Aluvian |

I'm looking to start up a PRPG Legacy of Fire PbP campaign. I'd prefer to just play in it, but I'm willing to GM it if there are no other takers.
Assuming I do end up GMing, I will be looking for 3-4 players, I will be using Gestalt rules, and only the "Complete" 3.5 books aside from the Pathfinder rules.

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I'm looking to start up a PRPG Legacy of Fire PbP campaign. I'd prefer to just play in it, but I'm willing to GM it if there are no other takers.
Assuming I do end up GMing, I will be looking for 3-4 players, I will be using Gestalt rules, and only the "Complete" 3.5 books aside from the Pathfinder rules.
I'd be really interesting in playing in this as well. Gotta think up a character concept, but I'll post it in here.

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I may have interest in GMing. will post thoughts in the morning.
Looking forward to that. Maybe we'll hear back from Aluvian by that time as well.
I'd volunteer to DM but I'm doing quite a bit of DMing (/ helping prepare for another campaign) lately and just don't think I'd have the time/energy to DM.

Aluvian |

Wow, I wasn't expecting all of the replies today when I checked this. Taking the first 4 people to have responded it looks like we have...
Kjob with the Fighter/Rogue
Alizor with a Cleric/Ranger
Jason Lillis with a Barb/Druid
And Raven34 with a Fighter/Wizard
If you would like to GM, Jason, and drop your character I can throw in a Barb/Druid of my own to take your place. Personally I'd rather not GM as I've already got a game I'm GMing and rarely get a chance to just play, but I'm up for it if you would rather play. I'll let you make the choice since you originally posted as a player.

Jason Lillis |

Ok, I would like feedback on the following thoughts for GMing. It's a big list, so don't feel like you have to comment on everything, just on those you are really concerned about.
Dice rolls: We can do them here on the boards, but the game is meant to be played with physical dice. I would say rolls should be handled by you all rolling wherever you are then posting what your roll is. I'd like to roll "behind the screen" as the GM, but if you need me to I can use the boards. I don't really see the point in saying that you've rolled something that you haven't, but that's on your conscience. Otherwise, feel free to use the dice roller on the boards.
Point buy: 20 points, using the point system on page 5 of the PRPG. Have fun, but be ready. If things seem out of balance in fights or general adventuring, I'll boost stats/numbers against you.
Starting Gear: Use the average starting gold on page 98 of the PRPG for the better of your two gestalt classes to pick out your starting gear.
Posting: The best I can really commit to is 2 descriptive posts/week. If we're in fights, I'll keep things moving as quickly as I can. Also, I'm no Lovecraft, so suggestions on improving the quality of my work will always be helpful. It will be helpful if I know your level of commitment as well. We'll work with the lowest rate as our standard, but let me know if it's moving too slowly that way and I'll try to light a fire under the slow movers, especially if it's me!
Fights: I like things to be a bit more tactical, which can make fights take longer through a PBP. I've also seen it where you send the GM your general strategy and the GM makes all the dice rolls/chooses specific targets/whatnot, but that was only really good for so much before it felt like we had no good control over what was happening. Great group, though.
Vacations: Specifically, after this week, I'll be on the road for the next 3 or 4 weeks, but I'll be able to update from friends and families houses (only away from internet while driving). I'll try to get as much set up during the coming week as possible, then just publish the posts by copying and pasting. Otherwise, please let us know if you're going to be out of town for an extended period of time so that we can either keep the story moving or have it move without your character for a bit.
Character Sheets: Whatever format works best for you, but make sure its one that everyone can see, especially me! Ideally I'd like to have you send me a .pdf of your sheet(s).
Traits: Please feel free to use traits as you see it to be appropriate for your character. I think they are a good addition to the game.
Anything else: Give me feedback, I want to know what you think. We'll go with these players:
Aluvian with a Fighter/Rogue
Kjob with a Fighter/Rogue
Alizor with a Cleric/Ranger
And Raven34 with a Fighter/Wizard
Send me names, character sheets, and character backgrounds as soon as you can, and we'll get going from there. If any of you want characters that already know each other, or even if the whole party does, I'll create a website through google to host things that we might need/find useful.
All others, feel free to keep an eye on this game and let me know if you'd like to be considered as an alternate if something happens to one of the players.
I'm going to start reading and writing.

