Nightflier's Cemetery of Empires - Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Half-Celestial Human Cleric/Fighter 1
smell of orange blossoms in the wrote:

Right on!

Character looks like fun - spiked chain!

Figured between human, fighter, and normal feats I'd be up to my ears. I've never actually played a char with an exotic weapon proficiency (beyond what rogues or monks get for free) and this looked like it'd have alot of options (the Combat Expertise chain especially). So it's time for a little experimentation.

Male Half-Celestial Human Cleric/Fighter 1

Post faster guys! We got chilluns to rescue and evildoers to thwart! :D

hopefully we'll pick up speed now.

I'm interested to see all the feats in action. I saw a 7'th or so level fighter played with the whirlwind attack and it sucked. I'd always thought it would be super-powerful, so it was a shock to realize there is often no advantage in hitting several powerful enemies once (you'd think the lesson would have transferred from CRPG's where the successful strategy is almost always to target one monster after another).

Spring attack always seems to work awesomely, but I'd like to see trip/disarm and even the sunder feats used by a pc

Anyway, I don't think 'we've' [my pen and paper groups] ever had another character with combat expertise, so this will be interesting.

We've also only had one monk. He lasted long enough to be pulled apart by some sort of giant crab / octopus (AoW). Maybe someone will try a monk now that we are 'pathfinderized'.

Fighter/cleric is going to be an awesome combination! My alternate choice was a monk/cleric, which I decided on with the help of a handy website.

Dark Archive

Now would be a good time for you to join the group.

Male Half-Celestial Human Cleric/Fighter 1
nightflier wrote:
Now would be a good time for you to join the group.

Er-- I think I missed something. Is the party already at the sewer grate past the docks? I'd thought they were at the original sewer grate deciding to head that way? With Ziss having gone ahead alone? If I missed them passing through the docks I can amend my post.

Dark Archive

Aehrick Oddskeeper wrote:
nightflier wrote:
Now would be a good time for you to join the group.
Er-- I think I missed something. Is the party already at the sewer grate past the docks? I'd thought they were at the original sewer grate deciding to head that way? With Ziss having gone ahead alone? If I missed them passing through the docks I can amend my post.

Party is at the docks. You can see and hear Zissaren plunging into river from the mouth of the tunnel and grate falling on him.

Male Half-Celestial Human Cleric/Fighter 1

iGoogle is a filthy lie-- or the RSS feed from the forums. Either or. It doesn't update nearly often enough.

Sovereign Court

Nightflier, would it be a survival check to help us find our way through the sewers to the grating outside the inn?

Dark Archive

Calixymenthillian wrote:
Nightflier, would it be a survival check to help us find our way through the sewers to the grating outside the inn?

It could be, but against very high DC. All of you are new to the city and some of you have never before been in any city at all.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

Hey all, so I'm moving today, and after talking to the new cable company odds are my internet access will be spotty at best until next Saturday, the 7th.

GM please DMPC if any key actions combats etc occur.

See you guys soon.

Thanks for the game, I'm losing internet for the forseable future later this month. Please feel free to give Leaf an epic death.

Dark Archive

I'm very sorry, Blossoms. It seems that the game itself died. If other players want to continue, please post here.

nightflier wrote:
I'm very sorry, Blossoms. It seems that the game itself died. If other players want to continue, please post here.

Please forgive the intrusion Nightflier, but I noticed your game fell apart, and wanted to point out your still welcome in mine. *Heads off to go post replies for my people*

I'm still here. Keep getting snowed under with work but I am still here.

Sovereign Court

Zissaren wrote:
I'm still here. Keep getting snowed under with work but I am still here.

As am I... I missed the post a few weeks ago as I was watching the PbP thread rather than this one.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16

I'm here

Dark Archive

Mark Thomas wrote:
I'm here

Well, it seems that 3 players are back. When can we continue with the game?

Sovereign Court

I'm ready whenever you are - though I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get online between the 18th and 29th.

Female Human

Still need another player?

Dark Archive

Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Still need another player?

Yes. The campaign is designed for flexible number of players.

Female Human
nightflier wrote:
Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Still need another player?
Yes. The campaign is designed for flexible number of players.

How do you feel about a finhead Saurial from the Forgotten Realms?

Dark Archive

Fine by me - but you'll have to bring the character up to LA +4, either by applying some template, or by choosing two levels of NPC class(es). Don't forget that the game is gestalt. You may consider playing lizardman, as Zissaren is half-dragon lizardman.

Female Human

Cool. Where can I find the character gen info?

Female Human

Ability Score Rolls
1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 2

1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 3

1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 2
1d6 ⇒ 5
1d6 ⇒ 5

1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 5

1d6 ⇒ 6
1d6 ⇒ 3
1d6 ⇒ 2
1d6 ⇒ 4

1d6 ⇒ 1
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 4
1d6 ⇒ 3

Dark Archive

For stats you roll 4d6 drop the lowest. Perhaps it would be easier for you to go to the Invisible Castle and roll there.

