DM Grumpysauce: The Roads To Madness (4e)


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Galad The Redeemed wrote:
The feat Versatile Master from the PHB2 changes the encounter power from Dilettante from an Encounter power to an At-Will.

Thank you Galad - I did indeed miss something, though at a glance, that seems a bit of a broken combo. Laz, my apologies! You have your Action Point back.

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

A cumbersome but usually effective solution is to go into the player profile and check in recent posts. You can reply from there and that sometimes forces the board to disgorge its prey.

Otherwise, not much can be done except wait. Sometimes the missing posts re-surface.

Male Deva Shaman 2

If you still can't see it, my action:

Galad The Redeemed wrote:

The spirit floats next to Madda and slices again at the grell. As a healing surge of energy flows into Sundered and Madda, one of the grell is engulfed in a searing light.

Move spirit to U9(move), Defenders Strike against grell(standard), Healing Spirit on Sundered, with extra healing to Madda(minor), spend an AP to get an extra action(and renews Sudden Restoration), then using Spirit of the Hawk's Wind on Grell 4. Extra healing for Madda, Defenders Strike, and Spirit of the Hawk's Wind: 3d6=14, (1d20+11=13, 1d8+9=11), (1d20+11=29, 2d8+9=19)

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Cacophonik wrote:
Galad The Redeemed wrote:
The feat Versatile Master from the PHB2 changes the encounter power from Dilettante from an Encounter power to an At-Will.

Thank you Galad - I did indeed miss something, though at a glance, that seems a bit of a broken combo. Laz, my apologies! You have your Action Point back.

It might seem broken because Twin Strike requires a ranged weapon not just a ranged basic attack. By alowing the use of Dragonfost with Twin Strike, he's essentially using two powers at once.

Male Deva Swordmage

Setil is hurt and doesn't bother trying to break free of the creature's grasp. Instead his sword glows with holy energy as he hacks at the creature.

Healing Strike on G4 31 vs. AC 11 damage and G4 is marked (still) and I spend a healing surge (23 hp). I'll also activate the daily power of my sword as a free action. G4 is dazed until the end of my next turn, or if it's evil or chaotic evil it's dazed (save ends). Save = 2.

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

Madda gasps and steps groggily away from the grell. Going to S7.

Somehow she can't manage to throw off the befuddlement cast on her.
Save v daze
. Bloody hell, can this girl do nothing right?

Even so, she feels able to move freely again.
Save v slow and -2 attacks
. YES!

DM Grumpysauce wrote:
Question for Laz: Where are the TWO Dragonfrost attacks coming from? If it is Twin Strike from your Dilettante racial, that is an encounter power for you, and already used here.

[ooc]My versatile master feat makes my Dilettante power an at-will

Notices Galad already brought it up...

ghettowedge wrote:
Cacophonik wrote:
Galad The Redeemed wrote:
The feat Versatile Master from the PHB2 changes the encounter power from Dilettante from an Encounter power to an At-Will.

Thank you Galad - I did indeed miss something, though at a glance, that seems a bit of a broken combo. Laz, my apologies! You have your Action Point back.

It might seem broken because Twin Strike requires a ranged weapon not just a ranged basic attack. By allowing the use of Dragonfrost with Twin Strike, he's essentially using two powers at once.

After more perusal of the (complicated!)combination, I think Ghettowedge is correct, in that Twin Strike used at range calls for a Ranged Weapon.

Dragonfrost+Twin Strike CAN, as far as I can tell, be used as a melee touch attack, per Reaper's Touch, or a melee attack using a dagger per Sorcerous Blade Channelling. I do not currently support it's use as an At Will double Ranged Attack via Twin Strike, though I am happy to seek further opinions on the 4e boards if you'd like.

Galad's ancestor, perhaps a mighty warrior whilst alive, does not display any such prowess currently. The evening wind continues to obey the Shaman, now granting light feet and nimble movement to those it dances over. Calling again to his spirits for a boon, brilliant light bursts from the grell holding Setil, wracking it with searing power. A gentle word to soothe the worst of his companion's many wounds, and the shaman silently thanks the ancestors residing within himself.

