erian_7 |
Hi all, looking to get the updated APG classes out today. Should be another 4-5 hours or so I think...
I've noticed on the newest version that it will not add the armor value of shields. Even when you set Shield to Yes in the Top Left (Landscape View)
Yep, this was reported a week or so ago as well. I've fixed it for the next release.
Silly question, but should the stat block automatically include all the information that I entered into the main pages? Because it's not for me and I'm unsure if I'm doing something wrong or are my expectations incorrect.
I am using version 9.
It's more a problem of expectation meeting implementation...i.e. I do indeed intend for the Stat Block to include the important stuff from the main pages, but have not fully implemented it as yet!
erian_7 |
just one quick thing man i saw that the stone plate is not accurate it needs to be 10 base one more than the full plate i have 2 add it on the top i saw it with version 8.10 and its still there with v 9.0
The entry from Adventurer's Armory (the latest official version) shows it as providing an Armor bonus of +9.
erian_7 |
Okay folks, time to play! I've got v.0.9.1 posted in my profile. It includes updates for all of the beta classes to the new APG rules, plus all the fixes discussed to date. In addition (and, again, thanks to RtrnofdMax!) I've got all of the new feats in place. Note that for these I have not automated the qualifications yet, i.e. all will show up as available, and I also have not automated any related mechanics.
I have not completed the fixes for familiars/companions/eidolons yet, and wanted to get some feedback for these. Specifically, beyond the Int 1-2 animal companions, all these critters have a wide array of feat options available, and many may also use various equipment/magic items. For both of these, I'm looking at potentially having to almost double the size of the file in order to get these options available. As such, I'm considering having a separate file just to cover these. My thinking is that for folks not using a familiar/companion/eidolon, the extra file size is not worth it and it introduces another layer of complexity for tracking changes. Of course, a down side for making this a new file is that I'll then have to maintain the feat and equipment lists in two locations, but I've been working to make sure that sort of thing isn't too much of a hassle. Another option is to leave the functionality for these fairly basic, but that sort of defeats the use for creatures like the eidolon. So, what do folks think?
While we discuss, I'll be working on feat automation as well as integrating other APG mechanics...
DigMarx |
I'm looking at potentially having to almost double the size of the file in order to get these options available. As such, I'm considering having a separate file just to cover these. My thinking is that for folks not using a familiar/companion/eidolon, the extra file size is not worth it and it introduces another layer of complexity for tracking changes. Of course, a down side for making this a new file is that I'll then have to maintain the feat and equipment lists in two locations, but I've been working to make sure that sort of thing isn't too much of a hassle. Another option is to leave the functionality for these fairly basic, but that sort of defeats the use for creatures like the eidolon. So, what do folks think?
With all the added complexity on the horizon, I can see where you're coming from. I wouldn't worry about the file size, though. My current character sheet is a piddly 2.28 MB. As a user I'd like to see the project head down the path that keeps you motivated and keeps new releases coming rapidly, something having to update two separate sheets would impact I fear.
It seems the sheet is rapidly getting to the point where macros would simplify the process, but you've stated you don't want to go that way. I wish there was a workaround, as I feel one thing that's really "import"ant is way to move a character between sheet versions. What if you had a field/sheet formatted to receive a block of raw character data manually pasted from another version, that then populated the fields in the rest of the sheets? Would that still require a macro? I'm talking out of my ass here, I know next to nothing about programming excel :)
Galnörag |
erian_7 wrote:I'm looking at potentially having to almost double the size of the file in order to get these options available. As such, I'm considering having a separate file just to cover these. My thinking is that for folks not using a familiar/companion/eidolon, the extra file size is not worth it and it introduces another layer of complexity for tracking changes. Of course, a down side for making this a new file is that I'll then have to maintain the feat and equipment lists in two locations, but I've been working to make sure that sort of thing isn't too much of a hassle. Another option is to leave the functionality for these fairly basic, but that sort of defeats the use for creatures like the eidolon. So, what do folks think?With all the added complexity on the horizon, I can see where you're coming from. I wouldn't worry about the file size, though. My current character sheet is a piddly 2.28 MB. As a user I'd like to see the project head down the path that keeps you motivated and keeps new releases coming rapidly, something having to update two separate sheets would impact I fear.
