Rise of the Runelords


Is the Siherdon Rune carved into the victims in “Skinsaw Murders” magical ?

My players asked right now and I have no clue

aeglos wrote:


Is the Siherdon Rune carved into the victims in “Skinsaw Murders” magical ?

My players asked right now and I have no clue

I see no reason not to have it radiate faint transmutation... but you could say "no" just as easily.

I'd call it as 'No'. There was magic in it, until the victim died and its magic was used up in the transfer of power to the runewell, and thats it.

Now its just a horrid scar.

I'm not even sure I'd say there was magic in it initially.

At no point is there any mention of the markings themselves (in The Skinsaw Murders or even in The Hook Mountain Massacre) being magical. The rune is certainly a focus or component of the spell or ritual used to harvest souls, but that doesn't make it magical. And as noted above, if there was magic in the markings, it would have been expended with the subject's death. And unless the original magic's power was Overwhelming, the lingering aura left by any such magic would be long gone by the time the PCs arrive.

It's not magical per say, but it's part of a ritual, so it should be able to be identified as such on a good enough Spellcraft check, especially if your party's spellcaster is a Conjurer or Necromancer and took his time to examine the runewell at the catacombs of wrath (unless you go for the railroad-device built in the adventure and make rune magic impregnable, I know I didn't).

Oh, many opinions.
Thank you all,
I managed to distract the Players for the moment (with ghouls)
But I think next Friday they will ask again, so any help is appreciated

They're asking so that they can use detect magic as a detector of sihedron runes. Do you want them to be able to do that? That's the real question for you.

Is the pinch of sand used in a sleep spell magical? No. But it is needed to cast the spell.

Think of the rune as a replacement for a magical component (or even a verbal or somatic component). Nothing more.

So no... It does not radiate magic.

(The easy way is always the best way... In my opinion, of course)


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would strongly recommend the answer "no", otherwise there will be trouble later on where suspicious people ought to notice that folks radiate magic who have no business doing so. This comes up in #3.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Sihedron Rune is no more magical than a pentagram or the number 4 or the letter B. It's just a symbol. That said, it's certainly a common symbol in Thassilonian writings, since it's basically the symbol for "magic" in their language more or less. So it'll show up a lot in magic books or on old scrolls or other magical items, but the symbol itself is not magic. Unless it's part of something like a symbol spell, I guess...

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