Sean K Reynolds - Recovery Best Wishes

Off-Topic Discussions

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Dark Archive

May all your attending clerics roll 20's on their heal checks.

(In other words: get well soon!)

Be well!

Glad to hear you got through your procedure ok. Most interesting part of it is usually the mapping portion depending on your pathways and what rhythms they trigger off while searching for your culprit. Not a time when you want to hear them say "Ooops" ;)

Hope they got all the little buggers for you.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Blimey - that was a shock! Like Vic said, minor and heart surgery don't go together. Glad you got through it all okay - all the best on a speedy recovery.

Sovereign Court

Hope things work out well for your Mr. Reynolds!

Liberty's Edge

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Does this experience give Mr. Reynolds an adventure idea? ;D

A mad gnomish captain is about to complete a ritual to enchant his ship for launch and only a group of (equally mad?) adventurers can stop him. The major snag is that the gnome was also the royal cirurgien; he went in through a blood vessel in the young queen's thigh and assembled the minaturized vessel like a ship-in-a-bottle near her heart. The final part of the ritual involves using the life force from the heart to ignite the spelljamming furnace and restore the ship to full-size (killing the queen). Equipped with an Apparatus of Kwalish (sp?), the adventurers are shrunk by the court archmage to travel through her bloodstream to hopefully reach her heart and stop the mad gnome.

Nah, too far-fetched. ;)

saw the movie

it wasn't that good :P

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