Unnamed Investigation 168


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Liberty's Edge

The keys merge together completely into a circle of keys, which jerks from your hands as they surge together. A sound of metal clanging to the floor reveals that the keys have completely vanished, leaving behind a pathfinder with five crystalline white stones set into its hinged lid.

There is a sound of running outside in the hallway, followed by three short raps to the door.

XP reward 1000

Female Human Inquisitor 4

Komana grabs the pathdfinder, then throws it to Soven.

'Hide it,' then she turns with a quickly hidden grin and walks towards the door, opening it.

1000 each?

Liberty's Edge

Komana Tazurin wrote:

Komana grabs the pathdfinder, then throws it to Soven.

'Hide it,' then she turns with a quickly hidden grin and walks towards the door, opening it.

1000 each?

Everyone gets 500 xp. Sorry about that. Total XP was 2000, divided by 4. (Kaelor earned no experience from this particular challenge, but that doesn't mean he's not facing his own.)

Venture Captain Solany stands at the door. "Your group and another have now passed the Test of Curiosity, so the other group has been disqualified from the challenges. You are invited to eat breakfast at the main lodge."

Female Human Inquisitor 4

'Exploration and Legacy to go then,' she turns with a full smile this time.

'Gentlemen, Shall we?'

m human (taldor) mnk1,ftr3

Soven quickly drops the pathfinder into his pocket, somehow able to supress his curiosity.
Soven nods at the visitor and finds Komana's enthusiasm and smile to be highly contagious. Smiling in agreement, Soven sweeps his arm to indicate he will follow her lead.
I still think breakfast with a dragon would have been nice.

The Exchange

Male Human Bard 4

Back ahead of schedule.

Iacobus hoists his backpack to hang off of one shoulder, and follows.

Liberty's Edge

The Grand Lodge's central chamber is filled again, but this time with legitimate members of the Pathfinder society rather than the outsiders that were present before. The room is exceptionally quiet though, and only an occasional murmur of curiosity can be heard.

A long table has been reserved exclusively for the adventurers that may be hired. A tall man sits at the head of the table, but it is difficult to see any details as he wears a black mask around his nose and eyes. He stands up as you approach the table.

"Venture Captain Solany, congratulations. Your plan is working better than I had hoped."

Sol nods her head as she sits down and a servant brings more trays of breakfast delicacies to the table. "Thank you, sir."

The strange man looks over the four of you, finally tilting his head. "I thought there were five of you."

Sol looks up in surprise. "Where is Kaelor?"

Female Human Inquisitor 4

'He never came back from the library in our tower, I was hoping you could tell us where he is. Or rather that he had also been summoned for breakfast.'

Male Half-Orc Rogue 4

"Yay, we didnt blow up!" the half orc quipped as the keys formed into a pathfinder. While the others worried about the elf, Dakgu got dressed for the day and splashed some water on his face and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

As the group headed down to breakfast, Dakgu's tummy rumbles loudly and he quickly grins. "Hey good timing. Too bad bout the elf, Im sure he would have come in handy. Maybe we can find us another arcanist?

"So what other team figured out the puzzle I wonder?"

Liberty's Edge

I want to apologize to everyone. I am significantly behind on the paperwork for this campaign due to work and being sick. I'll try to catch up on it over the next few days, but it could be longer than that.

Female Human Inquisitor 4

No problem man, get your real life stuff sorted first! Hope you kick the sick.

The Exchange

Male Human Bard 4

Yeah, health first.

At Dakgu's query, Iacobus dourly replies, "I have no doubt that the team with the Hermean polymath also succeeded."

Liberty's Edge

I know it's been a rather long time, but do you all want to start up again?

Silver Crusade

dude human. Cavalier (Ronin)

If you are up to it, I am. The same for the Kobold campaign. Even if just you and Xannon want to.

Liberty's Edge

With a worried expression, Venture-captain Sol turns sharply and departs the table.

The masked man at the head of the table turns toward you.

"Please sit. The other party will be joining us shortly. And then we can discuss the last challenge."

The table has been laid with a feast of typical breakfast foods from across the realms.

Kaelor, if you're still out there and want to participate, now is the time to let me know.

Female Human Inquisitor 4

Yay! :D Hope everything worked out well in the end!

Komana sits carefully.

'We eagerly await their arrival,' she says, reaching for some toast.

m human (taldor) mnk1,ftr3

Soven smiles as he grabs a few things for breakfast. The smile fades at the distress shown by the venture captain. It returns with Komana's enthusiasm though.
"I too am looking forward to meeting this other team."

