The Eccentric Dark Heresy PBP


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Now, as this mission begins we find our cast of characters huddling in the hold of the Brazen Sky on the way to the planet Iocanthos. While the Brazen Sky is in good repair, it is not designed for the passenger's comfort. You're staying in the cargo hold with several cots set out, and the constant shaking and flickering of the lights is going to drive you mad if you stay here much longer. The only member of the crew that even seems to notice you is the purser, Sebek, and he is annoyingly sycophantic. Fortunately, the trip shall soon be over, but for now you are still stuck in the cargo bay.

For now, do whatever you want. I'll advance the plot when it looks like everyone is ready. Also, if everyone would read the mission briefing ob page 363, summarized below:

There are strange events near the cathedral being built in the town of Stern Hope on Iocanthos. You'll land in Port Suffering, meet an Inquisition agent there, then drive to Stern Hope. Iocanthos is mainly ruled by various warlords, and it's main export is a psychoactive plant which only grows there.

Burgos spends his time in prayer and meditation.

Upon seeing Sebek, he decides to strike a conversation with him.

Inquiry 1d100=31

"Sebek, do you consider yourself a loyal servant of the Emperor?"

Ivaanov sat in the rattling hold of the star ship. His trained eyes looked around at the battered ship, and his mind immediately began taking technical notes of the design and wirig of the vessel. His dissapointment in the ship was complete. This was no Ordo vessel, no Mechaniccus Techppriest would lay claim to the designs in here.

The flickering light of the hold was starting to affect the others in here. A motley collection of imperial citizens if ever he had seen them.

Standing quietly, he moved across to the lighting system, trying to determine if he could make any repairs to the annoying thing.

In order, Tech use to try and repair the lighting, common lore Tech for remmebering the rights of teh machine god required to appease the spirit of the lighting mechanism. 1d100=17, 1d100=29. A good start to things I'd say. My int score is 30 so both of those are passes, though the second is onoly just so. Of course not sure if any diffculty penalties apply

Burgos wrote:

Inquiry 1d100=31

"Sebek, do you consider yourself a loyal servant of the Emperor?"

"Oh, yes sir. I doubt you would find anyone on this ship who isn't. Now sir, just remember if you need anything I'm right here." The emphasis is obvious even as he gives you an ingratiating smile.

Ivannov Drivanovich wrote:
Standing quietly, he moved across to the lighting system, trying to determine if he could make any repairs to the annoying thing.

Don't worry, both of those are covered under Tech-Use. It seems that the constant shaking inherent to Warp travel is causing a wire to come loose. You preform the nesscesary Rite, and although the nearby crewmen give you dirty looks the flickering stops.

"I understand your meaning. We're about to reach Iocanthos and depart down on a shuttle. Do you have anything that would make the ride down smooth, if you take my meaning?"

"In exchange, I would be more than happy to intercede in your behalf to He who seats on the Golden Throne on Terra. Of course, only heretics will not find such very valuable."

Burgos brushes lint off his Eccleshiarchy robes.

Burgos wrote:

"I understand your meaning. We're about to reach Iocanthos and depart down on a shuttle. Do you have anything that would make the ride down smooth, if you take my meaning?"

"In exchange, I would be more than happy to intercede in your behalf to He who seats on the Golden Throne on Terra. Of course, only heretics will not find such very valuable."

Burgos brushes lint off his Eccleshiarchy robes.

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't carry any of that stuff. Don't worry, I'm sure whoever is running the transport will have some to spare, especially to a man of such holy grace as yourself."

"And the name of this man is...." Burgos lets his voice trail as he waits for the answer.

Burgos wrote:
"And the name of this man is...." Burgos lets his voice trail as he waits for the answer.

"Forgive me sir, but I think you're misunderstanding me. The person with the sedatives is the man who is running the shuttle down. He will give you some when you're going on the shuttle if you still want it then."

"Thank you. You have been most helpful. May the God-Emperor stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk."

Burgos sketches the sign of the aquila and returns to his fellow Acolytes.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Justine cleans her las pistol with a ragged cloth she found near her cot. Gun maintenance is especially important since every shot fired damages the gun a little bit, till eventually it falls apart. Too many people died cause their gun failed them in the middle of combat...

Adjusting the red dot sight to make sure it aims true, Justine spares a look for her companions and asks, "so...what's you'll stories?"

Nodding in satisfaction at the now properly functioning light, Ivaanov returns to his cot.

He watches the girl near him as she cleans her weapon, taking a proffesional interest in the mechanics of the device and the practiced way she handles it.

He replies to her query, his voice sounding tinny through the vox synth on his face. "Ivaanov Drivanovich. Mechanicus Technographer 2756-42. I am here to assist in whatever capacity the Adeptus and the Inquisitor require of me."

The voice sounds flat and devoid of emotion through the synth system, though Ivaanov's eyes show an interest in the people around him.

