TGZ101 |

As dusk falls upon the fetid city of Punjar, five unusual people gather at the Silent Maid tavern and flophouse. Finding the place is no pleasant matter as this particular tavern lies in Smoke, the most decrepit of all of Punjar's slums. The makeshift hovels and shanty towns which seem to spring up, come down, and switch places overnight make the task difficult unless you are familiar with Smoke's ruinous permanent structures.
All around you stone gargoyles glare at you from niches in old, decayed gothic buildings. They were once grand but are now nothing more than cheap, dangerous housing for the downtrodden and disreputable inhabitants of Smoke.
The Silent Maid itself, however, is well maintained both inside and outside. No beggars or addle-brained drug-addicts adorn its doorstep and upon entering the establishment you see why. Nearly all the patrons wear the infamous silver-inlaid leather armor of the Thieves Guild. Each one of you, upon entering, is immediately sized up and inspected by piercing eyes. Some of these eyes show signs of recognition while some show only suspicion. Behind the bar an elderly blind me serves drinks with surprising precision, occasionally chatting with several of the patrons. Behind the bar, nestled between several bottles of spirits, is a large mason jar filled nearly to the top with severed fingers of varying shapes in sizes. None of the other patrons ever give the jar a second glance. Aside from that it is like any other tavern, smokey and permeated with the smell of beer and booze.
As each of you enter, a slender, cloaked figure motions you over to the table in the northeast corner of the tavern. A closer look reveals the figure to me a male eladrin with a wiked knife scar running down his right cheek. He casually drinks from a mug at the table and eats slices from an apple which he carves off using a wicked and russet stained dagger.
"Sit," he says, "we have business to discuss."
Here is the order in which you arrived:
At this point please describe your characters and make any reactions or introductions. Time to get this party started. :)

Kenneth |

Kenneth enters, an almost entirely nondescript human man enveloped in a ragged, patched brown cloak. Brown hair, brown eyes, medium height, medium build, a bit scruffy. The only thing that particularly catches the eye is that he seems anxious about something, though he's good at covering it.
After a quick look around the Maid, his eyes settle on the eladrin and the halfling in the corner. He approaches with a new grin and bit of swagger and claps the halfling on the back as he sits down. "Ah, my small friend, how are you? Still hanging out with that goliath woman, what was her name, Bonnie?"

Vandis |

The last to arrive... an ill omen? Vandis muses to himself.
A towering figure enters, 6' 8" at least and rangy. He has a thick beard but on closer inspection he is probably not older than thirty. He carries a great sword of northern design and several poinards.
His reddish hair is perhaps the most distinguising feature about him, bar his height.
He looks around at the group and his eyebrows raise a little at seeing the odd blue fellow. He nods at the group and sits down, looking ill at ease in this environment.

Dagobert the Luckless |

Dagobert's face brightens as he sees Kenneth and a distinct absence of any other dwarves. While his own race is clear, he still cuts a slightly incongruous figure with his neatly trimmed goatee beard and lack of any obvious dwarven paraphernalia. Holding his rat-catcher's insignia of a rodent-headed rod close to him, he makes his way to the table, apologising to the halfling as he accidentally brushes past him.
"So sorry... Evening, Kenneth. What brings you here? I got a note. From you?" - the last is addressed to the scarred eladrin.

TGZ101 |

I got a note. From you?" - the last is addressed to the scarred eladrin.
The eladrin smirks, and with a voice like silk replies, "No, Master Daggobert, it was not I. Do not concern yourself with that. My ward boss prefers to work from the shadows. Despite that, he is the one who wishes to bring the Guild's biggest problem to light at the moment."

Dannad Bumbleroot |

After a quick look around the Maid, his eyes settle on the eladrin and the halfling in the corner. He approaches with a new grin and bit of swagger and claps the halfling on the back as he sits down. "Ah, my small friend, how are you? Still hanging out with that goliath woman, what was her name, Bonnie?"
Dannad: ** spoiler omitted **
Dannad furtively glances around the tavern as the unknown itinerant makes his way over, and looks nonplussed with the human's assumed familiarity. He brushes off Kenneth's hand and quirks an eyebrow up at him.
"I think ye have confused me with another halfling, mate. I know how we all can look alike to you big folk, but dunna know no Bonnie."
Grinning, he offers his hand.
"Name's Dannad. If ye've been over in the Souk, ye might have seen me at the Rosy Cheeks doin' a bit o' tumblin an' some knife tricks."

Samael the Striker |

Samael walks into the bar, dressed head to toe in darker clothing - with a gleaming greatsword strapped to his back. Noticing the Eladrin, he nods in that direction, and then walks up to the bar, and orders a beer. Once he has it, he stroll over to the table, grabs a chair and props his feet up on a corner of the table. "So - what's the deal, this 'Matter of Great Importance'?"
(OOC - I'll chose an avatar when I get off work tonight.)