Defender's Strike: misses. Spirit of the Hawk's Wind: Grell 4: -19 HP. Characters within indicated BLUE ZONE can use a Move action to shift 4 squares. Healing Spirit: +28 HP (surge) to SH, +14 HP to Madda.


The grells have given absolutely no indication that they can even detect your ancestor's presence.

Summoning ancient powers bound in his blade, the entangled Setil carves a bloody wound into his captor, releasing the stored power in a blow sufficient to daze the evil creature. The deva draws strength from the purity of his strike, ignoring the coils that twist around him and the fog of confusion that clouds his mind.

Healing Strike: G4: -11 HP, Dazed (save ends). Setil: +23 HP


6.27: Karnn: 81/87 HP, Resist Force 10
6.19: Sundered Heart: 45/101 HP, Bloodied, Grabbed (Move Action to attempt an escape), Stunned (save ends), Dazed (save ends)
6.17: Horrid Grell 2: -57HP
6.17: Horrid Grell 3: -89HP
6.17: Horrid Grell 4: -90HP, Marked & Shielded, Dazed (save ends)
6.16: Grell Philosopher: -96HP, -2AC
6.14: Galad: 67/76 HP
6.13: Madda: 48/88 HP, Dazed (save ends)
6.13: Setil: 57/91 HP, Grabbed (Move Action to attempt an escape), Dazed (save ends), choose Random Melee target (save ends)

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

Grumpysauce, apologies. I typed in the wrong coordinates for Madda's move. I meant her to be at S7 - out of reach of the grell unless it moves. If it's acceptable, could you move her? If not, that's fine. It's my own fault for not checking properly.

Saves 1d20=11, 1d20=16

Someone smack the Grell that's molesting SH.

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

I might actually be able to do something this turn :D Got a nice wind prison to cast which may help quite a bit.

Madda wrote:
Grumpysauce, apologies. I typed in the wrong coordinates for Madda's move. I meant her to be at S7 - out of reach of the grell unless it moves. If it's acceptable, could you move her? If not, that's fine. It's my own fault for not checking properly.

Odd. On the map I have you are at square S7, which is still within the Grell's Reach of 2. Did you have another square in mind? Perfectly happy to move you, just tell me where.

Setil:The daze you inflicted was enough of a shock to let you squirm free of the grell's clutches. My bad, I forgot to mention in my earlier post.

6.27: Karnn: 81/87 HP, Resist Force 10
6.19: Sundered Heart: 45/101 HP, Bloodied, Grabbed (Move Action to attempt an escape), Stunned (save ends), Dazed (save ends)
6.17: Horrid Grell 2: -57HP
6.17: Horrid Grell 3: -89HP
6.17: Horrid Grell 4: -90HP, Marked & Shielded, Dazed (save ends)
6.16: Grell Philosopher: -96HP, -2AC
6.14: Galad: 67/76 HP
6.13: Madda: 48/88 HP, Dazed (save ends)
6.13: Setil: 57/91 HP, Dazed (save ends), choose Random Melee target (save ends)

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)
DM Grumpysauce wrote:
Odd. On the map I have you are at square S7, which is still within the Grell's Reach of 2. Did you have another square in mind? Perfectly happy to move you, just tell me where.

Colour me embarrassed. Or even just plain unable to read a grid. Which I can't, even in my own games, as most of you already know. S6- at the corner of the building.

Madda wrote:
S6- at the corner of the building.


The half-elf dashes closer to the battle, stopping next to the statue. He once again summons his energies into a punny, marble sharped orb.

Move to U18; Chaos bolt on G1, FUMBLE; Unfettered power pushes G1, G4, Sundered, Galad and Setil 1 square.