It seems the sheet is rapidly getting to the point where macros would simplify the process, but you've stated you don't want to go that way. I wish there was a workaround, as I feel one thing that's really "import"ant is way to move a character between sheet versions. What if you had a field/sheet formatted to receive a block of raw character data manually pasted from another version, that then populated the fields in the rest of the sheets? Would that still require a macro? I'm talking out of my ass here, I know next to nothing about programming excel :)
I'm thinking (and I could be wrong) that this might have some legs. The only hard part is versions of the sheet which add new data.
So you might need to add two new pages to the sheet, an import page and an export page.
The export page has fields equal to all the critical character data in the sheet, it just references other place in the doc.
The import page is the hard part. You would have to have ALL the current input locations on the sheet changed to get there default values from the import sheet. The second you make a change to the any value anywhere int he sheet the import page is effectively broken for that value.
But the idea would be Open Old sheet and copy export page data, open new sheet and paste export data into import sheet. Begin work in new sheet.
No macros required, just a helluvalot of work to setup. And it would probably let you break the validation on the sheet.
sieylianna |
I noticed a minor problem with the spreadsheet. There is no enttry for a mithral shirt (specific armor). If I select a chain shirt with mithral as the material, everything is correct except the weight. A mithral shirt weighs 10 pounds, but the spreadsheet shows 13.
(This is a quirk of the orignal 3.0/3.5 rules, since mithral items normally weigh half as much as normal, 13 would be correct if the weight were calculated instead of pre-defined).
Felina Silverleaf |
Found a problem. Class abilities for the Oracle are not showing up.
I found an error on the Curses and Mysteries tab. In the Effect column for Curses, the formula refers to a value called Character_Currentevel which is not defined. I tried switching it to Character_Level and it seemed to clear up the problem.
MoFiddy |
The Speed calculations on L-Front and P-Front show 4 squares for characters with 30 feet of movement.
Just do you select the alternate racial favored class options? For example, how would a half-orc alchemist select the +1/2 damage to bombs as his favored class bonus?
Edit: I selected Alchemist Bomb as one of my alchemist's weapons. I am prompted to set it to Thrown. It adds my Str (13) bonus of +1 to the bomb damage, but I don't think you add Str damage to a bomb, right?
Thanks again...
erian_7 |
I noticed a minor problem with the spreadsheet. There is no enttry for a mithral shirt (specific armor). If I select a chain shirt with mithral as the material, everything is correct except the weight. A mithral shirt weighs 10 pounds, but the spreadsheet shows 13.
(This is a quirk of the orignal 3.0/3.5 rules, since mithral items normally weigh half as much as normal, 13 would be correct if the weight were calculated instead of pre-defined).
Yes, I don't have any of the specific weapons/armor in place as yet. I suppose it would be easy enough to add them into the equipment chart. I'll look into that...
in version 9.1, i noticed that even with exotic weapon proficiency, you still take the non-proficiency minuses on sawtooth sabers. even playing as a tengu, you still take the minuses.
I'm not seeing this error at present--did you select "Sawtooth Sabre [Light]" as the exotic prof?
Found a problem. Class abilities for the Oracle are not showing up.
I found an error on the Curses and Mysteries tab. In the Effect column for Curses, the formula refers to a value called Character_Currentevel which is not defined. I tried switching it to Character_Level and it seemed to clear up the problem.
Ah, thanks. I had done a global replace at one point and it looks like it messed up these references. There are actually 18 occurrences of Character_Currentevel that should be Character_Level.
Apologies if this is has already been covered, I searched and didn't see an answer.
Does the sheet currently support the alternate class archetypes (with replacement abilities) in the APG? If so, how do I select that?
I'm working on these now, along with the racial variants. Each archetype will show in the relevant class box on the Getting Started tab.
Shar Tahl wrote:Does the Extra Hex feat work? It is showing up but I can't find a place to pick the extra hexesI ran into the same issue with Extra Revelation, but decided that it was probably deliberate rather than defining entries for all Oracle mysteries and the associated revelations.
