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As a side note, I will probably add some elements from the Crab Diviners of Zobek from Kobold Quarterly for some extra flavor for the druid. Being a costal town, it just seems like a nice oportunity to add such a funky-cool element in!
Dude, those crab diviners are awesome. That article seriously kicked ass. I wanna hear how it works out.

Beercifer |

My girlfriend was wandering how many other female gamers were (or finished) going through the AP ?
I thought it was a good question to ask around here.
She plays the a Earthbreaker-yielding female half-Orc Fighter of the RotRL party I DM. I have another female playing a female Shoanti Axe-clan Barbarian and two male players playing a male Dwaf Cleric (Irori) and a female Varisian Enchanting Bard.
The Roll Call for the Parttimers is as follows.
Gary-Cleric of Sarenrae *sp?*Becky, wife to Gary-fighter with a bigass sword.
Russ-NE thief/assassin/shadowdancer
Ashley, gf to Russ-monk who keeps getting burned to death
Mikers-noob ranger/barbarian
Eric, good friend and DVD supplier-druid and rider of Fang
Niles, fellow beer chaser-sorceror of dragon-blood
Two female players. Both of them add a little extra in the lives they touch. Which is all men really ask for.

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My PRPG RotRL party has two female players, and three female characters...
My wife, playing the half-Shoanti, Varisian-raised Half-Elf Fighter, Rychendra;
The other female player is running Imara, Human Cleric of Calistria;
And one of the guys is "cross-playing" a female Elven Rogue/Barbarian, Elvawen.
(Which leaves my brother's Halfling Evoker as the only male in the party. No interest in the "tall girls", though. 8^)

valerette |

I am in 2 different games with RotRL, DMing one and playing in one--the one I'm DMing is about 1 1/2 modules behind the one I'm playing in. In the game I run we have 4 women and 2 men, the funny thing is one of the men is the "tag-a-long" spouse, not really that into gaming but his wife is so he participates so he won't feel left out. In my game the players are:
- Female Gnome Rogue with a female player
- Male Shoanti Barbarian, male player, this is the tag-a-long husband
- Female Elf Cleric of Desna, female player and probably my most committed player, she's the wife of Mr. Tag-a-long
- Female Half-Elven Half-Varisian Sorceress with fey bloodline, female player (my sister)
- Male Chelaxian Marshal (converted to PFRPG), my sister's wife
- Male Chelaxian Paladin of Iomedae, lately of Lastwall, male player
In the game I play in, I'm the only girl and I play a half-elf cleric. One difference I notice between the 2 groups is gender comes up a lot more in the group with mostly men--my character's gender is alluded to or reacted to several times each gaming session. In the game I DM, gender hardly ever comes up, even times when I would have thought it might, like all the female characters failing saves and running away.

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I have one female player out of five. Three of the five PCs are female, plus a female human cohort fighter assigned as bodyguard to the female human cleric of Sheryn (Cleric 3 - only 12 hp!)
They haven't plucked up enough courage to visit their brother at the Manor yet
Next week they're going to explore the sea cave below Thistletop.

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hehe, my first post :D
yeah, concerning the subject, atm I am DMing two sessions a week - one is CotCT (2 girls 3 guys) on wednesdays and the other Legacy of Fire on saturdays (3 girls and 2 guys).
We just started with "Escape from Old Korvosa" and I hope that this saturday we will finnish "Howl of the carrion king" (so far my favourite GMing experience)
main reason for the effort is that I LOVE Pathfinder adventures and noone in my group wants to DM them.
I am also pleased to say that so far all of them are still very enthusiastic about both adventures :)

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..and I tottaly overlooked the fact that I posted this in the wrong thread :D sorry folks
Not entirely... You have lady gamers in each group, indeed the majority of one of those groups. Is there a difference in attitude/style of play?
My 4 woman group is getting ready to add a husband who just returned from duty in Korea, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this affects play...

Plotty Fingers |

We are in the Finale @ Xin Shalast currently.
They are just getting ready to face Gamagin (Ice Devil assasin)
One felmale player out of 5.
Ashlin Toybn, Cleric of Desna. 14th lvl.
Foster sister of Nualia and Varisian Orphan of mysterious background.
Campaign has been going for 1.5 years.
been quite fun.

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shadowcat wrote:..and I tottaly overlooked the fact that I posted this in the wrong thread :D sorry folksNot entirely... You have lady gamers in each group, indeed the majority of one of those groups. Is there a difference in attitude/style of play?
My 4 woman group is getting ready to add a husband who just returned from duty in Korea, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this affects play...
truth to be told, each player has their own way of doing things within a roleplay and I do not feel that any of it is influenced neccesarily by anyones gender or gayness or any such thing.. in fact one of the (straight) girls atm is playing a guy and my gf's PC is foolin around with a guy PC.
We are good friend outside the sessions so the fact we all get along well in RL might explain why things also work at the table.In case of any 'all-one-gender-group' I suppose you can expect certain change in the dynamics when someone of opposite sex joins. Although it does seem kind of silly to be worried by such things.. after all it all comes down to what kind of people (and players) we all are and how well everyone works within a group
things that can actually disrupt fun for everyone are (for me)are more along the lines of rules lawyers and munchkins. everyone else is more than wellcome.
oh, I did remember later that the first AP we started *was* RotRL and in that team there were (if I remember correctly) 2 girls and 3 guys.. mostly the same people as in the current APs
I gave up on the AP tho because of too much gruesomeness (for me as a DM) in the HMM :p maybe we pick it up on some later date.

ketherian |

I'm starting to run ROTR this Sunday (crosses-fingers). I'm a lady, and there are two other ladies in my group. The gentlemen are in the majority in this particular game; but I've been fortunate enough to both run and/or be part of games where the ladies were in the majority.
Adding a new player is always a bit hectic, especially with the worry of finding a good fit for the existing group. I wouldn't worry too much about it. So long as everyone like's the GM's style of play -- everything else should work itself out given some patience, understanding and time.
That said, I've got a new group (including folks who barely know each other) and people who've never been in my game before. It's making for a pretty stressful start of a campaign. :)

Sw33t4Tea |

My boyfriend & I recently hooked up with a Pathfinder group (we're playing RotRL, just finished up investigating Chopper's Isle). Counting the GM I'm the only female player in the group, playing a Lvl. 3 human cleric of Desna.
I'm really enjoying the game & the experience; the guys are a lot of fun and have been extremely helpful b/c this is my first time playing a tabletop RPG, so I'm still learning the ropes. I'm loving ROTRL & can't wait for more adventures.