The marble erupt into a wave of force pushing everyone away, "Damn, I thought I had the hang of this"

Male Deva Swordmage
DM Grumpysauce wrote:

Setil:The daze you inflicted was enough of a shock to let you squirm free of the grell's clutches. My bad, I forgot to mention in my earlier post.

choose Random Melee target (save ends)

I forgot to roll a save against the randomly choosing targets, so we can call it even. But hey it's a 1 so nevermind.

Ripples of unmolded, unfettered chaos cascade across the square, the only remaining trace of the sorcerous energies Karnn so recently commanded. Galad and the philosopher grell, unprotected both, are pummeled backwards by the shockwave, reeling.

Sundered Heart, Setil and the grell who so recently held the deva in its coils are shielded by the looming bulk of Estered's Monument, which itself bears the brunt of the blow.


As your uncontrolled magic bursts on the square, you watch, wide eyed, as the ancient statue's carved stone robes begin to ripple ever so slightly in the evening breeze, dancing amidst the rain with a swirling, oily chaos of colors.

I pushed the affected folks 1 square directly away from Karnn. That, unfortunately, means Galad is Dazed (save ends) and just as unfortunately, the Philosopher ends up where he didn't want to be: next to Sundered Heart. Estered's Statue counts as Blocking Terrain, for cover, targeting & LoS purposes, which is why Setil, SH and G4 were spared the push.

The dragonborn Sundered Heart calls upon his fury to knit his wounds, as he again overcomes the venom's effects on his body and lets his rage carry the alien thoughts from his mind.

Sundered Heart regens 3 HP and throws off the stun effect. Still Dazed (save ends) and Grabbed.

Clenching Sundered Heart ever tighter in its coils, the grell again snaps at him, the paralytic poison quelling the dragonborn's newly resurgent muscles.

Sustain Grab (minor), Tentacle Grab (standard) 16 damage, Venomous Bite (minor)27 vs AC, 6 damage and Stunned (save ends)

Catching her breath after having escaped her assailant yet again, Madda looks on is resigned frustration as the creature moves menacingly toward her, hooting softly. Galad's ancestor seizes the opportunity provided, plunging his tenebrous longsword deep into the grell's misbegotten flesh. The beast squorks in surprised pain, wheeling crazily as it searches for the source, tentacles lashing wildly as its alien senses catch but a fleeting glimpse of the spirit.

G3 moves to T9, triggering Spirit's Fangs 31 vs AC, 18 damage. Grell 3 is Bloodied. Active Perception check: 22

Struggling to regain focus, the grell assailing Setil launches a frenzied, but ill-aimed attack. The blows fly wide, but it crows in triumph as it brings some sense of order to its alien thought patterns.

Tentacle Rake misses Setil. Save vs Daze: 18

The Philosopher slides carefully away from the gold-bedecked dragonborn, and floats to the east, searching for new prey.

No recharge, Shift to P15, Move to O21.


6.14: Galad: 67/76 HP, Dazed (save ends)
6.13: Madda: 48/88 HP, Dazed (save ends)
6.13: Setil: 57/91 HP, Dazed (save ends), choose Random Melee target (save ends)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
7.27: Karnn: 81/87 HP, Resist Force 10
7.19: Sundered Heart: 26/101 HP, Bloodied, Grabbed (Move Action to attempt an escape), Stunned (save ends)
7.17: Horrid Grell 2: -57HP
7.17: Horrid Grell 3: -107HP, Bloodied
7.17: Horrid Grell 4: -94HP, Marked & Shielded, Dazed (save ends)
7.16: Grell Philosopher: -96HP, -2AC

Sorcerers: Love 'em or hate 'em, they are ALWAYS interesting! <3 Laz!

Male Deva Shaman 2

Galad stumbles out of te psychic field as the spirit interposes itself between Madda and the grell.

Moving to X13, Spirit to T7. Saving Throw: 11

Also, let's hope Sundered saves soon, or at least survives long enough for another dose of healing.

Galad The Redeemed wrote:
Also, let's hope Sundered saves soon, or at least survives long enough for another dose of healing.