There is no feat automation for the APG feats as yet (also on my to-do list). Once in place, you'll be able to select these in the relevant class box on the Getting Started tab.
The Speed calculations on L-Front and P-Front show 4 squares for characters with 30 feet of movement.
Just do you select the alternate racial favored class options? For example, how would a half-orc alchemist select the +1/2 damage to bombs as his favored class bonus?
Edit: I selected Alchemist Bomb as one of my alchemist's weapons. I am prompted to set it to Thrown. It adds my Str (13) bonus of +1 to the bomb damage, but I don't think you add Str damage to a bomb, right?
Thanks again...
For the speed calc, I'm not showing an issue there. Can you let me know some more specifics on that one?
As note above, I'm still working on the alternate racial options.
For the bombs (and all thrown splash weapons), I actually caught the Str error when I created my PFS character and so it's been corrected for v.0.9.2.
AdAstraGames |
Two glitches to report
Getting Started - the drop down menu in cell Q74 (where you select which class Magical Knack applies to) keeps referring to a blank set of cells. I think you changed the location of the reference cells somewhere. This is causing Magical Knack's description to show up as #REF
Getting Started - cell BR95 needs its text color set to "White".
Morikyri |
Morikyri wrote:in version 9.1, i noticed that even with exotic weapon proficiency, you still take the non-proficiency minuses on sawtooth sabers. even playing as a tengu, you still take the minuses.I'm not seeing this error at present--did you select "Sawtooth Sabre [Light]" as the exotic prof?
re-downloaded 9.1 the link in your profile just to make sure i didn't delete something on accident. now everything works fine. idk what was wrong.
Mordo |
I don't know if it has been asked before, but it would be great to have a setup tab where we can choose which sources we'd like to use, and from there drop down menu will show only the available items for the sources chosen.
This is not a absolute request but could be a nice to have once you're ready to release your spreadsheet as a final version.
BTW keep up the good work, your sheet is pretty impressive!!!
erian_7 |
Thanks all for the kinds words and continued testing/support! It's good to see some of the issues have worked out.
Weapon Focus (Longbow) doesn't apply the bonus to Composite Bows on the Landscape Sheet. For some reason it seems to apply twice to Composite Bows on the Portrait Sheet.
Hmm, I just fixed that I thought--I'll check the logic...
Is there an ETA on 9_2?
I've been "Mr. Mom" this week so have slowed down a bit. However, I've got a trip to TX coming up tomorrow that will likely be about 2 hours of doing stuff and 70 hours of traveling/waiting, so I plan to hammer out a lot of stuff on the trip. Targeting a Wednesday or Thursday release for v.0.9.2.
Two glitches to report
Getting Started - the drop down menu in cell Q74 (where you select which class Magical Knack applies to) keeps referring to a blank set of cells. I think you changed the location of the reference cells somewhere. This is causing Magical Knack's description to show up as #REF
Getting Started - cell BR95 needs its text color set to "White".
Got 'em, thanks!
I don't know if it has been asked before, but it would be great to have a setup tab where we can choose which sources we'd like to use, and from there drop down menu will show only the available items for the sources chosen.
This is not a absolute request but could be a nice to have once you're ready to release your spreadsheet as a final version.
BTW keep up the good work, your sheet is pretty impressive!!!
These are already in the sheet, actually, on the Getting Started page. I've got things broken down by publisher, then for Paizo by Core, non-Core (Golarion stuff), and APG. I'm going to be adding a selector there for Pathfinder Society that will both filter out non-allowed sources and tweak specific items (like the Wizard's Scribe Scroll feat).
Morikyri |
our wizard finally learned haste, and i noticed something about applying it as a special effect. it does not add in the extra attack at full BAB. it only gives you the +1 to attack. i figure this is probably intentional because you don't always get a full attack, and people should know what haste does by now. however, i just wanted point it out to make sure though.
mage4fun |
First of all, Great Program! I have been a long time D&D player (back in the 70s) and I have always enjoyed a good auto-calc sheet.
