Winter is Coming - The PBP


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Male Deva Cleric 22

Ending the blade barrier.

"Lavander Let the ritual start, I will asist you."

Tavar releases his grip on the long-standing blade barrier and the last troll gets groggily to its feet, looking vaguely for fresh worlds to conquer.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter
Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter
Alasandro - flying to end encounter
Koliada - On -5hp.
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; cursed by Alasandro



Can I get an update of where I am in HP and powers used while I was out please? I can vaguely remember the powers I used before I lost my connection, but not to sure where I am now.

The old goliath waits patiently as his friends perform the ritual



Readied action; if Koliada shows any sign of continuing this fight, even at -5, Genryuu will use earthstride to teleport behind and finish the fight

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

Theren walks over to Koliada and readies his blade. "Your punishment is finally at hand."

I assume 16 squares of movement is enough to get adjacent to Koliada.

More than enough



All daily and encounters used except for Avalanche Assault, Bear's Endurance and Hydra Rage unless you used them either against the Treants or early on in this encounter. You're on 174hp if my calculations are right and have used 3 surges. You can't use Earthstride as you used it earlier in the encounter to get up onto the ice shelf.

Theren moves towards the archfey and poises his blade over her throat. She makes no kind of movement and seems to be unconscious.


You know instinctively that no ritual is required. The Sun's Sliver quivers in your hand and you need only drive it through Koliada's heart to destroy both her and the artifact forever.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter
Alasandro - flying to end encounter
Koliada - On -5hp.
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; cursed by Alasandro
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Lavender unhurriedly moves down the stairs, pulling the artifact out from his robes as he stands over Koliada. "Be ready, old friends."

Double-move to I15, minor to wield sliver


Apologies. I inadvertently mislead you. It is a standard action to use the Sun's Sliver to destroy Koliada. Extracting it certainly counts as a minor.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter
Alasandro - flying to end encounter
Koliada - On -5hp.
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; cursed by Alasandro
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter
Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter

Note important edit above, Lav.

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

"Go ahead Lav. Do it."
Minor: Guileful Switch on Lav - you and one ally can see switch places in the initiative order. Your turn ends when you use this power, and the ally takes his/her next turn immediately, even if s/he has already acted during this round. You then act when your ally would have acted.

Lurean urges Lavender on.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter
Alasandro - flying to end encounter
Koliada - On -5hp.
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; cursed by Alasandro
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Without ceremony, Lavender plunges the Sliver into Koliada's unmoving chest.

As Lav extracts the Sun's Sliver, it shakes in his hand, sensing that its purpose is about to be fulfilled. Glowing ever brighter, it expands upwards and outwards, pulsing with contained energy and transforming itself into a flaming golden replica of the Winter Witch's blade.

Koliada's eyes snap open and she flinches as the artifact comes down, unable to do anything to prevent her own utter destruction.

The Sliver strikes unerringly. A moment of complete silence follows and then two screams of triumph and pain echoes violently around the grotto. The Sun's Sliver consumes the cold, evaporating Koliada and destroying the arctic chill she has created. Summer arrives in two brutal seconds as the ice beneath your feet vanishes to be replaced by a verdant meadow and softly lapping waters. Where the statues of the Winter Witch's previous victims once stood are now only gentle mounds, flower covered and serene.

Of the witch herself, nothing remains but her blade, still malignantly cold, lying where she herself dropped it.

Aftereffect. Everyone in a burst 20 is dazed to the end of Lav's next turn.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Alasandro - flying to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Tavar - dazed to end Lav's next turn
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; cursed by Alasandro; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Genryu - dazed to end Lav's next turn
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter; dazed to end next turn

male Human Warlock (fey/star)/Hexer/Magister level 23

Dropping to the ground, Alasandro gasps slightly at the abrupt change and tries to finish the last troll before it can spoil the party. His effort is a feeble one, unsurprisingly considering the recent events, perhaps.

Eldritch Strike (AC)
1d20 + 25 ⇒ (3) + 25 = 28 - Nope.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Tavar - dazed to end Lav's next turn
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; cursed by Alasandro; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Genryu - dazed to end Lav's next turn
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter; dazed to end next turn
Alasandro - flying to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn

Ahem. Tavar?

