Eccentric DM |

Justine goes to wake Aristarchus and informs him what happened.
"Oh, what is it? What? Alright, I'll take a look." Aristarchus approaches the corpse and places a hand on his temple. "Well, if there was anything evil there before, it's gone now. Still, you're right, we should burn it, just to be safe."

Eccentric DM |

"Is there a discrete way that we burn the corpse w/out alerting all the denizens of this place with a fire?"
If not, Justine will splash the corpse with a little of the vehicle's gas and light it with a match.
It's pitch black out there. If someone couldn't see the fire you already started, they're not going to notice a second fire.

Ivaanov Drivanovich |

Ivaanov leans over the bosy and searches it thrroughly for any other clues before the others drag it off to be burned.
Once that is done, he returns to his bedding for the remainder of teh night, muttering to himslef as he goes "What a strange place we have landed on, where the dead walk and the empire spends a fortune in lives and thrones to gather flowers. Interesting"
Sorry i've been a bit quiet of late. Been very busy with work and other life stuff. Plus two of my other PbP had some major stuff happen that took alot of my time to organise (converting characters and me having to rethink and reejig a game I'm Dming). Cheers

Eccentric DM |

As the body burns and the watch changes, the rest of the night passes uneventfully. In the morning, you pile back into the truck and continue on your journey. By mid-day you begin driving through the foothills.
Burgos, Gaia, Deckard:

Burgos |

As the body burns and the watch changes, the rest of the night passes uneventfully. In the morning, you pile back into the truck and continue on your journey. By mid-day you begin driving through the foothills.
Burgos, Gaia, Deckard:** spoiler omitted **
"Guys, did you just see what I saw?"
"I am starting to get a feeling that this planet is touched by the supernatural more often than most."
"I fear that our faith will be tested before this mission is over."
Burgos makes the sign of the aquila and starts to pray silently.

Ivaanov Drivanovich |

Ivaanov turns as Burgos speaks, unslinging his las carbine as he does. "I didn't see anything friend priest. Do you think their is trouble nearby?"
He begins to cast around for signs of danger perception =1d100=100 but the light catches on the metal of his las carbine and he is momentarily blinded.
Well, with luck like that, I won't need enemies shooting at me, I'll just be damaging myself

Burgos |

Ivaanov turns as Burgos speaks, unslinging his las carbine as he does. "I didn't see anything friend priest. Do you think their is trouble nearby?"
He begins to cast around for signs of danger perception =1d100=100 but the light catches on the metal of his las carbine and he is momentarily blinded.
Well, with luck like that, I won't need enemies shooting at me, I'll just be damaging myself
"There was a figure over there," Burgos points at a distant rock, "then it disappeared."

Justine |

Per 1d100 = 20
"Where? Where?" Bored by days of uneventful traveling, Justine is eager for a fight. "And can you put that gun away Ivaanov? You're totally blinding everyone! We're gonna crash if you keep that up."

Eccentric DM |

Per 1d100 = 20

Ivaanov Drivanovich |

"The Omnisiah guides all our paths, yet he takes care of those who watch out for themselves. I beseach you to pray for all of us great Burgos, while I remain vigilant for the presence of this elusive foe that seems to dog our steps."
Ivaanov then says a quiet prayer to the machine god himself, asking the spirit of his weapon to guide any shots he may need to make this day.

Eccentric DM |

"Shall we move on?"
With that, the truck leaves the rock behind it, hopefully never to return.
As darkness begins to fall, the foothills rise to either side of the road and the path snakes around the increasingly mountainous terrain until at last you see lights glimmer ahead, growing brighter until you can make out some sort of settlement centered on a broad hill. You continue until your path is barred by a rough wall of crudely piled stone and black flint. Watch fires burn along the top of the wall and you see numerous guns jutting out, silhouetted against the firelight. As you get closer, a pair of wire mesh and steel gates swing open and a tall figure walks forward, wrapped in a dark cloak with a rifle slung over his back. In his hands he carries an axe. "All of you out, let's take a look at you." Aristarchus looks over to the rest of you. "Everyone, do what he says. Don't make any sudden moves"
Once you are on the ground the man walks closer and glares at each of you. He seems to consider for a time, then in one fluid movement he bows deeply, saying "Welcome Servants of the Emperor, you are free to enter. Welcome to Stern Hope."

Ivaanov Drivanovich |

While Burgos again acts as the diplomatic face of this little group, Ivaanov takes the time to look around the complex and note what defenses there might be and the level of Tech in the area. It is strange to the tech prist that a place built in the middle of a dangerous location would only have a wire gate for defense. He was used to the plasteel and rockcrete defenses of the Mechanicus compunds he had been trained in. Auto turrets and pulse las silos were the norm in those locations.
Of course his home planet would have used trebuchet and crossbows, but that was a long time in his past now. He expected more from the imperium on a world where a spaceport was available.
Perception check 1d100=42 for gettting any details of defenses and tech levels. Ivaanovs perceptions is 27, so hopefully its an easy check. Cheers

Eccentric DM |

Perception check 1d100=42 for gettting any details of defenses and tech levels. Ivaanovs perceptions is 27, so hopefully its an easy check. Cheers
It's obvious, really. The settlement is mainly composed of shacks made out of whatever scrap was handy with the occasional building made out of the same rock the wall was made of, but this seems to be more due to lack of resources rather than any lack of knowledge. The people themselves are a mix of natives and pilgrims from off-world and as far as you can tell they all seem to be proper Emperor-fearing citizens. (Note, Really, the gate did seem quite durable. The only way someone could get past it without the guards opening it would be with explosives or wire-cutters, and the only way someone would have a chance at using either without the guards shooting them is if they sent a small army... Maybe you should get away from this line of thought.)
The guard does his best to ignore Burgos now that you are all inside the gate.
"Hail, pilgrims!" A smiling heavyset man wearing the robes of a monk approaches the party, a shuttered lamp in his hands.
"Greetings pilgrims. Such faith and preparation are admirable to see. You're the help the abbot sent for, yes? Truly we are not forgotten. I'm Brother Lamark, one of the churchmen of this mission. Welcome to Stern Hope- the abbot awaits you at the priory in the morning. Unfortunately he is curantly occupied and apologizes for not greeting you himself."