Kenneth |

Kenneth gives a belly laugh at Dannad's response. "Been in the Souk? I live in the Souk! Telling fortunes, don't you know, just like my great-grandfather Quent used to do. Yes, you're the one I'm to meet; like our stout friend here, I," his voice drops to a melodramatic whisper, "got a note."
Turning to Dagobert, and completely ignoring the eladrin, Kenneth answers jovially, "Ah, Dagobert, a pleasure. Life is always interesting with you around! You and your rats, just like my second cousin Hublin. Did I ever tell you the story of how a rat caught him? Oh, I believe I did."
He raises an eyebrow at Samael, but, for a change, says nothing.

TGZ101 |

The beer is cheap, but decent, only costing about 2 silver a mug. If you want something real cheap, the old blind man smiles and suggests you try the Goblin Wine which is only 5 copper a glass.
The eladrin sits comfortably for some time, snacking and drinking while listening to your conversation. After a few minutes of banter he clears his throat, though there is no sign of urgency or annoyance in his voice.
"To business then. I bring you here as hires of the Thieves Guild proper though you will be working in my master's ward. We have a job concerning the renewed meddling of the so-called Beggar King. He has been operating out of his private demesne near Ratcatcher's Row now for some time. No doubt many of you have heard of him."
Roll 1d12 if you'd like to see what rumors you all may have heard recently in regard to the Beggar King.

Dannad Bumbleroot |

(( Having a mite bit o' issues posting, for some reason. >,>))
Dannad nods in greeting to Dagobert and is about to answer the dwarf's question when the Deva walks over. "Well, Rats is-..." Such an uncommon sight causes the young halfling to stare with blatant fascination. Further conversation causes him to simply monosylabicly mutter ambiguous statements, until Dagobert knocks over his glass of cheap Goblin Wine. Thankfully, at least for Dannad, the halfling hadn't taken more than a mouthful of the foul, bitter, and questionable "drink." Unfortunately, it sent the better part of half a pint of wine spilling across the floor. With a wince and a jerk he comes back to himself and the ongoing conversation.
"Beggin' me pardon, I wasn't payin no attention to wheres I sets it. I'll buy replacement, dun't fret. Me ma'd kill me if word got back that... Well, this was goin's on..."
Smiling he produces a pair of silver pieces and starts tumbling them through his fingers.
"Asides, tweren't much of a drink anyways."
He'll go up with Dagobert to get another round, making sure to get a better choice than the gob whine from last time.
The eladrin sits comfortably for some time, snacking and drinking while listening to your conversation. After a few minutes of banter he clears his throat, though there is no sign of urgency or annoyance in his voice."To business then. I bring you here as hires of the Thieves Guild proper though you will be working in my master's ward. We have a job concerning the renewed meddling of the so-called Beggar King. He has been operating out of his private demesne near Ratcatcher's Row now for some time. No doubt many of you have heard of him."
Roll 1d12 if you'd like to see what rumors you all may have heard recently in regard to the Beggar King.
"Ah, the Beggar King. I's heard of 'im, 'n not a bit o' it were about him being neighborly."

Samael the Striker |

"Fellas - y'all look like a ghost just sat down," Samael responds, chuckling at the looks and stutters he receives from those present. He's fairly used to getting strange reactions - being completely hairless and having blue skin tend to make you stand out a bit.
"No worries - I'm just a Guild member, like yourselves," He says, draining his mug of beer, and tossing two more silvers to the halfling. "Mind getting me another one while you're up?"
"So - I've heard quite a bit about the Silent Maid, but seeing as how I usually run down with the holy rollers in the Bazaar, this is my first time in this oh so fine establishment. Certainly a step up from the rest of the neighborhood, I see - no offense there mate," He laughs, gesturing towards Kenneth.
Rumor dice roll:

TGZ101 |

The eldadrin turns to you and smiles, an act that is marred by the long scar running along his cheek, turning it into more of a grimace.
"It's not actually made by goblins. It's just cheap and horrible enough that you usually end up making a face like one. Most of the people of Smoke can't afford proper drink. It is sad but amusing at times."
"As for the rats, I assure you that the Beggar-King is the biggest rat of them all. However, if that is not enough to pique your interest, then we also have reason to believe that the Beggar-King has allied himself with certain eldritch forces. Some of which may be responsible for the current condition of Ratcatcher Row. We believe it may have something to do with the strange fog that is starting to envelope that part of the slums as well."
Rumor Results:
In regard to the Invisible Castle issues, just go ahead and roll at home for now. I'll only start to worry when you all roll straight natural 20's. :D

