The Eccentric Dark Heresy PBP


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Burgos wrote:
"Is that the same guy we saw a while back?" Burgos rubs his eyes just to check he wasn't seeing double.

Completely different people. For one thing, this guy looks like he spent the last month wandering through the desert shirtless.

Eccentric DM wrote:
Burgos wrote:
"Is that the same guy we saw a while back?" Burgos rubs his eyes just to check he wasn't seeing double.
Completely different people. For one thing, this guy looks like he spent the last month wandering through the desert shirtless.

"Any of you guys familiar with a cult using such facial tattoos?"

Gaia eyed the first tattooed man quietly, wondering why he was so interested in their group. Surely this planet had seen off-worlders before? As the servitor moved on through the crowd, the guard decided to leave it be for now. It was probably nothing, but it never hurt to be aware and prepared anyway.

As they passed the second tattooed man, Gaia was unable to make out any of his mad-sounding ramblings. She wondered what the tattoo meant, before shaking her head in reponse to the priest. "Haven't seen it before."

Ivaanov's mechanical components whirred as they opened the compartment in his leg casing. Reaching into the folds of his robe, he gripped the ornate hand of the las pistol that had emerged from the casing, even as the small mechadentrites in the area finished loading the weapon and charging the gun. The distinctive whine of the charge cell activating brought a smile to the mechs face, though none could see it past the face plate and vox unit that covered his mouth.

If trouble was brewing, he at least wouldn't be caught unarmed. He left his hand inside the voluminous robes, hopefully concealing the weapon from casual view.

He responded to Burgos question with a shake f his head. His sheltered life both on his home planet and then within the confines of the machine cult didn't leave him very open to information on obscure cults.

The mechadentrite stuff was just flavour text btw. I havent bought those augmentations officially, though I do have dentrites of some description apparently, according to the description in the book

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

"What Crow Father?" Asked Justine, as she whips out her las pistol and scans the alley for any surprises. "All I got out of that rambling are 'False, false, the two faces he has! First of three has two!' and 'They have grasped a serpent in their hearts, fools! Pity the damned fools!'"

Does the servitor continue pass the rambling man?

Alright, has anyone seen Deckard/shreikback around lately, or should I just assume he's disappeared into the aether and continue on without him?

Onwards, I say. We'll probably find him in the lost and found emporium.

Alright, Deckard got lost in the crowd and thus has until you all leave the town to post again.

Your discussion is cut short by a sharp whistle from the other end of the alley. Turning around, you find six thugs with the same flame tattoo brandishing clubs. "Begone, offworlders. We don't want your kind here.", says the apparent leader.

For a map, look on page 368. You're all on the right side, they're on the left side. Gentlemen, roll for initiative.

Initiative: Thugs (11)

1d10+2=10. As soon as I'm able I'll move to cover of teh metal crates nearest our side and aim at the assailants. Will fire next round if things go bad.

Init 1d10+3=12

"Stay your hand in the of the God-Emperor of Terra!"

Burgos raises his sword for emphasis. He readies his autopistol with his other hand.

I think it is written somewhere that: "Thou shall not bring clubs to a gunfight."

So, are you doing anything other than drawing your autopistol?

Initiative: Burgos (12)
Thugs (11)
Ivaanov (10)

BS (39) 1d100=34

Burgos shoots the ringleader hopefully scaring the others with this show of firepower.

Damage 1d10+2=11

"No one threatens one who comes in the name of the Emperor!"


The man attempts to dodge the bullet, but he only succeeds at falling to the ground clutching his right arm. "He shot Roth! Priest or not, no one shoots at us gets away with it!" While most of the thugs have the sense to run for cover, two stay there and try to take revenge for their almost-fallen comrade, drawing pistols and firing at Burgos. Their aim is off.

Two behind the metal crates with guns drawn, one behind the wooden crate with his gun drawn, one prone hoping to not die, and two standing there like idiots.

