The Thread Celestial

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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Celestial Healer wrote:
I pay Celestial Follower in moldy turnip greens. He should be grateful.

Happy Birthday, immortal boss who has existed since before calendars were invented!

{rolls in another wheelbarrow of deviled turnips} Wow, you got more birthday turnips! I have no idea where we're going to put them all.

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<squints at wheelbarrow> Something about this smells fishy, yeeesssss. And not meaning you, CTO, nnnoooooo.

<picks up turnip, it unfolds wings and a tail and attempts to sting him before flying away>

Blast it, deviled is right. These aren't turnips, nnnoooo. They're turnimps. We'll need to salt, devenom, and dice the lot.

Silver Crusade

Thank you! You could braise these turnips in chicken broth. Then you can put a candle in one and sing to me.

Silver Crusade

I was going to try to cure the pandemic, but then I noticed that I have lost my divine spellcasting altogether. Should I be worried?


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Maybe your patron is on vacation? Or part of the mandated shutdowns? Your folks are a lot more lawful than mine, yeeesssss, so they probably keep track of that sort of thing.

Silver Crusade

That’s probably it. I feel better now.

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