Partly to pass the time, and partly because it was a habit ingrained in her through training, Gaia was methodically stripping and cleaning the weapons she carried. Each stage was accompanied by the appropriate litany to the machine spirits - it wouldn't do to have the spirits angry afterall: the guns might not work then.

The guardswoman looked up at the Metallican at her question. She shrugged her shoulders.
"Same as millions of others, I guess. Was born, grew up, was part of the tithe and fought for the holy God-Emperor. Only difference is, I never expected to be called out from the regiment."

"I am Burgos. I serve the Emperor and the Inquisitor. I will help you if you give me the chance."

Burgos opens a battered copy of the Lectio Divinitatus and scans a passage.

Deckard has spent much of the rough journey meditating, head lowered, eyes closed.

When not meditating he has kept much to himself, though he has recognized and acknowledged the subtle codes the other "passengers" have made to identify himself as part of their order.

"The God-Emperor demands that we must always be ready to perform our duty. In this light, anyone know where the food and refreshment are?"

Burgos asks of his fellows.

Sebek overhears this and decides to join the conversation. "I am sorry sir, but there will not be any more meals until after we reach Iocanthos. If you wish I can see if I can find something to eat."

"Anything would be preferable to nothing. Accept this blessing and my personal intercession to He who sits on the Golden Throne on Terra, as my thanks for your efforts."

Burgos intones indistingusihable gibberish and gestures expansively in the direction of Sebek.

Burgos, wasn't the class valedictorian. He's sort of the goat.

"I'll get right on that sir.", he says before hastily leaving the cargo bay.

So, are we ready to move on? If no-one answers, I'll continue this around 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. Also, Justine, since the man who I was hoping you were going to sell your shotgun to just left, do you want to sell it in a flashback or just wait until we get to Stern Hope? If so, make a Fellowship test to see how good a deal you get.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

"Yo there Sebek," Justine waves the man over, "how much do you think I can get for this shotgun here and 12 shells?"

Fellowship 1d100=40

Justine wrote:

"Yo there Sebek," Justine waves the man over, "how much do you think I can get for this shotgun here and 12 shells?"

Fellowship 1d100=40

Sebek looks over the shotgun, frowning. After quickly looking over his shoulder, he leans in close and whispers "I'll give you 45 Thrones for all of it. We have a deal?"

Ivaanov again looked over the data slate detailing their briefing. His companions weren't overly communicative, except maybe Burgos. The priest was interesting to watch, his catechisms to the God Emperor really not making any sense to the mechanicus technographer.

Well, by the signs they made and their acknowledgement of the inquisitor they worked for, he could only trust they were skilled in what they did. The Adptus techpriests would not be happy if he was wasted in a pointless conflict with a group of misfits and ne'er dowells.

Iocanthos. The world sounded interesting. ALmost the same as home. Ivaanov wondered how the loacals would respond to one with his technological augemntations. Certainly it would be interesting to watch.

Yep, I'm all ready for you to go move on when you want DM. Applogies for my posting times btw. I'm in Australia so my posting times will be asynchronous to most of you. Cheers

Burgos performs a last minutes check of his gear. He performs a full attack kata with his sword to meditate.

WS (40) 1d100=10

I think that is at least 3 degrees of success.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

"Hmmm..." Justine pouted, "maybe I'll find myself another buyer. You should go get Burgo's food, don't want him to call the Golden Throne down on your head, ya know what I mean?"

Fellowship (39)1d100=7

"Sebek, see what is the best price you can for the lady. I am not an ungenerous man and I will see you well rewarded once the funds normally at my disposal arrive. I can assure you that I remember well the good deeds that have been done in my behalf, as well as that of the lady."

"Alright. 75 Thrones. Last offer, Miss."

Whispers to Justine

"I believe that that is his best offer."

Ivaanov also attracts the attention of the bagerred percer and asks "I'd also be interested to find out more about our destination if possible. Bring what you have on Port Suffering and Iocanthos in general please"

The tech then returns his gaze to the dataslate in his hand, dismissing the man with the assumption his needs will be met, as would be so with his workings in an Adeptus workshop.

Inquiry or Charm test please.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Justine gingerly hands the weapon and shells to Sebek, as if she's sending off her children. "You make sure to make a good buyer," she instructed the purser, "preferably someone who know take care of guns. And since we're at it, do you have anything for sell? Like a microbead or a backpack or something?"

"As for you, handsome," Justine turns to Burgos, "when we have some downtime, maybe we should get to know each other a little better..."

Justine wrote:

Justine gingerly hands the weapon and shells to Sebek, as if she's sending off her children. "You make sure to make a good buyer," she instructed the purser, "preferably someone who know take care of guns. And since we're at it, do you have anything for sell? Like a microbead or a backpack or something?"