The Exchange

Male Human Bard 4

Iacobus' fingers drum the table with excitement as his expressionless mask regards the many breakfast items on the table. He quickly snatches up small samples of this and that, reaching beneath his mask to place them in his mouth. Sometimes he gives a little shudder, whether of delight or disgust is unclear, but he tries to try a taste of each of the offerings.

When others enter the room, he primly cleans his hands on a napkin and turns to impassively regard their entrance.

Liberty's Edge

Can I get a roll call? It looks like we may have lost another player.
We might need to recruit some replacements. :(

Female Human Inquisitor 4


We may not have lost them so much as they haven't looked to see it is rekindled, but that was the risk I suppose. Komana is still all in.

The Exchange

Male Human Bard 4


m human (taldor) mnk1,ftr3


Liberty's Edge

I am hesitant to move on to this next part without a fourth player character. Would someone like to take over Dakgu until we can find a fourth, or should we get a new player?

As the characters chat idly over the sumptuous breakfast that had been prepared for them, the room goes still again as the other team of adventurers walks into the room.

Cassandra Kel Claiot'ith, still dressed in a regal white robe with gold draconic trim, is accompanied by a strangely familiar silver winged raven with an emblem around its neck. The bird looks at the group, tilting its head in curiosity.

"Ah, I am glad it was you that solved the Test of Curiosity.", she says as she sits down across from Komana. The silver winged raven makes a quiet shrieking sound and Cassandra gives it a bit of pork from the plate in front of her.

(These next few characters are recognizable from the first challenge, even if they seem different visually. Sorry about that, but over the course of doing the paperwork, a few things got changed.)

From the same direction that Cassandra just came from, a young attractive man dressed in a red leather jerkin and breeches that fit snugly around his body enters next. His hair is dark brown with red highlights that seem to glimmer provocatively.

"Good morning, everyone! Cassandra." The young man seems exuberant, and leans down to kiss Cassandra's cheek as he sits in the chair beside her.

"Dareth, don't be intolerable!" Cassandra rolls her eyes when Dareth smirks in some private humor. He winks at the girl servant who pours his wine, sending blushes to her cheeks. Cassandra pretends not to notice. "Is everyone else up yet?"

Dareth nods in the affirmative as he grabs a buttered scone from the table, peeling it apart delicately to put each piece in his mouth without smearing the butter on his lips. "They're just finishing up getting dressed."

Cassandra nods and turns back to you, gesturing towards the young man. "This is Dareth Salicorn."

"A pleasure to meet you. I'm sure!" The young man stands and half bows, his red cloak drapes elegantly over his shoulder.

Cassandra rolls her eyes again. "He's a little... showy."

Dareth smiles as he sits down again and lifts the silver cup filled with wine to his lips.

Female Human Inquisitor 4

'Charmed, I'm sure,' Komana says without much expression not prone to being impressed by flourishes. Not that she dismisses Dareth, fluff, pomp and theatrics can hide dangerous men just as well as imbeciles. And I'd warrant that all of the competition is dangerous, she looks over the table, smiling at Cassandra, every man and woman, secrets wrapped in lies and power. What mystery, what fun!.

'I am Komana Tazurin, freewoman of the River Kingdoms and servant of Abadar.'

I was going to call her a witch hunter, and then realised how much her character concept sounds like an inquisitor! As to what to do about Dakgu, I don't know, I'm all for getting someone new to play along, so we can kickstart the pace.

The Exchange

Male Human Bard 4

As the Hermean woman enters, Iacobus stands and nods slightly, but makes no more courtly display. "Ah, the mysterious woman from the even more mysterious land. I am envious, I had hoped to be the most mysterious by far." He bows his head slightly, "I am Iacobus Gildenpalm, priest of Razmir."

As the more flamboyand fellow introduces himself, he nods his head again, and says clearly, but as if speaking to himself, "A rakish sort of fellow. A thief of hearts, if not other things. Lock up your daughters." He makes a show of patting himself, as if to check if his purse has been lifted and then sits down and raises a glass to the newcomers.

Due to his mask, he sets his glass down after the gesture, not taking a drink.

Liberty's Edge

(I apologize if this is offensive, but I feel it more important to go with the flow of the story.)

Dareth glances over at Iacobus, smiling broadly. "You wear a mask! How mysterious. Of course.... you're not the only one." Dareth gestures to the nobleman at the head of the table with a little jerk of his head.

Dareth's warm brown eyes look kindly at Iacobus, who sits directly across from him. "Perhaps you would allow me to take a better look at it once we have become friends."

