Byakko |
I would generally allow this line:
A character faced with proof that an illusion isn't real needs no saving throw.
to be sufficient for allowing the user of a spell or effect to automatically disbelieve illusions of their own creation.
A perhaps more interesting question is whether the mesmerist can choose NOT to disbelieve their own illusions. For example, if the target of the smoke cloud caused "bad things" to happen when being viewed.
(also particularly relevant for the Shadow Conjuration/Evocation spells)

Kifaru |

Actually, I want the mesmerist to be able to see through the illusion.
What I am thinking about, is having the mesmerist implant the trick in himself. The trick will go off when the mesmerist is attacked in melee. Suddenly the attacker has vision penalties and miss chances to deal with. If the mesmerist can disbelieve his own illusions, he can attack his assailant unimpeded.
Does this work?
Also, if the mesmerist is fired upon, could he set off this trick to screen incoming fire while allowing the mesmerist to shoot back, or even better, cast spells back unimpeded?

Ridiculon |

well, i started a new thread about that question and the general consensus seems to be that if you are the source of the illusion then you are 100% certain its an illusion... unless you're A: actually clinically insane and believe things that you have proof of being untrue, or B: have amnesia (or some spell/mind affecting effect has caused you to forget that you cast the illusion).
So yeah i think your mesmerist will be able to see through his own illusion just fine.
As for your battle scenario, lets look at the trick
Spectral Smoke: A cloud of smoke pops up around the subject, foiling attacks. The mesmerist can trigger this trick when the subject is targeted by an attack or by a spell that requires an attack roll. A smoke cloud appears in the subject's square and in a 10-foot radius around it. This cloud lasts for 1 round per mesmerist level. The cloud functions as fog cloud, but is an illusion (figment) effect that can't be dispersed by wind and can be used underwater. A creature that interacts with the cloud can attempt a saving throw to disbelieve the effect. The radius of the cloud increases by 5 feet for every 5 caster levels the mesmerist possesses, to a maximum of 30 feet at 20th level
So you get to trigger it as an immediate action anytime someone rolls a to-hit roll against you. This will work perfectly for what youre wanting, giving you total concealment (50% miss chance) vs anything more than 5 ft away from you.
Pretty neat trick, useful for any spellcaster who doesn't want to get shot/stabbed.