Highlady Athroxis

Gaia's page

27 posts. Alias of Mishi.

About Gaia

Imperial Guardsman (Roll)

Home World Imperial World (Agri-world)

Stats (Roll)
WS 30
BS 40 (+5 added from advance)
S 32 (Rerolled)
T 37
Ag 29
Int 32
Per 27
WP 41 (+3 added from Superior Origins)
Fel 26
Wounds 13 (Roll) (+1 from Divination, +1 from Sound Constitution)
FP 2 (Roll)

Combat Stats:
Armour/Toughness: 7 (Everywhere) = 4 (Guard Flak) + 3 (Toughness)
Melee, Pen: 0, Damage: 1d10R (+3 S), Special: Balanced, Primitive
Las Pistol
Pistol, Range: 30m, RoF: S/-/-, Pen: 0, Damage:1d10+2E, Clip: 40, Special: Reliable
Basic, Range: 30m, RoF: S/-/-, Pen: 0, Damage:1d10+4I, Clip: 2, Special: Scatter, Reliable (2 rounds to reload)
Melee/Thrown, Pen: 0, Damage: 1d5R (+3 S), Special: Primitive
Frag Grenade
Thrown, Pen: 0, Range: 9m, Damage 2d10X, Special: Blast(4)

World Traits
Blessed Ignorance (-5 to Forbidden Lore)
Hagiography (Common Lore (Imperial Creed), CL (Imperium), CL (War) are Basic skills)
Liturgical Familiarity (Literacy and Speak Language (High Gothic) are Basic skills)
Superior Origins (WP +3)

Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Drive (Ground Vehicle)

Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)
Pistol Training (Las)
Basic Weapon Training (Las)
Basic Weapon Training (SP)

Las Pistol with 1 charge pack
Shotgun and 12 shells
Guard Flak Armour
Street Clothes
1 week corpse starch rations
Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer
2x Frag Grenades (20)
40x Shotgun Shells (2)
1x Charge Pack (Pistol) (10)
Micro Bead (10)

Starting Wealth: 74 Throne Gelt
Current Wealth: 32 Thrones

Build: Svelte (1.75m/65kg)
Age: 33
Skin: Dark
Hair: Dyed (White)
Eyes: Blue
Quirks: Aquila Tattoo
Imperial Divination: "Only in death does duty end" (+1 wound)

(A) Ballistic Skill (+5) - 100
(S) Awareness - 100
(T) Pistol Training - 100
(T) Sound Constitution - 100

Total XP: 400
Spent: 400
Available: 0