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Thanks for the response Jason. I'll start working on my character with those specifics, although I think I have a large portion done. Would having a character sheet on Google Docs work for you to see a real time updated character sheet for myself?
Aluvian with a Fighter/Rogue
I believe Aluvian had mentioned a Barbarian/Druid?
Finally as for play-time, I'm essentially available for 1-2 posts per day. I'll be checking it periodically from work/home and as I'm not currently in any other PBP campaigns, I have plenty of time from work and while not actively playing/preparing for a campaign. So I don't think I'll be the determining factor.
Finally are you going to be upping the deadliness of the encounters/making some NPCs gestalt to account for our power level? I've only rarely done 4 person gestalt before, so I don't know how the powerlevel will end up working out.

Aluvian |

Thanks for assuming the GM duties, Jason. I'll address most of your points.
Rolls: I am all for trusting people to be honest with their own rolls.
Point buy sounds great.
I can generally commit to at least a post or two most days. I typicaly tend to have quite a bit of free time on my hands, even at work. (in fact I'm there now)
I like tatical fights, but I'll also try to give as good a description in the post as possible for flavor if nothing else.
No vacations for me in the near future. Not till November.
How many traits can we take?
Just to clerify, I had mentioned that I would be willing to pick up the Barb/Druid that you had mentioned but having thought about it, I think I might instead go with a Dwarven Ranger/Druid. I will let you know for sure soon. And I am totally open to starting already knowing one or more characters. I've found that helps avoid excessive 'get to know each other' RP at the begining, as well as helping to cement the group togeather.
I'll be using a pdf as my character sheet, though I'm not sure how I'd post it for everyone to see.

Aluvian |

One other question I've been thinking about. In 3 weeks will we be converting our characters to PFRPG Final? It probably shouldn't be too difficult considering that we'll essentially be level 1.
That's a good idea, assuming that everyone has access to the book. I'll have the pdf even if it will take a while to get the physical copy.
Btw, I've decided to go with a Dwarven Fighter/Druid, with the Reclaiming your Roots campaign trait.

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Also Aluvian, what "kind" of ranger are you planning on. TWF or Ranged? I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to build my character.
Also another question to Jason, what 3.x material is/isn't allowed? Aluvian mentioned the complete series. Would that still be kosher? Or would you rather stick to core. What about Spell Compendium or a few other books? I'm not thinking about multiclassing, not even sure I'm thinking of a prestige class, just wondering at the moment.

Jason Lillis |

Would having a character sheet on Google Docs work for you to see a real time updated character sheet for myself?
This would be perfect.
Finally are you going to be upping the deadliness of the encounters/making some NPCs gestalt to account for our power level? I've only rarely done 4 person gestalt before, so I don't know how the powerlevel will end up working out.
Let's see how quickly/terribly you wreak havoc on the first encounter (which might be beefed up by another opponent) before I make any policies about making it tougher on you. Essentially, your ESL will be 9 to start with, but scaling to that might make it overwhelming since each of you would still only get one action/round. The first encounter should be fairly telling, and the second should help refine it.
How many traits can we take?
"There are five trait categories: basic, campaign, race, region, and religion—each with several subcategories, as detailed below. A character can only have one trait from each particular trait category or subcategory." That's from the Legacy of Fire Player's Guide, which for the purposes of our game will be an approved/official source. I think you can have up to 5 traits total, one for each kind. Don't take traits that are out of sync with your character's background.
Also another question to Jason, what 3.x material is/isn't allowed? Aluvian mentioned the complete series. Would that still be kosher? Or would you rather stick to core. What about Spell Compendium or a few other books? I'm not thinking about multiclassing, not even sure I'm thinking of a prestige class, just wondering at the moment.
For now, I would prefer to stick to core material, though if you can make a good case for why exactly you want something from the "Complete" series, I will consider it.
Official Source Material- Pathfinder RPG beta release, then Official Release (once available to all)
- Character Traits web enhancement
- Legacy of Fire Player's Guide
- Gestalt rules from Unearthed Arcana
- Will update with more if necessary
I've decided to go with a Dwarven Fighter/Druid, with the Reclaiming your Roots campaign trait.
Sounds great. I accidentally copied and pasted Fighter/Rogue earlier. Sorry for the confusion.