Iacobus, make a Sense Motive check please.

m human (taldor) mnk1,ftr3

"A pleasure in all ways as always." Soven says with a smile.
Continuing to eat his breakfast, Soven looks around the table with a measure of curiosity.
He stops in mid-bite when the man inquires about looking at the mask, his eyes go to Iacobus and then back to his food.

Interesting these people are for sure, Soven thinks to himself. Finding himself of the opinion that his party is certainly the best, Soven smiles and returns to eating.

Liberty's Edge

The third member of Cassandra's group enters the room shortly. A woman with dark curly hair and sparkling blue eyes wearing a deep violet gown with a purple cape clasped over a bare shoulder.

Knowledge (Religion) 15:

The clasp of the cape is a disc with moon and stars emblazoned on it. It is fairly recognizable as an insignia of the Faith of Desna.

Cassandra looks up just as the woman gracefully enters the room.

"Lady Starhaven. I think you're just in time. The conversation was about to grow exceedingly dull."

The lady laughed a little, but shook her head in disbelief. "I doubt very much that is the case. Where Dareth is, there is rairly any boredom or dullness."

Dareth chuckles a little, lifting his glass in toast to Lady Starhaven. "I do try, my lady."

The woman in the violet gown holds out her hand in a friendly gesture towards Komana. "I am Delenn Starhaven, currently in the service of Our Lady Desna. I hear you're from the River Kingdoms! I once stayed at one of the courts there as I was questing nearby. I hope it has not changed very much."

Female Human Inquisitor 4
stardust wrote:
"I hear you're from the River Kingdoms! I once stayed at one of the courts there as I was questing nearby. I hope it has not changed very much."

Read the spoilered text, didn't really need a check! :D1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

'The Kingdoms are always chenging, and always the same. there are probably a few new borbers since I left, but hardly anything new, societally speaking of course.' Komana smiles broadly at this.

'And where are the three of you fine people from, if I may inquire, I'm cursed with an insatiable curiosity you see?'

'And indeed' she says turning to the man in the black mask, 'who are you, who has gathered us together?'

In the interim gap I forgot about the mysterious masked man, which isn't very Komana like at all, if it would be easier though to simply introduce Cassandra's team before getting down to the nitty gritty, justignore the last comment.

The Exchange

Male Human Bard 4
stardust wrote:
Iacobus, make a Sense Motive check please.

1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

"Perhaps." Iacobus accedes smoothly, then rises politely as the lady Delenn enters. His bow is quite gracious, this time, in contrast to his fairly cool or casual greetings of the others.

His eyes narrow slightly beneath his mask at the Lady Starhaven's mention of having 'heard' that Komana is from the River Kingdoms. He takes a moment to regard her gear, bearing, accent, etc. to attempt to place where she is from, in turn.

Knowledge religion, nobility and / or local, as necessary, all are the same +8. 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Liberty's Edge

Dareth's warm eyes meet Iacobus's. "I meant no disrespect. I hope that we may become friends. The Razmirean faith has always intrigued me, but alas, my social ineptitudes place me at a disadvantage. Perhaps, it is as Cassandra tells me, that I have been away from civilized people for too long. Will you forgive a socially challenged fool?"

The young man is actually contrite, genuinely sincere, and interested in knowing more about you.

Cassandra opens her mouth to reply to Komana's question, but the masked man sitting at the head of the table raises his hand to interrupt her. His voice is smooth and noble, but forceful. "I fear I cannot reveal my identity. Suffice it to say that I am the one who will be employing you for our delicate task."

Cassandra raises an eyebrow but says nothing to the masked man in return. "I am from the Golden Perfection of Hermea. I'm not prideful, that is just what we call it."

Dareth smiles at Kamona, but returns his gaze to Iacobus immediately afterwards. "I am from Varisia. Near Riddleport. But I've not been there in nearly 2 years. A life of adventure, you see. Due to... circumstances best left silent for now."

Delenn sits across from Soven, but turns her gaze to Komana to answer her question. "I hail from Andoran. But Desna has led me far from my home. I've lived in a great many places for a time. Following Her will."

At that moment, Solany appears beside the masked man's side and leans down to whisper something in his ear. He seems perturbed, turns to whisper something back to Solany, and their whispered conversation continues. Finally, he leans back and says in a commanding tone, "See to it." Solany rushes off, taking four other Pathfinder members with her from one of the other dining tables.

The masked lord looks over at Komana. "I must speak with you." He stands and waits for her to join him.