I have recently started to play again using Pathfinder and I am trying to do something and am unsure if it is possible.
I want to create gestalt classes, but the program is geared for single class progression. As a work around I thought I could create a custom class based on the two class gestalt character I wanted.
Doing this I can get the basic info (BAB, Saves, Skills, HD, ect) done, but i am not sure how to get the abilities tied in.
the class combo (gestalt) I want to make are:
i was able to go to the class abilities tab and add the lines for a mock custom class, but still can figure out how to add the abilities to show up on the printed pages.
Ex: made a ranger/cleric custom class and was able to add the lines for favored enemy, favored terrain, and combat style. When I select the class in the drop down i can see that the lines for enemy, terrain, and combat style show up as true, but i don not see them on the character creation page or the output pages.
So after all is said and done, can this be done? if so, can you (or anyone who reads this) tell me how to incorporate these abilities into a single class.
thanks for any help
PS First post and it looks like a doosy :-)
Moff Rimmer |
I have not completed the fixes for familiars/companions/eidolons yet, and wanted to get some feedback for these. Specifically, beyond the Int 1-2 animal companions, all these critters have a wide array of feat options available, and many may also use various equipment/magic items. For both of these, I'm looking at potentially having to almost double the size of the file in order to get these options available. As such, I'm considering having a separate file just to cover these. My thinking is that for folks not using a familiar/companion/eidolon, the extra file size is not worth it and it introduces another layer of complexity for tracking changes. Of course, a down side for making this a new file is that I'll then have to maintain the feat and equipment lists in two locations, but I've been working to make sure that sort of thing isn't too much of a hassle. Another option is to leave the functionality for these fairly basic, but that sort of defeats the use for creatures like the eidolon. So, what do folks think?
Wouldn't you know it -- I don't play for years and when I do finally get a game, I want to play a character that isn't fully implemented in your magic sheet yet. (Great stuff by the way...)
Re: Eidelons (and similar other creatures) -- I would be fine with either a separate sheet or if it was in the same sheet. Any more, I don't know if size of the sheet will have that much effect -- When you start getting into the 20 MB range, it will slow down as it calculates, but you've got a ways to go before then. The eidelons themselves don't directly affect the character sheets, so it shouldn't matter either way.
For people not using the eidelons/familiars/etc sheets, it might be good to give instructions on what tabs can be totally deleted to help reduce the file size for their characters.
Similar to mounts and familiars and eidelons, though, I'd like to see a number of stat blocks/sheets for summoned animals through the summon monster/animal spells.
Anyway, a few random thoughts.
Moff Rimmer |
Couple more things.
Any thoughts on putting a field (somewhere) that shows the concentration check? That could be helpful -- especially for spellcasters. (Or is it there and I just missed it.)
Apparently my Excel-fu is weak. I'm trying to do an eidolon in the sheet and realize that it isn't quite working yet. How do I "turn off" the cells so that they will take whatever I input instead of just accepting whatever is in the magic table. (For some reason, "Claws" are not available as an option for the quadruped.) I'm perfectly fine forcing it -- just don't know how right now.
AdAstraGames |
On the spells tab, I use the "qty" field to put in W## or R## or F## - whatever the appropriate target number of the spell's save is.
Any chance you could free up some space from the right side (on the Landscape view) to formalize that? The spell description slots are almost, but not quite, long enough to put in:
Spell Name, Casting Time, Range, Short Effect.
AdAstraGames |
Feature Request:
I'd like a 'Paizo BBcode' export of an extended statblock. This should be pretty easy to make using CONCATENATE. I'd do it myself and send it back, but I'm not quite sure how to get it to pull data correctly.
The extended stat block should pull the following:
1) The list of skills that skill ranks have been spent in, and their adjusted rolls.
2) The list of feats/traits.
I want to be able to cut and paste from that stat block into the Paizo boards and have it boldface appropriately, not have extraneous blank lines, and ideally be contained in a spoiler tag.
David Spaar |
Great sheet, we're preparing to start Kingmaker and your work has made ours MUCH simpler! :) Thanks!