Female Human
nightflier wrote:
For stats you roll 4d6 drop the lowest. Perhaps it would be easier for you to go to the Invisible Castle and roll there.

5 / 6 / 4 = 15

3 / 3 / 3 = 9
4 / 5 / 5 = 14
4 / 3 / 5 = 12
6 / 3 / 4 = 13
4 / 4 / 3 = 11

I decided to go add the half-dragon termplate, bringing my LA up to +4 as asked.

Eventaually going to take levels as a Martial Rogue / Sorcerer (draconic bloodline)

Dark Archive

And which base race will you use? Saurials are already +2.

Female Human
nightflier wrote:
And which base race will you use? Saurials are already +2.

Saurial will be my base race. No character levels at this point; since saurials already have 2 hit dice I get 8 skill points and 1 feat.

Dark Archive

Then you can't use half-dragon template. Half-dragons are LA +3 and SAurials LA +2. The game is gestalt, so you need to pick two classes for your first level. You could, perhaps, play a half-dragon cobold or lizardman? Check out Zissaren's profile for ideas.

Fem Elf Bard 3

*raises hand* Hey there, just putting on a pst and asking if there are any places left. ^_^

Though even if thee aren't still at least putting on a Dot to keep a weather eye open for the next slot that comes around.


Dark Archive

Sunset wrote:

*raises hand* Hey there, just putting on a pst and asking if there are any places left. ^_^

Though even if thee aren't still at least putting on a Dot to keep a weather eye open for the next slot that comes around.


The number of players in this game is not limited. So, you're welcome to join in.

Male Hafling Paladin 1

Here's Herc, the half-earth elemental half-orc fighter/palain. You can find his rolls here

Ability Scores

STR = 16 + 4(TEMPLATE) = 20

DEX = 13 - 2(TEMPLATE) = 11

CON = 15 + 4(TEMPLATE) = 19

INT = 8 = 8

WIS = 9 + 2(RACIAL) = 11

CHA = 16 = 16

If we're using pathfinder beta adjustments for base race, then Herc might have to be another race (leaning towards half-elf) since in beta his INT would take another -2. But before we do that...

I am curious as to what else I can do to bring his LA from +3 to +4. Is another +1 template allowed? Is there a list of NPC classes out there? Are there other ways to raise his LA?

Also, what other rules are we pulling from beta? Are race adjustments the only thing? I am assuming base classes are PRPG.

Fem Elf Bard 3


So, wiould a Half-Janni (from the Qadira Pathfinder Companion) be allowed? Also, since your shift is 4 and the Half-Janni is two, I do believe I would be allowed wo classes with your gestalt rules? Y/N?

So thinking Rogue/Bard?

Though I have not much time to create the character atm, will attempt to have something up by the middle of the next week.


Dark Archive

Core classes are from PFRPG, but you can play any base class there is, including four new ones that are being play tested right now. (base classes are all 20 lvl classes published in sources other than core rules.) NPC classes are listed in core rules, so you can take a level of warrior or some such class, or you can find some +1 template and combine it with half-elemental. Just google "3.5 templates" and you should find compilation of all templates in existence, with the sources in which they are published. I'm afraid you'll have to chose another race if you do not want -2 int. Perhaps drow? They are +1 LA race.

Dark Archive

Sunset wrote:


So, wiould a Half-Janni (from the Qadira Pathfinder Companion) be allowed? Also, since your shift is 4 and the Half-Janni is two, I do believe I would be allowed wo classes with your gestalt rules? Y/N?

So thinking Rogue/Bard?

Though I have not much time to create the character atm, will attempt to have something up by the middle of the next week.


No, no , no. You need to create character with +4 La BEFORE you take first level of gestalt classes. That means that you create half-jan (+2 LA) and than add to it either some +2 template or 2 levels of NPC class(es), and THEN you decide on which gestalt combination you want to play.

Male Human Smarty-Pants 5 / Librarian 3 / Writer 2

Don't forget, there's several new base classes (regular and NPC) in Paths of Power, from 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming. The regular PC classes are Anti-Paladin, Gladiator, Samurai, Witch, Voyageur, and Elemental Wizard (uses Elements as schools). The NPC classes are Courtesan, Captain, and Sycophant.

I don't mean to threadjack, I was thinking of signing up but not sure if I'll be able to keep up with the game.

Just mentioning that there are additional options out there that players may want to explore as classes.

Dark Archive

Lyingbastard wrote:

Don't forget, there's several new base classes (regular and NPC) in Paths of Power, from 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming. The regular PC classes are Anti-Paladin, Gladiator, Samurai, Witch, Voyageur, and Elemental Wizard (uses Elements as schools). The NPC classes are Courtesan, Captain, and Sycophant.

I don't mean to threadjack, I was thinking of signing up but not sure if I'll be able to keep up with the game.

Just mentioning that there are additional options out there that players may want to explore as classes.