The Exchange

Male Human Bard 4

Iacobus' expressionless mask again regards Dareth. "I am in no way offended, and I would enjoy a chance to speak of my lord, and the thirty-one steps he climbed to reach his current position."

Seeing their masked patron request Komana's company, he adds, "But that would be a conversation for a later time, I suspect. I am not here to proselytize, but to learn."

Liberty's Edge

Iacobus Gildenpalm wrote:

Iacobus' expressionless mask again regards Dareth. "I am in no way offended, and I would enjoy a chance to speak of my lord, and the thirty-one steps he climbed to reach his current position."

Seeing their masked patron request Komana's company, he adds, "But that would be a conversation for a later time, I suspect. I am not here to proselytize, but to learn."

Dareth smiles. "The best way to learn, in my experience, is to learn from each other."

Female Human Inquisitor 4
stardust wrote:
The masked lord looks over at Komana. "I must speak with you." He stands and waits for her to join him.

Komana flashes a look to Soven and Iacobus, before standing and walking over to the masked man.

Liberty's Edge


The lordly figure glances over at the others in the group, then turns back to Komana, lowering his voice to keep from being overheard.

"I fear that an.... well, 'accident' is not the right word... a situation has arisen. It concerns you and your friends, but I choose not to reveal this to everyone for fear that it would create a panic. It seems you are a brilliant and confident young lady, so I think you are the right one to inform. You can tell the others in your group when the time is right, at your discernment."

His lips form a grim frown, and his dark eyes show pain and remorse.

"Would you agree that this is the case?"

(Respond in spoiler please)

Lady Starhaven puts a few rolls and pieces of meat on her plate, turning to Soven politely. "Where is it that you all come from?"

Female Human Inquisitor 4

'You do seem to be in quite genuine distress, yes, I agree. What is this accident that has caused such troubles?'

Liberty's Edge


The lord nods, then moves toward a door. "Follow me."

The room he leads you into is a small conference room, but he continues onward, moving through a door opposite the one you came through. The doors are weighted to close behind you automatically.

The next room is floored and walled in white marble. A translucent panel above the room lets in pale white light. Two large slabs of marble stand in the center of the room, with two body-shaped lumps under white sheets. Venture captain Solany and the other pathfinder members wait in the room, the air is tense with silent shock.

Solany speaks up, "I am sorry, Komana."

(respond in spoiler please)

m human (taldor) mnk1,ftr3

"Well, I cannot speak for my new friend, Iacobus, but I hail from the empire of Taldor. Although saying that, I have spent most of my life traveling and residing in other places. You seem to have already learned of Komana's home.
It is always pleasant to see another who appreciates Desna and the path she has for those who would travel it."

Soven returns Komana's quick glance with a raised eyebrow before forcefully clouding his facial expression.
He is quite curious as to the events unfolding, one that seems to have the Pathfinders in a panic.

Soven registers Iacobus's response to the inquiry of the mask. "Very smooth and collected, this one is." Soven thinks to himself.

Female Human Inquisitor 4


Shock washes over Komana's face, wordlessly she steps forward to remove the cloth from the nearest figure, already dread what her intuition tells her she'll find beneath.

'It... couldn't be?'

Liberty's Edge

soven wrote:

"Well, I cannot speak for my new friend, Iacobus, but I hail from the empire of Taldor. Although saying that, I have spent most of my life traveling and residing in other places. You seem to have already learned of Komana's home.

It is always pleasant to see another who appreciates Desna and the path she has for those who would travel it."

Soven returns Komana's quick glance with a raised eyebrow before forcefully clouding his facial expression.
He is quite curious as to the events unfolding, one that seems to have the Pathfinders in a panic.

Soven registers Iacobus's response to the inquiry of the mask. "Very smooth and collected, this one is." Soven thinks to himself.

Delenn smiles again, but looks up at Cassandra before turning back to Soven. "The adventures the Gods lead us on are always amusing, at least."

She lowers her voice and leans across the table. "What do you suppose is going on?"

Liberty's Edge


The body under the sheet that Komana has lifted is none other than Kaelor's. His familiar robes still in perfect condition, no blood or other stains on the clothing. The only thing that is missing is... his head.

Venture Captain Solany speaks up again. "You see him exactly as we found him, in the library you spoke of." She steps around the other marble slab to remove the sheet from the other body. "It is the same for Dakgu, who we found in the upper hallways of the main fortress."

Dakgu's body is in the same condition.

m human (taldor) mnk1,ftr3

Soven leans towards her in return and in a low voice says:
"By all that is divine and beautiful in this world, I cannot but even to deign to guess, my lady. My interest is captured completely though, captured and hostage.
It is times like this, I wish that I had spent my life learning the path of magical divination or such.