Jason Lillis |

When generating your character background:
Please tie in the Campaign Trait you are choosing from pages 9-11 of the Legacy of Fire Player's Guide. This will be necessary for the first round of posting, as the characters start on the road as a group already contracted, not just meeting for the first time in the local tavern then deciding to go goblin scalping.
If you'd rather not spring the $8 for the player's guide, I can outline the necessary bits for you. If you've already got it, great!

Kjob |

Promise I won't be a pain in your butt about "non-core" stuff too much, one question though. can I take "Oversize Two weapon Fighting" from complete warrior? If not, can I take Exotic Weapon Proficiency "Double Scimitar" ?
I don't think they're particularly gamebreaking, but I'd like a character dual wielding Scimitars (or rapiers if you authorize the oversize two weapon fighting)><

Jason Lillis |

Promise I won't be a pain in your butt about "non-core" stuff too much, one question though. can I take "Oversize Two weapon Fighting" from complete warrior? If not, can I take Exotic Weapon Proficiency "Double Scimitar" ?
I don't think they're particularly gamebreaking, but I'd like a character dual wielding Scimitars (or rapiers if you authorize the oversize two weapon fighting)><
I'll allow it, but be ready for someone to come up at you with double battle-axes sometime.
Also, your character had better be at least completely white skinned, jet-black haired, evil-er-than-Orcus NON-elf, or the double scimitars will have to go.
Just kidding. (Kind of.)

Jason Lillis |

Just so you know, once I'm on the road this Saturday, I will not really have that many other sources with me besides the info to run this specific campaign, so if you have a question about something, I would ask that you provide me with as much source text as possible with your request.

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Currently finishing up the stats for my character. Link is here:
I haven't written the background yet, but things are rolling in my head. Just as a heads up, both Kjob and I are going to be Finding Haleen so we're going to have known each other beforehand, in fact I believe siblings.

Jason Lillis |

both Kjob and I are going to be Finding Haleen so we're going to have known each other beforehand, in fact I believe siblings.
This makes me happy.
Thanks also for the character posting. I'll take a more in-depth look tomorrow morning.

Aluvian |

My Fighter/Druid is coming along well. I'm hoping to have it finished with Background by tonight. What would be the best way for me to post a pdf? I’m new to the idea of PbP, at least here. Also, I just wanted to bounce a question off you for future planning.
Would you say that an elemental (an Earth elemental specifically) could wield a weapon? Most of the pictures I've seen show them as vaguely humanoid which just sparked an image in my mind of wild shaping into one and still using my weapon. If not, that's fine. Just an idea that struck me.
Also, I'm curious, how to you handle PC deaths?

Jason Lillis |

My Fighter/Druid is coming along well. I'm hoping to have it finished with Background by tonight. What would be the best way for me to post a pdf?
If you have a gmail account, this is fairly easily done through Google docs. If not, you can email me a text file (MS Word, works, notepad, whatever) and I'll upload to a .pdf format that is hosted online. Let me know, and I'll provide you with my email.
Would you say that an elemental (an Earth elemental specifically) could wield a weapon? Most of the pictures I've seen show them as vaguely humanoid which just sparked an image in my mind of wild shaping into one and still using my weapon. If not, that's fine. Just an idea that struck me.
My gut reaction is to say no. I think that something in an elemental form would not have the proper manipulators to do so, and would, at best, be wielding it as though they lacked the proficiency. I think that's a good question to scour the forums on, or post for reactions from others. Since we'll have a little bit before you get that ability at level 6, if we come up with something else, we can do that.
Also, I'm curious, how to you handle PC deaths?
My hope is that every player will have a fun and meaningful experience through the actions of their character and their interactions with the GM and other players. The death of a PC should not make a player think that they have wasted their time or efforts, but rather make them want to make that death part of a larger story of their character's path. Can they be brought back? Does the PC want to be brought back? Do the other characters want them to come back?
I must confess that my primary love for fantasy stems from the Lord of the Rings, and from that, let us consider the death of Boromir at the start of the Two Towers. His companions, unable to bring him back, honor him through eulogy and by sending him to his homeland in an "unsinkable" boat. His death was made that much more poignant by these things, and kept me reading on.
That said, I will follow the rules for Disable, Dying, Death, Stability and Recovery in the PRPG-Beta. When the final release comes out, we'll go with those rules.
If someone dies, I will work with the rest of the party to help bring them back (within reason), and do my best to work with the affected player to RP what their character experiences while away from the material plane, depending on their religious background.