Ivaanov Drivanovich |

Ivaanov looks over the new comer, glad to see a friendly servant of the Emperor in this little settlement.
"Blessings of the Omnisiah be upon you Lamark. It is good to find a friendly face and a welcome to your home. We've had a long and....interesting journey."
He looks around at the others, noting how road weary they are nd continues on. [b]"If the Abbot is too busy to see us onight, perhaps you could show us to our accomodations. My actuators and service jacks have grit that needs removing, and I must clean the filter from my vox system or it will clog by this time tomorrow"
He waits patiently for the man to show them their lodgings, again expectin nothing but obedience since that is what would happen in the techworlds.

Eccentric DM |

Lamark shakes each of your hands. "Oh, of course. Just park your truck over there and I'll lead you to the Crying Cloata. It's the closest thing this town has to an inn, but it's better than a tent." Lamark leads you through the town, the people looking out at you expectantly from the shadows, although none seem brave enough to greet you themselves. Soon you come to a ramshackle two-story building. "Well, here we are. I'll go tell the abbot you have arrived. Sleep well." With that, Lamark leaves.
Aristarchus stops gazing up at the cathedral (he's been doing that since he got into town now that you think about it) and looks at you with a wan smile. "And here we are. I'm feeling tired. Travel isn't what it used to be for me. If Abbot Skae arrives before dawn, send him my way if you please. Some of you may want to talk with the locals, hmm? Just be wary if you decide to have a look about outside." He nods and heads up to his room.
Note: You have two rooms rented out, your room and Aristarchus' room.

Gaia |

As directed, Gaia will park the flatbed before accompanying her companions to the inn. Dropping off anything unneccessary (and not too valuable), the guard then heads back out with Burgos to look over the town. Partly out of a long-time habit, and partly out of a wariness of the area (particularly after what the party saw on the way to the town), Gaia intends to carry her weapons with her.

Eccentric DM |

Justine decides to take a bath first. Then she'll join her companions for dinner somewhere. She recommends that they use the meal time to ask the locals on various happenings. There is nothing like a few drinks that loosens the lips.
Fortunately the Crying Clota is more of a bar with a few rooms for rent than a proper inn. Tonight the main room is nearly packed, but a few of the workers quickly give up their seats for you and whoever joins you
The conversation continues, but you can't make out much else.
Burgos & Gaia:

Justine |

Justine sticks around listening in on other conversation that could be of interest. She then conveys her findings with the rest of her crew.
"I say we pay this Zildan fella a visit to see if he knows anything else. Then we can either try to locate Xanthis or go check out this "bleeding alter" down at the priory ourselves. First thing, let's ask around on where best to find Zildan."

Ivaanov Drivanovich |

Having spent time cleaning his systems and running diagnostics on ost of his gear, Ivaanov joins the others down in the main canteen. He orders a meal, something simple, and whatever passes for wine in this area. Many of teh more advanced techs he worked with no longer required sustenacne in this way, deriving their requirements through the direct interface of teh machines they wrked with. Ivaanov had not yet reached this Nirvana of machine and man, and so he took nutrition in a more traditional sense.
Looking at Justine, he nods his ascent to her recommendatiosn.
"Certainly it would seem as good a lead as any to work with. Maybe he can tell us more about this old woman who apparently saw the miracle as well"
There is a sound like a bath tub draining as a fluid tube makes its way into the glas of alcohol and drains it rapidly. A small display of the alcohol content and main organic components of the wine appears in a little reticule in front of Ivanoovs HUD system. Distressingly, there were at least 12 unidentified organics in the drink. Ah well.

Eccentric DM |

"I say we pay this Zildan fella a visit to see if he knows anything else. Then we can either try to locate Xanthis or go check out this "bleeding alter" down at the priory ourselves. First thing, let's ask around on where best to find Zildan."
In that case, someone roll Inquiry. Everyone else who's there, feel free to assist.

Justine |

Does anyone actually have Inquiry? I thought my good man Burgos would have it but didn't see it in his character sheet. And how do you roll to assist? Is it a regular Fellowship roll but with a +10 or +20 to the check? Does success in turn gives a +10 to actual Inquiry check? Can multiple people assist?

Eccentric DM |

Does anyone actually have Inquiry? I thought my good man Burgos would have it but didn't see it in his character sheet. And how do you roll to assist? Is it a regular Fellowship roll but with a +10 or +20 to the check? Does success in turn gives a +10 to actual Inquiry check? Can multiple people assist?
Yes, Burgos has it. It's down at the bottom of his sheet. As for the assist, they just need to roll Inquiry (in this case half of their Fellowship plus whatever bonus I give you all for the difficulty), and if they pass you get a +10 for your roll.
Note: Your bonus for this test is +15. Use it well.

Ivaanov Drivanovich |

My assist is - 1d100=13. That's actually equal to half my fellowship score naturally. So with your bonus 15, I ctually succeeded at a roll in this game. YAYAYAY! That's one assist from Ivaanov :)