He has a surge waiting as an interrupt if/when he hits 0, at a minimum. It's crazy how many debuffs these things have. I realize it's not much fun for the players when they only get half (or none) of their scheduled actions... but it sure makes for a challenging opening fight!

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

Madda draws herself up, still fighting the effects of the grell's poison. "Right. Now I'm upset." she mutters and blows gently through her fingers at G2, trying to offer some respite to Sundered Heart.

As her breath releases, it focuses into a small screaming gale that envelops Grell 2, holding it in place and threatening the other grells should it move.

Wind Prison (Ref) v G2. On hit grants CA until it moves or the end of the encounter. When G2 moves first, all allies within 5 squares are knocked prone. (1d20 13=25, 2d10 8=22). Manually amended because I'm an idiot and meant G2 rather than G1.

If that's a hit (and please gods it is), G2 grants CA to everyone until the end of the encounter or until it moves. If it moves, all grells within 5 squares are knocked prone.

Hoping she's done some good for once, she continues to fight the grell poison in her own sweet time.
Save v daze (1d20=8). Go Madda. Another failed save. Don't you just love how the dice play characters for us?

Galad, his head already clearing, stumbles free of the pool of alien psychoses, a swift word sending his ancestral incarnation off to protect his young friend Madda.

She makes good use of the time she has bought, as her gale chews voraciously at the grell gnawing at the helpless dragonborn. Hordes of small wind devils dance around the creature, screaming their merriment and flinging halfling-crafted pastries hither and yon with raucous abandon.

Grell 2: -79 HP, grants CA to all until it moves, if it moves, knocks G3, G4 prone


6.13: Setil: 57/91 HP, Dazed (save ends), choose Random Melee target (save ends)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
7.27: Karnn: 81/87 HP, Resist Force 10
7.19: Sundered Heart: 26/101 HP, Bloodied, Grabbed (Move Action to attempt an escape), Stunned (save ends)
7.17: Horrid Grell 2: -79HP, Grants Combat Advantage until Movement
7.17: Horrid Grell 3: -107HP, Bloodied
7.17: Horrid Grell 4: -94HP, Marked & Shielded, Dazed (save ends)
7.16: Grell Philosopher: -96HP, -2AC
7.14: Galad: 67/76 HP
7.13: Madda: 48/88 HP, Dazed (save ends)

Do NPCs/Baddies know the terms of their debuffs? Anyone?

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

I'd guess it depends on the NPC/baddie. My gut instinct is that if they're smart team workers, they would. And glory be, Madda hit something other than her own feet at last. She can die happy now.



I had an idea for my next turn but I'm not sure if it falls under acrobatics or athletics. Mostly Karrn is going to dash at G1 and leap on to the top of his brain plunging his blades in.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
DM Grumpysauce wrote:
Do NPCs/Baddies know the terms of their debuffs? Anyone?

All creatures are aware of any effects on them. Their intelligence dictates how they'd react (ignore or work around).

Point of clarification GM, in one of your posts of above it says I am no longer stunned but dazed then subsequent posts says that I am no longer dazed but stunned. Just wanted to know which is controlling.

Male Deva Swordmage

Setil calls over to the nearby dragonborn, "I'll try to pull that one of of you, and... Sorry."
Setil provokes with a ranged attack. Lightning Lure = 16 vs. Fort. Save vs. Daze = 1. Save vs. Random = 5. Somebody say unlikely.

Karrn takes off with a burst of speed. He leaps into the air and attempts to land on the Grell's squishy head.

Athletics (jump), 1d20+11=22/5=4 squares jumped

His katar begins to glow as he channels his attack

"Karrn Kannon..."

Chaos bolt on G1, 1d20+13=FUMBLE... AGAIN

Karrn get's cut off as his attack once again back fires, blowing away anything in it's path.

Unfettered power pushes everyone within 5 squares (G1 and Setil) 1 square

Karrn wrote:

Chaos bolt on G1, 1d20+13=FUMBLE... AGAIN

Unfettered power pushes everyone within 5 squares (G1 and Setil) 1 square

Laz: I love you, man.