Dannad Bumbleroot |

"Sure thin', mate."
Dannad catches the gold from Samael and adds it to the pair rolling through his fingers. He turns to talk with Dagobert while walking with him.
"I'm not partial to rats meself, wot with me folk runnin' an establishment, an 'em beings bad for business. I ain't likin' talk o' the Beggar King neither...."
The halfling shudders as he recalls some of the darker rumors he's heard.
"Hear he's got one who's thrown in with 'is lot wot would carve up their own kin for their black arts, an' it don't bear thinking of wot they'd do with strangers. It'd be good to sees 'em off into their just rewards."
He looks up at Dagobert.
" Mind ye, I'm only sayins what I've heard. Anyways, 'm not partial ta beer meself. The heavier ones is too bitter, an' the weaker ones taste like swamp water wots been passed through a horse. 've heard that Goblin Wine's seasoned with the best herbs available for bits o' coppers, an' is fit enough for a Goblin king. Never mind I've seen no goblin wot's not preferred it. Think it's called what it is 'cause only thing dumb 'nough to drink it in quantity is gobbies. Me pa don't even allow it to be used for vinegar."

TGZ101 |

"Yes, yes," the eladrin replies to your rumors. "These things have been said and more. Real or not, someone continues to buy up every mercenary and sellsword they can find. However, where are they? His army should be massive by now but we simply can't find it. This is making the Guild very very nervous and we need sellswords of our own to check it out. As it stands we're willing to make it worth your while. Enough gold to enjoy whatever vices you prefer for weeks to come," he finishes, casting discerning looks upon each party member, starting with Kenneth.
Dagobert, Insight DC 20

TGZ101 |

"Gold doesn't buy what the market doesn't sell, as Granny Hercale always said," Kenneth answers, showing somewhat less aplomb.
"Surely you jest Master Kenneth. This is Punjar, the Tarnished Jewel. Everything is for sale at the right price," the eladrin says with another twisted grin.

TGZ101 |

Vandis grunts, and looks with doubt at the other members of the group. "Where do we begin?" he asks with a tinge of suspicion.
"The Beggar-King's demesne lies deep within the slums along the eastern wall of the city very close to Ratcatcher Row. Getting there is difficult as the maze of hovels and shacks is even more twisted than usual around that part of the ward. We have tried rooftop access in the past but that is always treacherous in Smoke. Also, the rumors about this black fog hovering over the district gave us pause as well."
The eladrin then pauses for a moment to pop a slice of apple into his mouth and let the information sink in.
"We have managed to find one man, however, that we have confirmed as an agent of the Beggar-King. The man is known as Old Thom. He recruits street urchins for use by the Beggar-King. He should be able to show you the safest route. He currently operates on Dim Lane, west of here."

TGZ101 |

"So we meet up with Old Thom, and persuade him to lead us to the Beggar-King, who may or may not be demonic himself or allied with such? Well, alright, then. Now, about that gold . . ."
"Yes, that is the gist of it. You help take down the Beggar-King, the Guild helps maintain the status quo, and you....," the eladrin pauses with a smile, "get a wonderfully large sack of gold to disperse amongst yourselves as you see fit. We are willing to give you 500gp for the information and another 500gp if you manage to take him down while you're in there."
The eladrin stranger then leans back with another twisted smile on his face.

d'Anconia |

"Yes, that is the gist of it. You help take down the Beggar-King, the Guild helps maintain the status quo, and you....," the eladrin pauses with a smile, "get a wonderfully large sack of gold to disperse amongst yourselves as you see fit. We are willing to give you 500gp for the information and another 500gp if you manage to take him down while you're in there."
The eladrin stranger then leans back with another twisted smile on his face.
"Well - I don't know about you guys - but I'm just about ready to get this party started!" Samael softly says, as a large grin comes over his face. "Anyone object - or are we ready to move out?"
If and when they move out of earshot of the Eladrin, Samael will say "I'd love to spend some more time on the streets in Smoke to see if we can put any more pieces of this puzzle together. Who knows - maybe some of our contacts know a bit more about this."(Streetwise check, maybe?)

TGZ101 |

(Streetwise check, maybe?)
Samael: I have several things planned depending on what you all decide to do after you're done with the Silent Maid. If you want to try and do some research that's fine, I have multiple skill challenges prepared depending on what you're looking for. Unlike most low-level adventurers you're not dealing with a time limit or anything at the moment so how you want to prepare is up to all of you.

Dannad Bumbleroot |

Dannad had slid Samael his drink when he got back at the table, and after settling back in his seat he'd taken a long pull from his drink while listening to the conversation.
His eyebrows jump a bit at the sum offered, and he smiles as he sets down the glass.
"That's a respectable bit o' coin. I don't think we'll have a problem accepting it."
He looks hard at the eladrin, trying to read his face.
"Although I get the feelin' that we're not the first folk've been approached."