Male Deva Cleric 22

Move into firing range of the troll and throw a lance of faith at it. attack vs will 1d20 + 100d8 + 13 ⇒ (11) + (8, 5, 8, 1, 6, 3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 4, 4, 7, 5, 5, 4, 6, 6, 4, 2, 3, 1, 7, 1, 4, 7, 7, 1, 6, 1, 7, 3, 2, 2, 6, 4, 2, 2, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 3, 3, 8, 4, 1, 7, 6, 3, 7, 8, 5, 2, 7, 1, 8, 1, 7, 8, 2, 1, 5, 7, 4, 3, 5, 3, 2, 3, 3, 6, 4, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 8, 8, 1, 3, 7, 2, 3, 7, 8, 5, 3, 8, 7, 3, 4) + 13 = 450.

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

Uh, you're dazed right now. All of us are, in fact.

Indeed. A re-post would be helpful :)

Male Deva Cleric 22

What my previous post didn't show that I was dazed enough?

moved to g13

Save 1d20 ⇒ 14, saved.

Dazed is certainly what you appeared :D

Tavar staggers groggily along the bank whereon wild flowers now bloom and is just in time to see the troll, crazed by the loss of its mistress and in agony at the sudden sunlight hurtles towards Lav, all but falling over its own feet and striking only empty air.

CHARGE the desecrator!
1d20 + 29 ⇒ (1) + 29 = 30. Miss. Sigh.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Genryu - dazed to end Lav's next turn
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter; dazed to end next turn
Alasandro - flying to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Tavar - dazed to end Lav's next turn
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; cursed by Alasandro; dazed to end Lav's next turn

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

Should Genryu not kill the troll/pull him too far away...

Theren charges across the now-verdant meadow and slices at the troll.

Charging T3, ending in K16. 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (5) + 29 = 342d12 + 12 ⇒ (3, 1) + 12 = 16

Delay till after Lav's turn.

Theren hurls himself over the newly verdant ground, but misses, all his senses still in shock.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter; dazed to end next turn
Genryu -
Alasandro - flying to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Tavar - dazed to end Lav's next turn
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; cursed by Alasandro; dazed to end Lav's next turn
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

Shaking his head, Lurean shouts, "Theren, hit him now!"
Stand: Commander's strike vs. Troll; basic att w/ +6 dam

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

1d20 + 29 ⇒ (1) + 29 = 302d12 + 18 ⇒ (1, 11) + 18 = 30

Also, that last attack had +1 from me being the only thing adjacent to it, should that matter for anything.

EDIT: I love Shield of Ill Fortune. 1d20 + 29 ⇒ (19) + 29 = 48

EDIT EDIT: Crit, 3d12 + 18 + 24 ⇒ (7, 8, 12) + 18 + 24 = 69 damage and 20 ongoing.

Lurean points to a vulnerable spot and Theren bisects the troll. Caution prevails however as the two halves are once again trying to pull themselves back together. The scent of death and fresh blood fills the grotto.


Anyone got fire or acid in their armory? Might be really helpful. Alasandro does, but he's got to hit the blighter's AC which is quite high. I swear, the next time I see "troll" in the monster lineup it's being replaced by something inoffensive like a demon lord.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter; dazed to end next turn
Alasandro - flying to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Tavar - dazed to end Lav's next turn
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; prone and helpless on - 39 +20 ongoing. Needs to hit - 150 for hp death; cursed by Alasandro; dazed to end Lav's next turn
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn



As I have none of my 4e books handy I need to run this past you. Would it be possible to bullrush, and grapple, into the water? There, being dragged down by the other person, it begins to drown.


You can bull rush (which would be unmodified Str v Fort), but you can only push it one square. That won't get the troll to the water.

Currectly at 187, regeneration is so nice to have

Genryuu rushes with uncanny speed at the troll

Bull Rush, move to K14, 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21. Nature's Wrath on the troll.

A wave of energy rushes over the troll

"PUSH IT BACK! Get it to the water!"