Sundered Heart: By my records, at the end of your last turn, you shook off Daze and Stun, but were still Grabbed. On the Grell's turn, it bit you again, renewing the Stun. Currently you should be Stunned (save ends) and Grabbed (move action to attempt an escape). Sorry for the confusion - it was entirely due to negligence on my part.

Remainder of the update will have to wait, having baby troubles tonight ;) Apologies to all.

Save vs. Stun 1d20=18

Good luck on the baby.

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

Sorry to hear about the baby troubles. Take your time.

Back in business! Baby is fine, just beginning to teethe. That, in addition to a wife with the flu, kept me pretty busy and sleep-deprived for a few days. Thanks for the well-wishes and patience!

Setil, dodging under his opponent's hasty attack, calls a blast of lightning in hopes of rescuing Sundered Heart from grasping grell coils. The blast flares brilliantly against the oncoming thunderclouds, eliciting a faint echoing rumble, but dissipates harmlessly, well short of its target.

Tentacle Rake AoO misses. Lightning Lance misses (NOTE: Grells have a +2 bonus to AC when they have a target grabbed). Setil still Dazed (save ends) and choosing random melee target (save ends)

Karnn, legs churning, covers ground fast and then leaps high, twin katars channelling power that pulses, flickers, gutters and then roars back with a premature vengeance. Karnn, unable to brace himself in midair, tumbles gracelessly to the cobbles as yet another explosion of uncontrolled chaos power dances across the square. The philosopher reels madly away, righting itself with an effort of will.

Karnn explodes in midair (needed jump of 40 to land ATOP the grell), acrobatics check to land on feet after explosion was, believe it or not, a natural 1! Karnn lands prone in O21, Grell knocked to N22. Fortunately, Setil is NOT in blast range.

Fighting off the grell venom yet again, Sundered Heart grasps Kill Point and prepares to fend off the beak's next attack.

Bad guys turns posted in a few.

The grell chasing Madda casts about with its alien senses, searching vainly for the foe that keeps her from its clutches. Balked, it flails again at the druid, having decided she will be just as edible posthumously as she is alive and wriggling. The spasm of tentacles rips flesh, as the ancestral figment of Galad cannot land his retaliatory blow.

G3 fails its perception check, Moves to S7, triggering Spirit's Fangs, which misses. Tentacle Rake vs Madda29 vs AC, 21 damage, Slowed and -2 to attacks (save ends both)

Setil's opponent tries the same tactic, not wishing to experience another righteous shock. Lightly armored as he is, the swordmage cannot avoid the blow, but manages to catch most of the raking barbs on his vambraces. Some do cut flesh however, and the eldritch venom bubbles in the wounds as the Grell floats to a different angle.

Tentacle Rake 28 vs AC, 10 damage, Slowed and -2 to attacks (save ends both). Shifts to R15.

Curling its coils tighter around the barbarian, the grell crows in triumph and snaps its beak down on Sundered Heart's exposed neck. Bones crack and tendons burst as the grell twists viciously, but primal feocity fuels the dragonborn now, knitting his horrible wounds with uncanny speed as he hangs limp in the creature's clutches.

Sustain Grab (minor), Tentacle Grab (standard) 16 damage. Venomous Bite (minor) Crits with a 34 vs AC, max (13) damage. Sundered Heart falls Unconscious which triggers a Healing surge interrupt from Silver Phoenix Rage. SH gains 28 HP from the Surge, but is once again Stunned (save ends).

Saved the trouble of hunting his new prey down, the philosopher unleashes a lightning bolt at the fallen youth that makes his body arch painfully as it courses with electricity. The boy blinks wildly, unable for the moment to see anything but flaring light. The grell calmly moves on, rivulets of rain sluicing down the many lumpish channels of its exposed, alien brain.