Female Human Inquisitor 4


'What in the name of the Judge is this? Is there something loose in the Grand Lodge? What the Hell is going on here?' Komana demands, raising her voice, still clearly shook by the headless bodies of the two men she had met only the previous day.

Liberty's Edge

soven wrote:

Soven leans towards her in return and in a low voice says:

"By all that is divine and beautiful in this world, I cannot but even to deign to guess, my lady. My interest is captured completely though, captured and hostage.
It is times like this, I wish that I had spent my life learning the path of magical divination or such.

Delenn nods at the wisdom of Soven's words. "Lady Desna does like to keep her secrets. I suppose they are amused at our confusion. I too follow the path of a warrior."

Sovereign Court

Male Halfling Rogue 4

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the castle....

A very tanned halfling man fidgets in an oversized seat with his run down lute. One of the strings just won't stay in tune, it seems, and it's only compounding the frustration of waiting for what seems like forever.

His clothes and general appearance match that of the lute: worn and raggedy. Nearly should-length hair and thick sideburns cover most of his head, and his leather armor is badly scuffed, but given a haircut and a bath he might be attractive. He moans loudly from boredom.

"Ye gods, what is taking so long?"

Dird shakes his head, and focuses again on the shoddy lute he was attempting to tune. He plays a couple of broken chords, sighs, and tightens another string. It snaps, stinging his finger, and he gives up.

Putting the lute into a sack that seems slightly too small for it to fit in, he reclines and addresses the other occupant(s?) of the room.

"Are you sure they didn't tell you how long it would be? I'm Dird, by the way, pleasatameetya."

Liberty's Edge


Solany grimaces. "We do not completely know. This is not the first attack of this type though. Our clerics and arcanists have not been able to tell us much."

"Solany!" The barked command is issued by the masked lord and Solany silents herself with a frown.

"If we indeed knew what caused this, we would have rid ourselves of it immediately. And yes, it is part of the reason that we have summoned an adventuring party. We have used up enough resources to feed a small nation pursuing this.... thing. To no avail. Solany and I thought that a group with more personal resources might succeed where a vast organization might not."

The masked man hesitates, "What alarms me most of all is the nature of the first attacks. I will speak no more of it. But it is obvious that your group is diminished and will not be able to face the next challenge as it is. I have taken the initiative of finding you replacements, and in the interest of brevity, will take you to them now."

Solany responds in anger. "Have you no heart, Lord S-?!" The masked man stares pointedly at her and she immediately silences. He then turns back to Komona.

"I must ask you to keep this silent for the time being. As a cleric of Abadar, I ask you to uphold the civic peace by not spreading panic among our members, or of the people outside the Lodge. Also, do not go anywhere alone."

He turns back to the conference chamber, holding the door for Komona and Solany.

The Exchange

Male Human Bard 4

Glancing over at the whispered conversation, Iacobus affects a put-upon sigh. "Ah, tedious mysteries. Shall we make something up to pass the time?"

He snaps his finger, "Some terrible thing has been stolen from the vaults that surely lie below this place. It could not possibly have been stolen by one who did not know the ins and outs of these secret ways, and so the Pathfinders find themselves in the unpleasant position of not knowing which of their own to trust, and having to hire outside investigators, to flush out the scoundrels, whio remains nestled to their bosom like a viper!"

He toys with a grape idly, rolling it back and forth, before adding, "Oh, and someone was just found dead."

His amused distracted tone makes it clear that he takes none of what he is saying seriously, but the lack of expression on his mask gives the suggestion otherwise.

Liberty's Edge

Delenn looks up, startled.

"Dead?! How can you be so certain? - Oh, I see... you're joking."

Dareth is also startled and looks over at Delenn.

"Dead? Who's dead, my dear?"

m human (taldor) mnk1,ftr3

Soven smiles in answer to the two woman's worries, planning to join in with the Iacobus's fun.

"We will all be lucky to live through the night I am sure. Oh, no worries, my dearest new friends, I hear deaths are routine here. They are served with breakfast.

Liberty's Edge

Dareth nods sagely, taking a calming breath as he runs a hand through his silken hair. He is vaguely irritated by the thickness of it.

"I see. Yes... a joke. Well, as an adventurer, I cannot say that I am worried too much by death. I might even welcome it should the opportunity present itself."

Delenn frowns and shakes her head. "Death is a little too serious a topic for me, I fear. The mystery of death is not one I am interested in solving right now."

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