About Ivaanov Drivanovich
Tech Priest - Technographer
Born on an Imperial World (roll 1d100=89)
Rolls 2d10=14, 2d10=8, 2d10=8, 2d10=2, 2d10=9, 2d10=10, 2d10=7, 2d10=4, 2d10=6
Reroll for Toughness 2d10=11
WS 34
BS 28
S 28 (2)
T 36* (3)
Ag 29 (2)
Int 38 (3)
Per 32 (3)
WP 27* (2)
Fel 26 (2)
Note: Intelligence and perception bumped up thanks to GM fiat(cheers Rookseye)
Combat info
Armour - 3 body only
Las Pistol - 30m, s/-/- 1d10+2E, 0 pen, clip 30, reload full, reliable
Las Carbine - 60m, s/2/- 1d10+2E, 0 pen, clip 40, reload full, reliable
Metal Staff - melee, 1d10I, Balanced, primitive
Homeworld Traits
Blessed ignorance (-5 on Forbidden lore tests)
Hagiography (whole bunch of knowledge skills become basic)
Liturgical Familiraity (Literacy and speak lang (high gothic) are basic skills
Superior Origins (+3 to Will power)*
Basic Skills (known)
Advanced Skills (known)
Speak Language(Low Gothic) (Int)
Tech Use (Int)
Literacy (Int)
Secret tongue -Tech (Int)
Trade (Scrimshaw) -(Agil)
*Common Lore (tech) - (int)
**Drive (ground Vehicle) - Agi
Talents and traits
1. Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
2. Pistol Training (Las)
3. Basic Weapon Training (Las)
4. Electro Graft use
5. Mechanicus Implants
6. *Feedback Screech -100 (all creatures within 30 metre radius make wisdom check or only able to do half action)
7. *Technical Knock - 100 Unjam weapons as a half action
*Toughness (+5) already incorporated in character
Starting Gear
Metal Staff
Las Pistol and 1 charge pack
Carbine and 1 charge pack
Flak Vest
Glow Lamp
Data Slate
Mechanicus robes and vestments
1d10=1 spare part
Vial of sacred machine oil
Wounds: 13 ( 1d5=5+8)
Fate Points: 2 (roll 1d10=1)
Move rates - Half (2), Full (4), Charge (6), Run (12)
Starting Gold 157 Thrones (roll 1d10=7).
Spent 100
Birth Planet - 1d100=47 Feudal World
Divination - 1d100=2 "Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper may judge what is sane". (Start with 2 insanity points. Yay me)
Ivaanov was born on a feudal planet where he was apprenticed to a blacksmith. His early skills wrking with metals and an almost intuitive grasp for improving the dated technology of his world brought him to the attention of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Removed from his planet by creatures of almost mechanical origins, and shown a universefar greater than he could have imagined on his feudal home planet, Ivaanov's mind was shaken.
The cult wasn't concerned by this series of events however, using the now malleable mind to indoctrinate the boy into the cult of the Omnilord, the great machine god himself. The operations and trainings of the cult opened new avenues of understanding into an already well developed mind, and Ivaanov soon became an able pupil.
Now he has been sent by the cult to serve another, in a capacity he does not fully understand. All that matters to the new technographer at this stage is that the Machine God has so odered his service, and so he shall aquiesce to commands of this new master.
Build = Svelt
Height = 1.85cm(6'2")
Weight = 70kg (154lb)
Skin Clour = Dark (normally tanned, but places are died blue and inscribed with tech patterning for later inplants and wiring)
Hair Colour = None visible. The dye process removes all hair
Eye Colour - Blue (soon not to be noticed under goggles etc)
Age = 25
Wearing the heavy red robes of the cult mechanicus, only the face and hands of Ivaanov are readily visible. His skin seems to be stained a blue colour, with seemingly runic tattoes covering his face. Closer inspection reveals these to be circuitry schema, etched into the dye for futre use whith biomechanical implants. A single data jack entry point gleams brass and silver at the side of the cranium, used to interface with many of the machine spirits the Technogopher has to deal with.
The lower part of the strange visage is covered with a crude grill system, from which his vox enhanced voice echoes forth to those he communicates with.
Beneath his robes, something bulky seems to be grafted to his body, though none are able to see it. The only hint at its nature is the slight hum that emanates from him when he engages many of his augmented systems at once.