Finding Traps

Rules Questions

So, in 3.5 you used search, which was a standard action for a 5-foot square, to find traps. However, with Search being rolled into perception with pathfinder this is no longer specified. I can't find it, but does it state anywhere that this is still the case? The Perception skill text seems to vaguely indicate that it might be reactive.

So reactive perception check to notice traps, or active searching?

phantarch wrote:

So, in 3.5 you used search, which was a standard action for a 5-foot square, to find traps. However, with Search being rolled into perception with pathfinder this is no longer specified. I can't find it, but does it state anywhere that this is still the case? The Perception skill text seems to vaguely indicate that it might be reactive.

So reactive perception check to notice traps, or active searching?

under skills for perception is

Action: Most Perception checks are reactive, made in
response to observable stimulus. Intentionally searching
for stimulus is a move action.

and under the rogue class we have

Trap Spotter (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent
comes within 10 feet of a trap, she receives an immediate
Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should
be made in secret by the GM.

with this i would say that you have to be Intentionally searching for traps to find them unless you have the trap spoter class feature

Silver Crusade

phantarch wrote:

So, in 3.5 you used search, which was a standard action for a 5-foot square, to find traps. However, with Search being rolled into perception with pathfinder this is no longer specified. I can't find it, but does it state anywhere that this is still the case? The Perception skill text seems to vaguely indicate that it might be reactive.

So reactive perception check to notice traps, or active searching?

If you're looking for traps, it's a perception check with the DC depending on the trap.


drashal wrote:

under skills for perception is

Action: Most Perception checks are reactive, made in
response to observable stimulus. Intentionally searching
for stimulus is a move action.

and under the rogue class we have

Trap Spotter (Ex): Whenever a rogue with this talent
comes within 10 feet of a trap, she receives an immediate
Perception skill check to notice the trap. This check should
be made in secret by the GM.

with this i would say that you have to be Intentionally searching for traps to find them unless you have the trap spoter class feature

This seems to be the intuitive answer, especially based on the trap spotter ability. I'm not sure how much this is colored by my experience with 3.5, however. I'd like to see an errata or FAQ that specified how traps should specifically be handled. It'd be nice to have a change to the "I move five feet and search for traps. I move 5 feet more and search again." Of course, I guess that maybe all rogues should just take trap spotter.

It'd be nice if "observable stimulus" were actually defined. Is a person using Stealth not observable? They are theoretically hidden, so should possibly require an active perception check rather than reactive. To me, how well a trap is hidden is comparable to how well a person is hidden. I guess it's just left to the GM to decide...

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