The surface you lie on is not cool, wet and hard, like you might expect rain-soaked cobblestones to be. They rise and fall ever so faintly, rhythmically, as if they are breathing...

No Psychic Storm recharge. Lightning Lance vs Karnn 23 vs Ref, 16 Lightning damage and Blinded (save ends). Prone gives a +2 bonus to non-adjacent enemies only. Moves to T22

Over the faint rumbles of thunder and the patter of raindrops, you can hear the brazen voices of the twin watch-horns wailing atop Castle Criswell.


7.14: Galad: 67/76 HP
7.13: Madda: 27/88 HP, Bloodied, Dazed (save ends), Slowed and -2 to attacks (save ends both)
7.13: Setil: 47/91 HP, Dazed (save ends), Slowed and -2 to attacks (save ends both), choose Random Melee target (save ends)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------
8.27: Karnn: 65/87 HP, Resist Force 10, Prone, Blinded (save ends)
8.19: Sundered Heart: 28/101 HP, Bloodied, Grabbed (Move Action to attempt an escape), Stunned (save ends)
8.17: Horrid Grell 2: -57HP, Grants Combat Advantage until Movement
8.17: Horrid Grell 3: -107HP, Bloodied
8.17: Horrid Grell 4: -94HP, Marked & Shielded, Dazed (save ends)
8.16: Grell Philosopher: -96HP

Can our heroes catch a single break? Will Madda make a save? Will Sundered Heart get to stab something? Find out next time on DM Grumpysauce's Roads To Madness!

"Okay calm yourself Karrn" he thinks to himself, "This isn't the worst situation you've been in."

He lays a hand on the cobblestone and a puzzled look qucikly appears on his face. "Hmmm, last I check stone was a lot... more solid"

DM Grumpysauce wrote:

Can our heroes catch a single break? Will Madda make a save? Will Sundered Heart get to stab something? Find out next time on DM Grumpysauce's Roads To Madness!

Same Grell time, same Grell station! Hehehe

Karrn wrote:

"Okay calm yourself Karrn" he thinks to himself, "This isn't the worst situation you've been in."

He lays a hand on the cobblestone and a puzzled look qucikly appears on his face. "Hmmm, last I check stone was a lot... more solid"

DM Grumpysauce wrote:

Can our heroes catch a single break? Will Madda make a save? Will Sundered Heart get to stab something? Find out next time on DM Grumpysauce's Roads To Madness!

Same Grell time, same Grell station! Hehehe

LOL! I heard the Batman narrator's voice-over in my head when i was writing that, too!

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

It's hard to see how we could be doing much worse. This is hilarious in a "gosh, so this is how not to play a paragon level pc" sort of way.



On Madda's turn, she's activating her enduring beast armour to take a healing surge, bringing her back up to 49 and (just) unbloodied. And she'll try making those saves again.

Save v Daze
Save v Slow, -2 (1d20=17, 1d20=9)

Just by way of change, she actually makes the save v daze, but she's still slowed and attacking at -2.

Male Deva Shaman 2

Galad dashes towards Madda and produces another burst of healing. Then, as he raises the beads at the bloodied grell, another spectral deva appears on its oppisite side and both spirits stab at it.

Healing Spirit on Sundered, extra healing to Madda, moving to W9, and using Twin Panther Spirits. Madda's healing, and the two attacks from Twin Panther Spirit(vs Reflex): 3d6=10, (27, 11 damage), (24, 11 damage)

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)

Madda manages a half smile at the shaman even as she gasps for breath.

"I'm running out of things to owe you Galad. Thanks. I'll try not to waste the help this time."

Come ON you fool girl. It's just a floating, gloating brain.

Male Deva Swordmage

Setil provokes with Lightning Lure.
Setil opens himself up to attack again in another bid to pull the beast off of the dragonborn. Lightning flashes from his sword, but snaps harmlessly from the cobblestones.
Lightning Lure on G2: 15 vs. Fortitude..
And then he fails all three saves: 8, 2, 2.

