Little Kiba |

The nymphs approach, four of them surrounding the other one. The one in the middle addresses Little Kiba.
You recently fought in the arena, under an alias, but are the person otherwise known as 'Little Kiba'?
Dusting himself off and wiping his eyes, Lk looks at the lady talking to him.
"Yes I am. How do you know that?"

Arielle |

Eiboria Telimnora wrote:The nymphs approach, four of them surrounding the other one. The one in the middle addresses Little Kiba.
You recently fought in the arena, under an alias, but are the person otherwise known as 'Little Kiba'?
Dusting himself off and wiping his eyes, Lk looks at the lady talking to him.
"Yes I am. How do you know that?"
"You fought in the arena? I didn't even see you. Of course, I didn't see much. First there was the evil gnome and then after we came back there was a lot of smoke in the way. And then you came back, so I guess you were in one of the fights I didn't see."

Little Kiba |

"You fought in the arena? I didn't even see you. Of course, I didn't see much. First there was the evil gnome and then after we came back there was a lot of smoke in the way. And then you came back, so I guess you were in one of the fights I didn't see."
"I didn't want you to wor.. to know."

Eiboria Telimnora |

Eiboria Telimnora wrote:The nymphs approach, four of them surrounding the other one. The one in the middle addresses Little Kiba.
You recently fought in the arena, under an alias, but are the person otherwise known as 'Little Kiba'?
Dusting himself off and wiping his eyes, Lk looks at the lady talking to him.
"Yes I am. How do you know that?"
Our mistress made inquiries. She sends you this, with the advice to take a long look at what you're doing next time, before rushing in again.
The one in the middle passess Little Kiba a small wooden box.From inside it, Arielle can hear one of the stars singing.

Little Kiba |

Little Kiba wrote:Eiboria Telimnora wrote:The nymphs approach, four of them surrounding the other one. The one in the middle addresses Little Kiba.
You recently fought in the arena, under an alias, but are the person otherwise known as 'Little Kiba'?
Dusting himself off and wiping his eyes, Lk looks at the lady talking to him.
"Yes I am. How do you know that?"
Our mistress made inquiries. She sends you this, with the advice to take a long look at what you're doing next time, before rushing in again.
The one in the middle passess Little Kiba a small wooden box.
From inside it, Arielle can hear one of the stars singing.
Opening the box, Lk is surprised to find a shiny. He looks back at the lady,
"Thank you, I will be sure to follow her advice. Arielle, this nice lady just gave me the shiny we were looking for! She said her mistress sent it, so she must be nice, huh?"

Arielle |

Opening the box, Lk is surprised to find a shiny. He looks back at the lady,
"Thank you, I will be sure to follow her advice. Arielle, this nice lady just gave me the shiny we were looking for! She said her mistress sent it, so she must be nice, huh?"
"She has been nice to me every time I have met her," Arielle agreed. She smiled at Lk. "May I have the shiny now please?"

lynora-Jill |

LJ reaches out through the Green to speak with JH. "My love, I need to talk to you about Daelemos. Someone came here to the Grove to speak with me about him. The same someone I believe who just sent this star over. She told me that Daelemos is immune to elemental attacks and is supposedly himself a master of elemental abilities. She suggested that he could be best attacked through his pride, somehow finding some way to trick him into giving us the stars back. I must confess that I have no idea how to go about that. Intelligence was never my strong suit," she adds, slightly embarrassed. "And I do not have access to my power so I cannot use that to find out information about this Daelemos. I cannot be certain whether what the girl told me was true or not, but I am convinced that she believed it at least. She seemed very concerned about Arielle's safety for some reason."

Jack Hammer |

LJ reaches out through the Green to speak with JH. "My love, I need to talk to you about Daelemos. Someone came here to the Grove to speak with me about him. The same someone I believe who just sent this star over. She told me that Daelemos is immune to elemental attacks and is supposedly himself a master of elemental abilities. She suggested that he could be best attacked through his pride, somehow finding some way to trick him into giving us the stars back. I must confess that I have no idea how to go about that. Intelligence was never my strong suit," she adds, slightly embarrassed. "And I do not have access to my power so I cannot use that to find out information about this Daelemos. I cannot be certain whether what the girl told me was true or not, but I am convinced that she believed it at least. She seemed very concerned about Arielle's safety for some reason."
[Thru the Green] *sigh* "I'm not sure what to do. The threats seem to be growing. Maybe I should bring Arielle to the Grove and seek help from the Elders."

lynora-Jill |

[Thru the Green] *sigh* "I'm not sure what to do. The threats seem to be growing. Maybe I should bring Arielle to the Grove and seek help from the Elders."
"I think that would be wise. We could use their counsel now. There simply has to be a way to get the pieces of my body back from Daelemos. We're so close."

The Dalesman |

Once Lk gives her the shiny, Arielle will hug it close and hum along with it happily.
Devlyn watches the nymphs depart, then keeps an eye on the rest of the crowds exiting the arena.
"We should probably put that away and relocate, just in case there are any sore losers still alive at the end of that event."

