Order# 1032803

Customer Service

Hi there,
According to my order history the Cortex RPG hardcover was shipped on 30 April and there is still no sign of it. Any ideas what may have happened to it? Thanks.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Lord Raptor wrote:

Hi there,

According to my order history the Cortex RPG hardcover was shipped on 30 April and there is still no sign of it. Any ideas what may have happened to it? Thanks.

Your book was shipped out on 4/30 via standard postal delivery, with an estimated delivery time of 7 to 11 business days in transit. Today is business day 12 since it shipped, so while it is outside of the estimated transit time, it is too soon to give it up for lost at this point. Please give your package another couple of weeks to arrive, and if you still haven't seen it by that point, I can set you up with a replacement. If it has been returned I will let you know when it arrives.

Most likely, though, it should be showing up any day now.


Cosmo wrote:
Lord Raptor wrote:

Hi there,

According to my order history the Cortex RPG hardcover was shipped on 30 April and there is still no sign of it. Any ideas what may have happened to it? Thanks.

Your book was shipped out on 4/30 via standard postal delivery, with an estimated delivery time of 7 to 11 business days in transit. Today is business day 12 since it shipped, so while it is outside of the estimated transit time, it is too soon to give it up for lost at this point. Please give your package another couple of weeks to arrive, and if you still haven't seen it by that point, I can set you up with a replacement. If it has been returned I will let you know when it arrives.

Most likely, though, it should be showing up any day now.


Thanks Cos...I appreciate the fast response and your answer.

Lord Raptor wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Lord Raptor wrote:

Hi there,

According to my order history the Cortex RPG hardcover was shipped on 30 April and there is still no sign of it. Any ideas what may have happened to it? Thanks.

Your book was shipped out on 4/30 via standard postal delivery, with an estimated delivery time of 7 to 11 business days in transit. Today is business day 12 since it shipped, so while it is outside of the estimated transit time, it is too soon to give it up for lost at this point. Please give your package another couple of weeks to arrive, and if you still haven't seen it by that point, I can set you up with a replacement. If it has been returned I will let you know when it arrives.

Most likely, though, it should be showing up any day now.


Thanks Cos...I appreciate the fast response and your answer.

I definitely have to learn patience, it was in my mail box when i came home from work. Thanks paizo! :)

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