Jason Lillis |

Is it too late to throw my hat in for this? I'd love to play and can get a character concept going by tonight. I'll play whatever's needed. I have the player's guide for Legacy of Fire, also.
Thanks, we've currently got 4 players and 3 alternates. I can put you at the end of the alternates list if you like.

Jason Lillis |

Wrote a quick draft of my background story as well. I probably need to go through it and edit for grammar, spelling, consistency, story, etc. But you can at least see what I'm thinking for the character.
Looks good. I'm curious about your combination of a couple things, and am looking forward to how you play them.

Jason Lillis |

Some logistics:
First post is about ready to go. I would like each to give me by this evening at least physical appearance and equipment. Full character sheet by Thursday evening, if not tonight.
Please bookmark this thread as the OOC thread. I will create a new one for our official posts. I will also be compiling the posts into the appearance of a single narrative through Google Docs, and will make sure you get the link to that if you want to look back for reference. Once that happens, I'll start color coding your character's speech, to help differentiate.
Please select a thumbnail-sized picture for your character. It can be from any source, and will be helpful when laying out tactical positioning for fights since we won't be using miniatures (I don't own any). I'll use maps that have superimposed pictures of you all and the enemies on them. Ideally, I will be able to color-code each of the enemies, so you don't have to say, "That goblin, the one two squares up and 4 across from my PC."

Aluvian |

I'll be loading my full sheet including description and background to Google Docs later this evening. I'm assuming I just need to place a link to it here for you to reference. I've never used Google Docs before so this should be interesting.
No worries about the elemental using a weapon thing. I probably wouldn't allow it if I was GMing either. But you never know till you ask.

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Please bookmark this thread as the OOC thread. I will create a new one for our official posts. I will also be compiling the posts into the appearance of a single narrative through Google Docs, and will make sure you get the link to that if you want to look back for reference. Once that happens, I'll start color coding your character's speech, to help differentiate.
I actually think that we should probably start a new OCC thread, the powers that be probably would prefer this forum staying to connection posts and the OCC thread go in the OCC PBP forum.
As for the google docs, can you add our email as viewers then? It's actually much easier for me to just go to the google docs main page and click what things I can view.
All other stuff I'll try to get done tonight.

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I'll be loading my full sheet including description and background to Google Docs later this evening. I'm assuming I just need to place a link to it here for you to reference. I've never used Google Docs before so this should be interesting.
No worries about the elemental using a weapon thing. I probably wouldn't allow it if I was GMing either. But you never know till you ask.
I hadn't used it before this either, it's actually pretty convenient though. Gives real time access to a character sheet whether I'm at work, home, or on my iPhone. There's a way to both share to people in a webpage (where you can link here) and also give people viewing access, where you can just click the link in your main google docs homepage.
Jason, I'm probably going to end up having more google docs as well that I'll give you viewing privileges (Spreadsheet for feat/level progression, spreadsheet for equipment/encumbrance calculations, and possibly one more for spells). I'm just document heavy :P
Would you prefer that we don't let other players see the character sheet itself, or would you prefer we share?