Next turn action - assuming Justine, Gaia and Ivaanov haven't fixed these bigots by then...

BS (39) 1d100=5

Damage 1d10+2=11

"O Mighty God-Emperor, grant us the strength to massacre Your enemies!"

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Init 1d10+9=19

"We don't want your k..." Before the ringleader even finishes his sentence, Justin raises her las pistol and shoots into the group of club-wielding thugs.

BS(50) 1d100=26

DMG 1d10+2=7

She then uses the moment of confusion to duck behind the wooden crates.

Burgos, good call on the ambush! Consequently, we all had our weapons drawn, which enables us to use s half action to duck for cover (instead of drawing our weapons).

Davi and Burgos, I have a feeling that you guys live on the West Coast (or somewhere using the western time zone). I, unfortunately, live on East Coast (NYC, in fact) and am 3 hours ahead of you guys. Therefore, when Davi posts at around 3~4 AM my time (which is 12~1 AM your time), there is no way I am awake and my fastest response time is next morning. Looking back at this combat, I feel that things have transpired without me and I have to belatedly make up for my actions (even though I have the highest Init). Please understand that I am not trying to blame anyone or be anyone's parents, but I feel if there is scheduled DM posting times that are accommodating to everyone's timezones (instead of 3 AM), then we can all post in our appropriate orders vs. literally having the first person who posts acts first. I also think that for next time, the DM can take care of all our Init in one swoop (along with the NPCs); it will clarify who goes when and people can immediately start posting their actions.

Please feel free to comment on the idea of scheduled dm posting times.

My next action, after everyone has gone, assuming there is any thugs left...

The sounds of pistol fire thunder in the alley as the two groups exchange shots. Justin sees Burgos gun down the ringleader and her impression of the man rises even higher ("Charming AND skilled...must get to know him better after this," she thought). From behind the wooden crates, Justine aims at the thug who is also behind wooden crates and calmly pulled the trigger

BS(50) 1d100=19

DMG 1d10+2=10

"They really should have shot first and asked questions later..."

Alright, I apologize. For now, let's just blame this whole thing on me being up at odd hours and the fact I didn't really comprehend how likely it was that more of you would go sooner than the thugs.

The leader collapses to the ground, dead from Burgos' shot.

Unless Gaia also goes before the thugs, the thugs still do the above actions.

Gaia is last. :-p
Initiative: 1d10+2 = 3

Unfortunately, the guard wasn't quite as well prepared as she thought. As the thugs confront the group, Gaia moved to draw her shotgun. However, the barrel snags a little, and the delay is enough to slow her reactions.

Gaia will draw her weapon and move to the closest cover as soon as she is able to - unfortunately I didn't mention drawing a weapon before, so she'll not have one ready.

Also, sorry to throw a wrench into the posting times, but I suspect I'm in a bit of a further timezone from everyone - I'm in the UK, which is 5 hours ahead of EST and 8 hours ahead of PST.. so I'm not sure a scheduled time would work out for me.

I am in the Australian time zone, so about ten hours ahead of Gaia, and nearly a day ahead of you west coasters in America (well 18 hours at least).

In the PbP I'm running, I get people to post their actions for a round whenever they can. Then i sort the order out with a round summary, putting the enemies into the mix in order. It works pretty well, though I occasionally have to give people a chance to change their actions if something very drastic happens. If we keep our actions to things like "Nearest enemy" or "the boss", then let Davii re allocate if a target shifts, we should be ok. What do people think of this idea? It mitigates different time zones very nicely

In Ivaanov's next round he'll fire his las pistol and then aim again. BS is 28+10 for aiming = 38. Roll is 1d100=35, 1d10+2=5. I'll try for one in the open, but if they've moved since then I'll aim for one out of cover. My shot is a hit, in the body for armour and cover. No penetration for my las pistol.

Ivaanov calls out to his companions "There is still some cover near me behind these crates." He snaps off a shot with the las pistol then takes aim again, resting his arm across the crates for stability.