TGZ101 |

"Although I get the feelin' that we're not the first folk've been approached."
Insight Check
The eladrin stranger goes on unperturbed.
"Of course there have been others. Why else do you think we've upped the reward so much? Your average sellswords are a dime a dozen around here. Everything has a price, right? However, what we need are some above-average sellswords. Hopefully you're all worth the gold."

Kenneth |

"Ah, so the traditional 'split among the survivors,' eh? Good old Punjar, never changes. Just like the time I . . . but never-mind.
"Samael, hold on half a minute; you're a bit conspicuous with that ratsticker of yours. Just how much time do you spend in Smoke?"
Turning back to the eladrin, Kenneth continues. "Just to be clear, what information is worth the first 500 coins?"
Insight 19, probably not worth much with this guy

TGZ101 |

"Ah, so the traditional 'split among the survivors,' eh? Good old Punjar, never changes. Just like the time I . . . but never-mind.
Turning back to the eladrin, Kenneth continues. "Just to be clear, what information is worth the first 500 coins?"
The eladrin's smile returns at Kenneth's first comment but then fades again.
"We need to know where he's keeping his army and what it may have grown to by now. Also, we need confirmation of his infernal dealings whether true or false."

Dagobert the Luckless |

"There'll be rats one way or another." Dagobert scratches his chin thoughtfully.
"The money's good. Call me suspicious, but that looks to me like you're half hoping we don't come back. It's a lot to pay out. Either that, or this Beggar King is really getting under your skin. Or both."

TGZ101 |

"Not under my skin personally, mind you, but under the rest of the Guild's for sure. Personally, I think competition is good for growth and the occasional guild war is good for straining out the muck. I've seen quite a few in my time and they're not all bad. Still, this Beggar-King doesn't play by the rules and we can't have that. The gold is just to make sure you take the task seriously. We can always acquire more gold but decent sellswords are hard to find, as we've discovered."

Dannad Bumbleroot |

Dannad's smile broadens.
"Well I'm pleased to be thought above average by the Guild. I'll try me best to prove that well founded. Can be a good thing ta be thought well of by the Guild."
The halfling looks up around the table at the others.
"'M fine with the conditions, an' ifin the rest o' ya don't mind I think we may have a bit o' a looky-loo at this Old Thom's haunts. Dim Lane, weren't it?"

Dagobert the Luckless |

Grumble. Why no dot? Must post more.
"Old Thom. Let me see. What sort of rats are found in Dim Lane ..." Dagobert goes off into a meditative haze for a moment.
"I never seem to remember things unless I can link them to rats," he explains, slightly apologetically. "Or dwarves. Nasty creatures. They get everywhere."

Samael the Striker |

"However, what we need are some above-average sellswords. Hopefully you're all worth the gold."
"Well - that sure sounds like a vote of confidence to me. You know - come to think of it, I don't think I ever caught your name... Or that of our new Boss. It's always nice to know who I'm working for." Samael says with a smile.
"Plus - once we get you this information, how are we supposed to contact you again? Just wander around Smoke asking for the Eladrin with the scar on his cheek?"
"'M fine with the conditions, an' ifin the rest o' ya don't mind I think we may have a bit o' a looky-loo at this Old Thom's haunts. Dim Lane, weren't it?"
"Sounds good to me - provided our mysterious friend here becomes just a bit less mysterious."
"Or dwarves. Nasty creatures. They get everywhere."
Samael shakes his head and chuckles softly - but, perhaps a bit uncharacteristically, keeps his mouth shut.

TGZ101 |

"You may call me Dúlin if you must call me something. It is a name I have used a lot recently. If you need to find me just come here and leave a message. I'll find out about it eventually. Probably quicker than you'd think," he says with a smirk.
Anyone Who Speaks Elven:

TGZ101 |

"Very well, I have no further information left to give you. I would suggest starting with Old Thom, but watch out, I hear he knows how to use that cudgel of his quite well for his age. You may also get lucky searching for the place yourselves, who knows."
Then Dúlin stands up and makes his way to leave. Before walking out the wooden doorway he turns back and says, "Good luck," before stepping out into the darkness of The Shiv (name of the street).

Kenneth |

Kenneth snorts, then turns to the others. "Well, 'deeds best done in the dark,' as Aunt Myrla always said (at least when Uncle Nanz was away). Into Smoke?"
Kenneth closes his eyes a moment and sucks his cheeks, then looks around the table as his mood suddenly turns serious. "Best we know a bit about each other first, though. Dagobert I know, and Dannad I feel I might as well know. Both know their way around Punjar, I daresay. Vandis is here over a woman, which means he's learning his way around Punjar. Samael, you're the one I wonder about -- no offense there, mate. Blue skin, giant sword? Can you cover those up? Not that I don't know the value of a good sword, when things go wrong, but I've also seen them make things go wrong."