The Dalesman |

Azuri'ith looks at Lk. "I would be happy to provide you with a lift to the Grove. You too," he says to Devlyn, a hint of amusement in his voice, "though somehow I suspect you're going to tell me that you'd rather travel by omniportal."
"Well, I'm not afraid to use my own two feet," Devlyn says with a smile. "They still get me to most places just fine. I'll meet you there, though I may make a stop along the way."

Azuri'ith |

Azuri'ith wrote:Azuri'ith looks at Lk. "I would be happy to provide you with a lift to the Grove. You too," he says to Devlyn, a hint of amusement in his voice, "though somehow I suspect you're going to tell me that you'd rather travel by omniportal.""Well, I'm not afraid to use my own two feet," Devlyn says with a smile. "They still get me to most places just fine. I'll meet you there, though I may make a stop along the way."
"As you like. Come along, Lk."
Azuri'ith and Lk depart for the Grove, flying high above the ground.
The Dalesman |

Devlyn wanders through the Bazaar to give the family time to themselves at the Grove. He sends a message to Allura through the telepathic link she set up before it expires.
:Looks like things worked out. Arielle got the start, thanks to LK's attempt to fight in the arena. They've all gone back to the Grove to figure out the next move against the dragon that's hoarded the remaining stars. How is Aidan doing?:

Allura |

Devlyn wanders through the Bazaar to give the family time to themselves at the Grove. He sends a message to Allura through the telepathic link she set up before it expires.
:Looks like things worked out. Arielle got the start, thanks to LK's attempt to fight in the arena. They've all gone back to the Grove to figure out the next move against the dragon that's hoarded the remaining stars. How is Aidan doing?:
:Aidan is pretty upset. He went into the whole 'avenge my brother's death bit' and while I was trying to talk him out of that, Esmarelda discovered that Oroth isn't entirely dead. She's not really sure what's going on. She tried scrying, but I don't know that she found anything conclusive. Or maybe she did. She's being kind of mysterious. There's a lot of muttering involved. And Aidan can barely stand the suspense of waiting to find out what's going on.:

The Dalesman |

:Aidan is pretty upset. He went into the whole 'avenge my brother's death bit' and while I was trying to talk him out of that, Esmarelda discovered that Oroth isn't entirely dead. She's not really sure what's going on. She tried scrying, but I don't know that she found anything conclusive. Or maybe she did. She's being kind of mysterious. There's a lot of muttering involved. And Aidan can barely stand the suspense of waiting to find out what's going on.:
:'Not entirely dead'? That sounds suspiciously like 'unliving' to me. I hope I'm wrong on that. Hold on a sec...:
Devlyn finishes a transaction with a merchant, stowing away several small items.
:Okay - can you two handle him, or do I need to come back there?:

Allura |

:'Not entirely dead'? That sounds suspiciously like 'unliving' to me. I hope I'm wrong on that. Hold on a sec...:
Devlyn finishes a transaction with a merchant, stowing away several small items.
:Okay - can you two handle him, or do I need to come back there?:
:In this case, I am quite sure that unliving is not correct. I don't detect any presence of negative energy on the body. I think it's more that his soul is still somehow connected or something like that. We're fine for now. Debating whether to go to the Sanctum for a second opinion.:

The Dalesman |

:In this case, I am quite sure that unliving is not correct. I don't detect any presence of negative energy on the body. I think it's more that his soul is still somehow connected or something like that. We're fine for now. Debating whether to go to the Sanctum for a second opinion.:
:That's music to my ears. Er, thoughts I mean... :) :
:Let me know if you go to the Sanctum then, and I'll come by there:

The Dalesman |

The Dalesman wrote::Yes, we are definitely going to the Sanctum right now. Aidan just doesn't have it in him to sit around and wait.:
:Let me know if you go to the Sanctum then, and I'll come by there:
:I can't say that I blame him. I'm going to swing by Pete's and make sure he's okay, then I'll portal over.:

The Dalesman |

Devlyn heads over to Pete's shop and knocks. When he doesn't get an answer he tries the handle, noting that it is locked. It still smells like Pete is inside, though...
He goes around to the backside of the building where there is no foot traffic, and hides amongst the shadows. He then passes right through the wall into the shop. He is immediately aware of the wholly unnatural silence pervading the area - no creak of the floorboards, no sound of the bustling activity outside. He starts stealthily looking around for Pete, or any uninvited guests that may be here...

Not-Quite-Right Pete |

Devlyn heads over to Pete's shop and knocks. When he doesn't get an answer he tries the handle, noting that it is locked. It still smells like Pete is inside, though...
He goes around to the backside of the building where there is no foot traffic, and hides amongst the shadows. He then passes right through the wall into the shop. He is immediately aware of the wholly unnatural silence pervading the area - no creak of the floorboards, no sound of the bustling activity outside. He starts stealthily looking around for Pete, or any uninvited guests that may be here...
Pete is sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth. He seems to be either talking or singing, but it's hard to tell without any noise.