Galad's soothing power floods through both dragonborn and druid, closing gashes and mending broken bones, even as his ancestors attack in eerie synchronicity, both blades biting deep into the already battered grell, causing agony enough to leave gaping openings in its defenses.

Both Twin Panther strikes hit, G3 grants CA to anyone in melee with it.

Madda, her limbs leaden and unruly, finally banishes the persistent fog from her thoughts.

Madda, Karnn, Sundered Heart:

The city's small force of constables and the City Guard (nicknamed the Blueshields) will come to defend Wellspring with their lives, though not in any sizeable force for at least a few minutes. They are good men mostly, but the grells will inflict a grievous toll upon their ranks. I'd venture it reasonable that each of you knows at least one member of either force.

His attention diverted by his efforts to save the spear-toting dragonborn, Setil steps right into a blow he never saw coming. Blood - garish against his pale skin - flows down the left half of his face in a flood.

AoO Tentacle Rake: 28 vs AC, 17 damage. Setil is now Bloodied.


8.27: Karnn: 65/87 HP, Resist Force 10, Prone (Move Action to stand), Blinded (save ends)
8.19: Sundered Heart: 59/101 HP, Grabbed (Move Action to attempt an escape), Stunned (save ends)
8.17: Horrid Grell 2: -57HP, Grants Combat Advantage until Movement
8.17: Horrid Grell 3: -129HP, Bloodied, Grants Combat Advantage until end of round 8.14
8.17: Horrid Grell 4: -94HP, Marked & Shielded, Dazed (save ends)
8.16: Grell Philosopher: -96HP
8.14: Galad: 67/76 HP
8.13: Madda: 59/88 HP, Slowed and -2 to attacks (save ends both)
7.13: Setil: 30/91 HP, Bloodied, Dazed (save ends), Slowed and -2 to attacks (save ends both), choose Random Melee target (save ends)

Methinks I need to buy you people new dice! :)



Can I make my save then spend an action point to take a standard?

Male Deva Shaman 2

Uh, the other spirit thing was just a fluff thing, it kind of faded away after the attack, it isn't actually an object on the map.

Karrn wrote:
DM** spoiler omitted **

Dunno, lemme look-see. Will be a few before I can get to it tonight tho.


According to PHB268/269, you cannot, as the beginning of your turn and end of your turn phases are purely book-keeping mechanisms, and take no time in the game world.

Galad wrote:
Uh, the other spirit thing was just a fluff thing...

Ya, just forgot to hide that layer. :( I'll take it off the next iteration.



After looking at my handy dandy PHB I'm gonna say I can't. Could be wrong but... Mostly the whole "Save at the end of your turn" gets ya. How do you take a standard if your turns over

Save vs Blind 1d20=14

After a momentary flash Karrn's vision finally returns. "See that wasn't so bad", he sighs

female Human Druid 11 (Adroit Explorer 1)
"DM Grumpsauce wrote:
Methinks I need to buy you people new dice! :)

Never mind new dice, a whole set of new characters looks a bit imminent. I can see myself reincarnating as a hapless Blueshield.

Madda wrote:
"DM Grumpsauce wrote:
Methinks I need to buy you people new dice! :)
Never mind new dice, a whole set of new characters looks a bit imminent. I can see myself reincarnating as a hapless Blueshield.

We'll see. This is certainly an interesting fight to start out my 4e DM career on, and just think of the tales you'll be able to tell if you do survive! I mentioned it in Radavel's new PBP thread, but it deserves a re-mention here: Consider yourselves all eligible for the retraining of 1 at-will power, 1 encounter power, 1 daily power and 1 feat or your Paragon Path, if you'd like to do so, assuming you survive.

For what it's worth, I hope y'all manage to pull it off - I like your characters, and am enjoying the game!

Save vs. Stun again 1d20=14

I remember fighting Grells when they were just CR 4 challenges beneath the moathouse in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, how they have grown more powerful in the new edition. Sigh. I'm getting old.

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