerful?/ plain unnecessary?/ everyone is getting a bonded item or sword anyway?

Heh, Thanks in Advance,

Liberty's Edge

Indago Umbra wrote:

Sometimes I'm slow, I mean really slow. But I just noticed this change to Familiars and I was just curious as to the reasoning behind it.

"At the master’s option, he may have any spell (but not any spell-like ability) he casts on himself also affect his familiar. The familiar must be within 5 feet at the time of casting to receive the benefit.

If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the familiar if it moves farther than 5 feet away and will not affect the familiar again even if it returns to the master before the duration expires."

Um... this isn't a change at all. The text is exactly the same as the text from page 53 of the 3.5 PHB. Like, I'm looking at it right now, and it's identical.

Jeremy Puckett


Um... this isn't a change at all. The text is exactly the same as the text from page 53 of the 3.5 PHB. Like, I'm looking at it right now, and it's identical.

Jeremy Puckett

Um... maybe I wasn't clear. The quoted passage is NOT in the PFRPG. Was wondering why that aspect of the power was deleted.


Here is the Pathfinder RPG version of the ability:

Share Spells: The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).

I seem to recall there were some abuses of the 2-for-1 nature of the spell but I don't recall what they were right now. I think maybe they involved polymorph so they might not even be relevant anymore.

I never cared for the rule because it was wonky, the whole has a buff until he steps 5' thing was weird.

Dennis da Ogre wrote:

I seem to recall there were some abuses of the 2-for-1 nature of the spell but I don't recall what they were right now. I think maybe they involved polymorph so they might not even be relevant anymore.

I never cared for the rule because it was wonky, the whole has a buff until he steps 5' thing was weird.

Thanks Dennis. I can see how it could have been abused.

Sovereign Court

There was a little bit of abuse on the Sorcerer/Wizard side but a majority of the abuse came from Druids. They've got a similar (probably identical) ability involving their animal companions in 3.5

The main difference is of course, usually you can't ride your familiar about. A dire lion you can totally ride around on and buff to kingdom come and back. It got out of hand usually.

Morgen wrote:

There was a little bit of abuse on the Sorcerer/Wizard side but a majority of the abuse came from Druids. They've got a similar (probably identical) ability involving their animal companions in 3.5

The main difference is of course, usually you can't ride your familiar about. A dire lion you can totally ride around on and buff to kingdom come and back. It got out of hand usually.

Yeah something about DM's not liking the mage and his familiar to have mage armor, shield, mirror image, shrink person (or enlarge person), transformation, polymorph, and stoneskin on themselves with just one casting of each spell.

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