I'm playing an alchemist, and I appreciate all the available options, but one I couldn't find was a place to list my selected formulae. Is that something I'm simply missing, or should I just use available generic space to list the chosen options?
Thanks again for your efforts! :)
Scribbling Rambler |
I chose "Craft (Armor)" and it didn't total things on the L-Front page. I could be doing something wrong. (1st level dwarf rogue -- let me know if you need more specific info.)
Moff, there are a couple of blank rows in the skill table (on the Front page). You can drag your trained Craft/Profession/Perform skills from the list to the right of the table, and it will then calculate those skills for you.
Great sheet Erian! I've been using it in many incarnations, and look forward to each update.
DustinGebhardt |
The List_Casters_Base_All should reference the Y column, not the X column
On the Spells tab, there seems to be some confusion on the Spells per day calculations at each level. If a prestige class adds to the spellcasting level of a base class, the increased spells/day is not showing. It is currently referencing the caster level of the base class only. If you replace the:
in the VLOOKUP with:
, this should work.
Also, the first part of the AND logic statement reference the Ability Mod ($DB$6). It should reference the (ability score_Current - 10)
I've hardcoded the Wis ability score for my party's cleric, but here is the Spells/Day cell for 5th level spells:
=IF(AND((Wis_Current-10)>=5,ISNUMBER(VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("CL_"&$CJ$6),I NDIRECT("Table_Spells_Per_Day_"&VLOOKUP($CJ$6,Table_Casters_Ability,MAT CH("TABLE",Header_Casters_Ability,0),0)),7,0))),VLOOKUP(INDIRECT("CL_"& $CJ$6),INDIRECT("Table_Spells_Per_Day_"&VLOOKUP($CJ$6,Table_Casters_Abi lity,MATCH("TABLE",Header_Casters_Ability,0),0)),7,0),"")
The 8th Dwarf |
I talked to Erian today via chat; he's been crazy busy with work and family stuff, but hopes to post a status update by the end of the weekend.
All I can say is we all owe Erian a massive thank you for the great work he has done. He has saved me a lot of time.
Thanks Mate
If you are ever in Sydney I owe you a beer or five.
erian_7 |
Hey guys, thanks for your patience and kind words! As AAG reported, my life pretty much blew up over the last three weeks--served as a character witness for a good friend that ended up getting a 15 year sentence, the baby got double ear infections and my wife's back went out so she couldn't pick up the baby or take our son into school (which started at the same time), our senior pastor resigned and I'm on the leadership council responsible for transition, and finally we're going through a major re-org at work and I'm the lead for much of the work! Thankfully, it looks like I'm finally cresting the mountain and can see the other side. I'm still backed up some 600+ messages at work, but expect to plow through those today.
For the sheet, it's been in limbo during this time as every spare minute has been sucked up with the above. I'll definitely be hitting all the issues reported thus far, and have a start on getting the variant racial abilities functional. It looks like the system I'm setting up for that will also serve the class archetype system very well and so should make that implementation much easier.
I'm loathe to commit to a release target yet, since I'm still not entirely out of the weeds on everything, but did want to at least pop in and let everyone know I've not abandoned the cause! And I'll definitely take that offer for a round or five in Sydney...Australia is on my "must go there" list for travel spots!
CalebTGordan RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32 |
Hey, life comes first. Meanwhile, don't hesitate call on people to help you out. I don't know anything about excel beyond entering text into cells, and my time is taken up by life stuff too, but if I can help in some way please shoot me an email. (I'm the one who had the question about custom weapons, spears, and the fighters weapon training not working properly. It was, but you did spot a bug with shortspears.)
Also, I don't know where you live but if you are busy you might like the services of They are only physically in Boston and San Francisco but they also do data entry and internet related tasks for anyone anywhere. Check them out, they might be able to help you with life tasks to free up some time for other things.
DigMarx |
Same goes for me. Not fluent with excel beyond simple numerical formulas and if/then logic, but IF I can help out THEN let me know. See what I did there? :) It sounds like you (Erian_7) should deal with what's on your RL plate before you worry about a silly ol' character sheet. We're looking forward to the next release, but we can wait.