You're welcome to join in if you find the time.

Male Human Smarty-Pants 5 / Librarian 3 / Writer 2

I'll look into this whole 'gestalt' thing, then.


This game sounds interesting, are there any alignment restrictions? I am looking at playing an evil template, which means I would be evil.

Dark Archive

Eric Swanson 18 wrote:


This game sounds interesting, are there any alignment restrictions? I am looking at playing an evil template, which means I would be evil.

No, there are not alignment restrictions. But you do not have to be evil, even if your template is. Which one is it? Btw, Kaledun has numerous undead and outsider community, and devils are seen at the same table as celestials, so...

nightflier wrote:
Eric Swanson 18 wrote:


This game sounds interesting, are there any alignment restrictions? I am looking at playing an evil template, which means I would be evil.

No, there are not alignment restrictions. But you do not have to be evil, even if your template is. Which one is it? Btw, Kaledun has numerous undead and outsider community, and devils are seen at the same table as celestials, so...

Ok, sounds good. I was thinking of an alu-demon, since I already have some backgound info on her. I wasn't thinking of playing evil, just going by what the template says.

As for class, I am thinking of a Rogue/Summoner, but I am still reviewing the classes, he he.

Female Human

Is this Pathfinder or 3.5? I'm a little confused at this point.

nightflier wrote:
Core classes are from PFRPG, but you can play any base class there is, including four new ones that are being play tested right now. (base classes are all 20 lvl classes published in sources other than core rules.) NPC classes are listed in core rules, so you can take a level of warrior or some such class, or you can find some +1 template and combine it with half-elemental. Just google "3.5 templates" and you should find compilation of all templates in existence, with the sources in which they are published. I'm afraid you'll have to chose another race if you do not want -2 int. Perhaps drow? They are +1 LA race.

When you say... 'any base class there is' does that include 3.5 base classes that we update for you and submit for approval? (Odds are fair I won't but I am curious)

Dark Archive

Dancing Deinonychus wrote:
Is this Pathfinder or 3.5? I'm a little confused at this point.

Pathfinder. But Pathfinder is mostly compatible with 3.5 so all of the old classes can be played, with certain small changes to skills.

Dark Archive

kyrt-ryder wrote:
nightflier wrote:
Core classes are from PFRPG, but you can play any base class there is, including four new ones that are being play tested right now. (base classes are all 20 lvl classes published in sources other than core rules.) NPC classes are listed in core rules, so you can take a level of warrior or some such class, or you can find some +1 template and combine it with half-elemental. Just google "3.5 templates" and you should find compilation of all templates in existence, with the sources in which they are published. I'm afraid you'll have to chose another race if you do not want -2 int. Perhaps drow? They are +1 LA race.
When you say... 'any base class there is' does that include 3.5 base classes that we update for you and submit for approval? (Odds are fair I won't but I am curious)

Usually, yes. It includes those classes. But I insist on SmiloDan's conversions of 3.5 classes when they exist, because he did a great job. One of the PCs is gestalt of SmiloDan's Warlock and Hexblade.

Female Human
nightflier wrote:
Pathfinder. But Pathfinder is mostly compatible with 3.5 so all of the old classes can be played, with certain small changes to skills.

And just to be clear, you are still using the LA rules from 3.5, correct?

OK, I generated rolls for her


I will finish statting her up and then update my profile. Is the starting gold 10,500 gp?

Still not certain whether or not I want to play, but I figure I may as well roll up my scores, just to see for the heck of it.

4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 6) = 21

4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 4) = 13

4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 6, 1) = 14

4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 2) = 14

4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 2) = 17

4d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 6, 6) = 21

EDIT: Hmm, not bad...

17, 12, 13, 12, 15, 18

I can live with those... now I just have to decide what I want to play. Hey Nightflier, could you rattle off a list of what PC classes/builds are involved currently?

Male Hafling Paladin 1

I decided to make Herc a Half-Elemental Dwarven fighter/paladin. Question, if I give him a level of Expert to boot, do I get the Expert's amount of skill points per level (6) instead of the fighter's or paladin's (2)?

Fem Elf Bard 3
nightflier wrote:
No, no , no. You need to create character with +4 La BEFORE you take first level of gestalt classes. That means that you create half-jan (+2 LA) and than add to it either some +2 template or 2 levels of NPC class(es), and THEN you decide on which gestalt combination you want to play.

Jinkies! Iz'at th' way ye want t' be doin' things ? (O.o)

Okeys, how'z about th' Fey-ri as it's +2 adjusted version along with the Half-Janni t' be completin' the shift side o' things?

Would that be suitin' ye t'all?

As fer classes, whut th' heck, takin' th' "Adopt Supernatural Ability" from Savage Species I might go with a Chaotic Neutral Monk/Fighter?

With th' Chaotic Monk side taken by adopting the ability of Githzerai to be chaotic monks? Does it sound like an interestin' idea to you?


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