Another of the thugs standing in the open nearly fall from Justine's shots.

Burgos up.

BS (39) 1d100=25

Damage 1d10+2=3

Burgos snaps off a shot before ducking behind a cover.

That 3 shots I've made, 15 shots left.

The man barely manages to dodge Burgos' bullet.

The wounded man raises his gun and begins firing wildly at Justine. The other man in the open runs back to the others behind the metal crates, and those hiding carefully aim and fire at Burgos and Ivaan.

The attacks, 1: Semi-Auto, 2-4: Aim Half, attack (1d100=4, 1d100=35, 1d100=62, 1d100=30) Damage: 1d10+3=11, 1d10+3=10, 1d10+3=12, 1d10+3=6 Justine is hit by the bullets for 21 damage, Burgos and Ivaan dodge. EDIT: Since no-one wants to be drenched in the entrails of Justine, that seccond shot didn't hit her, she only took eleven damage, no one saw anything otherwise.

Shortly after Justine looses her breath (1 on the Critical Damage table, only take a half-action next turn) from the shot to her gut, Ivaanov shoots the man dead.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Sorry, I am new to the rules, but did you apply damage straight up or did you subtract Justine's toughness + armor from each shot?

Also, don't the cover absorb some of that damage from each shot? Or did u already take that into account?

"Gaia! If you have some grenades, we sure could use them now!"

Burgos still lying flat on the ground behind a cover.

Justine wrote:

Sorry, I am new to the rules, but did you apply damage straight up or did you subtract Justine's toughness + armor from each shot?

Also, don't the cover absorb some of that damage from each shot? Or did u already take that into account?

No actually, I forgot entirely about that, so only 6 damage. I apologize. Also, cover depends on which parts are out from behind cover, and as it hit your body, it just hit the cover, so 2 damage and the cover no longer gives any actual protection. Once again, I apologize for the fact that I forgot to read more the combat chapter before I ran an actual combat. If this makes you think I am a complete fool, you are right.

Ok no harm no foul. At least nothing GM fiat can't cure. Play ball.

And where's the grenade I requested?!

"One coming up!" Gaia calls back to the priest, pulling a frag grenade from her belt. Pulling the pin, the guard lobs the grenade over at the enemies. Unfortunately, her aim is a little off..

BS: 1d100 = 80

Scatter time.. :D
Damage (in case you need it): 2d10 = 7

"Oh God-Emperor! Make sure it was the grenade that Gaia lobbed and not the pin!"

Hey in combat stranger things have happened.

Just reminding you all that I posted my actions for this round further up the page. It may have gotten lost in wash of other posts is all. And no probs on the rules Davii, the best way to learn is during play, and since the mistake was picked up early, it's all good.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Interestingly enough, even when you miss with a grenade, there is still a chance that you might actually throw the thing in the right general direction. Check out the Scatter Diagram on p. 196 of the core rulebook.

I think it's my turn next, but I will put off until Davi determines where that grenade lands. I sure hope it doesn't wipe out the party...

Justine wrote:

I think it's my turn next, but I will put off until Davi determines where that grenade lands. I sure hope it doesn't wipe out the party...

Hence the prayer above.

Assuming you're tossing it at the thugs behind the metal crates.

The grenade comes to rest on top of a crate, the thugs barely having a chance to react before the explosion. Two of the thugs were quickly turned into piles of flesh, while the third was protected by his now-dead associates. The two remaining thugs, realizing they may be somewhat overmatched, turn to flee. The man behind the wooden crates flees to the right, the survivor to the left, directly into the waiting club of a town guard. After the injured thug crumples to the ground, the guard looks at the carnage in the alley. "What the hell happened here?"

Combat's over, now you just need to not get arrested.

Allow me.

After sheathing his weapons, "Praise the Emperor that you have arrived in the nick of time, officers. These men," Burgos points to their opponents, "are heretics."