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter; dazed to end next turn
Genryu - POSTED
Alasandro - flying to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Tavar - dazed to end Lav's next turn
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; prone and helpless on - 39 +20 ongoing. Needs to hit - 150 for hp death; cursed by Alasandro; dazed to end Lav's next turn
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Trying to shake off the aftereffects of his actions, Lavender reaches in a pouch for a small flask.

Minor: Ready alchemist's acid

Lav makes ready to end the troll. Genryu rushes towards the prone monster and tries unavailingly to push it towards the water.


To end encounter, each time Lurean or an adjacent ally misses with an encounter or daily melee attack power, that character can make a melee basic attack against the same target as a free action.

Alasandro - flying to end encounter; dazed to end Lav's next turn
Troll 3 - BLOODIED; prone and helpless on - 39 +20 ongoing. Needs to hit - 150 for hp death; cursed by Alasandro
*Theren - phasing and half damage from OAs to end encounter
Lurean - +3 all defenses to end encounter
Lav - resist 10 all to end encounter

male Human Warlock (fey/star)/Hexer/Magister level 23

Trying not to laugh with a mixture of relief at the downfall of the Winter Witch and the surprising survival of the troll, Alasandro attempts to put an end to it.

Flames crackle from his rod and the troll's bisected parts char and melt away.

Eldritch Strike (AC) - does fire damage on hit.
1d20 + 25 ⇒ (16) + 25 = 41
2d6 + 10 ⇒ (4, 6) + 10 = 20 plus 3d8 ⇒ (7, 2, 8) = 17. 37 total but actually irrelevant. Fire finishes it.

"My friends, it's over."

Silence at last falls over the grotto and as if in response to the newly restored balance of the world, the fey portal at the other end of the causeway opens.

Your task complete, you are free to return to the world and your lives ... free until the next time your services are needed.

Here endeth Winter is Coming.

My thanks to the players for putting up with me and making it to the end of this epic (in many ways) adventure. It's been a pleasure gaming with you all.

Male Deva Wiz 23 / Cleric / Divine Oracle / Sage of Ages

Thank you, Rev, for rising to the challenge -- especially when it wasn't even your idea! A grand experiment in epic 4e pbp.

Male Deva Cleric 22

Lots of fun Rev. Rosey, thanks for the game.

Elf Avenger/Zealous Assassin/Harbringer of Doom 23

Well, this was one fun ride. Good work, everyone.

YAY! Good game all. But now what to do :(

I was planing on running a short Dark Sun game after the 4e books come out in a few months.

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

Great time Rev. Rosy!
You all have been a lot of fun to game with. I would enjoy another adventure if it comes around.
Xabulba, I would be most interested in a Dark Sun game.


I'm running three (and nearly all of you are already involved in at least one of them) which may be my limit.

While I don't want to run epic again from cold, we did discuss high paragon at one point and I'll take a look around and see if there's anything that looks fun in that area.

If I think I can find time to do it justice, I'll run something else with pleasure. What I won't do is start something I don't think I'll be able to finish.

Anyone seen anything they're gagging to play? And yes, I'll convert stuff to 4e quite happily :)

Expedition to the barrier peaks?


This bunch versus the vegepygmies? Ha! My mind is reeling.

I'll admit I'm not the biggest fan of sci-fi, but that does sound like such an insane adventure it's almost alluring. Let me see what I've got stashed away on my hard drive.

Any others?

Lav will definitely be leaving and I'll be retiring Alasandro (again). If we want to go ahead, I have a couple of people waiting as alternates on other games who might be happy to play. Possibly one more as well who wants to test drive higher level. If the remaining four of you are up for something, I'll take a good look for you. These characters re-jigged or others if you prefer.

Rev Rosey wrote:
Lav will definitely be leaving

Whoa! Lav is retiring, but please don't count Pat out of a paragon game :-).


You'd be entirely welcome :D That looks like a starter set of at least enough for me to get rootling.

Male Eladrin Warlord 22/Paragon Swordmage/Ruler of Winter Epic Destiny

Lurean could go for something like that. May retool him a bit.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Li'remean Lurean wrote:
Lurean could go for something like that. May retool him a bit.

I'm going to do some retooling too if I go with Theren, mainly because of the errata for Armor of Faith.

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