Aluvian |

I hadn't used it before this either, it's actually pretty convenient though. Gives real time access to a character sheet whether I'm at work, home, or on my iPhone. There's a way to both share to people in a webpage (where you can link here) and also give people viewing access, where you can just click the link in your main google docs homepage.
I've just been fiddling with it and discovered the sharing myself. Would make it much easier. My sheet is already loaded there, sans animal companion.
Would you prefer that we don't let other players see the character sheet itself, or would you prefer we share?
I actually had the same question.

Tashik |

Tashik is all updated in the character profile! Just finishing up weight/encumberance.
Looks...pretty much like the profile picture.
A Look away for too long, and you may not know where he is when you look back.

Jason Lillis |

I actually think that we should probably start a new OCC thread, the powers that be probably would prefer this forum staying to connection posts and the OCC thread go in the OCC PBP forum.
Fair enough. New OOC thread soon. Will post all links here.
Jason, I'm probably going to end up having more google docs as well that I'll give you viewing privileges (Spreadsheet for feat/level progression, spreadsheet for equipment/encumbrance calculations, and possibly one more for spells). I'm just document heavy :P
I prefer this, though if you want to make one spreadsheet file with multiple worksheets for simplicity, that's fine by me. Just label the worksheets.
Actually, Kjob and Raven 34: Could you tell me if you have gmail accounts? Might make sharing a bit easier. We could put all of this on a website of my design through google sites if you do, but if not we can carry on here.
Would you prefer that we don't let other players see the character sheet itself, or would you prefer we share?
Hmm... it might be kind of nice if you didn't know what the other folks were going to do just because you had seen their character sheet and knew what kind of resources they had left.
Let's do this: If you've already looked, you got your chance. From here out, you are welcome to talk at length in character about what your PC can do on the battlefield, in the courtroom, in the bedroom, whatever, but let's keep OOC knowledge to a minimum. For the siblings, if you want to share a few things that reflect your shared history, I'm ok with that.
If there are any goals or ambitions that you would like to keep secret from the other players, please me know via the email below:
That will be my primary contact email for this game.
Which leads to the next question: How well do your characters know each other? I feel like you have been pulled together for this job, and it's taken a bit to loosen up enough around each other. Let me know if you're planning something different than that.
Raven34 and Kjob - Thanks. I'll take a look over this evening, tidy up the post, take a look at Aluvian's, then we'll be able to get started a little sooner than I had planned.

Jason Lillis |

I'll be loading my full sheet including description and background to Google Docs later this evening. I'm assuming I just need to place a link to it here for you to reference. I've never used Google Docs before so this should be interesting.
Sounds good. Just make sure you click "Publish as web page" under the sharing menu in the document.
No worries about the elemental using a weapon thing. I probably wouldn't allow it if I was GMing either. But you never know till you ask.
True! Always best to ask.

Sadid |

Well Kargan is all loaded up on Google Docs and I shared him out to Jason's address. That should be about it. I've also picked out an image for him.
As for how well Kargan knows any of the others... I would say not that well aside from what he's observed. He's not a really talkative fellow, more of a people watcher. He can carry on a conversation well enough if someone else starts it, but isn't one to start it up himself. So I guess it would depend on how persistent the others were in engaging him. Otherwise, he keeps to himself a lot.
Hopefully this will change through the course of RP. My characters rarely end the same as they started. When we get an actual OOC thread I'll post a his actual description. Unless we want that in the IC thread. Either way.
Oh, and my address to add me to the GM Google Docs is

Jason Lillis |

i think i am sorted i can use google docs but, i have not used them much, so it may go wrong
Ok, I've looked through your character sheet and made a couple of edits based on the gestalt rules and what I've got in the PRPG-Beta for your character.
A couple things:
- Please designate which spell is stored in your Arcane Bonded Ring.
- I'm not familiar with is this Hand Apprentice (With Longsword) that you mention at the end. Could you elaborate on that one for me? Probably something I've just overlooked.
- Choosing Irori for a deity qualifies you for the Wisdom in the flesh Trait listed in the LoF player's guide.
See link below for your character sheet as a google doc. If you'd like to work off of this, please send me your gmail id and I'll add you as a shared editor of the document.