"I am Burgos. Father Burgos of the Ecclesiarchy, I am sure you have heard of that. I spread the word and enlightenment of the Emperor. So why would they attack me if they are not in fact heretics?"

"I assure you that we shall appreciate any assistance you can extend. I am sure that my superiors in the Ecclesiarchy would like very well to know who to thank for my safety and who to punish for this attack on my person."

"By the way officers, you are?"

Burgos' Charm roll. (1d100=19)

"Well, I can't bring in a priest for questioning. Besides, don't worry about them." He says, gesturing at the thug his two slower associates are now picking up. "The Ashleen from out of town have just been restless lately, for some reason. You're all free to go now."

Eccentric DM wrote:

Burgos' Charm roll. (1d100=19)

"Well, I can't bring in a priest for questioning. Besides, don't worry about them." He says, gesturing at the thug his two slower associates are now picking up. "The Ashleen from out of town have just been restless lately, for some reason. You're all free to go now."

"Thank you, my son, for your wisdom and probity. The God-Emperor sees all and I am sure he knows of your actions today."

After the Cherub before it's gone.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Justine shuffles along with the rest of her group, clearly favoring her left side. Wherever the cherub is going, she sure hopes there is medical attention.

The combat got a little chaotic, so I am not sure how much dmg Justine took. Is it 8, 6, or 2? It makes a difference cause if she's only lightly wounded, she recovers 1 wound per day. Whereas, if she's heavily wounded, she recovers 1 wound per week. Do we have anyone in the party who has the appropriate skill/power to heal? If Justin is pretty beat up, she would appreciate some help.

Burgos moves to assist Justine. "Here, lean on me."

2. Only one bullet actually hit you, and it had to go through the last of the crate and your armor.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

"Thanks!" Justine flashes a smile at Burgos and accepts his assistance. "We have been delayed long enough, let's go!"

If I am reading this right, there seems to be very limited healing in this game. The Medicae skill helps, but the person who can get to it the fastest on his level up table in our group is (surprisingly) Ivaanov, and that's at level 2. You can buy a doctor's service, but the good ones are expensive and few. There is also no "potion" that u can drink to recover health like in D&D. The last option is to simply rest, but if you were heavily/critically wounded, it will take weeks to completely recover. I guess we should all invest our $$ on better armor?

"Everyone look for the cherub."

Ivaanov moves from behind the crates, quickly returning the las weapon to its alotted holster and disarming the charge capaciter. It certainly wouldn't do for the thing to discharge while attatched to his leg.

As burgos helps with the wounded woman, the tech keeps tabs on the little servitor drone. The firefight was certainly interesting, but not overly concerning to the tech. When they went past the bodies fo the fallen cultists, he planned on aquiring one of their weapons. They seemed to be of the more primitive projectile varient, yet the power they unleahsed was impresseive. He had the feeling this group could use that kind of damage output.

I'll scrounge up weapons and armour from the fallen gangsters if we're allowed to by the authorities. I'll also keep tabs on the drone.

As to the healing thing, yes I am the one who'll probably do most of the healing i'm guessing. It's one of the reasons I took the tech as a class. I'm sure there's gear we can buy to help healing. Is it a skill we can use untrained? (haven't got the book with me at moment).

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Justine is also curious about the loot from the gangsters. But for now, she's preoccupied with her wounds.

Medicae is an advanced skill that you can purchase at lvl 2 for 100 exp. As for gear, you can buy a medikit (for 150 thrones) that would give you +20 on Medicae. Later on, there is also a talent (Master Chirugeon) that improves your Medicae skill even further.

The guns were only cheap stubnose revolvers, but you do have a chance to pick one of them up while the guards' backs are turned. It only has about five shots left, but it should be a bit more lethal than your laspistol.

Meanwhile, the cherub is still able to be seen, hovering about a block down the next alley. You should be able to catch up with it easily.