"As for you, handsome," Justine turns to Burgos, "when we have some downtime, maybe we should get to know each other a little better..."

Sebek gently takes the gun and cradles it in his arms, handing her the 75 Thrones as he does so. "Now Miss, you should now by now that it isn't what I have to sell and what I can get for you. Simply name what you want, and I shall get it for you. For an appropriate reward, of course."

Iquiry 1d100=59. Given none of my stats are that high, and it's an untrained check, that isn't too good. :)

Well, it was only Ordinary, but you still didn't have much of a chance.

Sebek is apparently too busy listening to the attractive young lady that may buy something to acknowledge your question.

Deckard, apparently lost in his thoughts, watches the transaction silently.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

"Hmmm...for starters, a microbead and a backpack," says Justine as she purses her lips while absently playing with her pony tail, "and if you can, a chrono?"

There seems to be a lot of common items that we would need everyday. Aside from the ones above, there are also data slate, glow-globe, and even a writing kit. But what really is necessary?

"That will be 70 Thrones, Miss." He takes the money and leaves. When he returns after a few minutes, he is carryong a bag under one arm. When he stops to hand it to you, he whispers "Here you are. Just remember, you had this bag when you got on."

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Justine gives Sebek a weird look at he departs. If that's the way things get acquired, she's gonna have to keep her eyes sharp and her hands near her las pistol.

"So," Justine asks with a mischievous grin as she adjusts her microbead and slaps on her chrono, "are we ready to rock?"

Justine wrote:

"As for you, handsome," Justine turns to Burgos, "when we have some downtime, maybe we should get to know each other a little better..."


"There must be something wrong with the ventilation. I'll go check."

"I shall return shortly with refreshments." Sebek walks towards the hatch, but he stops before he leaves as the ship's rattling begins to change. After weeks of continuous shuddering motion, you feel a sudden lurch and a sickening wrenching sensation that can only mean that the Brazen Sky has dropped out of warp. Sebek looks slightly bewildered for a second before he opens the hatch with a flourish and announces to the hold "Everyone, gather your belongings! Please, follow me to Forward Hold DTE-3 for disembarkment!"

Ivaanov stands quickly at the mans words. Despite hmself, a slow creep of excitement at the prospect of visiting this planet makes its way through his body. His tech masters would not approve of the show of emotion.

He frowns slightly, realising his request for more information was never actually met. Yet another reminder he was no longer among his brethren.

"Lead the way man." he voices through the vox unit. The slight wheeze of the system shows the strain he took as the ship decelerated from warp space. He moves one of his hands inside his robe and seemingly adjust somtehing just out of sight of the others and the wheezing stops. "It is time to do the Omnilords bidding"


"Bless our voyage, o Lord." Burgos gestures the sign of aquila.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Making sure she has everything, Justine follows the boys.

Burgos wrote:


"Bless our voyage, o Lord." Burgos gestures the sign of aquila.

Hehe, thanks Burgos. I'll make sure to get it right next time. Maybe I'll just stick to machine god.

I read a lot of WH40K novels. Hope you don't take offense. You can also call him the Machine God.

"Everyone switch to frequency Alpha Sigma Omega."

Deckard rises and nods to his companions; "Our voyage now begins in earnest."

The lurch of the ship dropping out of orbit brings back more than a few memories for Gaia. Could be worse though. At least they weren't dropping into anti-aircraft artillery fire this time. Well, she hoped not anyway.

Rising to her feet, the guard holsters her weapons, shoulders the rest of her belongings and follows the rest of her team, switching to the vox channel that Burgos mentioned.

You all follow Sebek through the ship to the hold where crewmen are hurriedly loading cargo into the transport. Sebek hands his data-slate to a man who you can only assume is an officer and turns back to you. "It was great honor to serve you these past weeks. Now, you must depart. Fare well." He takes a bow and departs. Soon after, the grimy deck officer who Sebek was talking to walks up to you. "Any of you been on a drop before?"

If you have a military background, you have.

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Justine looked at the officer up and down, disapproving of the various spots of dirt covering the man. "What exactly does a drop entail?" She asks innocently.

The officer looks at you with sympathy. "Oh, you haven't done this before, have you? Well, you're not flying down as much as falling several miles and we're trying as hard as we can to slow this down enough that you all don't die. Have you ever started falling when you weren't expecting it, and it feels for a moment like your stomach is going to come out of your mouth? Well, it's like that, but constantly for what feels like about three hours." He takes a small box out of his pocket and offers it to you. "Any of you want sedatives? It makes the drop go by easier."

Female Human: Hive-Born Assassin/Metallican Gunslinger

Justine eyes the box skeptically, "Exactly how long does this sedative last...we have important matters to attend to & must have clear heads to do so."

"Oh, only a few hours. You'd be light-headed for a while, but unless you take this entire tin that'll be all."

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