I'm going to be moving this forward tonight.

Hooking her shotgun back to her belt holster again, Gaia moves forward to follow the cherub. Her grenade hadn't quite landed where she had intended, but fortunately it had been close enough. Ashleen, huh? A gang of some sort, from the looks of things. Hopefully they'd learned their lesson now, and there wouldn't be any more trouble from the flame-faced men.

There are also psyker healing powers that can help a good bit. Otherwise, it's just medicae, but in my experience the skill does work well. Remember that we all have fortune points to use in sticky situations as well. :)

Guys, you think we need to recruit another player?

"Ivaanov, can you judge from the cherub's behavior if we are near our meeting place?"

"Gaia, how many grenades you still have?"

"Justine, how are you holding up?"

We need to give our team a name. A-Team's the IP of another corporation.

EDIT: If no-one objects, I'll put up a recruitment thread tomorrow to see if anyone is willing to take Deckard.

You continue to follow the cherub through the streets of Port Suffering, eventually coming to a walled compound bearing the imperial eagle. As you approach, the door is opened by an official-looking man. "AH, yes. You must be here to see Master Aristarchus. Follow me." As the man leads you into the building, you can't help but notice how much has been added, from the thick carpeting to the furniture made of actual wood.

Seated at the table in an old leather chair is presumably the man you're looking for. He wears charcoal-gray robes and has a small smile on his lean, handsome face. As you enter, he holds a set of large ivory cards in his hands which he replaces in a silver case and returns to the pocket of his robes.

"Welcome! I am the Seer Aristarchus. I trust the trip passed quickly?" He stands, comes around the table and offers each of you in turn his hand in greeting before gesturing for you to sit.Up close, you can see he has curious gold-grey eyes and the sanctioning electoo of the Scholastica Psykana imprinted on his cheek. After shaking all of your hands, he adjusts a black satchel at his side. You notice that the bag is made of emadar silk, an expensive material, and is held shut with lead purity symbols.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

"And it would have been quicker had we not bump into those Ashleen jerks." Justine said. "They called us 'outsiders', doesn't seem they like the imperial presence very much."

Eccentric DM wrote:

EDIT: If no-one objects, I'll put up a recruitment thread tomorrow to see if anyone is willing to take Deckard.

You continue to follow the cherub through the streets of Port Suffering, eventually coming to a walled compound bearing the imperial eagle. As you approach, the door is opened by an official-looking man. "AH, yes. You must be here to see Master Aristarchus. Follow me." As the man leads you into the building, you can't help but notice how much has been added, from the thick carpeting to the furniture made of actual wood.

Seated at the table in an old leather chair is presumably the man you're looking for. He wears charcoal-gray robes and has a small smile on his lean, handsome face. As you enter, he holds a set of large ivory cards in his hands which he replaces in a silver case and returns to the pocket of his robes.

"Welcome! I am the Seer Aristarchus. I trust the trip passed quickly?" He stands, comes around the table and offers each of you in turn his hand in greeting before gesturing for you to sit.Up close, you can see he has curious gold-grey eyes and the sanctioning electoo of the Scholastica Psykana imprinted on his cheek. After shaking all of your hands, he adjusts a black satchel at his side. You notice that the bag is made of emadar silk, an expensive material, and is held shut with lead purity symbols.

"Greetings, Seer Aristarchus. I am Burgos. Can I call you Aristarchus? Seer is very formal. People might think we aren't friends. And please call me Burgos. Haha."

"Anyways, I second the beautiful Justine's comments."

"I see you have been to Terra." Burgos indicating sanctioning electoo of the Scholastica Psykana as proof. "How I wish to stand upon mankind's holy birthplace."

"But enough of me. This is Gaia and this is Ivaanov."

"Now that we are all introduced, may we know the true nature of our mission here. The briefing was rather vague on that subject you see."

Anyone willing to play with us is acceptable to me, whatever the character may be.

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